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Varicose veins — psychosomatics and treatment

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This disease, in Oriental medicine disease is associated with Cold, descended into the lower part of the body. Chill – combination of Wind and Mucus (Vata and Kapha) in varying proportions is first and foremost a lack of blood circulation. Excess Mucus may appear “viscous” in bold blood, which is just difficult to move freely through the vessels, the excess of Wind – the lack of elasticity, fragility of blood vessels. The mucus – Kapha is high, even though other high Dosha. Diseases of Kapha are treated very well regular physical activity.

One of the most effective tools in the treatment of this disease – foods with potassium and magnesium, which will improve the elasticity of the vascular wall. The meals must include foods with mild diuretic properties is corn, barley, rice, celery, carrots, parsley, coriander, pomegranate, cranberries, beans (common recommendations, refer to the list of products recommended for your condition – can be a contradiction). Are not recommended strong diuretics, as with prolonged use they weaken the kidneys.

Because often varicose the blood is thicker than usual, incorporate blood thinning products (also pre-check with the list of products recommended for your condition – can be a contradiction). Contribute to the thinning of the blood increase intake of plain water (not suitable for edema of Kapha condition)

Products of healthy olive oil, ginger, lemon, orange, pomegranate, Fig, raspberry, strawberry, cherry, red currant, garlic, beets, artichoke, sunflower seeds. From plants, Kalanchoe, nettle (tincture inside), chestnut (tincture inside oil and massage cream, see below). Well gets the blood flowing in the veins of ginger (if there is high Pitta) with honey and Apple cider vinegar (if there are no problems with the thyroid): need 1 kg of honey to take 300 grams of grated ginger. Also it is recommended to take 1 tbsp honey and 1 tsp. of Apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water 2 times a day.

Another Ayurvedic recommendation is to drink ½ tbsp aloe Vera juice for 10 minutes before meals with a pinch of ginger powder and a pinch of cardamom seeds (or contents of 2 boxes). You can drink a long time, for 2 months, then take a 2 week break and continue, until symptoms of varicose veins. Cardamom and ginger to restore circulation, ginger helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increasing their elasticity. Aloe can help prevent possible inflammatory reactions (aloe there are contraindications)
This composition works gently but efficiently, does not overload the “chemistry” of the body that are allowed for Allergy sufferers and pregnant women (according to some Ayurvedic experts, most consider that during pregnancy from the aloe Vera is better to refrain)

Figs in any form – fresh, boiled in water or milk: varicose veins it is recommended to eat more if no comorbidities – diabetes, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and gout.

Thicken the blood: sugar, buckwheat, bananas, potatoes, white bread, alcohol, sweet food, fatty protein foods, meats, pickles, sodas, yarrow, St. John's wort.

Strengthen and tone blood vessels: horse chestnut, nutmeg (see below), ginseng (for Wool in small amounts), ginger, garlic.

From iuridicheskikh drugs – Gotu Kola/Brahmi, Gokshura, Guggul (some varieties, depending on other issues), Shilajit ready Ayurvedic medicines (given only some of the titles, without consideration of the specific situation, as there are contraindications, not all drugs are suitable under certain conditions).

Foot problems should not be viewed only as an imbalance of the Doshas, and insufficient blood circulation (bad blood flows from the legs back to the heart), the walls of the veins of the lower extremities thin and weak venous valves, are poorly developed or destroyed as a result of inflammation of the veins (this will be the next article – how to strengthen veins). One Ayurveda here can not cope. Desirable massage, which is aimed at stimulation of blood vessels and deep kneading of muscles by type of sports massage (on the Internet there are videos with excellent samemessage Qigong for varicose veins). Biking, swimming, exercise (simulating Cycling), capillary gymnastics according to the method of Mayi gogulan, exercises aimed at increasing endurance and strengthening muscles (not only of the physical and cardio exertion) is the best remedy. If everything is done correctly, the muscles are “holders” of the vascular walls.

In order for these venous valves work correctly, you can perform a very simple, but extremely effective exercise in the supine position pull the toes-to-face, and heel. All. Results – better than with the methods of pills and ointments – as this improves the natural movement of the blood flow. Can find the video "varicose veins" of the physician - rehabilitator Peter Popov. Well there shows how to perform this simple exercise.

