A small, dry, smiling old lady. Penetrating gaze, mobile face, rough, disproportionate stuck to peasant hands. In front of her interlocutors felt like a meaningful part of creation - she looked radiant and intelligently in the face of the world, looking you in the eye, apologizing that he had to hurry.
Let me preach love not with words, but an example of my life, the power of attraction, encouraging influence of my cases show the full depth of the love that burns in my heart ».
~ Mother Teresa Prayer
Mother Teresa TerezaMat rose at 3.30 am. After a short service and a light breakfast service began. During the day, she does the same work as the other sisters, even cleaning the toilets when her turn came up. Often she worked all day without stopping to rest or to quench their thirst. Those who hurry to Mother Teresa, she called "my people." Inspiring everyone with his enthusiasm, she always found new ways to help sufferers. So one day, on board the aircraft, during lunch, she turned to the passengers with a request to transfer her remaining intact after eating bread, cookies, food. - "This is for my poor, - she explained. - Thank you very much for your help! »
She believed in people. She believed that man is made for love and goodness, created to be happy and give happiness to others.
Mother Teresa infinitely loved people. Her life, she has shown that love makes miracles. She showed that the human soul is beautiful, the soul of each of us. She admired the people they studied, used every opportunity to serve them. "For me, every person in the world is unique. Each extraordinarily important "- these words indicate the depth of the love of Mother Teresa to the people," because of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks ».
A small, dry, smiling old lady. Penetrating gaze, mobile face, rough, disproportionate stuck to peasant hands. In front of her interlocutors felt like a meaningful part of creation - she looked radiant and intelligently in the face of the world, looking you in the eye, apologizing that he had to hurry. Without saying a word about God - every second, but it showed Him. She happily doing what proved beyond human interests do not need to tell anyone, unremarkable, beggar, maimed, ill-smelling, and the abominable, stupid, "You are not alone!».
India - the country, the most adapted for the Christian feat. Its inhabitants are poor, are subject to a terrible illness, profess that the Church is viewed with undisguised hostility. 38-year-old Catholic nun arranged well, making the reporting duty trip, I realized that the walls of the monastery from trusted she would have to leave the slums. The solution came to her on the train, which carried it to the TB clinic - suspected phthisis.
Incredible old Albanian organized a mobile clinic, which go around the world and assist lepers. About 50 thousand people through the efforts of its pastoral care assistants. She organized the first clinic for AIDS patients. It has established shelters for patients in Harlem. She kept up everywhere, and the world was surprised to note that after a heart attack, malaria and other ailments only expanded its activities.
Mother Teresa TerezaMat not give interviews. She knew no time waiting for her. She gave an incredible machine - she sold them and used the money to built the hospital. She sacrificed journalists slyly asked, "Is it moral to take money out of the hands of dictators? Duvalier Daddy wrote a check ... "The old woman smiled and replied dryly:" Do not pay attention to what someone says. You just need to do their job ».
Discarding personal interests, listen to what they give you to hear, watch what you show to accept what is before you here and now.
Sisters taught for nine years. Each should reaffirm its vocation. Each must observe a vow of poverty, and the vow of service to the poor. They can not work for the rich and take money for the statement, whatever the motivations it may be dictated. They must keep a constant emotional balance, maintain an active peace and not feel the need to talk and discuss their experiences and what he saw, whatever it was. They need to touch the patient and to be able to do it with love. They must understand that they need to be wards.
This work is endless, because of illness and misfortune ineradicable in human kind. It is pointless because the dying die, starving beggars ... Why?
"... Lord, help me to honor the good neighbor above my own. Yes, I will work hard to understand it, and not to seek his understanding, but I will work hard to love him, and not to seek his love ... »
So Mother Teresa prayed with the sisters, so they pray now, after her death.
In 1979, she received the Nobel Peace Prize. All she put it in its mission. Like other money which it awarded. From Nobel laureatstvo it benefited: since it can quietly but firmly stop the war - albeit briefly, in Beirut - only for the time necessary to evacuate 37 children from the area of the fire. It is very small, negligible - compared with the global project of the century. But where the measure and consider other criteria.
At the age of 87 years and Mother Teresa died. After she left incredibly small - a few words, hospitals, sister. And millions condemned to death.
The life story of
TerezaMat Mother Teresa was born August 16, 1910 in Skopje (Yugoslavia), to a wealthy family of Albanian Catholics. At baptism, August 27, she received the name of Agnes-Gonzha.
