Effective methods of combating parasites in the human body by natural means
How to get rid of parasites What is a parasite? Are animals, plants or microorganisms which live at the expense of its owner. They feed on cells or tissues using the vitamins and nutrients that were supposed to go to building the body cells of the host. Parasites poison the human body with substances that emit in the course of their life.
Ninety three million two hundred twenty four thousand eight hundred sixty three
In medicine human parasites called only multicellular organisms and protozoa, and viruses and bacteria are pathogens. Consider what are parasites in humans, symptoms of their presence and treatment of folk remedies.
Types of parasites in the human body and where they live
In the body or on its surface in humans can occur as protozoa, and multicellular parasites. If the parasite lives on the skin, it is called ectoparasite, to this species include lice, bedbugs, the causative agent of scabies. Endoparasites — it is a protozoa (Giardia, amoebas), helminths (worms, worms) or insect larvae that can live in organs and tissues.
Each parasite develops in a specific part of the human body, where the conditions for its vital activity most suitable. Some parasites, depending on the stage of development migrate (move) through the body from one organ to another. Ectoparasites live on the skin, and endogenous can be detected in gut, muscle, blood, heart, lungs, liver, and even in nerve tissue.
Fifty seven million six hundred sixty two thousand nineteen
People can be infected with parasites in different ways. This is due to the development cycle of a particular species of parasite. So, there are several ways of penetration of the parasite into the host organism. Through contaminated food and water. In some cases it gets contaminated during storage, preparation, this is also facilitated by flies, cockroaches. But sometimes, food can be infected initially, for example, when used for cooking thermally poorly processed fish, meat of infected animals.
Contact-household way, it is when the parasites are transmitted from one person to another, using household items or Pets.
Vector-borne way, when the parasites are carried by blood-sucking insects.
Some larvae of the parasite, once on human skin, able to gnaw through it and enter the body. For example, the larva of the human skin, causing dermatobia.
Symptoms of infection of human body parasitesSymptoms that occur when infected, can be varied, they are often associated with the habitat of the parasite. So, the ectoparasites cause damage to the skin. If the parasite lives in the lungs, the patient may cough and shortness of breath. Upon detection of parasites in the intestine are disorders associated with digestion, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, and many others.
The overall effect of parasites on the body is manifested by weakness, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, which indicates intoxication. Often allergic reaction leading to dermatitis, skin rashes and even asthma.
Parasites in the gut used for their growth and development nutrients from food. Because of this, the human body begins to experience shortages. This is especially dangerous for children, as they have slowed growth, impaired physical and mental development.
Parasites adapt well, able to live in one body, and their eggs and larvae have considerable resistance to the environment. In the digestive system to protect parasites can allocate the special substances that inactivate enzymes, break the process of digestion. Therefore, in a patient with parasites in the intestine, the symptoms often resemble diseases of the digestive system.
How dangerous worms Worms is worms, they can be small or reach a length of 7-10 meters. Sometimes the development cycle of the worms is such that a person infected by them again. The first part of the cycle takes place in the intestine, and when re-infected by the eggs penetrate into the muscles, lungs, liver, kidneys.
The most common human helminth parasites in the intestine, gall bladder, bile ducts and liver, and causing:
There are several ways to treat parasites in the human body folk remedies. Ones use against specific parasites, and others help to get rid of a whole group of parasitic infections, and some help cleanse the organs and systems. Consider in detail how to get rid of specific parasites in the body folk remedies.
How to get rid of protozoa, protozoan parasitesMost of the protozoan parasites encountered:
Cleansing with cranberry juice. Doing enema — 2 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of cranberry juice and a tablespoon of salt twice a day. Helps with protozoan parasites and helminths.
Cleansing enemas with garlic. For this 6-7 cloves of garlic boiled in milk and this solution is used for cleansing enemas.
Treatment of giardiasisFor the prevention and treatment of giardiasis hepatic, use sauerkraut juice (you can drink half a glass before a meal), strawberries, take a teaspoon a day fennel seeds and cumin.
