About carbs: Wise advice of the ancestors
Eighty three million one hundred sixty four thousand one hundred forty five
Carbohydrates – starch and sugar produced in the leaves of all green plants under the action of sunlight, carbon dioxide and water. Sugar is represented by many forms. Sucrose, or ordinary table sugar, is a disaccharide in the digestive process break down into simple sugars: glucose and fructose. Glucose is the main sugar contained in the blood, fructose is the main sugar in fruits, especially as they are rich in corn syrup. Other common disaccharides include maltose (malt sugar) and lactose (milk sugar).
In short, if the name of a substance ends in "–oz", so before we sugar. Complex sugars are long – chain structure consisting of fructose and other simple sugars. Complex sugars with relatively short chains known as stachyose and raffinose contained in beans and other legumes, with the longer chains in some plant foods, such as artichoke and the Jerusalem artichoke and seaweed. People, in contrast to herbivorous animals lack the digestive enzymes to break down these sugars into simple components.
However, some people in the colon are of particular useful species, that degrade these complex sugars, releasing as a byproduct of harmless carbon dioxide, while other flora of the colon as a by-product emit such an unpleasant thing as methane. When cooking, too, is the breakdown these complex sugars, but only up to a certain limit. Starch – a polysaccharide composed only of glucose molecules, and, unlike sugar, most people digest without difficulty. In the process of cooking food, its chewing and digestion especially, under prolonged exposure to enzymes, the starch breaks down into individual molecules of glucose. Glucose gets into the bloodstream through the small intestine and provides the body with energy necessary for it to carry out cellular processes, thinking and movement of the hands and feet. For all these processes the body needs glucose, so it is no exaggeration to say that sugar is vital to us. However, for its production do not have spoons to eat sugar or large portions of carbohydrates. Some isolated human community, such as the Eskimos, the Indians pre-Columbian era and the medieval inhabitants of Greenland, ate practically only one animal food – proteins and fats. The study of the skulls of these peoples shows no caries, indicating a high level of General health on the background of the diet, almost completely devoid of carbohydrate food.
Refined carbohydrates, and in such large numbers that entered the human diet only in the XX century. Our ancestors ate fruits and grains in their original, holistic, raw. Sugar and carbohydrates – our energy – in nature associated with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, protein, fat and fiber, i.e., all those components of food that serve as the building blocks of the body and form a mechanism for regulating digestion. In its complete form of sugar and starches support our life, but refined carbohydrates of life are irrelevant, due to the lack of healthful items. Digestion of refined carbohydrate are deficient in reserves of the organism, but, on the contrary, it requires to waste his own reserves of vitamins, minerals and enzymes for proper metabolism. For example, in the absence of B vitamins, the breakdown of carbohydrates is impossible, however, in the process of refining a large part of the vitamin B is removed.
The process of refinement robs food grains, vegetables and fruits such as vitamins and minerals. Refined carbohydrates are called "empty" calories. It is appropriate, however, would be to call them "negative" calories because eating refined carbohydrates leads to the depletion of precious resources of the organism. The consumption of sugar and white flour can be compared with the life savings. If you withdraw money from the account more often than it is updated, in the near future, funds in the account are exhausted. Some people quite a long time may not feel obvious symptoms, however, sooner or later, retribution for violation of this law of nature can not be avoided. If you're lucky, the nature of which has got a magnificent Constitution, you absorb sugar in unlimited quantities, and you get away with it, think about the descendants: your children and grandchildren will inherit a depleted reserves.
Level essential we of glucose in the blood is regulated by accurate and sensitive mechanism, involving insulin secreted by the pancreas, and hormones, which are allocated to several glands, including the adrenals and thyroid. Sugar and starches are consumed in their natural raw form as a part of a meal containing nourishing fats and proteins digest slowly and enter the bloodstream at a moderate speed for several hours. If the body a long time without food, this mechanism refers to the reserves stored in the liver. In normal operation, this impeccable process of regulation of blood sugar ensures a smooth and uninterrupted supply of our cells is glucose, so to speak keeps us in balance, both physically and morally.
