Theory of 5 Ayurvedic Elements in Fingers Reading

Before you hire someone... ask them to take off their shoes and look at their toes.
Before submitting an application to the registry office... ask your chosen one (or chosen one) to take off your shoes and carefully examine your toes.
Before your toddler gets up on his legs... take a picture of his feet and watch their development, taking photos every six months. When I look at someone’s feet, it’s a mystery: I look into someone’s soul.
By a single toe on the foot, you can judge how a person relates to himself and others, to money or sex. Your feet never lie! Explore your feet, the color and shape of your fingers and nails, and you will discover your inner self, achieve physical health, emotional and material well-being.
How often do we hear, “The soul is on its heels.”
Perhaps someone and in the heels, but certainly everyone has it in the toes!
Have you ever noticed how the shape, color and size of your toes change? Incredibly, our toes store cellular memory of your life story.
Fingers reading is a method of self-knowledge, and it is based on the theory that the pathology of the toes holographically reflects all the events in life, all the vicissitudes of not only the present but also the past life, and also helps to know the future of the child.
The fingers of our feet tell amazing stories about how we think and feel, what our habits are like, and how we cope with difficulties or joys in our current lives, receiving some challenge of fate.
The art of Finger Reading can provide the process of cognition of the evolution of one's own soul, as well as the processing time of the "life lesson" that has been experienced and recorded in the subconscious. The basic premise in Fingers Reading is that “Everything is part of something.”
This is not some newfangled trend or way of divination. The ancients obtained knowledge about the human soul by scanning the entire body of a relative, including the toes. Gradually, people began to close with clothes and shoes, and only eyes and lips remained. But even here people have learned to hide their feelings, desires and motives. We are closed, and getting to the feelings of another person is sometimes very difficult. We are closed even to ourselves!
The fingers of our feet give us the opportunity to know ourselves, to find and know our soul mate, a business partner, to give the right direction in the development of the child.
Each toe represents something, and they are all different in some way.
Theory of 5 Ayurvedic Elements in Fingers Reading Your left foot: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether
Your right foot: Ether, Air, Fire, Water, Earth
The ether is the place that is both the source of everything that exists and the place where it exists. The big toe represents the element of ether. It is the finger of your destiny and can also represent your joy and sorrow.
Air represents existence without form. The second toes represent the air element. It is the finger of your communication relationships, your connections and can represent feelings and wishes, desires and ambitions.
Fire represents transformation. It has the power to transform the state of any entity. The middle toes represent the element of fire. This finger determines your choice of yes or no, do or do not. They can also represent creativity, aggression and determination.
Water is a liquid state. It characterizes change and is necessary for all living beings. The fourth toe represents the water element. It can also represent love and affection.
The earth is a solid body. The little finger represents the earth element. On the left foot is trust, optimism and gender difference (sexuality). On the right foot are security, prosperity, abundance, fear, insecurity and insecurity.
The feet show us how we go through life and how we fulfill our mission on earth. The whole experience of life is recorded in the feet, and people can learn a lot about knowing themselves by basing their knowledge on the shape and details of their toes.
Flexible fingers indicate a person who easily adapts to all the ups and downs of life. However, if the energy of the legs is too flexible, this person tends to obey too easily. Stressed legs often belong to firm, sharp people, strict, accurate and inflexible.
The toes of people who have had more complicated lives will appear “tired,” like lumps reflecting the blows of personal and emotional experiences. The fingernails of their fingers will look like the gates of the Shell garage. These people unknowingly close down so that no one can enter their inner world.
The ever-changing characteristics of the toes and nails provide valuable clues to understanding internal struggles or making internal decisions. It’s more than just party fun (although that’s the way to start), toe reading is only possible if you’re ready to take off your shoes first.
When reading toes, all characteristics and shape are taken into account. By observing your toes, you can ask questions for in-depth research. One of the questions that will always work is, “Do your toes change the same way your life story changes?” And you may hear the answer: "Absolutely so!"
The angle of the toes standing on the ground shows a person’s innate shyness or responsiveness. The fingers of the feet, which point directly forward, suggest a direct approach to life. It is, of course, ideal and beautiful when the toes are parallel to each other, but can show a personality that no one cares about. And if the fingers remain flexible, it is possible that this person is capable of responsiveness, but he puts himself first.
When your toes become exhausted and down, you can bet that you feel the same about your own life. All past and pressing present problems must be recognized, verified and resolved to prevent permanent and long-term damage not only to the legs but to the whole life.
The fingers of the right and left legs represent different aspects of human life history. According to the theory of such an ancient and forgotten method of counseling, the foot of our dominant side demonstrates how a person presents himself to the world, what he thinks about the world and how he treats it.
If a person is right-handed, then the right side represents what relationship each has with the outside world and with others and how he sees himself in it. For most people, the right foot stores the past and reflects the way that person communicates with the world around them.
The other side represents his relation to his inner self, that is, to himself. The left side is more about the relationship with oneself and the Spirit. The left foot stores more inner experiences or ideas about itself. It is rare that the left and right sides are identical.
Source: vita-schola.ru
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