Endocrinologist Robert Lustig: Allowed worldwide drug
The most interesting lectures of the famous endocrinologist Robert Lustig
Robert Lustig, a Professor at the University of California at San Francisco, probably the most popular American doctor after the legendary Dr. house (and, unlike the latter, it is true). His first popular lecture called "Sugar: the bitter truth" on YouTube watched more than four million (!) the second lecture, "Fat chance: fructose 2.0," has been viewed more than a quarter of a million times. Start with the end.
Robert Lustig
In "Fat chance" Lustig explains why fat-free products and books about healthy eating trigger obesity and what role is played by the players of the food industry. This year University colleagues Lustig published a major analysis of the food market in which you find the answer to the question, what really lies at the root of the epidemic of diabetes and obesity. Sam Lustig is waging the long war with misconceptions.
He argues that modern ideas about health and healthy eating is built on false ideas and harmful laws, often promoted by the food industry.
This is not a conspiracy theory: every thought Professor Lustig proves with data large-scale national and international studies in hand.
The problem on a planetary scale
In the world, 30 percent more people are obese than hungry. Five percent of the world's population (366 million people) has diabetes, especially the rapid growth of the epidemic happens in the last 15 years.
Obesity is becoming a national problem in countries where there is the problem of hunger. The level of childhood obesity is increasing particularly rapidly. This happens in the US and Japan, in Russia and throughout the developing world.
Diabetes treatment in 2012 cost the U.S. $245 billion – this amount increased by 41 percent in just five years. By 2030 nearly half of Americans (42 percent) will be obese. For treatment of complications or consequences of the metabolic syndrome goes three quarters of the entire health budget. If we could at least slow the diabetes epidemic, would not need any health care reform or budget cutting.
Metabolic syndrome – the problem is not only full of people. Metabolic syndrome is an unhealthy metabolism, which leads to fatal diseases like heart attack, diabetes and even cancer. It is found not only in people with excess weight have 40 of the 70 percent of people with normal weight, the doctors diagnose metabolic abnormalities characteristic of obesity. That is, if the person doesn't look full, it does not mean that he has no diseases for old men.
That leads to obesity: the main myth
The law of conservation of energy States that all calories (energy) that we consume need to spend, otherwise they will be stored in the body as fat. Common sense tells us that to be healthy, "you need to eat less", and to move more. All this implies about the main conclusion: you either eat less, or spend more, but if you do not, nobody to blame. The responsibility falls on the person that is the consumer that is the victim.
Against this approach Lustig leads multi-year Holy war.
First, not all calories are equally useful, from different food, they are absorbed and stored differently. In this sense, sweet food much more dangerous than fat.
Secondly, it is proved that physical activity is almost help to lose weight. Of course, exercise helps to gain muscle mass and generally healthy, but they do not change or almost does not change the number on the scales.
Thirdly, not all fat is equally harmful to health as subcutaneous fat does not cause problems with metabolism and does not increase the risk of dangerous diseases. Perhaps the so-called cellulite not look like much, but the harm from it is definitely not. In turn, visceral (interior) fat may not be visible to the naked eye, but it surrounds the heart, liver and other vital organs, presenting a real threat.
People began to eat more. The average caloric content of a Burger has tripled over the past 25 years, from 210 calories to 618 calories. Men on average eat in a day on 187 calories more than 25 years ago, women 335 kcal, and teenage boys – 275 kcal. But why? People tend to overeat not because of the General licentiousness, and because of the severe biochemical disturbances, which, in turn, causes the pressure of the surrounding world.
Permitted worldwide drug
Popular literature about healthy eating teaches us that fast food is bad because it has a lot of salt, fat and sugar. In fact, the brain simply has no mechanisms of addiction to fat or salt, but the sugar works on the same principle, that strong drugs. Moreover, the system of rewards in the brain is arranged in such a way that, developing a tolerance to one drug, the person simultaneously develops tolerance to others, which he never saw, but which triggers the same biochemical processes. Conclusion: people, accustomed since childhood to the sweet, already predisposed to alcoholism and drug addiction.
Today, however, sweet drinks are advertised as healthy and "glucose needed for the brain", and "light" products, the absence of fat kompensiruet generously with sugar. Sugar is used to caramelize and darken even the food that does not involve sweet taste (roasted meat, for example). Therefore, the consumption of fructose over a century has increased five times.
In the ranking of the foods that cause obesity, the first two places are occupied by chips and fries. Among the beverages are in the lead sweetened soft drinks, soda and juice.
If you look at the map of the United States, there is a clear correlation between the level of obesity in different States, the level of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and attention – consumption of soda per capita.
Global consumption of sugar and sugar crops has tripled over the last 50 years. Here, Brazil is a leader in the past is a poor country, producing for the export of sugar, which most local people were not afford. In XX century, sugar prices have fallen, Brazil grew rich and became a leader among consumers.