But in the case of the consumption of refined sugars and starches, especially in the absence of fats or proteins, there is a sharp release of sugar into the bloodstream, causing the level jumps. The mechanism of regulation starts with the bat, splashing in the blood the flow of insulin and other hormones to bring the sugar level within the allowable. Periodic stuffing sugar will eventually destroy this finely tuned process of regulation, forcing some elements to be in a state of constant activity, while others wear out and lose the ability to perform their functions. The situation is compounded by the fact that a diet with a high content of refined carbohydrates usually contain few vitamins, minerals and enzymes, these construction materials for current repairs of our glands and organs. And when the endocrine system goes into disorder, many pathological conditions not long to wait: there may occur a disease of degenerative nature, and allergies, and obesity, and alcoholism, and drug abuse, and depression, and conduct disorder.
As a result of frustration of the adjustment mechanism of the blood sugar level constantly remains high or low relative to the narrow range to which the nature intended our body. The human condition with abnormally high levels of blood sugar known as diabetes, as a person, that sugar regularly falls below normal – as hypoglycemia. These two diseases are two sides of the same coin, and the reason is the same: excess intake of refined carbohydrates. Diabetic living under the constant threat of blindness, gangrene of extremities, heart disease and diabetic coma. Insulin injection can protect diabetic from sudden death by coma, but if the power does not change, they will not stop the progressive deterioration of the corneal tissue and the circulatory system. What is to low blood sugar, then it is a real Pandora's box that unleashes the body symptoms ranging from seizures, depression and unfounded phobias to allergies, headaches and chronic fatigue.
Patients with hypoglycemia are often advised to eat something sweet, when they feel the symptoms of falling blood sugar levels that sugar is spilled into the bloodstream and caused a temporary rise of level. This strategy is flawed for several reasons. First, because those calories are empty, reserves continue to dwindle. Secondly, the raised level of sugar in the blood then the inevitable falls below normal faulty adjustment mechanism, and such a cycle is reminiscent of a roller coaster, only undermines the mechanism even more. Finally, a brief period of high blood sugar triggers harmful process called glycation, i.e. the binding of the amino sugar molecules if exposed to high levels of sugar in the blood. Then these unnatural proteins are embedded in the tissue and can cause immeasurable harm, particularly in relation to durable of the lens proteins and the myelin sheath of nerves. Collagen of skin, tendons, skins, and bulkheads, too, is suffering from glycated proteins. This process occurs not only in diabetics, but in the body of anyone who eats sugar.
A complete rejection of sugar and a very limited consumption of white flour – this is good advice for everyone. It should be recalled that these products – or rather, the bare skeletons of the products was generally unknown to man up to 1600 and until the XX century were not used in large quantities. Our physical nature is such that for growth, prosperity and procreation, we need whole foods, not refined and denaturirovannaya. As increased consumption of sugar has increased and the number of so-called "civilized" diseases. In 1821 the average sugar intake in America was 4.5 kg per person per year, today it is 77 kg per person and represents more than a quarter of the average calorie intake. Another considerable part of all the calories obtained through the consumption of white flour and refined vegetable oil. This means that the obligation to supply the body, which also is in constant tension due to the consumption of sugar, white flour and rancid and hydrogenated vegetable oils, all nutrients fall to a smaller share of food intake. In this lies the main reason of wide spread of diseases of degenerative nature, which has become the scourge of modern America.
Until recently, advocates of "dietary dictorate" denied the role of sugar in the development of diseases. Few of the representatives of the ruling circles is willing to admit that sugar consumption has anything to do with heart disease, but many with outrageous aplomb repeat that the link between sugar and diabetes has not been proven. "If our body didn't prefer foods with added sugar, we would not have added, – said Frederic Stehr, former head of the Department of nutrition, faculty of public health, Harvard University. – Remember, food is not just a necessity, but one of the authentic joys of life. Most people sugar and helps to improve the taste of food Calories contained in the Sahara, are no different from other calories derived from protein, starch, fat or alcohol". The main means of financing the Harvard Department of nutrition comes from the food industry, and there is nothing that contributes to the profits of large manufacturing enterprises as the sugar is cheap, easy to manufacture and storage, with an unlimited shelf life, sugar, the sweetness is cleverly disguises those tasteless, unclaimed potions, in which it is added. From the point of view of the processor of food sugar is the best preservative, as it prevents activity of various forms of bacteria that cause decay products, strapping the water in which they breed.
