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Popular recipes oat infusions for liver health

This old recipe came to us from the Urals.A glass of untreated granules (not flakes) oats with husk washed with warm water and add to the pan, put 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves, cranberries and 2 tablespoons of birch buds (or leaves), pour two liters of water and insist in a cool place 24 hours.

In another pot, fill the crushed rosehips, and pour stakana water, boil. Add back 2 tablespoons of the stigma Kukuruza and 2 tablespoons of knotweed. Boil this mixture for 15 minutes, insist 45 minutes, filter. The mixture of the first pots too filter and add there. The resulting infusion is poured into dark glass bottles and stored in the fridge.

This mixture is used daily, warm, half an hour before meals and in the morning. The first day is 50 grams, the second day — 100 grams, then at 150 grams. All of this within 10 days. Can two weeks later to repeat the course; then the liver cleanse at home oats will be most effective.

Liver cleansing with oats also has contraindications. Because some of the components included in the composition of oats, and different active substances have chemical and biological characteristics, because of which the treatment with decoction of oat is contraindicated for people with certain diseases of the heart and kidneys, gall bladder, liver, acidity of the stomach and hypersensitivity to individual components of the product. Here are the liver cleansing oats contraindications — advised to consult with your doctor before making your own.

Besides, it is very important to eat right during the reception of oatmeal infusion. Because the liver cleanse oats is not combined with poor diet; it is recommended to go to the vegetable food. What cleaning you would not have done, if you don't lead a healthy lifestyle and eating of harmful foods — such traditional methods you will be of little help.

Russian healers to cleanse the liver used for centuries, proven technology.

1) Cup of oats (but not oat flakes) rinse and place in a saucepan. There also pour 2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped dry leaves, cranberries, 2 tbsp. tablespoons dried birch leaves (can be replaced with birch buds, pour 4 l of water and leave it for a day in a cool place to infuse, then strain.

2) in another saucepan, add a Cup of chopped rose hips pour a glass of water, bring to a boil, add 2 tablespoons corn ryltsev and 2 tbsp. tablespoons herb knotweed. Boil 15 min., let stand 45 min., strain and add oatmeal infusion. Store in the refrigerator. Take in the form of heat for half an hour before meals: 1st day — 50 g, in the 2nd day — 100 g in the 3rd and all other days — 150, the Course of treatment 10 days. Two weeks later, repeat.

Using this old recipe you clean all the body. Salt deposits of the joints, the stones of the liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas — everything will be removed from your body. It is advisable to do this twice a year. Remember that in the period of purification can not eat food of animal origin, especially meat and sausage.

Great cleaner the liver is the red beet. It is beneficial to include it in daily diet of boiled, baked and raw in as a preventive measure. Grated raw beets can be added to salads.

About liver cleansing with oats.

Today, there are few who doubt the necessity of cleaning the body of toxins and various harmful savings.Liver cleansing with oats, you can easily exercise at home – this simple and affordable procedure is becoming increasingly popular.

Briefly about the benefits of oats

Grain oats – balanced by nature "cocktail" consisting of proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary for normal functioning of the human body. The composition of oats is a group of vitamins (A, H, PP, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9) and minerals (iron, potassium, calcium, silicon, iodine, fluorine, zinc and 20 elements). This useful product has enveloping, anti-inflammatory, hematopoietic, diuretic and choleretic effect. There are several recipes for healing substances, effective and safe cleansing the liver. Note – in any of the recipes suggested to use raw and untreated grain oats.

Recipe oatmeal drink to cleanse the liver, option # 1

Grain oats ground in a coffee grinder, pour into a thermos and pour boiling water at the rate of 1 tbsp the resulting powder to 1 liter of liquid. After 12 hours the infusion is ready to use. Drink it three times a day before meals 150-200 ml (in the form of heat). Course duration – 2-3 months.

Recipe oatmeal drink to clean the liver, option # 2

A small silver object are immersed in water (1.5 l) and bring to a boil. Removing the silver from the water, pour 150 g of washed grains of oats, put on weak fire and boil a quarter of an hour. After that, the utensils wrapped a towel and leave in warm for a few hours. Ready infusion strain and drink three times a day for 30-40 minutes before meals of 500 ml. a Course of purification lasts only 10-15 days.

Recipe oatmeal drink for cleanse, option # 3

300 g pre-cleaned oat grain is placed in an enamel bowl, pour hot water (3 liters), put in a preheated oven for a couple of hours is heated at a temperature 150? C. the Cooled infusion is filtered, thoroughly wringing out the grain. Liquid take 150 ml twice a day (on an empty stomach, always in the form of heat). Cleaning course – 3-4 weeks.

Recipe oatmeal drink, option # 4

300 g of washed grains of oats are placed in cast-iron pots, pour warm water 2.5-3 litres), bring to the boil and remove from heat. The dishes wrapped up and give the decoction to stand for exactly one day. Then it is filtered and consumed by the previous scheme.

Recipe oatmeal drink to cleanse the liver, option # 5

100 g of washed grains of oats fill in with cold boiled water (1 l) and allow to stand for 12 hours, stirring occasionally infusion. After that, his filter and take three times a day 100 ml (on empty stomach). Cleaning course – 3-4 weeks.

During a liver cleanse oats is to abandon coarse, greasy and heavy food. Periodicity of courses – 1-2 times per year.


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©


Source: slawa.su/zdrava/zdrava/1522-ochishhenie-pecheni-ovsom.html