Antiparasitic cleansing and priming
Here are antiparasitary cleaning and priming of different complexity and different time duration. You can choose the one most suitable for you in your employment, living conditions and well-being.
Antiparasitic cleansing can be divided into two types:
1. Seeds
Milk-garlic Seed with pumpkin seeds.
What you need:
100 g of pumpkin seeds (raw, cleaned and washed)
1 Cup milk
6-7 cloves of garlic
2 tsp. honey
What else do you need:
Strong laxative (castor oil or powder magnesium sulfate 50 g)
Flax seeds (sold at the pharmacy)
Enema of 2 liter (mug douches). The composition of the enema: 2 litres of warm water, 1.5 tbsp salt, 1 tbsp of baking soda.
Do what:
In the morning, on an empty stomach, eat pumpkin seeds.
After an hour, prepare the milk: squeeze the garlic through chesnokodavilku (or very finely chopped) in a glass of milk. Pour the milk in Turku or a small saucepan and bring to a boil, then immediately remove from heat. To cool the milk so it was warm.
Add in warm (not hot!) milk honey.
To drink milk with garlic. The taste is pleasant enough.
Then there are 2 options at Your choice:
1 "Soft»
Once drank milk, live and feed on this day as usual. If the next day would come intoxication, it is necessary to do a cleansing enema and to drink jelly from flax seed. The jelly is prepared as follows: 4 tablespoons of flax seed pour 2 cups of boiling water. Let the mixture stand for a bit to seed has swollen and the water has cooled down a bit, stirring occasionally with a spoon. Then grind seeds in a blender with water, causing the mixture to thicken much and become thick and slippery jelly.
This jelly drink constantly throughout the day. If jelly goes down easy and finishes, you can prepare another portion.
Action jelly:
If You are afraid of intoxication and it seems that a lot of parasites, you can play it safe and drink a strong laxative in 5 hours after the milk. On the second day you can also do an enema and/or drink jelly from flax seed for health and desire. How to cook jelly is written in the 1st Version. Notes:
Watch what goes along with a chair and enema! Do not be afraid – only awareness of anything that happens to you, will give you more opportunities for improvement. Examine yourself!
It is very important in the following days, after ingestion of garlic as cleaning, eating only fresh fruits and vegetables – so You will create a very unfavorable alkaline environment for the parasites and increase their excretion. All flour, yeast, sweets, milk and eggs – on the contrary, will only feed the weakened parasites and bring their favorite medium.
Repeat Brushing 3 more times with an interval of 6 days.
Twenty eight million six hundred sixty one thousand eight hundred fifty two
The seed of Genghis Khan-time
Called so because people in the tribe of Genghis Khan for every ailment was doing this cleaning, as it was thought that any ailments and illnesses occur because of infestation. Moreover, this cleaning conveniently be carried out in the field because of its simplicity.
What you need:
250 g of garlic (4-5 heads)
Slippery, thick juice (tomato, plum, mango) 1 to 1.5 litres or 3-4 mangoes.
Do what:
Cleaning begins in the evening, at night. On this day, eat only fresh fruits, vegetables.
Around 20:00 peel and cut the garlic so that it was comfortable to swallow without chewing. The optimal size is "like a tablet". You should get about 1 Cup.
Spread the chopped garlic on a couple of plates with napkins (to soak up extra the released garlic juice). Leave for 30 minutes to dry a little or just blotted garlic on top with a dry cloth.
At 22:00 swallow the garlic juice. It is convenient to take a teaspoon and swallow at a time of 0.5 – 1 tsp, richly mixing it in your mouth with the juice so that the juice was enveloped in garlic, and it was comfortable to swallow. So that swallowing becomes easy.
After swallowing the rest and go to bed thinking about it, it began to recover and strong cleansing your body from unwanted things.
Continue to live and eat as usual, but the next at least 5 days (preferably longer!) eating only fresh plant foods – vegetables, fruits, and herbs.
This cleaning lasts a few days (3 to 10). If at some later date showing signs of intoxication from poisoned parasites (malaise, fatigue, headache, skin rash, nausea, etc.) that facilitate well-being, take a cleansing enema 1 to 3 times a day (depending on the severity of manifestations) – will soon become easier. You can also drink the jelly from the seeds of flax (read about him and his cooking in Milk-garlic cleaning).
