The liver cleanse by Andreas Moritz

This method is well known in the world — a liver cleanse at the Moritz superior in performance to many other methods of cleaning the main filter. The rules of this procedure will tell our article.
The book of Andreas Moritz "Amazing liver cleanse"
Andreas Moritz – the world famous expert on alternative medicine. His book reveals the reasons of occurrence of stones in the gallbladder and liver. The author tells the consequences of slagging our main filter, explains how you can identify the problem. In his book the most detail method to cleanse the liver. The author explains what is the principle of cleansing, explains how you can avoid relapse.
The preparatory phase
6 days will be devoted to the preparation — daily drink Apple juice (1 liter). During this period, you can not eat cold and hot food and drinks should have a comfortable temperature. You will have to exclude fried dishes, meat products and dairy products. Should eat more fruits and vegetables (preferably in raw). Preferably daily to bask in the bathroom. It is recommended to minimize medications and vitamin preparations. The author advises to spend a total cleansing of the bowel (can be used as a home cleansing enemas, and colon hydrotherapy).
The meals on the day of cleaning
The purification procedure is to coincide with the full moon. Daily cleansing drink plenty of Apple juice, discard protein foods, bakery products and any fat (even plant). For Breakfast eat oatmeal and fruit, lunch – rice porridge and vegetables. When cooking cereals do not use sugar, fat and seasonings. After lunch refrain from any food – drink Apple juice.
The scheme of purification
The liver cleanse by Moritz starts at 18.00. In a quart jar, pour 750 ml of water, add 4 tbsp. of magnesia. Drink 0.5 table solution (can acidify it with lemon juice). After 2 hours, take another portion of the solution. In 1.5 hours (at 21.30), make an enema. After 15 minutes, pour 80 ml of grapefruit juice or mixture of juices of lemon and orange in half-liter jar, add 0.5 tbsp. olive oil. Shake the jar at least 20 times until the mixture became homogeneous.
At 22.00-22.10 stand near the bed, drink the mixture of juice and oil, immediately lie down in bed (sitting don't drink). Relax, lying on your back and tucked under the shoulders and head 2 pillows (so head is above tummy). This is necessary in order to release of bile she's not got the stomach for it. So you need to lie down for at least 20 minutes – it is impossible to strain to even talk. Direct all your attention in the area of the liver. Try to sleep. In the middle of the night or in the morning you will want to empty the bowel. In the morning, can be nausea – to get rid of it will help the ginger with salt.
Early morning (6.00-6.30) take 0.5 tbsp. of magnesia, and after 2 hours still 3/4 tbsp. in 2 hours, drink fruit juice half an hour later eat a couple of apples, and after 1 hour, eat a light vegetarian Breakfast. Such cleaning spend with an interval of 2-4 weeks (repeat 6 times).
Liver cleanse by Moritz has both positive and negative feedback. It is important to remember that large gallstones, and any chronic diseases are an impediment to this kind of cleaning. It is worth considering that conventional medicine does not welcome this method of cleansing.published
Source: updiet.info/