From giardiasis also has recipes of decoctions, fees.
The collection of medicinal herbs. Mix 4 parts of birch buds, 4 parts tansy, 2 parts yarrow, horsetail, 1 part of celandine. Brew a tablespoon in a Cup of boiling water. You should drink 1 Cup 2 times before food for 10 days.
Tincture of flowers of lilac. Dried flowers pour alcohol, leave for 10 days, drink a teaspoon before each meal. Pumpkin seeds. They need to be crushed E300 grams, add a little water and honey 100 gr, eat immediately and to take a laxative. Treatment ascariasisBrandy and castor oil. Adults can use this recipe. Drink high-quality cognac 50 grams, drink a sweet fruit juice and 15 minutes to drink 50 grams of castor oil. This should be done 2-3 days. Infusion of dried mushroom. You can use chanterelle, white mushroom. They need to grind and pour vodka on the day. Drinking a teaspoon at night. The infusion of onions. Onion chop and pour boiling water, leave for 12 hours. Take half a Cup a day, 3-4 days. Tincture of horseradish and garlic. Helps with tape worms and Ascaris. In equal amounts, take horseradish and garlic, pour the alcohol for 10 days. Drink a tablespoon a day. A decoction of the leaves of the Hauran against Ascaris and dwarf tapeworm. Half a teaspoon of herbs pour hot water, keep on low heat for 30 minutes. Drink a teaspoon every 20 minutes. The bark of pomegranate. Helps against tapeworms. It should be brewed with boiling water and drink 1 teaspoon before meals. Coriander seeds need to fry and grind. Make the powder for 5 days 1 gram. How to get rid of ectoparasitesOf ectoparasites are more common:
For scabies, use a mixture of fat, soap and sulphur. You can also lubricate the skin with black powder, with sour cream, or a mixture of garlic, onion and soap.
The total purification of the body from parasites folk methodsHow to get rid of parasites in the human body folk remedies? There are three plants that can purify the body and eliminate as protozoan parasites and helminths is peel green walnut, wormwood and cloves.
Cleansing parasites from the skin of walnuts. Take 15 nut, remove the green peel pour the vodka 500 grams and to postpone for a month. Take 1 drop in half a glass of water every day, increasing the dose a drop for 5 days, then increase dose to 2 teaspoons twice a day and then 2 teaspoons a day throughout the year. Cleansing wormwood. Dry seeds grind. To start taking with a pinch of powder a day, gradually increasing the dose to half a teaspoon to 15 day. Then a week, take half a teaspoon a day, can be divided into several stages, and continue to use the same dose of 1 times a week. Cleanse cloves. The seeds grind into powder. Make the necessary starting powder with 1.5 teaspoons of reducing the dose to one spoon for 10 days. In the absence of these components for the purging of parasites can be carried out with dried air, seeds of tansy and marigold. Cleansing the body from parasites folk remedies must be parallel with the cleansing of the intestine and liver.
How to clean the intestinesColon cleansing of parasites is no less important. This can help in simple methods.
Sour-milk diet. Within 2 days you can drink kefir and to eat crackers made of black bread. Fruit cleansing. Apricots, figs, prunes and raisins in equal proportions, grind in a meat grinder and mix with honey (200 g). The mixture is take a tablespoon at night. The cleansing brine of sauerkraut. Within two weeks, to drink the brine half a Cup before meals. Aloe Vera with lemon. Mix 1 tablespoon aloe and olive oil with juice of one lemon, taken on an empty stomach. Liver cleansingIn the liver and bile ducts of the human body is inhabited by many species of parasites. To expel them from there is difficult because the drugs are often toxic to the liver. Therefore, the use of folk remedies cleaning is especially important.