From the Japanese system of General health – to rise on socks and fall on heels – 50. To do as often as I can. Activates the channel memory (the urge to urinate immediately). In Japan also known exercises elderly – a walk in the heels, often walking backwards with a welding heels into the ground. Backwards may not always convenient to walk. Walk normally, only much put heel. The results will be visible soon. Walk as you can on the way to work, to the store – almost not noticeable to others. 15 minutes a day is enough to the kidneys acted better. Especially noticeable improvement after performing this exercise for varicose. It is clear that when walking "heels" shoes should be appropriate.

Also, from Eastern systems of healing – a light tapping calf bamboo chopsticks (it's not common so-called "Creole body massage by thick bamboo sticks), it is a light tapping of the calf from the bottom up. Walking on stairs (multiple openings) – assists opening of the valve. Replace the Elevator for a walking. Ate work in a tall building during a break polarservice a bit. Use every opportunity to give the correct load to the valves of the outflow of blood.

Ordinary recipes from everyday life:

– always sleep with a cushion or pillow under the legs so the legs are above your head, there is an outflow of blood from the legs, giving the severity of the morning. At rest – watching TV, reading the feet, not only to put up higher and just under 90 degrees to rest on the wall.

You can use an exercise ball. When reading, watching TV to put your feet on the ball, it turns out very high, better than putting rollers.Also with this ball you can massage the calf – like "walk" lying down, slapping the calf on the surface of the sword is a very nice lesson that gives a soft massage to ictam and leads to blood outflow in the veins.

When veins excellent result gives a blurred foot of undiluted Apple cider vinegar several times a day. The result will be not immediately, but very noticeable. If there are no problems with the thyroid, it is Apple cider vinegar good to take inside. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Excellent operate tinctures of nutmeg (the nut is sold in the spice aisle of grocery stores and on the websites of the Ayurvedic companies). It is better to buy as a hammer, so as to ground the house a huge hard nuts impossible. Of nutmeg tincture made with vodka, alcohol, and oil used to lubricate the veins. The same – inside. Grated walnut insist on vodka and drink for a long time. 200 g of nuts per liter of vodka, insist 10 days. Drink 20 drops three times a day. By the way, nutmeg, and passed the night ½ minutes. warm milk is a great sleeping pill.

But the best means of folk medicine is considered horse chestnut. Chestnut (buds, fruits and leaves are weaker) to make decoctions, alcohol tinctures, oil infusions. Used inside and outside. Chestnut are sold in Department herbal health stores, but very rarely (or online shopping). The chestnut is included in all known creams and ointments from varicose veins. Ointments are major pharmaceutical companies are quite expensive and not everywhere you can buy. From home-cooked oily solutions and aqueous decoctions obtained a good cream for veins that you can always cook at home. Those who did – in awe of the cream of the buds of horse chestnut.

The technology is simple: chestnut purchased in the online store, infused oils, even from part of cooked thick inflorescences aqueous extract is added the wax and glycerin, all kept in a water bath, stirring). Recommended aspect ratio is the inflorescence of chestnut pour any vegetable oil 1:10, i.e. 1 tbsp chestnuts, 10 tablespoons of oil, to insist 12 days. Then the water bath boil for 30 minutes.Of the same inflorescence a thick infusion and used in the preparation of the cream as the water-based.This cream would be good to add vitamin K in liquid form, but it is almost impossible to buy. Can this cream add a few drops of essential oil of cypress and juniper (best). Also good are essential rosemary oil, mint (remember about the minimum dose of essential oils – everything is measured in drops). Recipes and videos for the preparation of cosmetic creams on the Internet a lot (don't ask me – I'm not an expert in cooking cream, gave only a direction how to act). The main thing – to observe the proportions of oil and water base. Well, the rest of the technology. If the condition is critical, and people really need to find and blossoms of chestnut, and cream cook

An excellent result gives a simple rubbing alcohol tincture chestnut - vein disappear in front. It is not "oil" as the application of the cream. Grind as often as possible. Store the bottle better in the bathroom next to a toothbrush (not to forget, and then you'll be at least 2 times a day will smear and massage the veins (remember – need to massage from the ankle upwards, helping the blood flow up). The proportion of prepared infusions on the eye than concentrated (within reason) the better. Infuse for 2-4 weeks. Oil chestnut is good to take a foot bath: in 2 litres of warm water (40°C) is mixed with 40 gr. chestnut oil. After the bath the feet warm woolen cloth for 1 hour. Also good compresses. In 1 liter of warm water (40°C) dissolve 30 gr. chestnut oil. Wet gauze in this composition and to wrap the feet for 1 hour or even overnight.