Scientific evidence against sugar has accumulated for decades. In 1933 one study showed that the increase in sugar consumption has led to increase in various diseases in children of school age. Numerous experiments conducted on animals proved that sugar, especially fructose, shortens life. Sugar consumption has recently been identified as the main causes of anorexia and eating disorders. 50 years of British scientific Yudkin published conclusively proved the link between excess sugar consumption and the following conditions: the release of fatty acids in the aorta, elevated blood cholesterol, elevated triglycerides, increase in adhesiveness of platelets, elevated levels of insulin in the blood, elevated levels of corticosteroids in the blood, increasing the acidity of the stomach, shrinkage of the pancreas and enlargement of the liver and adrenal glands.
Numerous subsequent studies have revealed a direct correlation of sugar consumption with heart disease. These results are much more accurate and nedvosmisleno the supposed link between heart disease and saturated fats. Researchers Lopez (60 years) and Arens (70 years) again emphasized the role of sugar as a cause of coronary disease, but their works have not received recognition nor government agencies nor the media. The food industry is the largest industry of America, and she is keenly interested in the scientific publications of these studies did not come from the cellars of medical libraries. If the public learned about the dangers of refined carbohydrate consumption and took steps for its reduction, a powerful food industry would have to be pressed down several times like a balloon, coming out of the air. Food manufacturers do not need animal fats for the production of nutrient-poor, cheap fast food, but vegetable oil, white flour and sugar they are very much needed.
On account of sugar is not only of heart disease. One review, published in medical journals 70 years, gave evidence for a causal relationship of sugar with kidney disease and liver, with reduced life expectancy, increased cravings for coffee and tobacco, atherosclerosis and coronary disease. It is believed that the consumption of sugar linked to hyperactivity, conduct disorders, decreased ability to concentrate and a propensity for violence. The consumption of sugar promotes growth of candida albicans, a systemic fungus of the digestive tract, causing it to spread in the respiratory system, tissues and internal organs. There is evidence of a direct link between sugar consumption and cancer in humans and experimental animals. Tumor – known absorbers of sugar in large quantities. Moreover, studies have shown that the most harmful element of sugar, especially for the younger generation, is not glucose, namely fructose.
However, the incredible rise in sugar consumption over the past two decades, is associated with a rich in fructose corn syrup that is added to soft drinks, ketchup and many other manufactured products intended for children.
And finally, not to mention that sugar consumption is the cause of bone loss and tooth decay. Tooth decay and bone loss occur when a violation of a precise ratio of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, which normally is four parts phosphorous to ten parts calcium provides normal absorption of calcium in the blood. Dr. Melvin page, a dentist from Florida has published no single work, proving that consumption of sugar causes a drop in levels of phosphorus and increasing the calcium level. The level of calcium rises because it is extracted by the body from bones and teeth, and a reduced level of phosphorus hinders the absorption of calcium making it indigestible and, as a consequence, toxic to the body. That is why the consumption of sugar leads to tooth decay, not only due to the fact that it promotes the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity, as suggested by most dentists, but also as a result of changes made to them in the chemical processes in our body.
Nutritionists-the Orthodox recognize that sugar destroys teeth, though perhaps mistaken about the immediate causes of this, but their warnings about the need to preserve the teeth, limiting the consumption of sweets, sound disingenuous. Most people are willing to pay the dentist with peace of mind there is sugar on. Eventually, teeth can heal or paste. But bad teeth is just a symptom of other types of degeneration of the body, its destruction, which is not correct, sitting in the dental chair.
The sweetness of fruit, grains and vegetables – a sign of their ripeness and maximum content of vitamins and minerals. Natural sweet foods, which stands out from sugar – sugar beet, sugar cane and corn – are especially rich in nutrients such as B vitamins, magnesium and chromium. It is believed that all of these components play an important role in the mechanism regulating the blood sugar. And after the processing of raw materials into refined sugar all of these nutrients are thrown out in the trash or sent for animal feed. Refining robs foods of vital nutrients, concentrating instead of sugar, causing our body meets its energy needs, not getting the nutrients he needs for digestion, growth and repair.