The collection of medicinal herbs. Brewing a mixture of equal parts oak bark, chamomile, tansy and buckthorn. Take 100 ml on an empty stomach for 5 days. Then clean the liver 1 time a week. Beet drink. Finely chop three of the beets, add the flour 2 tablespoons, half a kilo of sugar, the mixture for two days to keep in a dark place, sometimes shake. Then pour 1 liter of water, a pound of raisins and pounds of sugar. Stir and drain. Drink a tablespoon before meals, course you can re-spend in 3 months. Tyubazh with lemon juice and olive oil. 40 ml lemon juice and oil take a SIP of alternating during the procedure of tyubazh. Needle pine. Boil 25 grams of needles of pine with 500 ml of water on low heat for 10 minutes. Drink a SIP a few times a day. Cleansing fresh vegetable and fruit juices. It is helpful to drink juices of carrot, cucumber, beet parsley, or a mixture every day on an empty stomach. The juice of one lemon with half a glass of water and drink 2 times daily for 15 days. And Apple juice take 1 glass before meals within a week, then 3 days of required fasting, or diet. You can only drink fresh Apple juice several times a day. Importantly!
Frequent abdominal pain, bloating, nausea? This is a clear signs of the presence of PARASITES in the body! To get rid of them with proven tools! Write down the recipe!
Treatment of parasites in the human body, even folk remedies, you need to be under the supervision of a physician. Many of the recipes can have adverse effects, especially if the person suffers from chronic diseases. So consult with your doctor before starting the cleansing.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©
Source: //otravleniya.net/ochishhenie-organizma/narodnye-sredstva-ot-parazitov-v-organizme-cheloveka.html
Ninety three million two hundred twenty four thousand eight hundred sixty three
In medicine human parasites called only multicellular organisms and protozoa, and viruses and bacteria are pathogens. Consider what are parasites in humans, symptoms of their presence and treatment of folk remedies.
Types of parasites in the human body and where they live
In the body or on its surface in humans can occur as protozoa, and multicellular parasites. If the parasite lives on the skin, it is called ectoparasite, to this species include lice, bedbugs, the causative agent of scabies. Endoparasites — it is a protozoa (Giardia, amoebas), helminths (worms, worms) or insect larvae that can live in organs and tissues.
Each parasite develops in a specific part of the human body, where the conditions for its vital activity most suitable. Some parasites, depending on the stage of development migrate (move) through the body from one organ to another. Ectoparasites live on the skin, and endogenous can be detected in gut, muscle, blood, heart, lungs, liver, and even in nerve tissue.
Fifty seven million six hundred sixty two thousand nineteen
People can be infected with parasites in different ways. This is due to the development cycle of a particular species of parasite. So, there are several ways of penetration of the parasite into the host organism. Through contaminated food and water. In some cases it gets contaminated during storage, preparation, this is also facilitated by flies, cockroaches. But sometimes, food can be infected initially, for example, when used for cooking thermally poorly processed fish, meat of infected animals.
Contact-household way, it is when the parasites are transmitted from one person to another, using household items or Pets.
Vector-borne way, when the parasites are carried by blood-sucking insects.
Some larvae of the parasite, once on human skin, able to gnaw through it and enter the body. For example, the larva of the human skin, causing dermatobia.
Symptoms of infection of human body parasitesSymptoms that occur when infected, can be varied, they are often associated with the habitat of the parasite. So, the ectoparasites cause damage to the skin. If the parasite lives in the lungs, the patient may cough and shortness of breath. Upon detection of parasites in the intestine are disorders associated with digestion, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, and many others.
The overall effect of parasites on the body is manifested by weakness, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, which indicates intoxication. Often allergic reaction leading to dermatitis, skin rashes and even asthma.
Parasites in the gut used for their growth and development nutrients from food. Because of this, the human body begins to experience shortages. This is especially dangerous for children, as they have slowed growth, impaired physical and mental development.
Parasites adapt well, able to live in one body, and their eggs and larvae have considerable resistance to the environment. In the digestive system to protect parasites can allocate the special substances that inactivate enzymes, break the process of digestion. Therefore, in a patient with parasites in the intestine, the symptoms often resemble diseases of the digestive system.
