Emotions. Three important understanding to manage their emotions:

This article is to help those who choose to stand up and go on, on your new level of consciousness.
We'll talk to you about the fact that often gets in the way of our spiritual practice a serious barrier to further progress. Our emotions and our reactions to events.
Indeed, the first thing we have after practice, activation and meditation - a state of inner joy, peace, balance. And the second? Frustration, because every situation brings us back to our normal reactions and emotional responses. And we "lose" a sense of joy, of strength. We losing the feeling that we are able to manage their lives.
This is a wonderful step that we all stumbles on the path of our skills, but that leads to the fact that we sit on it and begin to doubt. Our spiritual practices and aspirations become irregular. Why practice if all the old? If I can not be wise and calm, if I can not show their inner mastery, love in ordinary life situations?
We always strive to attain this image of spiritual development of man, who is able to respond to the beautiful film, which is able for a variety of peels to see the truth, that instead of the normal human reactions manifest wisdom and compassion. But this image for us and remains an ideal.
The worst thing is that we are beginning to separate themselves "spiritual" from himself "normal", we begin to dislike their reactions and emotions. We start to deal with such manifestations of themselves and enter the division again and again rejecting such "wrong" response.
And all the while this internal struggle is not anything of value to us, as we all sit on the same step in the illusion of our spiritual advancement.
It is that through which we pass in the first stages of our personal evolution and expansion of consciousness. And it is necessary to open the deep inner truth for the future path. A new look at the emotions and reactions, the new understanding of energy and space. A new look at how we co-create its happening.
Those of us who are not willing to walk further, just stay where they are now comfortable. Makes a stop, slow down or disappointed continue to struggle with their emotions and reactions.
Recently, in one of the cartoons I heard my son's remarkable phrase: "To fly faster than anyone, faster and learn to fly yourself." This is one of the keys that we get different messages. All of them draw our attention to ourselves. Not outside, not out. In what is happening and how occurs somewhere, someone. Namely that is going on inside us - in the place where we make our discoveries get his revelations, where the major internal transformation and alchemy.
Today I want to offer you three simple understanding, living and exploring that within yourself, you will be able to consciously revise and transform these reactions to what is happening, fear, condemnation, rejection. And as a consequence - the emotions that manifest: anger, irritation, contempt, shame.
In general, in my understanding of what the "master" is different from the person seeking a better life? It is the fact that the transformation takes place consciously, understanding the processes through which we need to go for a great revival. It is no longer snakes, which we need to get rid, get away, get rid of or kill ... This is an integral part of our personal evolution, to which should be treated with understanding and respect. Then our self-development will be for us the struggle for a better life, a wonderful journey to his own light!
Returning to the three simple discoveries that we can find within himself and make his instruments of evolution.
First. Manage not to hold back.
Often, management of emotions associated with their containment. This is just about the ideal image of ourselves that we seek to show the world, hiding the internal storms that arise as a result of communication and events. It's really hard, and we intuitively choose freedom. There is a paradox - we do not accept their emotions vibration free, but at the same time allow them to be intuitive.
We have a huge amount of evidence that leads to the suppression and distortion of energy manifests itself in the form of a disease of the physical body. We intuitively feel - be better than the clamping and deter. However, if we allow ourselves to constantly be like reactions - we feel the desire to remove it from its reality as something unworthy of our spiritual development.
This is true. And one way out - the transformation, change in the quality of our emotions and reactions. The transition from rudeness to beauty, from sadness to joy, from anger to acceptance.
The first and important insight - it's our energy that must flow, which do not need to clamp or restrain. It's just energy, the quality of which we can change. It is one and the same energy, the quality of which we can change. I ask to pay attention to it.
Yes, there are good reasons why our reactions and emotions have a negative connotation. If we begin to examine ourselves, we can clearly see - like reactions roots go back to childhood, to the emotional trauma and deep fears. And that's where we step, to heal, to forgive, to change, to improve the present. Recycle layers of the past - is a serious task that requires time and effort. But the purpose of this article is slightly different: the ease of transformation.