Parents Gonzhi were deeply religious people. Every evening the family gathered for common prayer, regularly participated in the Holy Mass. Once a week, the mother with the children in the city visiting the sick, treat the poor food and clothing. She wanted her children to be sensitive to human need and learn to love their neighbors. She often reminded them: "You are lucky, you live in a beautiful house you have food, clothing, you are in no way in need. But you must not forget that many people hungry; there are children who have nothing to eat, nothing to wear, and when they get sick, they have no money for treatment. " Gonzha was the best student in the class - always cheerful, friendly and ready to help others. She took an active part in parish life, sang in the choir, played the guitar, writing poetry, the parish community was for her second family. Gonzha even thought about how to devote himself to music or literary work - she was talented, her works were published in a local newspaper.
The tragic experience of the family was the sudden death of his father in 1919. The first years after his father's death the family were very heavy, but her mother, a woman with a strong faith, was able to overcome the difficulties. "My mother taught us to pray and help people who have difficulty. Even after his father's death, we were a happy family. We learned to appreciate the prayer and work, - remembered Mother Teresa. - Many poor of Skopje and its surroundings knew our house. No one ever went away empty-handed. Every day someone was having dinner with us, it was the poor people who had nothing ».
Mother Teresa always excitedly recalled the moment when she first felt the call to religious life: "I was 12 years old when my soul was born a burning desire to belong entirely to God. I felt that the Lord was calling me to the fact that I became a nun and devoted her entire life to Him. But then I tried to reject these thoughts, because they do not want to become a nun. It was only much later, when I was 18, I responded to the call of the Lord ».
Mother Teresa
The Lord God wants to lead everyone to the fullness of happiness. Our earthly life - a painful path of liberation from the slavery of sin and selfishness, the way of "ripening" to holiness and selfless love. For each person the Lord God, "inscribed" the best way of life, and it is important to be able in prayer to "read" God's plan, take it out and boldly follow the voice calling. Agnes (Mother Teresa) at first tried to rid himself of the idea of the monastic life. However, it is a lot of time devoted to prayer and fasting, trying to discern God's will. Ask your spiritual father, how to gain confidence in the fact that God does call it, the answer was: "The best criterion is the deepest joy at the thought of life's journey, which God has called you».
In August 1928 Gonzha sent to the spiritual exercises in the Sanctuary of the Mother of God in Letnitsa, where after a few days of prayer makes the final decision to become a missionary and to devote himself to God. This decision was preceded by a long internal struggle: attachment to the family, the dream of their own children and the house ... but the answer to Christ 'yes', it felt like her heart was filled with an indescribable joy. Gonzha wrote a letter asking her to accept the Order of the Sisters of Our Lady of Loreto in Ireland, who were involved in the preparation of teachers for primary schools in India. Her adopted. In September 1928 Agnes went to Dublin, where she started a formation in the postulate. At the monastic dress she also received a new name - Maria Teresa of the Infant Jesus. An example of holiness has become for her Saint. Therese of Lisieux, canonized in 1925. In January 1929 the nun Maria Teresa went on a long journey to Calcutta. The house community in Darjeeling, she began formation in the novitiate, and two years later said the first monastic vows. "They were the most beautiful days of my life" - says Mother Teresa.
Mother Teresa
May 24, 1937 she gave the final vows. On this day, Mother Teresa gave herself completely at the disposal of his only beloved Jesus Christ, to the power of His love to change the world, defeating any evil. Soon, the prioress said that Sister Teresa must return to Calcutta to begin duties teacher of geography and history in the School. Blessed Virgin Mary. In 1944, Sister Teresa became the director of the school. Students love it because it has always treated them as his beloved children, and at the same time imposed on them high demands, as a loving mother.
Special mission
In September 1946 Sister Teresa was supposed to participate in the annual religious spiritual exercises in Darjeeling, in the novitiate house, located in a beautiful location at the foot of the Himalayas. She went to a crowded train, which was going very slowly, stopping at each station. Sister Teresa could see crowds of people, very poor, many of them were extremely exhausted and starving. The intuition of faith arising from the love of Jesus, told her that the poorest of the poor were as beloved children of God, as her student from wealthy families. Watching mothers who with great affection cuddle children, she knew just how much these women suffer, seeing their children die of hunger. It is deeply shocked sister Teresa. Anew sounded in her heart the words of Jesus: "Since you have done it unto one of these my brethren, you did it to me" (Mt 25, 40). For her, it became apparent that, saying the final vows, she made a vow to Jesus suffering in these people. She felt obliged to take care of his beloved, we are in the poor and suffering people.
