Effective treatment of varicose veins folk remedies
Effective treatment of varicose veins is garlic butter.Take a white garlic and mash it. Garlic is required with a white husk, not with a bluish! After you mix it with two parts butter. This solution is applied to the exposed veins at night, put on top of parchment paper, secured with a bandage or a warm scarf. In the morning, washing your feet, you should wear something warm.
Recall that one of the keys to successful treatment is the diet for varicose veins.
Treatment of varicose veins green tomatoesRecipe is as follows. You just need to tie the sick veins slices of tomatoes, green better.
With the onset of the hot season, veins in the feet usually begin to hurt even more and swell more. At this time, just to do it and necessary. in the evening before bedtime to tie tomatoes, and in the morning remove also recommended about a year. The bumps will be much smaller and softer after a year and all will be.
Recipe from the healerSour milk be mixed with a pounded herb wormwood, the resulting mush to put a layer on a bandage and wrap her legs. All of the above need to eat mashed apples, which is prepared as follows. Three Apple varieties Antonovka must pour 1 liter of boiling water, wait 180 minutes, remove the apples and turn to mush. Porridge should eat two tablespoons morning and evening. After a week you sleep.
Treatment sleduushii, once a month is necessary to five days to make lotions from wormwood and eat apples, then break for five days and repeated again.
Treatment of varicose veins nettle, Though the treatment is very long, but very safe and effective. Need to do the following within six months: 2 tablespoons herb pour a glass of boiling water, hour insist, strain and drink a quarter Cup three times a day. Four weeks should take a break for two weeks and then repeat the course of treatment. To all that is said, should adhere to a certain diet, namely: to exclude fatty meats and smoked fish (boiled fish, in contrast, are useful!). And you will even be able to walk after this treatment.
Hop in feet
Hops is a very good medicine and it is useful in very many diseases, but most of all they are able to exactly treat the varicose veins.
You should do the following: dry hop cones pour 1 Cup boiling water and wait a quarter of an hour. The infusion is taken internally before meals for half an hour in the glass. Let's just say that went even faster, you need this broth to moisten a bandage or gauze and apply it to the feet.
The result, believe me, will not make you wait.
Treatment of varicose veins nutmeg nutsTo treat varicose veins at home grind a few nutmegs in a coffee grinder. One teaspoon of the resulting powder pour a glass of boiling water. After put 1 teaspoon of honey, mix thoroughly and leave for half an hour.
This infusion should drink one hour before Breakfast and another glass after 2 hours. When varicose veins useful just have pine nuts, and on top of the skin rubbed with cedar oil.
Attention! Nutmeg is poisonous! Eating more than 50-100 grams at a time, can lead to death! Recommended dosage of 3-5 grams or 1-1.5 teaspoons.
Treatment of varicose veins Kalanchoe
Very good treatment of varicose veins is a houseplant is Kalanchoe pinnate. You will need half a liter of leaves of Kalanchoe. Put the washed leaves in a quart jar (you should get exactly half) and the top pour 70% alcohol. Means insist in a dark place for 10-14 days. Preferably daily shake the jar.
Every night before sleeping lubricates legs and feet the resulting infusion. After the first application the pain will go away. If you have an advanced case, to cure varicose veins you will need 4 months time.
Treatment of varicose veins exercises MikulinQuite an effective exercise for cleaning vessels, are exercises Mikulin. You need to get up on his toes, raising the heels a couple of inches from the floor, and after sharply to land on the heel.
Repeat 30-50 times after rest for 10 seconds. The exercise is not done quickly, quietly. It is advisable to repeat this exercise for 3-5 times a day. It is not necessary to do more than 60 strokes.
Treatment of varicose veins applesFor the treatment of folk remedies of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis will help infusion Antonov apples. Apples purify the blood, improve sleep and appetite. In boiling a liter of water throw 3 apples, on top, close the lid and place in a warm place for 4 hours. After that, without taking the apples out of the water, smash them, mix and strain.
The resulting tincture should be taken, adding a spoonful of honey, polruki, that is 50 grams. Drinking: in the morning, before eating, and at night before bedtime.
Mashed potato will ease the painyou Must clear 5 potatoes, grate and puree it to RUB and spread his legs. After 4 hours the pain will pass, and then the puree can be washed off with warm water.
And, by the way, helps another means – ointment from dandelion root. For its preparation dig the roots, wash, dry, chop, cover with water and cook until puree. Add the pork fat – so that was very thick. To store the tool you need in the fridge, and to be treated – putting the veins.
Tincture of horse chestnut
It will take only three courses of treatment and you will notice on your feet improving.
The flowers of horse chestnut (50 grams) required to pour a pint of alcohol and then keep it for 14 days, each day shaking the bottle. Pass the infusion through the mesh and eat a spoonful with water three times a day before meals. As only this treatment by a week – take a break for two weeks. Then treatment can begin anew.
Treatment of varicose veins woodlice aMethod of treatment of varicose veins of the woodlouse is not fast, but the result will certainly be. Summer in the gardens you can find the grass woodlice. Narva itself as much as possible with the stock.
Apply it to the sore spot, above apply burdock leaf, psyllium or repulsed cabbage leaf. Should wrap it all with a bandage. This compress must be kept half an hour. The day you should perform at least four of these compresses. In winter, apply steamed the wood louse.
Treatment of varicose veins of the forest'orHami and Arnica In a pint of boiling water take one tablespoon of Arnica Montana and the bark of the hazel forest. Let the composition cook for eight hours. Medication to use need before meals 1/3 Cup. At night I advise you to do the following: 2 cotton towels soak up the whey from the yogurt, after which towel wrap on feet, and on top wrap a rubber stamp. And so you sleep all night and in the morning you need to wash your feet in the tub. You will soon feel that you are becoming easier.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ayzdorov.ru/lechenie_varikoz_narsredstva.php
Recall that one of the keys to successful treatment is the diet for varicose veins.

