6 personality disorders caused by Internet
The Internet is full of crazies. It is well known. Another truth is a global network driving people crazy. And anyway, it's time to update the information in the older books on psychology recently, the list of mental disorders was replenished at least a dozen new products, some of which owes its existence to the Internet.
So what disorder can occur in perfectly normal person, should he open the web browser?
©Jonathon Rosen # 6. online intermittent explosive disorder ("disease of hysterical psychopaths") At first glance, there is nothing abnormal — as in serial killers. For many hours and even days, they can carry on easy conversations with other participants of the forum, to Shine a wit, or rattling off jokes in the comments. But it is worth some little thing to upset the delicate mental balance — and they start to pour the choicest swearing like mad, and send the most terrible curses on the heads of their opponents, their relatives, ancestors and descendants to the seventh generation. In real life it's called... Intermittent explosive disorder In the real world by "intermittent explosive disorder" means a condition characterized by mood instability. Explosive psychopaths — people who bail on the most insignificant matter. For example, in the diner forgot to bring ordered fries, and they make a scene of hysteria and loud curses as if their entire families massacred by a maniac. Explosive psychopaths are prone to uncontrollable aggression in the most unexpected situations.
In real life, the disorder affects only 6% of the world population, but the world wide web explosive psychopaths meet almost every site and forum. Nothing hurts them more than questioning their credibility. Here is a typical "conversation" with the explosive psychopath:
EP: Hey, guys. Here I have the pictures processed in Photoshop, what do you say?
Normal Internet user: it would be Possible to remove the lens flare and a little trim around the edges.
(And so continues for several hours, about 2 000 words).
Funny and at the same time, an alarming example of intermittent explosive disorder in Internet not so long ago caused a small scandal in the United States. Assistant one of the congressmen received a letter from a stranger, which is called the full name, "Elizabeth", and abbreviated to "Liz." In response, an angry assistant sent about 20 messages, which demanded an apology. And so it was called only the full name!
Why is this happening online?
The first reason is obvious: in real life we tend to suppress the aggression out of fear that they can get physical resistance. The second reason is also quite clear: on the Internet, where good looks, a prestigious job, high income, designer clothes, no surprise, and no one's respect did not win, they have to build a reputation (and subsequently to defend it) the "old cowboy way", i.e. as it was done once in the Wild West: targeting anyone who dares to put it into question.
But there is a third, less obvious, reason: deprived of voice and body language, we cannot Express annoyance, irritation or mild anger, without the fear that the person who sent these negative emotions, maybe just not to notice them! So we have to exaggerate our emotions, many times to amplify it to an imaginary enemy heard us.
But the amazing thing is that the online hysteria that SHOUTING INSULTS in CAPITAL LETTERS with many exclamation marks, often at this time quietly sitting somewhere in the office and are having a pleasant conversation with work colleagues.
No. 5 — Low frustration tolerance on the forums (aka "fanatical syndrome page refresh")
They create a new thread in the forum and write a perfect post (at least in their opinion). The news of this beautiful, smart, funny and insanely original post should immediately fly around the Internet, lead the various ratings and to make the author of a folk hero! This post is so good that every five seconds the author checks for updates to the page if there are any answers and comments. Getting more or less intelligible opinion, he immediately wrote a reply, and waited again and fanatically refreshes the page.
If a perfect position has remained unnoticed for five minutes — an eternity by his standards — wishing to respond are not, he continues the theme: "What, no one will comment on?!!! Hey, people?!".
These types love to post their stories to news portals like Digg and Reddit and spend all day, constantly refreshing the page hoping to see any reviews on your story.
In real life it's called... Low frustration tolerance
Low frustration tolerance is observed, when to restore psychological comfort of the people require immediate satisfaction of their desires and chooses addiction. This is very similar to the behavior of any seven year old child, who to get a toy, throws a tantrum, cries and screams until until I get what I want. But unlike a child, a person with a low frustration tolerance can not be calm the slap.