How dangerous worms Worms is worms, they can be small or reach a length of 7-10 meters. Sometimes the development cycle of the worms is such that a person infected by them again. The first part of the cycle takes place in the intestine, and when re-infected by the eggs penetrate into the muscles, lungs, liver, kidneys.
The most common human helminth parasites in the intestine, gall bladder, bile ducts and liver, and causing:
- ascariasis, the larvae migrate through the liver to the lungs and again enter the intestine, where the adult develops;
- opisthorchiasis, often affects the liver, can lead to cancer or cirrhosis;
- cestodes — infection of tapeworms, which takes place through the use of poorly thermally processed meat, fish;
- tapeworms are long-lived and reach enormous proportions. Very dangerous pork tapeworm, the eggs of which penetrate blood vessels and migrate to the muscles and brain;
- schistosomiasis, its cause parasites, flukes, flatworms;
- toxocariasis is detected with difficulty, can damage the eyes and nervous tissue often cause an allergic reaction;
- echinococcosis — Echinococcus parasite in the liver, lungs.
There are several ways to treat parasites in the human body folk remedies. Ones use against specific parasites, and others help to get rid of a whole group of parasitic infections, and some help cleanse the organs and systems. Consider in detail how to get rid of specific parasites in the body folk remedies.
How to get rid of protozoa, protozoan parasitesMost of the protozoan parasites encountered:
- ascaride
- parasitic in the intestine amoeba, Giardia, blastocysts, balantidium, Leishmania and other;
- in the blood revealed Trypanosoma, the causative agents of malaria, Babesia;
- in the urogenital system — Trichomonas infection is sexually transmitted;
- in the heart, liver, brain and eyes — Toxoplasma (contamination often occurs from cats, affect the nervous tissue and cause early miscarriages), trypanosomiasis, Naegleria Fowler, acanthameba.
Cleansing with cranberry juice. Doing enema — 2 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of cranberry juice and a tablespoon of salt twice a day. Helps with protozoan parasites and helminths.
Cleansing enemas with garlic. For this 6-7 cloves of garlic boiled in milk and this solution is used for cleansing enemas.
Treatment of giardiasisFor the prevention and treatment of giardiasis hepatic, use sauerkraut juice (you can drink half a glass before a meal), strawberries, take a teaspoon a day fennel seeds and cumin.
From giardiasis also has recipes of decoctions, fees.
The collection of medicinal herbs. Mix 4 parts of birch buds, 4 parts tansy, 2 parts yarrow, horsetail, 1 part of celandine. Brew a tablespoon in a Cup of boiling water. You should drink 1 Cup 2 times before food for 10 days.
Tincture of flowers of lilac. Dried flowers pour alcohol, leave for 10 days, drink a teaspoon before each meal. Pumpkin seeds. They need to be crushed E300 grams, add a little water and honey 100 gr, eat immediately and to take a laxative. Treatment ascariasisBrandy and castor oil. Adults can use this recipe. Drink high-quality cognac 50 grams, drink a sweet fruit juice and 15 minutes to drink 50 grams of castor oil. This should be done 2-3 days. Infusion of dried mushroom. You can use chanterelle, white mushroom. They need to grind and pour vodka on the day. Drinking a teaspoon at night. The infusion of onions. Onion chop and pour boiling water, leave for 12 hours. Take half a Cup a day, 3-4 days. Tincture of horseradish and garlic. Helps with tape worms and Ascaris. In equal amounts, take horseradish and garlic, pour the alcohol for 10 days. Drink a tablespoon a day. A decoction of the leaves of the Hauran against Ascaris and dwarf tapeworm. Half a teaspoon of herbs pour hot water, keep on low heat for 30 minutes. Drink a teaspoon every 20 minutes. The bark of pomegranate. Helps against tapeworms. It should be brewed with boiling water and drink 1 teaspoon before meals. Coriander seeds need to fry and grind. Make the powder for 5 days 1 gram. How to get rid of ectoparasitesOf ectoparasites are more common:
- lice (head, pubic, wardrobe);
- bed bug;
- itch Sudan;
- Demodex (live in eyebrows and eyelashes).