Mother Teresa
"I felt - after years of Mother Teresa wrote, - that the Lord is waiting for me to voluntarily gave up the quiet life in my orders and went to the streets to serve the poor. It was a clear and accurate indication I had to leave the walls of the monastery, to live among the poor. And not just the poor. He called me to serve the desperate, the most wretched in Calcutta - those who did not have anyone or anything; those to whom no one wants to approach because they infectious, dirty, they are full of parasites; those who can not even go begging because they are naked, they do not have even the rags to cover the body; those who can not eat because of exhaustion they do not have the strength even to this; those falling in exhaustion on the streets, knowing that die; those who do not weep, because they have no tears. It is these people, Jesus showed me during this trip, and he wished that I loved them. God needed my poverty, my weakness, my life in order to express their love toward the most miserable ... ».
Suffering is real love
Mother Teresa often said that true love is inseparable from suffering, that "poverty is not created God, and you and I, because we do not know how to share." The poor, whom she wanted to serve, were often sick, covered with sores, there were many lepers. All of them needed medical care. Therefore, Mother Teresa decided to learn first aid, injections, treating wounds. To do this, she passed a short course on the preparation of nurses and after it went to the slums of Calcutta. It was the feast of the Nativity - the day when the Son of God incarnate, is connected to each human being and each attaches great dignity and infinite value. Mother Teresa has linked its activities among the poor with the most joyful, but for many people, and the shocking truth that Christ is revealed in the mystery of the Incarnation: the weakness and misery of his body every man is great, because he - a child of God.
Mother Teresa
"Care of community-loretanok sisters - says Mother Teresa - was woeful experience for me. In the monastery I lived without knowing the difficulties. Never, in what I have no need. And everything changed. I slept, where necessary, on the floor, in the slums, where the corners of scratching the mouse; I ate what my players ate, and only then, when it was, what to eat. But I chose this life, to literally put into practice the Gospel, especially the words of Jesus: "I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; I was naked and you clothed me; I was in prison and you came to me "(Mt 25, 35-36). In most poor people in Calcutta, I loved Jesus, and when you love, you do not feel pain or difficulty. Moreover, from the beginning I did not have time to get bored. My vocation was to serve the most poor. I lived entirely relying on the will of God, and the Lord led me. I felt every minute of his presence, saw his direct intervention in my life ».
Missionaries of Love
At the beginning of 1949, to Mother Teresa joined the first young girls who want to devote themselves to serving the poor. October 7, 1950, Pope Pius XII approved the Order of the Missionaries of Love. The main purpose of this order - to quench their thirst for the infinite love for human souls, expressed by Christ in agony on the cross, by a vow of chastity, poverty and obedience, through prayer, hard work, care for the salvation and sanctification of the most needy. "We serve Christ, whom we see in every beggar our suffering. When we pray, we believe. If you believe that love. If you like, serve it - wrote Mother Teresa. - We -Missionerki Love, because "God is Love." We are called to bring the poor and the suffering the love with which God loved them ».
Mother Teresa
In 1959, the Missionaries of Love took care of lepers in Calcutta, which was then about 30 000. Order of the Sisters opened a dispensary for lepers and founded the so-called City of Peace - a settlement where lepers could live with their families. Mother Teresa saw in the lepers the children of God. Jesus died on the cross for them also. And because these people have been noted so severe suffering and living in such terrible conditions, they more than anyone else involved in the mystery of the redemptive sufferings of Jesus. "When I touch the body of a leper, from which emanates the stench, I like to touch the body of Christ, as it was then, when I take him in the Eucharist. Yes, leprosy - it is very heavy, painful illness, but it's not as scary as the feeling that you - a man devoid of love, unwanted, abandoned by all, "- said Mother Teresa.
Patients need to feed, clothe, they need expensive surgeries and medicines. In the Order of Mother Teresa's sisters did not. They live as well as their wards, that is, as the most miserable. Statutes of the Order in this respect is very strict. According to his sisters it is allowed to have only the bare necessities: a white sari, simple sandals. Each of the sisters, when was assigned to a new place within ten minutes ready to go - all of her belongings fit into a small bag.