He is so obsessed with the immediate desire that everything else loses meaning for him. It seems like the life stops. It's kind of a form of procrastination — delaying from day to day obsession with something (usually completely insignificant) substitutes for all other interests: personal life, work, Hobbies. As a result, the boss threatens dismissal, she is not calling for a second week, and the dog whines resignedly and writes in the area — she was not walking for a week. And all because someone can't tear myself away from the computer!
Why is this happening online?
In the history of mankind there has never been an instrument of instant gratification like the Internet. Our parents complained that television has killed the interest in real life and dulled attention, but television programs to at least begin and end at a certain time, not when we want. On the Internet, where you can watch anything, anytime, with breaks, fast. In short, all of our services.
Therefore, every day we are less patient — the Internet is not conducive to patience. We demand an immediate answer. And why not? After just five dollars you can order online Striptease!
No. 4 — Internet-Munchausen's syndrome (aka "syndrome of a victim of circumstances")
Almost every forum there are people who behave in a completely normal comment, write posts. And suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, tragedy strikes. They report the death of a dog, a family member or close friend. Or that terminally ill, and live there for several months. And all forum users immediately begin to feel sorry for them, to give them the attention and loudly lamenting. Send consolation cards and hearts.
It takes several months. Suddenly and unexpectedly there is another tragedy: best friend raped, or paralyzed in the accident (or both). A few months later his father died. For the second time.
And then you begin to suspect that something was wrong. One of two things: either the person leans over an ancient family curse, or he has a very, very rich imagination.
In real life... it's called Munchausen Syndrome
Munchausen syndrome — a mental disorder in which a person feigns illness or causes their symptoms to attract the attention of others. The basis of Munchausen's syndrome — the same need for attention, as in the above-described disorders, only in this case a person is looking for positive attention and sympathy. Besides, the Internet doesn't need to be really sick to say about their illness.
In real life, these people can maintain the illusion of illness for many years, because in such situations, the society too encourages skepticism. When a person announces his illness, there is no doubt — if it is true, you will look at least ridiculous.
Why is this happening online?
Even in reality for a long time to pretend to be sick, and even on the Internet — and even more so! Because the Internet is almost impossible to verify. To cause widespread sympathy in the network, not necessarily to be a complete liar, you need to be able to type and register on some forum.
One of the most famous manifestations of Munchausen's syndrome on the Internet — the case of the Casey Nicole, 19-year-old girl with leukaemia, which was a fictitious character invented by 40-year old virgin Debbie Swenson. "Casey" daily for two years made notes in his journal about how fighting for his life. Then she "died", then the deception was revealed in the Newspapers there were no obituaries.
But even after the "death" Swenson could invent another character. Perhaps, at this moment anywhere slowly "dies" another "Casey". On the Internet, where our anonymity is protected nicknames, you can create a whole colony of different characters, who will argue with each other, develop relationships, and which can be used with impunity to kill when bored.
No. 3 — Obsessive compulsive personality disorder (it is also "linguistic Nazism")
We reserve the right to make fun of those who write posts with a length of 500 words with lots of grammatical errors. But to write completely without mistakes and typos is almost impossible! And if you make a little mistake or miss a comma, and in response to receiving a lecture on grammar, that is hardly normal. This means that you hit a Nazi, who advocate for the purity of the language.
In real life it's called... Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCRL)
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder should not be confused with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Yes, they have a lot in common — for example, the obsession with something — but there are differences, for example, the letter "L" in the title. In addition, people suffering from ACRL, don't feel the need in performing the rituals typical of OCD patients (e.g., they feel that if you don't open a door four times or twice I look in the mirror before leaving the house, the day will not).
The fact that people with OCRL unreasonably high and strict requirements to perform certain tasks. Strict to the extent that their infringement may lead to the manifestation of aggression on their part.
Why is this happening online?
The basis obessive-compulsive personality disorder in real life — an irrational fear of the world chaos. It seems that strict adherence to the rules will help to bring order into this senseless, dirty and disorganized world, make it better, cleaner and more livable. If this is not done, the world is rapidly degraded and will return to the original chaos.