Whole grains supply us with vitamin E, lots of B group vitamins and many important minerals and all that our body is vital. But in the process of cleaning it all thrown away. Fibre is the indigestible cellulose that plays an important role in digestion and excretion of substances from the body, is also removed. Refined flour typically contains additives, but the use of this little. "Product with added vitamins" in fact usually means that white flour or polished rice threw a handful of synthetic vitamins and minerals, removing or destroying a great many essential substances. A number of vitamins that are added at the same time, can be even dangerous. Some scientists believe that excess iron in the flour "with the addition of" may harm the tissues, others point to the link between excess or toxic iron to heart diseases. Vitamins B1 and B2 added to grains, in the absence of vitamin B6 violate the balance of countless processes related to the content of vitamins of b complex. And harmlessness broniruesh and bleaching agents, are almost always added to white flour, nothing until proven.
Moderation in the consumption of natural sweeteners is inherent in many human communities untouched by civilization. So, it is possible to satisfy your cravings for sugar by eating ripe fruit of the season and in limited quantities, some natural sweetness, rich in vitamins and minerals such as fresh honey, date sugar, dehydrated sugar cane juice (in America it is sold under the brand name "Rapadura" ) and maple syrup. Avoid all refined sugar, including table sugar and so-called raw sugar or brown sugar (they both consist of refined sugar of about 96 percent), corn syrup, fructose and fruit juices in large quantities.
Recommended to consume whole grain of different varieties, not forgetting one important thing. Phosphorus in the bran of whole grains is associated with a substance called phytic acid. In the intestinal tract of phytic, or insidecategory, the acid combines with iron, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc, preventing absorption of these minerals. In addition, whole grains contain enzyme inhibitors that slow down the action and impede the digestive process. The human community with the conservative way of life is usually soaked or fermented grains before eating them: these processes that neutralize phytates and enzyme inhibitors, thereby facilitating the body to access contained in the grain nutrients and facilitating their uptake. Germination, pre-soaking and old-fashioned fermentation – here "technology" applicable to any home kitchen that prepare this food to a successful absorption by the body. Many people who are allergic to grain, well tolerate it after processing one of these ways. For example, proper preparation of legumes facilitates the decomposition of the contained complex sugars, significantly facilitating their digestion.
Whole grains, processed strong heating and high pressure for the production of "air" wheat, oats and rice are actually quite toxic and causes rapid death of experimental animals. Not suggest you have baked rice cakes, although they are so easy to catch on the run from any tray. Cereal, usually eaten us for Breakfast, for producing first converted into pulp, and then forced through the extruder at high temperatures and pressures, giving them a form, so it is better to refrain from them. During processing the nutrients for the most part, if not completely, destroyed, so to digest processed foods with great difficulty. As studies have shown, these extruded mixture of whole grains affect blood sugar even worse than refined sugar or white flour! Harmful phytic acid remains intact, but destroyed by the phytase enzyme to partially Deplete the phytic acid in the digestive tract.
A large part of the cereals and legumes before you get on the shelves of supermarkets was not one treatment with pesticides and other sprays that inhibit the reproduction of pests and mold growth. But organic legumes and grains grown without fertilizer or biodynamic methods, are worth the money. Beans, Packed in cellophane or plastic, retain their freshness longer than when stored in open containers.
Many of those who had made power a cult, in my own experience learned that sugar and white flour – the enemies of health; they know and how difficult to avoid these foods, living in a society that can not imagine life without them. It is easy to replace margarine with butter, and refined polyunsaturated oils – olive oil cold pressed, because it simply tastes better. But to give up sugar and white flour is not so easy, especially given the universal addiction to these substances, often receiving almost painful. Try to replace white flour products with whole grains, properly prepared for eating, and limit consumption of sweets, only occasionally allowing yourself desserts made from natural sweeteners. Almost certainly this will give you a hard time, and getting rid of old habits will take time, but in the end your willpower and persistence will be rewarded with a visible health promotion and inflow of vitality. published
From the book "Food. Wise traditions", Sally Fallon, Mary G., Enig
Source: soznatelno.ru/pitanie/pitanie.-mudrye-sovety-predkov.-ob-uglevodah.html
Carbohydrates – starch and sugar produced in the leaves of all green plants under the action of sunlight, carbon dioxide and water. Sugar is represented by many forms. Sucrose, or ordinary table sugar, is a disaccharide in the digestive process break down into simple sugars: glucose and fructose. Glucose is the main sugar contained in the blood, fructose is the main sugar in fruits, especially as they are rich in corn syrup. Other common disaccharides include maltose (malt sugar) and lactose (milk sugar).