Sisters fully rely on God's providence. "Every day God is doing for us miracles - recalls Mother Teresa. - We have seen a very specific manifestation of this. Without these "everyday" miracles, we simply could not continue our work, could not do anything. Providence every day taking care of me, my sisters and our children.

Let me preach love not with words, but an example of my life, the power of attraction, encouraging influence of my cases show the full depth of the love that burns in my heart ».
~ Mother Teresa Prayer
Mother Teresa TerezaMat rose at 3.30 am. After a short service and a light breakfast service began. During the day, she does the same work as the other sisters, even cleaning the toilets when her turn came up. Often she worked all day without stopping to rest or to quench their thirst. Those who hurry to Mother Teresa, she called "my people." Inspiring everyone with his enthusiasm, she always found new ways to help sufferers. So one day, on board the aircraft, during lunch, she turned to the passengers with a request to transfer her remaining intact after eating bread, cookies, food. - "This is for my poor, - she explained. - Thank you very much for your help! »
She believed in people. She believed that man is made for love and goodness, created to be happy and give happiness to others.
Mother Teresa infinitely loved people. Her life, she has shown that love makes miracles. She showed that the human soul is beautiful, the soul of each of us. She admired the people they studied, used every opportunity to serve them. "For me, every person in the world is unique. Each extraordinarily important "- these words indicate the depth of the love of Mother Teresa to the people," because of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks ».
A small, dry, smiling old lady. Penetrating gaze, mobile face, rough, disproportionate stuck to peasant hands. In front of her interlocutors felt like a meaningful part of creation - she looked radiant and intelligently in the face of the world, looking you in the eye, apologizing that he had to hurry. Without saying a word about God - every second, but it showed Him. She happily doing what proved beyond human interests do not need to tell anyone, unremarkable, beggar, maimed, ill-smelling, and the abominable, stupid, "You are not alone!».
India - the country, the most adapted for the Christian feat. Its inhabitants are poor, are subject to a terrible illness, profess that the Church is viewed with undisguised hostility. 38-year-old Catholic nun arranged well, making the reporting duty trip, I realized that the walls of the monastery from trusted she would have to leave the slums. The solution came to her on the train, which carried it to the TB clinic - suspected phthisis.
Incredible old Albanian organized a mobile clinic, which go around the world and assist lepers. About 50 thousand people through the efforts of its pastoral care assistants. She organized the first clinic for AIDS patients. It has established shelters for patients in Harlem. She kept up everywhere, and the world was surprised to note that after a heart attack, malaria and other ailments only expanded its activities.
Mother Teresa TerezaMat not give interviews. She knew no time waiting for her. She gave an incredible machine - she sold them and used the money to built the hospital. She sacrificed journalists slyly asked, "Is it moral to take money out of the hands of dictators? Duvalier Daddy wrote a check ... "The old woman smiled and replied dryly:" Do not pay attention to what someone says. You just need to do their job ».
Discarding personal interests, listen to what they give you to hear, watch what you show to accept what is before you here and now.
Sisters taught for nine years. Each should reaffirm its vocation. Each must observe a vow of poverty, and the vow of service to the poor. They can not work for the rich and take money for the statement, whatever the motivations it may be dictated. They must keep a constant emotional balance, maintain an active peace and not feel the need to talk and discuss their experiences and what he saw, whatever it was. They need to touch the patient and to be able to do it with love. They must understand that they need to be wards.
This work is endless, because of illness and misfortune ineradicable in human kind. It is pointless because the dying die, starving beggars ... Why?
"... Lord, help me to honor the good neighbor above my own. Yes, I will work hard to understand it, and not to seek his understanding, but I will work hard to love him, and not to seek his love ... »
So Mother Teresa prayed with the sisters, so they pray now, after her death.
In 1979, she received the Nobel Peace Prize. All she put it in its mission. Like other money which it awarded. From Nobel laureatstvo it benefited: since it can quietly but firmly stop the war - albeit briefly, in Beirut - only for the time necessary to evacuate 37 children from the area of the fire. It is very small, negligible - compared with the global project of the century. But where the measure and consider other criteria.
At the age of 87 years and Mother Teresa died. After she left incredibly small - a few words, hospitals, sister. And millions condemned to death.
The life story of
TerezaMat Mother Teresa was born August 16, 1910 in Skopje (Yugoslavia), to a wealthy family of Albanian Catholics. At baptism, August 27, she received the name of Agnes-Gonzha.