Treatment of varicose veins green tomatoesRecipe is as follows. You just need to tie the sick veins slices of tomatoes, green better.
With the onset of the hot season, veins in the feet usually begin to hurt even more and swell more. At this time, just to do it and necessary. in the evening before bedtime to tie tomatoes, and in the morning remove also recommended about a year. The bumps will be much smaller and softer after a year and all will be.
Recipe from the healerSour milk be mixed with a pounded herb wormwood, the resulting mush to put a layer on a bandage and wrap her legs. All of the above need to eat mashed apples, which is prepared as follows. Three Apple varieties Antonovka must pour 1 liter of boiling water, wait 180 minutes, remove the apples and turn to mush. Porridge should eat two tablespoons morning and evening. After a week you sleep.
Treatment sleduushii, once a month is necessary to five days to make lotions from wormwood and eat apples, then break for five days and repeated again.
Treatment of varicose veins nettle, Though the treatment is very long, but very safe and effective. Need to do the following within six months: 2 tablespoons herb pour a glass of boiling water, hour insist, strain and drink a quarter Cup three times a day. Four weeks should take a break for two weeks and then repeat the course of treatment. To all that is said, should adhere to a certain diet, namely: to exclude fatty meats and smoked fish (boiled fish, in contrast, are useful!). And you will even be able to walk after this treatment.
Hop in feet
Hops is a very good medicine and it is useful in very many diseases, but most of all they are able to exactly treat the varicose veins.
You should do the following: dry hop cones pour 1 Cup boiling water and wait a quarter of an hour. The infusion is taken internally before meals for half an hour in the glass. Let's just say that went even faster, you need this broth to moisten a bandage or gauze and apply it to the feet.
The result, believe me, will not make you wait.

Treatment of varicose veins nutmeg nutsTo treat varicose veins at home grind a few nutmegs in a coffee grinder. One teaspoon of the resulting powder pour a glass of boiling water. After put 1 teaspoon of honey, mix thoroughly and leave for half an hour.
This infusion should drink one hour before Breakfast and another glass after 2 hours. When varicose veins useful just have pine nuts, and on top of the skin rubbed with cedar oil.
Attention! Nutmeg is poisonous! Eating more than 50-100 grams at a time, can lead to death! Recommended dosage of 3-5 grams or 1-1.5 teaspoons.
Treatment of varicose veins Kalanchoe
Very good treatment of varicose veins is a houseplant is Kalanchoe pinnate. You will need half a liter of leaves of Kalanchoe. Put the washed leaves in a quart jar (you should get exactly half) and the top pour 70% alcohol. Means insist in a dark place for 10-14 days. Preferably daily shake the jar.
Every night before sleeping lubricates legs and feet the resulting infusion. After the first application the pain will go away. If you have an advanced case, to cure varicose veins you will need 4 months time.
Treatment of varicose veins exercises MikulinQuite an effective exercise for cleaning vessels, are exercises Mikulin. You need to get up on his toes, raising the heels a couple of inches from the floor, and after sharply to land on the heel.
Repeat 30-50 times after rest for 10 seconds. The exercise is not done quickly, quietly. It is advisable to repeat this exercise for 3-5 times a day. It is not necessary to do more than 60 strokes.
Treatment of varicose veins applesFor the treatment of folk remedies of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis will help infusion Antonov apples. Apples purify the blood, improve sleep and appetite. In boiling a liter of water throw 3 apples, on top, close the lid and place in a warm place for 4 hours. After that, without taking the apples out of the water, smash them, mix and strain.
The resulting tincture should be taken, adding a spoonful of honey, polruki, that is 50 grams. Drinking: in the morning, before eating, and at night before bedtime.
Mashed potato will ease the painyou Must clear 5 potatoes, grate and puree it to RUB and spread his legs. After 4 hours the pain will pass, and then the puree can be washed off with warm water.
And, by the way, helps another means – ointment from dandelion root. For its preparation dig the roots, wash, dry, chop, cover with water and cook until puree. Add the pork fat – so that was very thick. To store the tool you need in the fridge, and to be treated – putting the veins.
Tincture of horse chestnut
It will take only three courses of treatment and you will notice on your feet improving.
The flowers of horse chestnut (50 grams) required to pour a pint of alcohol and then keep it for 14 days, each day shaking the bottle. Pass the infusion through the mesh and eat a spoonful with water three times a day before meals. As only this treatment by a week – take a break for two weeks. Then treatment can begin anew.
Treatment of varicose veins woodlice aMethod of treatment of varicose veins of the woodlouse is not fast, but the result will certainly be. Summer in the gardens you can find the grass woodlice. Narva itself as much as possible with the stock.
Apply it to the sore spot, above apply burdock leaf, psyllium or repulsed cabbage leaf. Should wrap it all with a bandage. This compress must be kept half an hour. The day you should perform at least four of these compresses. In winter, apply steamed the wood louse.
Treatment of varicose veins of the forest'orHami and Arnica In a pint of boiling water take one tablespoon of Arnica Montana and the bark of the hazel forest. Let the composition cook for eight hours. Medication to use need before meals 1/3 Cup. At night I advise you to do the following: 2 cotton towels soak up the whey from the yogurt, after which towel wrap on feet, and on top wrap a rubber stamp. And so you sleep all night and in the morning you need to wash your feet in the tub. You will soon feel that you are becoming easier.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ayzdorov.ru/lechenie_varikoz_narsredstva.php
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