In short, if the name of a substance ends in "–oz", so before we sugar. Complex sugars are long – chain structure consisting of fructose and other simple sugars. Complex sugars with relatively short chains known as stachyose and raffinose contained in beans and other legumes, with the longer chains in some plant foods, such as artichoke and the Jerusalem artichoke and seaweed. People, in contrast to herbivorous animals lack the digestive enzymes to break down these sugars into simple components.
However, some people in the colon are of particular useful species, that degrade these complex sugars, releasing as a byproduct of harmless carbon dioxide, while other flora of the colon as a by-product emit such an unpleasant thing as methane. When cooking, too, is the breakdown these complex sugars, but only up to a certain limit. Starch – a polysaccharide composed only of glucose molecules, and, unlike sugar, most people digest without difficulty. In the process of cooking food, its chewing and digestion especially, under prolonged exposure to enzymes, the starch breaks down into individual molecules of glucose. Glucose gets into the bloodstream through the small intestine and provides the body with energy necessary for it to carry out cellular processes, thinking and movement of the hands and feet. For all these processes the body needs glucose, so it is no exaggeration to say that sugar is vital to us. However, for its production do not have spoons to eat sugar or large portions of carbohydrates. Some isolated human community, such as the Eskimos, the Indians pre-Columbian era and the medieval inhabitants of Greenland, ate practically only one animal food – proteins and fats. The study of the skulls of these peoples shows no caries, indicating a high level of General health on the background of the diet, almost completely devoid of carbohydrate food.
Refined carbohydrates, and in such large numbers that entered the human diet only in the XX century. Our ancestors ate fruits and grains in their original, holistic, raw. Sugar and carbohydrates – our energy – in nature associated with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, protein, fat and fiber, i.e., all those components of food that serve as the building blocks of the body and form a mechanism for regulating digestion. In its complete form of sugar and starches support our life, but refined carbohydrates of life are irrelevant, due to the lack of healthful items. Digestion of refined carbohydrate are deficient in reserves of the organism, but, on the contrary, it requires to waste his own reserves of vitamins, minerals and enzymes for proper metabolism. For example, in the absence of B vitamins, the breakdown of carbohydrates is impossible, however, in the process of refining a large part of the vitamin B is removed.
The process of refinement robs food grains, vegetables and fruits such as vitamins and minerals. Refined carbohydrates are called "empty" calories. It is appropriate, however, would be to call them "negative" calories because eating refined carbohydrates leads to the depletion of precious resources of the organism. The consumption of sugar and white flour can be compared with the life savings. If you withdraw money from the account more often than it is updated, in the near future, funds in the account are exhausted. Some people quite a long time may not feel obvious symptoms, however, sooner or later, retribution for violation of this law of nature can not be avoided. If you're lucky, the nature of which has got a magnificent Constitution, you absorb sugar in unlimited quantities, and you get away with it, think about the descendants: your children and grandchildren will inherit a depleted reserves.
Level essential we of glucose in the blood is regulated by accurate and sensitive mechanism, involving insulin secreted by the pancreas, and hormones, which are allocated to several glands, including the adrenals and thyroid. Sugar and starches are consumed in their natural raw form as a part of a meal containing nourishing fats and proteins digest slowly and enter the bloodstream at a moderate speed for several hours. If the body a long time without food, this mechanism refers to the reserves stored in the liver. In normal operation, this impeccable process of regulation of blood sugar ensures a smooth and uninterrupted supply of our cells is glucose, so to speak keeps us in balance, both physically and morally.