Parents Gonzhi were deeply religious people. Every evening the family gathered for common prayer, regularly participated in the Holy Mass. Once a week, the mother with the children in the city visiting the sick, treat the poor food and clothing. She wanted her children to be sensitive to human need and learn to love their neighbors. She often reminded them: "You are lucky, you live in a beautiful house you have food, clothing, you are in no way in need. But you must not forget that many people hungry; there are children who have nothing to eat, nothing to wear, and when they get sick, they have no money for treatment. " Gonzha was the best student in the class - always cheerful, friendly and ready to help others. She took an active part in parish life, sang in the choir, played the guitar, writing poetry, the parish community was for her second family. Gonzha even thought about how to devote himself to music or literary work - she was talented, her works were published in a local newspaper.
The tragic experience of the family was the sudden death of his father in 1919. The first years after his father's death the family were very heavy, but her mother, a woman with a strong faith, was able to overcome the difficulties. "My mother taught us to pray and help people who have difficulty. Even after his father's death, we were a happy family. We learned to appreciate the prayer and work, - remembered Mother Teresa. - Many poor of Skopje and its surroundings knew our house. No one ever went away empty-handed. Every day someone was having dinner with us, it was the poor people who had nothing ».
Mother Teresa always excitedly recalled the moment when she first felt the call to religious life: "I was 12 years old when my soul was born a burning desire to belong entirely to God. I felt that the Lord was calling me to the fact that I became a nun and devoted her entire life to Him. But then I tried to reject these thoughts, because they do not want to become a nun. It was only much later, when I was 18, I responded to the call of the Lord ».
Mother Teresa
The Lord God wants to lead everyone to the fullness of happiness. Our earthly life - a painful path of liberation from the slavery of sin and selfishness, the way of "ripening" to holiness and selfless love. For each person the Lord God, "inscribed" the best way of life, and it is important to be able in prayer to "read" God's plan, take it out and boldly follow the voice calling. Agnes (Mother Teresa) at first tried to rid himself of the idea of the monastic life. However, it is a lot of time devoted to prayer and fasting, trying to discern God's will. Ask your spiritual father, how to gain confidence in the fact that God does call it, the answer was: "The best criterion is the deepest joy at the thought of life's journey, which God has called you».
In August 1928 Gonzha sent to the spiritual exercises in the Sanctuary of the Mother of God in Letnitsa, where after a few days of prayer makes the final decision to become a missionary and to devote himself to God. This decision was preceded by a long internal struggle: attachment to the family, the dream of their own children and the house ... but the answer to Christ 'yes', it felt like her heart was filled with an indescribable joy. Gonzha wrote a letter asking her to accept the Order of the Sisters of Our Lady of Loreto in Ireland, who were involved in the preparation of teachers for primary schools in India. Her adopted. In September 1928 Agnes went to Dublin, where she started a formation in the postulate. At the monastic dress she also received a new name - Maria Teresa of the Infant Jesus. An example of holiness has become for her Saint. Therese of Lisieux, canonized in 1925. In January 1929 the nun Maria Teresa went on a long journey to Calcutta. The house community in Darjeeling, she began formation in the novitiate, and two years later said the first monastic vows. "They were the most beautiful days of my life" - says Mother Teresa.
Mother Teresa
May 24, 1937 she gave the final vows. On this day, Mother Teresa gave herself completely at the disposal of his only beloved Jesus Christ, to the power of His love to change the world, defeating any evil. Soon, the prioress said that Sister Teresa must return to Calcutta to begin duties teacher of geography and history in the School. Blessed Virgin Mary. In 1944, Sister Teresa became the director of the school. Students love it because it has always treated them as his beloved children, and at the same time imposed on them high demands, as a loving mother.
Special mission
In September 1946 Sister Teresa was supposed to participate in the annual religious spiritual exercises in Darjeeling, in the novitiate house, located in a beautiful location at the foot of the Himalayas. She went to a crowded train, which was going very slowly, stopping at each station. Sister Teresa could see crowds of people, very poor, many of them were extremely exhausted and starving. The intuition of faith arising from the love of Jesus, told her that the poorest of the poor were as beloved children of God, as her student from wealthy families. Watching mothers who with great affection cuddle children, she knew just how much these women suffer, seeing their children die of hunger. It is deeply shocked sister Teresa. Anew sounded in her heart the words of Jesus: "Since you have done it unto one of these my brethren, you did it to me" (Mt 25, 40). For her, it became apparent that, saying the final vows, she made a vow to Jesus suffering in these people. She felt obliged to take care of his beloved, we are in the poor and suffering people.