Watch what goes along with a chair and enema! Do not be afraid – only awareness of anything that happens to you, will give you more opportunities for improvement. Examine yourself!
It is very important in the following days after ingestion of garlic as cleaning, eating only fresh fruits and vegetables – so You will create a very unfavorable alkaline environment for the parasites and increase their excretion. All flour, yeast, sweets, milk and eggs – on the contrary, will only feed the weakened parasites and create their favorite environment.
It is advisable to repeat the Cleaning in a month, and if the parasites are still out, repeat it a 3rd time next month.
Seed — Onion tincture
Very simple seed mild. More suitable for prevention.
What you need:
1 tbsp. water
1 large sharp onion
Do what:
Finely chop the onion.
Pour 1 Cup of water.
Leave overnight to infuse. In the morning to drink the infusion, bow to eat do not need.
Drink every morning 1 tbsp. on an empty stomach within 1 week
The starters (within a week) is recommended repeated every 1-3 months.
Forty four million nine hundred thirty one thousand three hundred six
The seed of Pomegranate peel
Have you ever felt bitterness when biting pomegranate peel? So manifest its anti-parasitic properties. A decoction of the peel of pomegranate is one of the most powerful anti-parasitic seeds, while it is easy to use.
What you need:
1 large red pomegranate (or a handful of dry peel).
400 ml of cold water.
Do what:
With a vegetable peeler to remove the peel of pomegranate red.
Place the peel in 400 ml of cold water, leave for 6 hours.
Put on the fire, simmer on low heat until until you evaporate half of the liquid (the result should be 200 ml broth).
Strain through a fine sieve and cool. Divide the decoction into 4 equal parts (50 ml).
To start drinking in the morning upon waking on an empty stomach 1 part (50 ml) every 20 minutes. It turns out that all the amount of broth (200 ml) you take exactly 1 hour.
30 minutes after the last portion to take any strong cathartic (magnesium sulfate or 1 liter of fresh squeezed pear juice) and/or to drink jelly from flax seed (the recipe for the pudding can be found in "Milk-garlic seed»)
It is recommended to repeat a seed in 2 weeks.
Soda cleaning
This is one of the soft, useful (in terms of additional alkalization of the body), cheap and available ways to clean the intestines. It is based on carrying out enemas. But this Shoe is aimed only at cleaning the intestines and getting rid of intestinal parasites as it acts locally on the body (the colon). This is a great Shoe for anyone who has never carried out any anti-parasitic cleansing and would like to “meet” with the wonderful action of enemas.
Enemas are done in a day (day enemas a day as usual). All procedures — from 8 to 10 depending on the degree of infestation. Therefore, the cleaning duration 10 to 20 days.
What you need:
Baking soda
Salt (preferably sea)
Enema of 2 liter (mug Esmarch)
The composition of enemas:
Cleaning: 2l of water (cool, 21°C ) + 1.5 tbsp salt
Soda: 1 liter of water (warm, 40°C) + 1 tablespoons of baking soda.
What to do (the day of the procedure):
In the morning, first enema is placed 2l to release the bowel.
Then once done soda 1 liter enema to keep her in the intestine 30 minutes.
Immediately after the soda is done another enema 2n.
The following procedure is done through the day.
1. Duration of cleaning depends on the degree of infestation. Is determined by the quantity and nature of what is washed out with enemas. It is advisable to stop the procedure until, until out other parasites and mucus from the intestines. It is important to monitor psychological well-being (cleaning should be a joy) and body weight (to be monitored).
2. Power while cleaning. Depends on the efficiency and results of your cleaning. This cleaning is necessary to drink only freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juices (which I enjoy). In extreme cases, if you have no opportunity to drink a few days fresh juices, eat only raw vegetables and fruits. But in this case, the cleaning efficiency will be somewhat weaker, and enemas heavier.
3. To make this cleaning is most effective better in the time to eat only fresh juices. So, the enema will be much easier for the body to get cleaned up and rest during this period and the cleaning efficiency will be maximum. The success of cleaning depends on the supply. If possible, do not take half measures.
4. If you hold a soda enema hard - reduce the amount of soda the feelings so that you feel it is easier to hold, gradually bringing the amount of soda to the specified in the instructions.
5. Watch what is washed out with enemas - for this release the enema in the toilet not, but in a special bucket or basin. Can photograph something for later study. The more you know about yourself, the more you have possibilities for improvement and future action plan.