But in the case of the consumption of refined sugars and starches, especially in the absence of fats or proteins, there is a sharp release of sugar into the bloodstream, causing the level jumps. The mechanism of regulation starts with the bat, splashing in the blood the flow of insulin and other hormones to bring the sugar level within the allowable. Periodic stuffing sugar will eventually destroy this finely tuned process of regulation, forcing some elements to be in a state of constant activity, while others wear out and lose the ability to perform their functions. The situation is compounded by the fact that a diet with a high content of refined carbohydrates usually contain few vitamins, minerals and enzymes, these construction materials for current repairs of our glands and organs. And when the endocrine system goes into disorder, many pathological conditions not long to wait: there may occur a disease of degenerative nature, and allergies, and obesity, and alcoholism, and drug abuse, and depression, and conduct disorder.
As a result of frustration of the adjustment mechanism of the blood sugar level constantly remains high or low relative to the narrow range to which the nature intended our body. The human condition with abnormally high levels of blood sugar known as diabetes, as a person, that sugar regularly falls below normal – as hypoglycemia. These two diseases are two sides of the same coin, and the reason is the same: excess intake of refined carbohydrates. Diabetic living under the constant threat of blindness, gangrene of extremities, heart disease and diabetic coma. Insulin injection can protect diabetic from sudden death by coma, but if the power does not change, they will not stop the progressive deterioration of the corneal tissue and the circulatory system. What is to low blood sugar, then it is a real Pandora's box that unleashes the body symptoms ranging from seizures, depression and unfounded phobias to allergies, headaches and chronic fatigue.
Patients with hypoglycemia are often advised to eat something sweet, when they feel the symptoms of falling blood sugar levels that sugar is spilled into the bloodstream and caused a temporary rise of level. This strategy is flawed for several reasons. First, because those calories are empty, reserves continue to dwindle. Secondly, the raised level of sugar in the blood then the inevitable falls below normal faulty adjustment mechanism, and such a cycle is reminiscent of a roller coaster, only undermines the mechanism even more. Finally, a brief period of high blood sugar triggers harmful process called glycation, i.e. the binding of the amino sugar molecules if exposed to high levels of sugar in the blood. Then these unnatural proteins are embedded in the tissue and can cause immeasurable harm, particularly in relation to durable of the lens proteins and the myelin sheath of nerves. Collagen of skin, tendons, skins, and bulkheads, too, is suffering from glycated proteins. This process occurs not only in diabetics, but in the body of anyone who eats sugar.
A complete rejection of sugar and a very limited consumption of white flour – this is good advice for everyone. It should be recalled that these products – or rather, the bare skeletons of the products was generally unknown to man up to 1600 and until the XX century were not used in large quantities. Our physical nature is such that for growth, prosperity and procreation, we need whole foods, not refined and denaturirovannaya. As increased consumption of sugar has increased and the number of so-called "civilized" diseases. In 1821 the average sugar intake in America was 4.5 kg per person per year, today it is 77 kg per person and represents more than a quarter of the average calorie intake. Another considerable part of all the calories obtained through the consumption of white flour and refined vegetable oil. This means that the obligation to supply the body, which also is in constant tension due to the consumption of sugar, white flour and rancid and hydrogenated vegetable oils, all nutrients fall to a smaller share of food intake. In this lies the main reason of wide spread of diseases of degenerative nature, which has become the scourge of modern America.
Until recently, advocates of "dietary dictorate" denied the role of sugar in the development of diseases. Few of the representatives of the ruling circles is willing to admit that sugar consumption has anything to do with heart disease, but many with outrageous aplomb repeat that the link between sugar and diabetes has not been proven. "If our body didn't prefer foods with added sugar, we would not have added, – said Frederic Stehr, former head of the Department of nutrition, faculty of public health, Harvard University. – Remember, food is not just a necessity, but one of the authentic joys of life. Most people sugar and helps to improve the taste of food Calories contained in the Sahara, are no different from other calories derived from protein, starch, fat or alcohol". The main means of financing the Harvard Department of nutrition comes from the food industry, and there is nothing that contributes to the profits of large manufacturing enterprises as the sugar is cheap, easy to manufacture and storage, with an unlimited shelf life, sugar, the sweetness is cleverly disguises those tasteless, unclaimed potions, in which it is added. From the point of view of the processor of food sugar is the best preservative, as it prevents activity of various forms of bacteria that cause decay products, strapping the water in which they breed.