And what happens in the Internet? If you go to YouTube and read the comments to at least one roller, you will see that the Internet is waiting for the imminent end, even if you are reasonable, sensible people. Old-fashioned guardians "world order", insisting that to write in complete sentences with all punctuation marks, foresee the inevitable simplification of language to acronyms. In such a situation it is easy to feel the desire to rush to the defense of the purity of the language with a raised visor.
No. 2 — Low virtual self-esteem (aka "masochist syndrome")
On the Internet everyone can find a niche, a place where he feels at home. Even a serial killer will not feel an outcast here and will be able to find a community of "interest". However, on every forum or community is one or a few people who just can't blend in. It's not the most horrible people, but they had better find another place for communication. It's no wonder they become objects of ridicule.
There would be a relevant comparison with the "bespectacled nerd" from school, but, unlike him, they can always "drop out", i.e. go to the forum where milopotamou to fulfil the role of scapegoats. But they never do.
In real life it's called... the Humiliation of dignity and/or syndrome is attracting attention
People who feel the need for self-abasement, he feels a constant desire to be punished and humiliated. Well, sort of monk-the albino in "the Da Vinci Code", which bitterly castigated himself, only they give pleasure not physical but mental anguish (e.g., reading the abuse in the address). One of two things: either this is a subconscious desire to atone for sins, or very, very low self-esteem, which does not allow them to defend themselves against attacks.
But most likely, it's just the old syndrome of attracting attention, known to all who had at least one evening to sit with the child. A virtual outcast as a child knows that the opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference. So appreciate any, even the most negative manifestations of attention.
Why is this happening online?
So, we just found that when you call someone a stupid idiot, that someone is happy that you remembered about it and paid a fraction of their precious attention. Even if you remembered him only because he finally got you, and you wished him a long and painful death.
If the insult is recorded on the forum is public — the better. It is not just the attention, and the attention of millions of worldwide users. If the forum created a special theme of "We hate Jimmy" — Jimmy is in seventh heaven! "If I devoted an entire topic in a few dozen pages and about me write and read hundreds, if not thousands of people, so I'm an important person!", thinks Jimmy. Just think of all the "stars" who have made a career and made millions on hate spectators.
No. 1 — Virtual Asperger's syndrome (also known as "trollism")
The term was coined by blogger Jason Calacanis to describe the total disregard of all social conventions and the negation of all human qualities, including compassion. Surprisingly, this phenomenon happens only because people feel protected by the screen of the monitor, and therefore with impunity offends others.
There is no sense to retell all the scary stories about "trolls". A Troll leads a teenager to suicide, and egged him while he tightens the noose around his neck, the teenagers shoot a baby out of a giant slingshot and shoot it on camera to put on YouTube (if it hasn't been, to be sure, it is only a matter of time).
Normal teenagers, good learning, do not conflict with parents "was not involved, not involved, not involved"... but in chat rooms and forums, they turn into Charles Manson.
In real life it's called... Asperger's Syndrome
This syndrome is rare, contrary to the statements of many people who claim that "suffer from" Asperger's. Asperger's syndrome is a common developmental disorder of the body, a form of high functioning autism. People with Asperger's syndrome suffer "social blindness" — they do not understand the boundaries in interaction with other people. They can't take a hint, intonational variations, "body language" and other non-verbal ways of communicating. They constantly insult others, even oblivious (i.e., do not understand that go beyond the limits). They just have the damaged part of the brain responsible for this.
Most people shudder upon hearing the term, because I know that teenagers, who claim that suffer from Asperger's syndrome, really just self-centered and cruel assholes.
5 fatal mistakes. Read and never do
Bodily awareness
Why is this happening online?
Calacanis came to the conclusion that people are all the communication which is the virtual, often mimic Asperger's (or rather, his characteristic behaviour), because to impose on itself the same restrictions.