Features of Soda antiparasitic cleaning:
Cleaning of Genghis Khan for a month
This cleaning, which is designed for a month, differs from the instant only by the amount ingested garlic and the duration of its implementation. It removes even from parasites that live in the joints, eyes, muscles and other tissues of the body. This monthly cleaning cleaning the body not only from the living parasites and their eggs.
What you need:
1 head of garlic
Slippery, thick juice (tomato, plum, mango) 1 to 2 cups 1 to 2 mangoes every day.
Do what:
In this Shoe to swallow garlic 1 head, every day, in the evening, for 1 month.
In the same way as in an instant the seed of Genghis Khan, cut the garlic so that it was comfortable to swallow without chewing. The optimal size is "like a tablet"
Ingest garlic pills, pre-mixing them in your mouth with juice, not to chew!
During the entire cleansing is to eat mostly raw and fresh food (fruits, vegetables, salads), thereby helping the body rid itself of parasites and toxins for the cleaning.
Eucalyptus cleansing lemon
In this cleaning effect on the parasites is carried out using the enema of a decoction of eucalyptus and essential oils and with lemon. Cleanses the intestines from mucus, parasites and other poisonous toxins. Acts locally. Does not starvation. Everything you need is sold in pharmacy and convenience stores.
The duration is determined by the number of days of treatments (8-14 days)
What you need:
Dry eucalyptus leaves
Eucalyptus natural oil (usually in jars of 150 ml)
Salt (preferably sea)
Enema of 2 liter (mug douches)
The composition of enemas:
Cleaning: 2l of water (cool, 21°C ) + 1.5 tbsp salt (20-22 g)
Eucalyptus: a decoction of 1 liter of water (warm, 40°C) + 30 g of eucalyptus leaves, + [0,5 tbsp. salt + 25 drops of eucalyptus oil]*
Lemon enema: juice of 0.5 lemon diluted with water to 150 ml.
*oil should be well mixed with salt and then add warm(!) eucalyptus broth. Otherwise the oil doesn't dissolve in the broth and burns the intestinal wall.
What to do: Alternate the days procedures in accordance with the Scheme:
Forty three million thirty five thousand four hundred forty two
1. If the eucalyptus enema difficult to hold or have any discomfort at its introduction, it is possible to reduce the number of drops of eucalyptus oil from 25 to 10 and the subsequent procedures to gradually increase the amount of oil to 25.
2. If mikroklizma Lemon or lemon juice which you should drink, too acidic for you and irritating the stomach wall or bowel, thereby bringing discomfort, dilute the lemon juice with water to a comfortable degree.
3. The cleaning duration is determined individually, the feelings.
If the degree of infestation is big, I need more days of cleansing. Be guided by what comes out with the enemas. It is advisable not to stop the cleanse if parasites continue to emerge. It is important to monitor psychological well-being (cleaning should be a joy) and body weight (to be monitored).
4. Not the toilet, and basin.
For the convenience of monitoring of content emerging from your gut, it is recommended to produce a cleansing and eucalyptus enemas not in the toilet, and wide hips. So you will be able to further explore themselves and to have data on which to base further plan for re-cleansing.
5. Power while cleaning.
Depends on the efficiency and results of your cleaning. This cleaning is necessary to drink only freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juices (which I enjoy). In extreme cases, if you have no opportunity to drink a few days fresh juices, eat only raw vegetables and fruits. But in this case, the cleaning efficiency will be somewhat weaker, and enemas heavier.
6. Not recommended while cleaning meat, flour, dairy, sweets, eggs.
These products you will feed the weakened parasites, will bring all the benefits of cleansing. And parasites, which you have disturbed, are much more aggressive and toxic than before cleaning. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: miroshine.ru/ozdorovlenie/ozdorovlenie-tela/chistki-tela/9-antiparazitarnye-chistki-i-zatravki
Antiparasitic cleansing can be divided into two types:
1. Seeds
- drink (to swallow) 1 time then repeats itself after some time
- not require a change of power
- enema is not obligatory
- held over a long period (7 to 30 days).
- in the period of cleaning requires a special diet.
- I can assume enemas
Milk-garlic Seed with pumpkin seeds.