Mother Teresa
"I felt - after years of Mother Teresa wrote, - that the Lord is waiting for me to voluntarily gave up the quiet life in my orders and went to the streets to serve the poor. It was a clear and accurate indication I had to leave the walls of the monastery, to live among the poor. And not just the poor. He called me to serve the desperate, the most wretched in Calcutta - those who did not have anyone or anything; those to whom no one wants to approach because they infectious, dirty, they are full of parasites; those who can not even go begging because they are naked, they do not have even the rags to cover the body; those who can not eat because of exhaustion they do not have the strength even to this; those falling in exhaustion on the streets, knowing that die; those who do not weep, because they have no tears. It is these people, Jesus showed me during this trip, and he wished that I loved them. God needed my poverty, my weakness, my life in order to express their love toward the most miserable ... ».
Suffering is real love
Mother Teresa often said that true love is inseparable from suffering, that "poverty is not created God, and you and I, because we do not know how to share." The poor, whom she wanted to serve, were often sick, covered with sores, there were many lepers. All of them needed medical care. Therefore, Mother Teresa decided to learn first aid, injections, treating wounds. To do this, she passed a short course on the preparation of nurses and after it went to the slums of Calcutta. It was the feast of the Nativity - the day when the Son of God incarnate, is connected to each human being and each attaches great dignity and infinite value. Mother Teresa has linked its activities among the poor with the most joyful, but for many people, and the shocking truth that Christ is revealed in the mystery of the Incarnation: the weakness and misery of his body every man is great, because he - a child of God.
Mother Teresa
"Care of community-loretanok sisters - says Mother Teresa - was woeful experience for me. In the monastery I lived without knowing the difficulties. Never, in what I have no need. And everything changed. I slept, where necessary, on the floor, in the slums, where the corners of scratching the mouse; I ate what my players ate, and only then, when it was, what to eat. But I chose this life, to literally put into practice the Gospel, especially the words of Jesus: "I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; I was naked and you clothed me; I was in prison and you came to me "(Mt 25, 35-36). In most poor people in Calcutta, I loved Jesus, and when you love, you do not feel pain or difficulty. Moreover, from the beginning I did not have time to get bored. My vocation was to serve the most poor. I lived entirely relying on the will of God, and the Lord led me. I felt every minute of his presence, saw his direct intervention in my life ».
Missionaries of Love
At the beginning of 1949, to Mother Teresa joined the first young girls who want to devote themselves to serving the poor. October 7, 1950, Pope Pius XII approved the Order of the Missionaries of Love. The main purpose of this order - to quench their thirst for the infinite love for human souls, expressed by Christ in agony on the cross, by a vow of chastity, poverty and obedience, through prayer, hard work, care for the salvation and sanctification of the most needy. "We serve Christ, whom we see in every beggar our suffering. When we pray, we believe. If you believe that love. If you like, serve it - wrote Mother Teresa. - We -Missionerki Love, because "God is Love." We are called to bring the poor and the suffering the love with which God loved them ».
Mother Teresa
In 1959, the Missionaries of Love took care of lepers in Calcutta, which was then about 30 000. Order of the Sisters opened a dispensary for lepers and founded the so-called City of Peace - a settlement where lepers could live with their families. Mother Teresa saw in the lepers the children of God. Jesus died on the cross for them also. And because these people have been noted so severe suffering and living in such terrible conditions, they more than anyone else involved in the mystery of the redemptive sufferings of Jesus. "When I touch the body of a leper, from which emanates the stench, I like to touch the body of Christ, as it was then, when I take him in the Eucharist. Yes, leprosy - it is very heavy, painful illness, but it's not as scary as the feeling that you - a man devoid of love, unwanted, abandoned by all, "- said Mother Teresa.
Patients need to feed, clothe, they need expensive surgeries and medicines. In the Order of Mother Teresa's sisters did not. They live as well as their wards, that is, as the most miserable. Statutes of the Order in this respect is very strict. According to his sisters it is allowed to have only the bare necessities: a white sari, simple sandals. Each of the sisters, when was assigned to a new place within ten minutes ready to go - all of her belongings fit into a small bag.
Sisters fully rely on God's providence. "Every day God is doing for us miracles - recalls Mother Teresa. - We have seen a very specific manifestation of this. Without these "everyday" miracles, we simply could not continue our work, could not do anything. Providence every day taking care of me, my sisters and our children.