For scabies, use a mixture of fat, soap and sulphur. You can also lubricate the skin with black powder, with sour cream, or a mixture of garlic, onion and soap.
The total purification of the body from parasites folk methodsHow to get rid of parasites in the human body folk remedies? There are three plants that can purify the body and eliminate as protozoan parasites and helminths is peel green walnut, wormwood and cloves.
Cleansing parasites from the skin of walnuts. Take 15 nut, remove the green peel pour the vodka 500 grams and to postpone for a month. Take 1 drop in half a glass of water every day, increasing the dose a drop for 5 days, then increase dose to 2 teaspoons twice a day and then 2 teaspoons a day throughout the year. Cleansing wormwood. Dry seeds grind. To start taking with a pinch of powder a day, gradually increasing the dose to half a teaspoon to 15 day. Then a week, take half a teaspoon a day, can be divided into several stages, and continue to use the same dose of 1 times a week. Cleanse cloves. The seeds grind into powder. Make the necessary starting powder with 1.5 teaspoons of reducing the dose to one spoon for 10 days. In the absence of these components for the purging of parasites can be carried out with dried air, seeds of tansy and marigold. Cleansing the body from parasites folk remedies must be parallel with the cleansing of the intestine and liver.
How to clean the intestinesColon cleansing of parasites is no less important. This can help in simple methods.
Sour-milk diet. Within 2 days you can drink kefir and to eat crackers made of black bread. Fruit cleansing. Apricots, figs, prunes and raisins in equal proportions, grind in a meat grinder and mix with honey (200 g). The mixture is take a tablespoon at night. The cleansing brine of sauerkraut. Within two weeks, to drink the brine half a Cup before meals. Aloe Vera with lemon. Mix 1 tablespoon aloe and olive oil with juice of one lemon, taken on an empty stomach. Liver cleansingIn the liver and bile ducts of the human body is inhabited by many species of parasites. To expel them from there is difficult because the drugs are often toxic to the liver. Therefore, the use of folk remedies cleaning is especially important.
The collection of medicinal herbs. Brewing a mixture of equal parts oak bark, chamomile, tansy and buckthorn. Take 100 ml on an empty stomach for 5 days. Then clean the liver 1 time a week. Beet drink. Finely chop three of the beets, add the flour 2 tablespoons, half a kilo of sugar, the mixture for two days to keep in a dark place, sometimes shake. Then pour 1 liter of water, a pound of raisins and pounds of sugar. Stir and drain. Drink a tablespoon before meals, course you can re-spend in 3 months. Tyubazh with lemon juice and olive oil. 40 ml lemon juice and oil take a SIP of alternating during the procedure of tyubazh. Needle pine. Boil 25 grams of needles of pine with 500 ml of water on low heat for 10 minutes. Drink a SIP a few times a day. Cleansing fresh vegetable and fruit juices. It is helpful to drink juices of carrot, cucumber, beet parsley, or a mixture every day on an empty stomach. The juice of one lemon with half a glass of water and drink 2 times daily for 15 days. And Apple juice take 1 glass before meals within a week, then 3 days of required fasting, or diet. You can only drink fresh Apple juice several times a day. Importantly!
Frequent abdominal pain, bloating, nausea? This is a clear signs of the presence of PARASITES in the body! To get rid of them with proven tools! Write down the recipe!
Treatment of parasites in the human body, even folk remedies, you need to be under the supervision of a physician. Many of the recipes can have adverse effects, especially if the person suffers from chronic diseases. So consult with your doctor before starting the cleansing.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©
Source: //otravleniya.net/ochishhenie-organizma/narodnye-sredstva-ot-parazitov-v-organizme-cheloveka.html