If you look at the global spread of diabetes, the biggest problems with this disease is not even from North America, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE and Malaysia.
Why is there more diabetes? The climate and culture: on the one hand hot, the other not. Accordingly, all drink cold sweet lemonade. In a sense, alcohol is safer than lemonade, because each person has a limit of consumption of alcohol (more of which he can't drink), but the soda you can drink liters.
Researchers from UCSF analyzed data from the world food organization, the International diabetes Federation and the world Bank for 204 countries to provide a complete picture of the Economics of nutrition and diabetes.
In just seven years, from 2000 to 2007, the level of diabetes in the world increased from 5.5 to 7 percent. Of the variety of factors the direct role played by the sugar and other carbohydrate-rich food. Calorie, interestingly, is in itself not so important: if you eat in a day at 150 calories more, then the probability of diabetes increases by only 0.1 percent. But if those 150 calories you get with sweet drinks, the chance to earn the disease grows by 11 times. About a quarter of all cases of diabetes in the world is caused not by heredity, not abstract poor diet or overeating, and wholly and exclusively sugar. Conclusion: to stop the diabetes epidemic, it is enough just to limit the intake of sugar, as is limited access to any other drugs.
Addiction – the motor trade
Where modern man gets the sugar? About a third we drink sweet drinks, the sixth part of eat in desserts, and about half of sugar hiding in foods that don't have to be sweet – in sauces, bread, pasta and almost all industrial food. In 1990 the American food industry lobbied for the new rules the FDA (U.S. Commission on control over products and medicines), which manufacturers are not obliged to write on the packaging the amount of added sugar. Companies are motivated by the fact that they would reveal the recipe, that is a trade secret. Until now, the law (and in Russia too) allows you to specify the amount of added sugar. 80 percent of products that are sold in supermarkets contain added sugar. Sugar is the engine of Commerce. Since sugar has a narcotic effect, it makes us buy and eat more.
Over the past 30 years the average consumer has to spend much less (5-10 percent) less money for meat and dairy products and doubled their spending on food (processed food) and sweets.
Small company stock and income which continued to grow despite the crisis of 2008, is McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Pepsi. Because they have a formula for success that allows them to sell every year more and more. And an ordinary man is simply helpless, because not imagine how deeply he is hooked on sugar. And the government even in developed countries, does nothing to limit sugar addiction and rapidly growing epidemic related diseases.
Text Karen Shahinyan
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption - together we change the world! ©
Source: lchf.ru/1501
Robert Lustig, a Professor at the University of California at San Francisco, probably the most popular American doctor after the legendary Dr. house (and, unlike the latter, it is true). His first popular lecture called "Sugar: the bitter truth" on YouTube watched more than four million (!) the second lecture, "Fat chance: fructose 2.0," has been viewed more than a quarter of a million times. Start with the end.

Robert Lustig
In "Fat chance" Lustig explains why fat-free products and books about healthy eating trigger obesity and what role is played by the players of the food industry. This year University colleagues Lustig published a major analysis of the food market in which you find the answer to the question, what really lies at the root of the epidemic of diabetes and obesity. Sam Lustig is waging the long war with misconceptions.
He argues that modern ideas about health and healthy eating is built on false ideas and harmful laws, often promoted by the food industry.
This is not a conspiracy theory: every thought Professor Lustig proves with data large-scale national and international studies in hand.
The problem on a planetary scale
In the world, 30 percent more people are obese than hungry. Five percent of the world's population (366 million people) has diabetes, especially the rapid growth of the epidemic happens in the last 15 years.
Obesity is becoming a national problem in countries where there is the problem of hunger. The level of childhood obesity is increasing particularly rapidly. This happens in the US and Japan, in Russia and throughout the developing world.
Diabetes treatment in 2012 cost the U.S. $245 billion – this amount increased by 41 percent in just five years. By 2030 nearly half of Americans (42 percent) will be obese. For treatment of complications or consequences of the metabolic syndrome goes three quarters of the entire health budget. If we could at least slow the diabetes epidemic, would not need any health care reform or budget cutting.
Metabolic syndrome – the problem is not only full of people. Metabolic syndrome is an unhealthy metabolism, which leads to fatal diseases like heart attack, diabetes and even cancer. It is found not only in people with excess weight have 40 of the 70 percent of people with normal weight, the doctors diagnose metabolic abnormalities characteristic of obesity. That is, if the person doesn't look full, it does not mean that he has no diseases for old men.
That leads to obesity: the main myth
The law of conservation of energy States that all calories (energy) that we consume need to spend, otherwise they will be stored in the body as fat. Common sense tells us that to be healthy, "you need to eat less", and to move more. All this implies about the main conclusion: you either eat less, or spend more, but if you do not, nobody to blame. The responsibility falls on the person that is the consumer that is the victim.