What you need:
100 g of pumpkin seeds (raw, cleaned and washed)
1 Cup milk
6-7 cloves of garlic
2 tsp. honey
What else do you need:
Strong laxative (castor oil or powder magnesium sulfate 50 g)
Flax seeds (sold at the pharmacy)
Enema of 2 liter (mug douches). The composition of the enema: 2 litres of warm water, 1.5 tbsp salt, 1 tbsp of baking soda.
Do what:
In the morning, on an empty stomach, eat pumpkin seeds.
After an hour, prepare the milk: squeeze the garlic through chesnokodavilku (or very finely chopped) in a glass of milk. Pour the milk in Turku or a small saucepan and bring to a boil, then immediately remove from heat. To cool the milk so it was warm.
Add in warm (not hot!) milk honey.
To drink milk with garlic. The taste is pleasant enough.
Then there are 2 options at Your choice:
1 "Soft»
Once drank milk, live and feed on this day as usual. If the next day would come intoxication, it is necessary to do a cleansing enema and to drink jelly from flax seed. The jelly is prepared as follows: 4 tablespoons of flax seed pour 2 cups of boiling water. Let the mixture stand for a bit to seed has swollen and the water has cooled down a bit, stirring occasionally with a spoon. Then grind seeds in a blender with water, causing the mixture to thicken much and become thick and slippery jelly.
This jelly drink constantly throughout the day. If jelly goes down easy and finishes, you can prepare another portion.
Action jelly:
- removes intoxication
- coats the stomach wall and intestines, preventing the absorption of toxins into the blood.
- is a natural absorbent, which absorbs all the toxins in the intestines and gently leads them (has a mild laxative effect)
- Flaxseed is a good antifungal agent. Poisons of the pathogenic fungi and pathogenic organisms in the gut.
If You are afraid of intoxication and it seems that a lot of parasites, you can play it safe and drink a strong laxative in 5 hours after the milk. On the second day you can also do an enema and/or drink jelly from flax seed for health and desire. How to cook jelly is written in the 1st Version. Notes:
Watch what goes along with a chair and enema! Do not be afraid – only awareness of anything that happens to you, will give you more opportunities for improvement. Examine yourself!
It is very important in the following days, after ingestion of garlic as cleaning, eating only fresh fruits and vegetables – so You will create a very unfavorable alkaline environment for the parasites and increase their excretion. All flour, yeast, sweets, milk and eggs – on the contrary, will only feed the weakened parasites and bring their favorite medium.
Repeat Brushing 3 more times with an interval of 6 days.
Twenty eight million six hundred sixty one thousand eight hundred fifty two
The seed of Genghis Khan-time
Called so because people in the tribe of Genghis Khan for every ailment was doing this cleaning, as it was thought that any ailments and illnesses occur because of infestation. Moreover, this cleaning conveniently be carried out in the field because of its simplicity.
What you need:
250 g of garlic (4-5 heads)
Slippery, thick juice (tomato, plum, mango) 1 to 1.5 litres or 3-4 mangoes.
Do what:
Cleaning begins in the evening, at night. On this day, eat only fresh fruits, vegetables.
Around 20:00 peel and cut the garlic so that it was comfortable to swallow without chewing. The optimal size is "like a tablet". You should get about 1 Cup.
Spread the chopped garlic on a couple of plates with napkins (to soak up extra the released garlic juice). Leave for 30 minutes to dry a little or just blotted garlic on top with a dry cloth.
At 22:00 swallow the garlic juice. It is convenient to take a teaspoon and swallow at a time of 0.5 – 1 tsp, richly mixing it in your mouth with the juice so that the juice was enveloped in garlic, and it was comfortable to swallow. So that swallowing becomes easy.
After swallowing the rest and go to bed thinking about it, it began to recover and strong cleansing your body from unwanted things.
Continue to live and eat as usual, but the next at least 5 days (preferably longer!) eating only fresh plant foods – vegetables, fruits, and herbs.
This cleaning lasts a few days (3 to 10). If at some later date showing signs of intoxication from poisoned parasites (malaise, fatigue, headache, skin rash, nausea, etc.) that facilitate well-being, take a cleansing enema 1 to 3 times a day (depending on the severity of manifestations) – will soon become easier. You can also drink the jelly from the seeds of flax (read about him and his cooking in Milk-garlic cleaning).
