Pure poison: what you need to know about the washing powder
Every time buying at the store washing powder, we ask ourselves two questions: what powder is better than others, and which one is the safest? Roskontrol decided to answer both of those questions and sent for examination washing powders are the six most popular brands.
In the research participated: "Ariel", "Ariel Mountain spring", "the myth of the 3 in 1 Wintergreen", "option", "PEMOS Oxygen crystals" and "Dosia Alpine freshness". All funds intended for use in automatic washing machines.
The results of testing the Product Evaluation
Persil Expert Powder showed the best result on the quality of washing, it perfectly removes even tough stains. However, this effect is achieved by the large consumption of resources.
Dosia "Alpine freshness" Budget Laundry detergent washes stains well and the best among the tested tools washed out of clothing while rinsing.
PEMOS "Flame crystals" The cheap powder was the most toxic. However, if safety precautions it is quite safe for washing clothes and clothes intended for adults. Quality is always relatively good.
Ariel "Mountain spring" Ariel is the worst to cope with spots, bad washed out of the fabric and forms too much foam. Besides, it's one of the most toxic among the tested samples.
Tide "White clouds" the Manufacturer claims that the powder is suitable for washing clothes of adults and children. Examination showed that he was too toxic, and use it for washing children's things is impossible.
"Myth 3 in 1 Wintergreen" In the marking indicates that the powder is suitable, including, for washing children's clothing. However, according to test results the sample was toxic, and for kids clothes, use it impossible. In addition, "the myth of the 3 in 1" is bad with stains.
41 What dirt"spotlessly clean", "Crystal clear" and even "Clean Deluxe" promised to us by the manufacturers in labeling. Whether they fulfill their promises? Experts have mapped the control tissue samples the most common and difficult otstiryvaniya pollutants: red wine, cherry, chocolate, coffee, meat dish with soy sauce, a strong lipstick, fresh herbs, and sent the "dirty linen" to wear off if you use the standard program "Cotton 60 º C".
Best of all with all types of stains coped an option, almost the same result was shown by powder Dosia, demonstrated that a low price does not always mean low quality
Tide and "Bought" demonstrated Sredny
effective lost no cherry puree, no chocolate, no soy sauce. And worst of all blur of Ariel and "the myth of the 3-in-1". The latter is almost not wash off the spots of cherry and chocolate.
Unarmed, but very dangerous With a purity of more or less clear, but what about security? A part of almost all tested samples includedphosphonates. All tested powders also contain anionic surface-active substances (surfactants). Reject the latest dirt from the fabric and dissolve, providing effective cleaning spit. They are the most aggressive and toxic components of the powder can cause an allergic reaction, immunity disorders adversely affect the skin cells and at higher concentrations even to damage the liver, kidneys, lungs, the nervous system. And the most unpleasant, remaining in the clothes after washing, surfactants, penetrating through the skin, can accumulate in the human body.
It is best to keep A paw wool and cotton. According to some, there can be detected even after 10 times rinsing in warm water!
Substances may trigger allergies, immunity disorders, and in high concentrations can damage the liver, kidneys, lungs and nervous system. Phosphorus compounds amplify the negative effects of anionic surfactants, contribute to their fixation in the fibers of the fabric and enhance penetration through the skin. In addition, phosphorus-containing additives along with Surfactants, cause irreparable damage to the environment, getting into waterways from wastewater. That is why the world being the campaign for the ban of these substances in the composition of Laundry detergents.
To determine the level of toxicity powders, experts in the laboratory have dissolved each one in water and placed in a solution of bovine sperm – as model mammalian cells. Faster than the living cells die in the liquid, the more poisonous powder
Showed bad result in the wash "PEMOS" and Ariel here was not up to par, they were recognized as the most toxic among the tested powders. In addition, experts have determined the residual amount of anionic and nonionic surfactants in water after the third washing and rinsing. This figure shows how many harmful substances remain on the clothes. And again the leader of the anti-rating was Ariel. The least And the surfactant remained in the water after washing powder "Dosia".
Keep away from children the Indicators of toxicity of this powder "Ariel" and "Myth 3 in 1" — not the highest, but the manufacturer of these funds, the company "Procter & gamble" indicated that they are suitable for children's clothes. Experts warn that the level of toxicity of these funds significantly exceeds the permissible limits for children's cleansers, and then wash their children's things in any case impossible!
Irina Konohova, the expert portal Roskontrol.of the Russian Federation, doctor: "Components of washing powder is never washed out of the fabric at 100%, they stay on linen and clothing, and thus fall on the skin. More susceptible to harmful components of powder children. Therefore, the means for washing children's clothes, are subject to special standards. In contact with cloth laundered by conventional powder penetration of toxic substances through the skin can lead to violations of functions of internal organs. The same reaction can be had by adults."
Rinse and once more rinse in order to reduce the risk of negative impact of harmful components of the powder on the body, it is necessary to rinse the Laundry as long as possible, repeatedly changing the water. If the standard wash program includes 3 rinse, it does not hurt to extend it for another two cycles.
It should not touch the powder with your hands or breathe it in, falling asleep in the car. Inhalation of powder dust leads to the destruction of the surfactant films that line the pulmonary alveoli, which can cause a variety of lung diseases. Capacity, with means for washing keep out of reach of children and tightly reseal opened packaging.
Don't touch the powder with your hands and don't inhale it, falling asleep in the car — this can lead to diseases of the lungs. Keep containers of powder out of reach of children.
One of the indirect signs of the high content of anionic surfactant in powder is the amount of foam that forms a powder. The experts identified indicators of foaming of each powder in the laboratory and in real conditions during the test wash.
According to test results, most foam forms powder Ariel — during the test the washing foam was so much that she went out the tray to load the powder! This only confirmed the result of the test for residuals And surfactants after washing and rinsing.
Less foam forms a "PEMOS", but "Myth 3-in-1" generally is not fully dissolved in the water, which means that undissolved particles of powder may remain on the Laundry. By the way, excessive amounts of foam may have a negative impact on a washing machine.
Michael Rudychev, Director of service Department of company "BEKO": "If the powder forms too much foam during washing may suffer a washing machine. Tank in the machine are not sealed, and the excess foam, leaving through the holes in the drum, can get into the cavity around the tank car, where the wiring is located. This may cause a short circuit, such cases". published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: roscontrol.com/testlab/article/chistiy-yad-chto-vagno-znat-o-stiralnom-poroshke/