Scientific evidence against sugar has accumulated for decades. In 1933 one study showed that the increase in sugar consumption has led to increase in various diseases in children of school age. Numerous experiments conducted on animals proved that sugar, especially fructose, shortens life. Sugar consumption has recently been identified as the main causes of anorexia and eating disorders. 50 years of British scientific Yudkin published conclusively proved the link between excess sugar consumption and the following conditions: the release of fatty acids in the aorta, elevated blood cholesterol, elevated triglycerides, increase in adhesiveness of platelets, elevated levels of insulin in the blood, elevated levels of corticosteroids in the blood, increasing the acidity of the stomach, shrinkage of the pancreas and enlargement of the liver and adrenal glands.
Numerous subsequent studies have revealed a direct correlation of sugar consumption with heart disease. These results are much more accurate and nedvosmisleno the supposed link between heart disease and saturated fats. Researchers Lopez (60 years) and Arens (70 years) again emphasized the role of sugar as a cause of coronary disease, but their works have not received recognition nor government agencies nor the media. The food industry is the largest industry of America, and she is keenly interested in the scientific publications of these studies did not come from the cellars of medical libraries. If the public learned about the dangers of refined carbohydrate consumption and took steps for its reduction, a powerful food industry would have to be pressed down several times like a balloon, coming out of the air. Food manufacturers do not need animal fats for the production of nutrient-poor, cheap fast food, but vegetable oil, white flour and sugar they are very much needed.
On account of sugar is not only of heart disease. One review, published in medical journals 70 years, gave evidence for a causal relationship of sugar with kidney disease and liver, with reduced life expectancy, increased cravings for coffee and tobacco, atherosclerosis and coronary disease. It is believed that the consumption of sugar linked to hyperactivity, conduct disorders, decreased ability to concentrate and a propensity for violence. The consumption of sugar promotes growth of candida albicans, a systemic fungus of the digestive tract, causing it to spread in the respiratory system, tissues and internal organs. There is evidence of a direct link between sugar consumption and cancer in humans and experimental animals. Tumor – known absorbers of sugar in large quantities. Moreover, studies have shown that the most harmful element of sugar, especially for the younger generation, is not glucose, namely fructose.
However, the incredible rise in sugar consumption over the past two decades, is associated with a rich in fructose corn syrup that is added to soft drinks, ketchup and many other manufactured products intended for children.
And finally, not to mention that sugar consumption is the cause of bone loss and tooth decay. Tooth decay and bone loss occur when a violation of a precise ratio of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, which normally is four parts phosphorous to ten parts calcium provides normal absorption of calcium in the blood. Dr. Melvin page, a dentist from Florida has published no single work, proving that consumption of sugar causes a drop in levels of phosphorus and increasing the calcium level. The level of calcium rises because it is extracted by the body from bones and teeth, and a reduced level of phosphorus hinders the absorption of calcium making it indigestible and, as a consequence, toxic to the body. That is why the consumption of sugar leads to tooth decay, not only due to the fact that it promotes the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity, as suggested by most dentists, but also as a result of changes made to them in the chemical processes in our body.
Nutritionists-the Orthodox recognize that sugar destroys teeth, though perhaps mistaken about the immediate causes of this, but their warnings about the need to preserve the teeth, limiting the consumption of sweets, sound disingenuous. Most people are willing to pay the dentist with peace of mind there is sugar on. Eventually, teeth can heal or paste. But bad teeth is just a symptom of other types of degeneration of the body, its destruction, which is not correct, sitting in the dental chair.
The sweetness of fruit, grains and vegetables – a sign of their ripeness and maximum content of vitamins and minerals. Natural sweet foods, which stands out from sugar – sugar beet, sugar cane and corn – are especially rich in nutrients such as B vitamins, magnesium and chromium. It is believed that all of these components play an important role in the mechanism regulating the blood sugar. And after the processing of raw materials into refined sugar all of these nutrients are thrown out in the trash or sent for animal feed. Refining robs foods of vital nutrients, concentrating instead of sugar, causing our body meets its energy needs, not getting the nutrients he needs for digestion, growth and repair.