In both cases, in the absence of the opportunity to observe non-verbal reactions and facial expression is lost and the empathy with the interlocutor. And it soon turns out that you do not communicate with a person, with phrases on the monitor screen. Words the spelling of which the source did not even bother to check! published
Source: www.womenhealthnet.ru/psychiatry/1321.html
So what disorder can occur in perfectly normal person, should he open the web browser?

©Jonathon Rosen # 6. online intermittent explosive disorder ("disease of hysterical psychopaths") At first glance, there is nothing abnormal — as in serial killers. For many hours and even days, they can carry on easy conversations with other participants of the forum, to Shine a wit, or rattling off jokes in the comments. But it is worth some little thing to upset the delicate mental balance — and they start to pour the choicest swearing like mad, and send the most terrible curses on the heads of their opponents, their relatives, ancestors and descendants to the seventh generation. In real life it's called... Intermittent explosive disorder In the real world by "intermittent explosive disorder" means a condition characterized by mood instability. Explosive psychopaths — people who bail on the most insignificant matter. For example, in the diner forgot to bring ordered fries, and they make a scene of hysteria and loud curses as if their entire families massacred by a maniac. Explosive psychopaths are prone to uncontrollable aggression in the most unexpected situations.
In real life, the disorder affects only 6% of the world population, but the world wide web explosive psychopaths meet almost every site and forum. Nothing hurts them more than questioning their credibility. Here is a typical "conversation" with the explosive psychopath:
EP: Hey, guys. Here I have the pictures processed in Photoshop, what do you say?
Normal Internet user: it would be Possible to remove the lens flare and a little trim around the edges.
(And so continues for several hours, about 2 000 words).
Funny and at the same time, an alarming example of intermittent explosive disorder in Internet not so long ago caused a small scandal in the United States. Assistant one of the congressmen received a letter from a stranger, which is called the full name, "Elizabeth", and abbreviated to "Liz." In response, an angry assistant sent about 20 messages, which demanded an apology. And so it was called only the full name!
Why is this happening online?
The first reason is obvious: in real life we tend to suppress the aggression out of fear that they can get physical resistance. The second reason is also quite clear: on the Internet, where good looks, a prestigious job, high income, designer clothes, no surprise, and no one's respect did not win, they have to build a reputation (and subsequently to defend it) the "old cowboy way", i.e. as it was done once in the Wild West: targeting anyone who dares to put it into question.
But there is a third, less obvious, reason: deprived of voice and body language, we cannot Express annoyance, irritation or mild anger, without the fear that the person who sent these negative emotions, maybe just not to notice them! So we have to exaggerate our emotions, many times to amplify it to an imaginary enemy heard us.
But the amazing thing is that the online hysteria that SHOUTING INSULTS in CAPITAL LETTERS with many exclamation marks, often at this time quietly sitting somewhere in the office and are having a pleasant conversation with work colleagues.

No. 5 — Low frustration tolerance on the forums (aka "fanatical syndrome page refresh")
They create a new thread in the forum and write a perfect post (at least in their opinion). The news of this beautiful, smart, funny and insanely original post should immediately fly around the Internet, lead the various ratings and to make the author of a folk hero! This post is so good that every five seconds the author checks for updates to the page if there are any answers and comments. Getting more or less intelligible opinion, he immediately wrote a reply, and waited again and fanatically refreshes the page.
If a perfect position has remained unnoticed for five minutes — an eternity by his standards — wishing to respond are not, he continues the theme: "What, no one will comment on?!!! Hey, people?!".
These types love to post their stories to news portals like Digg and Reddit and spend all day, constantly refreshing the page hoping to see any reviews on your story.
In real life it's called... Low frustration tolerance
Low frustration tolerance is observed, when to restore psychological comfort of the people require immediate satisfaction of their desires and chooses addiction. This is very similar to the behavior of any seven year old child, who to get a toy, throws a tantrum, cries and screams until until I get what I want. But unlike a child, a person with a low frustration tolerance can not be calm the slap.
