Ayurvedic remedies for getting rid of parasites

The question is relevant not only for mothers concerned that the child pulls unwashed hands into the mouth. According to WHO (The World Health Organization), about 1.5 billion people are infected with some type of parasite. There are about 3,000 species. Parasites of all kinds are brought from travel to overseas countries, especially in the tropics. In normal life, with hygiene, they are, of course, more difficult to pick up. But it still happens.
In Ayurveda, it is believed that parasites most often occur in people with reduced agni (fire of digestion), with impaired digestion, and most often they affect vata and kapha, since their agni is low. Pitta often burns parasites before they take root in the body.
Parasites (some species) are almost all, but they are activated under certain circumstances and begin to “work” – weaken the immune system, absorb nutrients that should be fed to the body, create an environment favorable for the growth of bacteria and fungi.
Symptoms of the presence of parasites in the body: gas formation, fermentation, nausea, fatigue, loss of appetite, intestinal pain, spasms, digestive disorder (constipation, diarrhea, abnormal bowel movements), fever, pain in the liver and kidneys, a feeling of heaviness.
Parasites are divided into groups by which they are distributed in the body - in the blood, intestines, liver, pancreas, kidneys and brain. Many parasites migrate from one part to another, changing symptoms, so diagnosis is often difficult.
The main task in the presence of parasites is to normalize digestion, raise agni and expel them.
They fight parasites in different ways. Consider the Ayurvedic remedies.
One of the strongest is asafethida. It destroys worms, especially round and pinworms, and also expels tapeworms from the gastrointestinal tract.
How do you give it to children? She has a strong smell. Will the child take it?
Try it. Add to cooked dishes, any except dessert. It can be added to snacks, soups, vegetable dishes and side dishes, salads, in general, wherever you would add onions or garlic (on non-Satvic properties will not reason, in sattva with worms is not possible, first excrete them, then bring yourself to a sattvic state). A pinch of asafetids is placed in a hot dish one to two seconds before finishing cooking.

Mashed potatoes with the addition of a roasted mixture of asafethida, cumin seeds, red pepper (chilli) and turmerica is one of the simplest and surprisingly delicious dishes.
If the child will use imperceptibly added asafethida, then over time the condition will improve. If you manage to persuade him to drink in its pure form, then to fight worms, it is recommended to dissolve a pinch of asafetida powder in warm water and give the child a drink. Depending on the age and composition of the purchased powder, the reaction will be different. Therefore, try first yourself, and then give the child 1/3 or 1⁄2 of this dose. This drink is enough to give the child 1 time in 2 weeks. Gradually the worms will come out.
With a solution of asafethida with worms, it is good to do enemas. Take the same solution as for drinking.
Some doctors claim that raw asafetida can cause nausea and vomiting in children and recommend roasting it a little in ghee, rolling small peas from this mixture. A child needs 1 small pea 1 time every few days, with some food or drink.
Recommendations for the average person without any problems: adults should use no more than 1⁄4 tsp of powder and 1⁄8 tsp of pure tar per day until symptoms disappear. For children, this should be reduced by 4-2 times, depending on age. From the age of 14, children are already given an adult dose of any Ayurvedic drugs. Overdose of asafetida can lead to stomach pain, nausea, headache and dizziness. Care should be taken with asafetida in high fever, fever, high acidity, pregnancy, hives and rashes.
After the worms disappear, you can simply limit yourself to adding asafethida to cooked dishes, and sometimes give this for prevention.
Ayurvedic anthelmitic preparations often contain salts of heavy metals, they are recommended to be used under the guidance of a doctor. An example of such a drug - Krimikuthar ras - contains camphor leaves, ajwan, pepper, hemp extract, brahmi, sulfur salts and mercury.
Simple mixtures of readily available Ayurvedic spices and preparations:
triphala, niim (leaf powder), dry ginger, black pepper, pippali (long Indian pepper, if absent, replaced by cayenne). The proportions are approximate, triphalas and niima equally, the rest is smaller.
Another mix widely used by housewives in India in everyday life to fight parasites:
Equally, asafetida (a little fried), ginger, pippali (long Indian pepper, can be replaced by cayenne), black pepper, ajwan, zira (kumin), stone salt, mixed with ghee. Take a little before breakfast. From this mixture of powder and lemon juice, you can make a paste and make tablets from it. This mixture is also good for flaccid liver.
From simple, affordable Ayurvedic remedies:
Neem, the strongest antibacterial, antiparasitic plant.
Air (calumus) is one of the strongest anti-helmitic drugs (by the way, banned in some countries).
ajwan, slightly salted, taken on an empty stomach for a week.
- a drink made of coriander and cumin (take 1 tsp of seeds and boil in 1 cup of water).
- Onion water on an empty stomach. In the evening, cut the onion, pour water, in the morning squeeze everything and drink. Within a few days, the worms disappear.
- raw garlic - several cloves in the morning on an empty stomach for a few days harass all worms.
How do you deal with the smell? Cardamom will help a little.
But before looking for special medicines and drugs, it may be worth trying simple remedies that work with good results:
Carrots – you need to eat a plate of grated carrots in the morning for several days. Nothing, nothing to drink.
Pineapple juice on an empty stomach for 10 days
- coconut - grated pulp of fresh nuts for breakfast, 1 tbsp. l. After 3 hours, drink from 2 to 4 tbsp. l castorka, placed in a cup of warm milk. Repeat the procedure until the parasites are removed.
- papaya (immature), pulp and grains, is considered a strong remedy. Papaya contains caricin, which is very effective against many parasites.
- pumpkin seeds - 1 tbsp. purified and crushed seeds, poured 1 tbsp. boiling water. You can also eat 1 tbsp of crushed seeds mixed with honey before breakfast. For better cleaning, you should starve for 1 day, drink an infusion of prunes or castork at night, in the morning try to empty the intestines, and during the next day drink 3-4 cups of the above infusion.
Tomatoes sprinkled with salt and pepper on an empty stomach for 10 days in a row are considered a good remedy.
Pomegranate crusts, ground into powder with water, 3 times a day for 1 tsp. children and adults are considered very toxic to many parasites. Keep in mind that the same recipe is used for diarrhea, i.e. theoretically can lead to constipation, so drink castor or prune infusion at night.
- juice of bitter Karela 1 time a day for 3 days.
At the beginning of cleaning from parasites, the condition often worsens sharply (from the mass death of parasites and their release). Be prepared for this, asymptomatic parasites will not leave your body.
After cleaning, begin to lead a correct lifestyle, consistent with your constitution, restoring your strength and damaged organs.
The article was written for general educational purposes
Source: aayurveda.ca/illness/stop-parasites/4/