Watch what goes along with a chair and enema! Do not be afraid – only awareness of anything that happens to you, will give you more opportunities for improvement. Examine yourself!
It is very important in the following days after ingestion of garlic as cleaning, eating only fresh fruits and vegetables – so You will create a very unfavorable alkaline environment for the parasites and increase their excretion. All flour, yeast, sweets, milk and eggs – on the contrary, will only feed the weakened parasites and create their favorite environment.
It is advisable to repeat the Cleaning in a month, and if the parasites are still out, repeat it a 3rd time next month.
Seed — Onion tincture
Very simple seed mild. More suitable for prevention.
What you need:
1 tbsp. water
1 large sharp onion
Do what:
Finely chop the onion.
Pour 1 Cup of water.
Leave overnight to infuse. In the morning to drink the infusion, bow to eat do not need.
Drink every morning 1 tbsp. on an empty stomach within 1 week
The starters (within a week) is recommended repeated every 1-3 months.
Forty four million nine hundred thirty one thousand three hundred six
The seed of Pomegranate peel
Have you ever felt bitterness when biting pomegranate peel? So manifest its anti-parasitic properties. A decoction of the peel of pomegranate is one of the most powerful anti-parasitic seeds, while it is easy to use.
What you need:
1 large red pomegranate (or a handful of dry peel).
400 ml of cold water.
Do what:
With a vegetable peeler to remove the peel of pomegranate red.
Place the peel in 400 ml of cold water, leave for 6 hours.
Put on the fire, simmer on low heat until until you evaporate half of the liquid (the result should be 200 ml broth).
Strain through a fine sieve and cool. Divide the decoction into 4 equal parts (50 ml).
To start drinking in the morning upon waking on an empty stomach 1 part (50 ml) every 20 minutes. It turns out that all the amount of broth (200 ml) you take exactly 1 hour.
30 minutes after the last portion to take any strong cathartic (magnesium sulfate or 1 liter of fresh squeezed pear juice) and/or to drink jelly from flax seed (the recipe for the pudding can be found in "Milk-garlic seed»)
It is recommended to repeat a seed in 2 weeks.
Soda cleaning
This is one of the soft, useful (in terms of additional alkalization of the body), cheap and available ways to clean the intestines. It is based on carrying out enemas. But this Shoe is aimed only at cleaning the intestines and getting rid of intestinal parasites as it acts locally on the body (the colon). This is a great Shoe for anyone who has never carried out any anti-parasitic cleansing and would like to “meet” with the wonderful action of enemas.
Enemas are done in a day (day enemas a day as usual). All procedures — from 8 to 10 depending on the degree of infestation. Therefore, the cleaning duration 10 to 20 days.
What you need:
Baking soda
Salt (preferably sea)
Enema of 2 liter (mug Esmarch)
The composition of enemas:
Cleaning: 2l of water (cool, 21°C ) + 1.5 tbsp salt
Soda: 1 liter of water (warm, 40°C) + 1 tablespoons of baking soda.
What to do (the day of the procedure):
In the morning, first enema is placed 2l to release the bowel.
Then once done soda 1 liter enema to keep her in the intestine 30 minutes.
Immediately after the soda is done another enema 2n.
The following procedure is done through the day.
1. Duration of cleaning depends on the degree of infestation. Is determined by the quantity and nature of what is washed out with enemas. It is advisable to stop the procedure until, until out other parasites and mucus from the intestines. It is important to monitor psychological well-being (cleaning should be a joy) and body weight (to be monitored).
2. Power while cleaning. Depends on the efficiency and results of your cleaning. This cleaning is necessary to drink only freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juices (which I enjoy). In extreme cases, if you have no opportunity to drink a few days fresh juices, eat only raw vegetables and fruits. But in this case, the cleaning efficiency will be somewhat weaker, and enemas heavier.
3. To make this cleaning is most effective better in the time to eat only fresh juices. So, the enema will be much easier for the body to get cleaned up and rest during this period and the cleaning efficiency will be maximum. The success of cleaning depends on the supply. If possible, do not take half measures.
4. If you hold a soda enema hard - reduce the amount of soda the feelings so that you feel it is easier to hold, gradually bringing the amount of soda to the specified in the instructions.
5. Watch what is washed out with enemas - for this release the enema in the toilet not, but in a special bucket or basin. Can photograph something for later study. The more you know about yourself, the more you have possibilities for improvement and future action plan.