Compress with tea tree oil to 1 liter of water 5 drops of tea tree oil. Heat the poultice (medicated bandage), both cold and hot, is made of several layers of gauze and a layer of wool laid between them. The legs should be raised up, shins to be at least 30-40 cm above the pelvis, and compress with a bandage tightly wrapped around the legs. Duration of procedure of 30 minutes, repeat 2 times a day.

With varicose veins also good honey-salt application. Mix 1 tbsp coarse salt 200 g of honey. Apply the mixture on the skin in a thin layer in places veins of patients. Cover with parchment paper (not recommended to use cellophane tape), wrap the bandage. Keep the compress for 2 days, then take a break for 1 day. The course of treatment – 10 procedures. To take a break. Repeat if necessary.


Self-massage for varicose veins (cream chestnut)

Lie down, placing the feet above the head. Stagnant blood from the vein will flow, and the massage will be more effective. Soft covering movements of the palms with closed fingers stroking the leg from the ankles to the knees – 8-10 times. The following technique – rubbing. In a circular motion on the grounds the palm of your hand RUB your Shin. Walk a good 8-10 times in the Shin from the bottom up. Now again Pat the calf, but stronger – as if you squeezed the excess blood out of the veins. Place the palm so that the thumb was on one side of the shank, and the other four on the other. Remember, knead the dough? Exactly the same movements carefully knead the calf muscles from the bottom up 3-4 times. In conclusion, I will perform the stroking of the legs.

Also great self-massage and Qigong exercises (on the Internet a lot of videos on the subject).

Looks very well helps blood circulation the application of copper. In "grandma's" recipes advise taking the coin of a certain year. To find them unreal. Find just a copper plate, and then successfully put it under foot – it is also not an easy task. What can be done to make flexible fixture wire. Copper wire of different diameters sold in household stores. From this wire you can cheat (a snail, from middle) plate, similar to the insole, or wrap the finished insole. It is clear that a skunk will not go away, so use of these insoles in your home, you can invest in a sock for the night.

You need to remember that Ayurveda works well to prevent problems. And when the problem has already manifested (e.g. in the form of varicose), then in such cases faster and official medicine, with its medications (such as different gels for veins). Ie you quickly remove the symptoms, you can these drugs, and then to choose a diet and medications appropriate for your condition.

You need to understand that a one-time cure should not wait. Almost all the time need to maintain the tone of the vessels of the legs. It is like brushing your teeth in the morning. Similarly, daily lubrication of the veins to the means described above, periodic, wraps and compresses. And with the beautiful legs you will live a lifetime!

One of the main reasons varicose veins psychosomatic. Usually the legs – an indicator of the internal state of confidence. Not only in myself, and in any field – people like unsteadily on his feet in this area (mentally). The problem of suppression of the individual can go from childhood from authoritarian parents. Also psychosomatic cause may be the dominant partner in the family, at least in the professional sphere. Presses the sense, that nothing can be done and got out of Vienna to protest, the problem of "climb" out.

Have confident people varicose veins do not happen. Just look at the successful managers – they always have smooth legs (they are confident). Met life was insecure man beleaguered loved ones. Health problems (varicose veins – mandatory list). And suddenly – very well went business, or a successful marriage is a very insecure women. It takes a short time and varicose veins there. As if a person says "I felt more confident standing on his feet. The problem of me not climb.” No Ayurveda or traditional medicine is unable to cure psychosomatic illness. Once the problem is removed from the human brain, the disease disappears from the physical plane.

You NEED to REMEMBER that varicose veins can not be cured once and for all. But it is possible to maintain the vein in a very good condition. However, it is almost to the end of life – exercise, rubbing. As the morning toilet. Took a shower, rubbed the veins. To evening. In the evening, too. So rubbing all sorts should be stored next to toiletries. Bottles with infusion – in a visible place in the kitchen (otherwise you'll forget).

Source: aayurveda.ca/illness/varicosity/#more-4898