Against this approach Lustig leads multi-year Holy war.
First, not all calories are equally useful, from different food, they are absorbed and stored differently. In this sense, sweet food much more dangerous than fat.
Secondly, it is proved that physical activity is almost help to lose weight. Of course, exercise helps to gain muscle mass and generally healthy, but they do not change or almost does not change the number on the scales.
Thirdly, not all fat is equally harmful to health as subcutaneous fat does not cause problems with metabolism and does not increase the risk of dangerous diseases. Perhaps the so-called cellulite not look like much, but the harm from it is definitely not. In turn, visceral (interior) fat may not be visible to the naked eye, but it surrounds the heart, liver and other vital organs, presenting a real threat.
People began to eat more. The average caloric content of a Burger has tripled over the past 25 years, from 210 calories to 618 calories. Men on average eat in a day on 187 calories more than 25 years ago, women 335 kcal, and teenage boys – 275 kcal. But why? People tend to overeat not because of the General licentiousness, and because of the severe biochemical disturbances, which, in turn, causes the pressure of the surrounding world.
Permitted worldwide drug
Popular literature about healthy eating teaches us that fast food is bad because it has a lot of salt, fat and sugar. In fact, the brain simply has no mechanisms of addiction to fat or salt, but the sugar works on the same principle, that strong drugs. Moreover, the system of rewards in the brain is arranged in such a way that, developing a tolerance to one drug, the person simultaneously develops tolerance to others, which he never saw, but which triggers the same biochemical processes. Conclusion: people, accustomed since childhood to the sweet, already predisposed to alcoholism and drug addiction.
Today, however, sweet drinks are advertised as healthy and "glucose needed for the brain", and "light" products, the absence of fat kompensiruet generously with sugar. Sugar is used to caramelize and darken even the food that does not involve sweet taste (roasted meat, for example). Therefore, the consumption of fructose over a century has increased five times.
In the ranking of the foods that cause obesity, the first two places are occupied by chips and fries. Among the beverages are in the lead sweetened soft drinks, soda and juice.

If you look at the map of the United States, there is a clear correlation between the level of obesity in different States, the level of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and attention – consumption of soda per capita.
Global consumption of sugar and sugar crops has tripled over the last 50 years. Here, Brazil is a leader in the past is a poor country, producing for the export of sugar, which most local people were not afford. In XX century, sugar prices have fallen, Brazil grew rich and became a leader among consumers.
If you look at the global spread of diabetes, the biggest problems with this disease is not even from North America, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE and Malaysia.

Why is there more diabetes? The climate and culture: on the one hand hot, the other not. Accordingly, all drink cold sweet lemonade. In a sense, alcohol is safer than lemonade, because each person has a limit of consumption of alcohol (more of which he can't drink), but the soda you can drink liters.
Researchers from UCSF analyzed data from the world food organization, the International diabetes Federation and the world Bank for 204 countries to provide a complete picture of the Economics of nutrition and diabetes.
In just seven years, from 2000 to 2007, the level of diabetes in the world increased from 5.5 to 7 percent. Of the variety of factors the direct role played by the sugar and other carbohydrate-rich food. Calorie, interestingly, is in itself not so important: if you eat in a day at 150 calories more, then the probability of diabetes increases by only 0.1 percent. But if those 150 calories you get with sweet drinks, the chance to earn the disease grows by 11 times. About a quarter of all cases of diabetes in the world is caused not by heredity, not abstract poor diet or overeating, and wholly and exclusively sugar. Conclusion: to stop the diabetes epidemic, it is enough just to limit the intake of sugar, as is limited access to any other drugs.
Addiction – the motor trade
Where modern man gets the sugar? About a third we drink sweet drinks, the sixth part of eat in desserts, and about half of sugar hiding in foods that don't have to be sweet – in sauces, bread, pasta and almost all industrial food. In 1990 the American food industry lobbied for the new rules the FDA (U.S. Commission on control over products and medicines), which manufacturers are not obliged to write on the packaging the amount of added sugar. Companies are motivated by the fact that they would reveal the recipe, that is a trade secret. Until now, the law (and in Russia too) allows you to specify the amount of added sugar. 80 percent of products that are sold in supermarkets contain added sugar. Sugar is the engine of Commerce. Since sugar has a narcotic effect, it makes us buy and eat more.
Over the past 30 years the average consumer has to spend much less (5-10 percent) less money for meat and dairy products and doubled their spending on food (processed food) and sweets.
Small company stock and income which continued to grow despite the crisis of 2008, is McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Pepsi. Because they have a formula for success that allows them to sell every year more and more. And an ordinary man is simply helpless, because not imagine how deeply he is hooked on sugar. And the government even in developed countries, does nothing to limit sugar addiction and rapidly growing epidemic related diseases.
Text Karen Shahinyan
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption - together we change the world! ©
Source: lchf.ru/1501