Features of Soda antiparasitic cleaning:
- Promotes the expulsion of worms from the intestine, preventing or reducing chronic intoxication of the organism.
- Soda is amazing and removes the worms, while for the body it is useful for its alkalizing and cleansing properties.
- It is not toxic, in contrast to the bitter herbs.
- Soda cleanses the colon not only of worms but also from toxic mucus on intestinal walls which can also be the cause of many diseases.
- Great as a first antiparasitic cleaning.
Cleaning of Genghis Khan for a month
This cleaning, which is designed for a month, differs from the instant only by the amount ingested garlic and the duration of its implementation. It removes even from parasites that live in the joints, eyes, muscles and other tissues of the body. This monthly cleaning cleaning the body not only from the living parasites and their eggs.
What you need:
1 head of garlic
Slippery, thick juice (tomato, plum, mango) 1 to 2 cups 1 to 2 mangoes every day.
Do what:
In this Shoe to swallow garlic 1 head, every day, in the evening, for 1 month.
In the same way as in an instant the seed of Genghis Khan, cut the garlic so that it was comfortable to swallow without chewing. The optimal size is "like a tablet"
Ingest garlic pills, pre-mixing them in your mouth with juice, not to chew!
During the entire cleansing is to eat mostly raw and fresh food (fruits, vegetables, salads), thereby helping the body rid itself of parasites and toxins for the cleaning.
Eucalyptus cleansing lemon
In this cleaning effect on the parasites is carried out using the enema of a decoction of eucalyptus and essential oils and with lemon. Cleanses the intestines from mucus, parasites and other poisonous toxins. Acts locally. Does not starvation. Everything you need is sold in pharmacy and convenience stores.
The duration is determined by the number of days of treatments (8-14 days)
What you need:
Dry eucalyptus leaves
Eucalyptus natural oil (usually in jars of 150 ml)
Salt (preferably sea)
Enema of 2 liter (mug douches)
The composition of enemas:
Cleaning: 2l of water (cool, 21°C ) + 1.5 tbsp salt (20-22 g)
Eucalyptus: a decoction of 1 liter of water (warm, 40°C) + 30 g of eucalyptus leaves, + [0,5 tbsp. salt + 25 drops of eucalyptus oil]*
Lemon enema: juice of 0.5 lemon diluted with water to 150 ml.
*oil should be well mixed with salt and then add warm(!) eucalyptus broth. Otherwise the oil doesn't dissolve in the broth and burns the intestinal wall.
What to do: Alternate the days procedures in accordance with the Scheme:
Forty three million thirty five thousand four hundred forty two
1. If the eucalyptus enema difficult to hold or have any discomfort at its introduction, it is possible to reduce the number of drops of eucalyptus oil from 25 to 10 and the subsequent procedures to gradually increase the amount of oil to 25.
2. If mikroklizma Lemon or lemon juice which you should drink, too acidic for you and irritating the stomach wall or bowel, thereby bringing discomfort, dilute the lemon juice with water to a comfortable degree.
3. The cleaning duration is determined individually, the feelings.
If the degree of infestation is big, I need more days of cleansing. Be guided by what comes out with the enemas. It is advisable not to stop the cleanse if parasites continue to emerge. It is important to monitor psychological well-being (cleaning should be a joy) and body weight (to be monitored).
4. Not the toilet, and basin.
For the convenience of monitoring of content emerging from your gut, it is recommended to produce a cleansing and eucalyptus enemas not in the toilet, and wide hips. So you will be able to further explore themselves and to have data on which to base further plan for re-cleansing.
5. Power while cleaning.
Depends on the efficiency and results of your cleaning. This cleaning is necessary to drink only freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juices (which I enjoy). In extreme cases, if you have no opportunity to drink a few days fresh juices, eat only raw vegetables and fruits. But in this case, the cleaning efficiency will be somewhat weaker, and enemas heavier.
6. Not recommended while cleaning meat, flour, dairy, sweets, eggs.
These products you will feed the weakened parasites, will bring all the benefits of cleansing. And parasites, which you have disturbed, are much more aggressive and toxic than before cleaning. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: miroshine.ru/ozdorovlenie/ozdorovlenie-tela/chistki-tela/9-antiparazitarnye-chistki-i-zatravki
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