Whole grains supply us with vitamin E, lots of B group vitamins and many important minerals and all that our body is vital. But in the process of cleaning it all thrown away. Fibre is the indigestible cellulose that plays an important role in digestion and excretion of substances from the body, is also removed. Refined flour typically contains additives, but the use of this little. "Product with added vitamins" in fact usually means that white flour or polished rice threw a handful of synthetic vitamins and minerals, removing or destroying a great many essential substances. A number of vitamins that are added at the same time, can be even dangerous. Some scientists believe that excess iron in the flour "with the addition of" may harm the tissues, others point to the link between excess or toxic iron to heart diseases. Vitamins B1 and B2 added to grains, in the absence of vitamin B6 violate the balance of countless processes related to the content of vitamins of b complex. And harmlessness broniruesh and bleaching agents, are almost always added to white flour, nothing until proven.
Moderation in the consumption of natural sweeteners is inherent in many human communities untouched by civilization. So, it is possible to satisfy your cravings for sugar by eating ripe fruit of the season and in limited quantities, some natural sweetness, rich in vitamins and minerals such as fresh honey, date sugar, dehydrated sugar cane juice (in America it is sold under the brand name "Rapadura" ) and maple syrup. Avoid all refined sugar, including table sugar and so-called raw sugar or brown sugar (they both consist of refined sugar of about 96 percent), corn syrup, fructose and fruit juices in large quantities.
Recommended to consume whole grain of different varieties, not forgetting one important thing. Phosphorus in the bran of whole grains is associated with a substance called phytic acid. In the intestinal tract of phytic, or insidecategory, the acid combines with iron, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc, preventing absorption of these minerals. In addition, whole grains contain enzyme inhibitors that slow down the action and impede the digestive process. The human community with the conservative way of life is usually soaked or fermented grains before eating them: these processes that neutralize phytates and enzyme inhibitors, thereby facilitating the body to access contained in the grain nutrients and facilitating their uptake. Germination, pre-soaking and old-fashioned fermentation – here "technology" applicable to any home kitchen that prepare this food to a successful absorption by the body. Many people who are allergic to grain, well tolerate it after processing one of these ways. For example, proper preparation of legumes facilitates the decomposition of the contained complex sugars, significantly facilitating their digestion.
Whole grains, processed strong heating and high pressure for the production of "air" wheat, oats and rice are actually quite toxic and causes rapid death of experimental animals. Not suggest you have baked rice cakes, although they are so easy to catch on the run from any tray. Cereal, usually eaten us for Breakfast, for producing first converted into pulp, and then forced through the extruder at high temperatures and pressures, giving them a form, so it is better to refrain from them. During processing the nutrients for the most part, if not completely, destroyed, so to digest processed foods with great difficulty. As studies have shown, these extruded mixture of whole grains affect blood sugar even worse than refined sugar or white flour! Harmful phytic acid remains intact, but destroyed by the phytase enzyme to partially Deplete the phytic acid in the digestive tract.
A large part of the cereals and legumes before you get on the shelves of supermarkets was not one treatment with pesticides and other sprays that inhibit the reproduction of pests and mold growth. But organic legumes and grains grown without fertilizer or biodynamic methods, are worth the money. Beans, Packed in cellophane or plastic, retain their freshness longer than when stored in open containers.
Many of those who had made power a cult, in my own experience learned that sugar and white flour – the enemies of health; they know and how difficult to avoid these foods, living in a society that can not imagine life without them. It is easy to replace margarine with butter, and refined polyunsaturated oils – olive oil cold pressed, because it simply tastes better. But to give up sugar and white flour is not so easy, especially given the universal addiction to these substances, often receiving almost painful. Try to replace white flour products with whole grains, properly prepared for eating, and limit consumption of sweets, only occasionally allowing yourself desserts made from natural sweeteners. Almost certainly this will give you a hard time, and getting rid of old habits will take time, but in the end your willpower and persistence will be rewarded with a visible health promotion and inflow of vitality. published
From the book "Food. Wise traditions", Sally Fallon, Mary G., Enig
Source: soznatelno.ru/pitanie/pitanie.-mudrye-sovety-predkov.-ob-uglevodah.html