He is so obsessed with the immediate desire that everything else loses meaning for him. It seems like the life stops. It's kind of a form of procrastination — delaying from day to day obsession with something (usually completely insignificant) substitutes for all other interests: personal life, work, Hobbies. As a result, the boss threatens dismissal, she is not calling for a second week, and the dog whines resignedly and writes in the area — she was not walking for a week. And all because someone can't tear myself away from the computer!
Why is this happening online?
In the history of mankind there has never been an instrument of instant gratification like the Internet. Our parents complained that television has killed the interest in real life and dulled attention, but television programs to at least begin and end at a certain time, not when we want. On the Internet, where you can watch anything, anytime, with breaks, fast. In short, all of our services.
Therefore, every day we are less patient — the Internet is not conducive to patience. We demand an immediate answer. And why not? After just five dollars you can order online Striptease!
No. 4 — Internet-Munchausen's syndrome (aka "syndrome of a victim of circumstances")
Almost every forum there are people who behave in a completely normal comment, write posts. And suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, tragedy strikes. They report the death of a dog, a family member or close friend. Or that terminally ill, and live there for several months. And all forum users immediately begin to feel sorry for them, to give them the attention and loudly lamenting. Send consolation cards and hearts.
It takes several months. Suddenly and unexpectedly there is another tragedy: best friend raped, or paralyzed in the accident (or both). A few months later his father died. For the second time.
And then you begin to suspect that something was wrong. One of two things: either the person leans over an ancient family curse, or he has a very, very rich imagination.
In real life... it's called Munchausen Syndrome
Munchausen syndrome — a mental disorder in which a person feigns illness or causes their symptoms to attract the attention of others. The basis of Munchausen's syndrome — the same need for attention, as in the above-described disorders, only in this case a person is looking for positive attention and sympathy. Besides, the Internet doesn't need to be really sick to say about their illness.
In real life, these people can maintain the illusion of illness for many years, because in such situations, the society too encourages skepticism. When a person announces his illness, there is no doubt — if it is true, you will look at least ridiculous.
Why is this happening online?
Even in reality for a long time to pretend to be sick, and even on the Internet — and even more so! Because the Internet is almost impossible to verify. To cause widespread sympathy in the network, not necessarily to be a complete liar, you need to be able to type and register on some forum.
One of the most famous manifestations of Munchausen's syndrome on the Internet — the case of the Casey Nicole, 19-year-old girl with leukaemia, which was a fictitious character invented by 40-year old virgin Debbie Swenson. "Casey" daily for two years made notes in his journal about how fighting for his life. Then she "died", then the deception was revealed in the Newspapers there were no obituaries.
But even after the "death" Swenson could invent another character. Perhaps, at this moment anywhere slowly "dies" another "Casey". On the Internet, where our anonymity is protected nicknames, you can create a whole colony of different characters, who will argue with each other, develop relationships, and which can be used with impunity to kill when bored.

No. 3 — Obsessive compulsive personality disorder (it is also "linguistic Nazism")
We reserve the right to make fun of those who write posts with a length of 500 words with lots of grammatical errors. But to write completely without mistakes and typos is almost impossible! And if you make a little mistake or miss a comma, and in response to receiving a lecture on grammar, that is hardly normal. This means that you hit a Nazi, who advocate for the purity of the language.
In real life it's called... Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCRL)
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder should not be confused with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Yes, they have a lot in common — for example, the obsession with something — but there are differences, for example, the letter "L" in the title. In addition, people suffering from ACRL, don't feel the need in performing the rituals typical of OCD patients (e.g., they feel that if you don't open a door four times or twice I look in the mirror before leaving the house, the day will not).
The fact that people with OCRL unreasonably high and strict requirements to perform certain tasks. Strict to the extent that their infringement may lead to the manifestation of aggression on their part.
Why is this happening online?
The basis obessive-compulsive personality disorder in real life — an irrational fear of the world chaos. It seems that strict adherence to the rules will help to bring order into this senseless, dirty and disorganized world, make it better, cleaner and more livable. If this is not done, the world is rapidly degraded and will return to the original chaos.