So I ask to pay attention to the flow of energy and that energy is the same. But it has the property to raise the vibration to change. Negative or positive emotions are not separate energy. It is the same energy that we put this or that quality. To control emotions, do not need to root out and replaced with another one. We need to see the fluidity and changeability of energy - depending on our choice.
And so we come to the point №2.
Second. We can choose!
We create our perception of ourselves and the world. We choose to enjoy what we like and reject what we have chosen to reject. For example, we are impressed by our neighbor to the right, but we were not comfortable with a neighbor on the left. We love our job, but we do not like the way that you want to do from home to work. We rejoice in seeing the clothes, but are experiencing due to the shape of your body.
Not really matter how developed these reactions, what causes underlie them, but such emotional reactions are perceived as very real. That is why it is impossible to create some illusion of change, these reactions or manage.
What will I do if this man ...?
How can I not cry, if you ...?
How can I be joyful if ...?
We close our reactions to external stimuli, identifying a manifestation of the negative people, the events, the body, and so on. D.
The magic is that we can choose! And the choice is carried out inside.
Yes, we can choose our response each day, knowing that the subjective reactions. We are creating a strong combination of event-response (emotion). But it is our personal subjective combinations. Someone annoyed when looking at him, someone confused, someone is interested, someone still ...
Reaction - a neuronal connections, which are essentially equivalent. Who are simply our choice anyway react to certain stimuli. If we go deeper, we can see there's just energy.
When I walked so deep for me, my emotions and reactions ceased to be what spoils my life.
I realized that I can choose. I can choose how I respond. And what if, instead of irritation I choose joy? Here they are, all these psychological tricks: If you do not like the road from home to work, get the advantages of this way, find the positive moments, and your reactions to change. Instead of irritation from the long journey, you will experience the joy of listening to music or reading a book.
But I propose to go into the essence, without any additional steps. This path has a name: "I can choose!»
It is interesting. This game is based on an understanding of the mechanisms of formation reactions. We can reject all responses that are not relevant for us today, and just choose. As we want to react to this screaming man? Smile or scared? Why do we currently use the neural connections that have been established in our childhood, when we now create new connections?
We choose the emotion right now. We manage our energies. We choose the quality of their energies. It can be so easy, how we allow ourselves to it)
Third. To see the illusion.
This combination of the first and second paragraphs. Being fluid and choose - what and when to show how energy. Let us once again go deep. Let's look around and see only the energy. We will see how the energy of the tree; as the energy of the chair; the human body as energy.
We will see the beautiful creatures of Light, being in his earthly biology and believe in the veracity of the material world. We will see divine beings with unlimited possibilities of creation, "trapped" in the material bodies on the planet.
We realize how everything is illusory, as the whole of reality - a reflection of our thoughts, our choices and our energy.
When I look at the people so deeply - I see magnificent beings who believe in their bodies. Create yourself the power of his mind. This man believes in his ugly appearance. And I see the result of this belief, and this creation. This beautiful essence of faith in his anger. And showing it to the world. This beautiful creature believes in its power and opportunities. And I am glad this creature with him.
We believe, believe, believe ... believe in their appearance, their qualities, in his anger, to their weakness. And we struggle with all this, but in fact bring. We are losing a huge amount of time and effort, believing that it is real.
We are looking for answers outside when they - within us ...
We show that, in what we believe. And nothing more.
The struggle always takes place if we do not accept ourselves as energy, fluid and capable of being transformed. It is important to go to another way of improving themselves - love, acceptance and soft research: it turns out, we can easily change, if we go into the depths of these processes within yourself!
It turns out, all the way, if we respect ourselves as energy and respect their journey on this planet, full of wonders. And these miracles - we are with you!
It is not just the theme of our emotions and reactions. And you already feel all its depth, if you have already come to this discovery alone) All you need, just take the information to feel it, to live, to find resonance within. And to go further, exploring it yourself.
Good luck to all of us on this beautiful journey!