And what happens in the Internet? If you go to YouTube and read the comments to at least one roller, you will see that the Internet is waiting for the imminent end, even if you are reasonable, sensible people. Old-fashioned guardians "world order", insisting that to write in complete sentences with all punctuation marks, foresee the inevitable simplification of language to acronyms. In such a situation it is easy to feel the desire to rush to the defense of the purity of the language with a raised visor.
No. 2 — Low virtual self-esteem (aka "masochist syndrome")
On the Internet everyone can find a niche, a place where he feels at home. Even a serial killer will not feel an outcast here and will be able to find a community of "interest". However, on every forum or community is one or a few people who just can't blend in. It's not the most horrible people, but they had better find another place for communication. It's no wonder they become objects of ridicule.
There would be a relevant comparison with the "bespectacled nerd" from school, but, unlike him, they can always "drop out", i.e. go to the forum where milopotamou to fulfil the role of scapegoats. But they never do.
In real life it's called... the Humiliation of dignity and/or syndrome is attracting attention
People who feel the need for self-abasement, he feels a constant desire to be punished and humiliated. Well, sort of monk-the albino in "the Da Vinci Code", which bitterly castigated himself, only they give pleasure not physical but mental anguish (e.g., reading the abuse in the address). One of two things: either this is a subconscious desire to atone for sins, or very, very low self-esteem, which does not allow them to defend themselves against attacks.
But most likely, it's just the old syndrome of attracting attention, known to all who had at least one evening to sit with the child. A virtual outcast as a child knows that the opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference. So appreciate any, even the most negative manifestations of attention.
Why is this happening online?
So, we just found that when you call someone a stupid idiot, that someone is happy that you remembered about it and paid a fraction of their precious attention. Even if you remembered him only because he finally got you, and you wished him a long and painful death.
If the insult is recorded on the forum is public — the better. It is not just the attention, and the attention of millions of worldwide users. If the forum created a special theme of "We hate Jimmy" — Jimmy is in seventh heaven! "If I devoted an entire topic in a few dozen pages and about me write and read hundreds, if not thousands of people, so I'm an important person!", thinks Jimmy. Just think of all the "stars" who have made a career and made millions on hate spectators.
No. 1 — Virtual Asperger's syndrome (also known as "trollism")
The term was coined by blogger Jason Calacanis to describe the total disregard of all social conventions and the negation of all human qualities, including compassion. Surprisingly, this phenomenon happens only because people feel protected by the screen of the monitor, and therefore with impunity offends others.
There is no sense to retell all the scary stories about "trolls". A Troll leads a teenager to suicide, and egged him while he tightens the noose around his neck, the teenagers shoot a baby out of a giant slingshot and shoot it on camera to put on YouTube (if it hasn't been, to be sure, it is only a matter of time).
Normal teenagers, good learning, do not conflict with parents "was not involved, not involved, not involved"... but in chat rooms and forums, they turn into Charles Manson.
In real life it's called... Asperger's Syndrome
This syndrome is rare, contrary to the statements of many people who claim that "suffer from" Asperger's. Asperger's syndrome is a common developmental disorder of the body, a form of high functioning autism. People with Asperger's syndrome suffer "social blindness" — they do not understand the boundaries in interaction with other people. They can't take a hint, intonational variations, "body language" and other non-verbal ways of communicating. They constantly insult others, even oblivious (i.e., do not understand that go beyond the limits). They just have the damaged part of the brain responsible for this.
Most people shudder upon hearing the term, because I know that teenagers, who claim that suffer from Asperger's syndrome, really just self-centered and cruel assholes.
5 fatal mistakes. Read and never do
Bodily awareness
Why is this happening online?
Calacanis came to the conclusion that people are all the communication which is the virtual, often mimic Asperger's (or rather, his characteristic behaviour), because to impose on itself the same restrictions.
In both cases, in the absence of the opportunity to observe non-verbal reactions and facial expression is lost and the empathy with the interlocutor. And it soon turns out that you do not communicate with a person, with phrases on the monitor screen. Words the spelling of which the source did not even bother to check! published
Source: www.womenhealthnet.ru/psychiatry/1321.html