In the research participated: "Ariel", "Ariel Mountain spring", "the myth of the 3 in 1 Wintergreen", "option", "PEMOS Oxygen crystals" and "Dosia Alpine freshness". All funds intended for use in automatic washing machines.
The results of testing the Product Evaluation

Persil Expert Powder showed the best result on the quality of washing, it perfectly removes even tough stains. However, this effect is achieved by the large consumption of resources.

Dosia "Alpine freshness" Budget Laundry detergent washes stains well and the best among the tested tools washed out of clothing while rinsing.

PEMOS "Flame crystals" The cheap powder was the most toxic. However, if safety precautions it is quite safe for washing clothes and clothes intended for adults. Quality is always relatively good.

Ariel "Mountain spring" Ariel is the worst to cope with spots, bad washed out of the fabric and forms too much foam. Besides, it's one of the most toxic among the tested samples.

Tide "White clouds" the Manufacturer claims that the powder is suitable for washing clothes of adults and children. Examination showed that he was too toxic, and use it for washing children's things is impossible.

"Myth 3 in 1 Wintergreen" In the marking indicates that the powder is suitable, including, for washing children's clothing. However, according to test results the sample was toxic, and for kids clothes, use it impossible. In addition, "the myth of the 3 in 1" is bad with stains.
41 What dirt"spotlessly clean", "Crystal clear" and even "Clean Deluxe" promised to us by the manufacturers in labeling. Whether they fulfill their promises? Experts have mapped the control tissue samples the most common and difficult otstiryvaniya pollutants: red wine, cherry, chocolate, coffee, meat dish with soy sauce, a strong lipstick, fresh herbs, and sent the "dirty linen" to wear off if you use the standard program "Cotton 60 º C".
Best of all with all types of stains coped an option, almost the same result was shown by powder Dosia, demonstrated that a low price does not always mean low quality

Tide and "Bought" demonstrated Sredny
effective lost no cherry puree, no chocolate, no soy sauce. And worst of all blur of Ariel and "the myth of the 3-in-1". The latter is almost not wash off the spots of cherry and chocolate.
Unarmed, but very dangerous With a purity of more or less clear, but what about security? A part of almost all tested samples includedphosphonates. All tested powders also contain anionic surface-active substances (surfactants). Reject the latest dirt from the fabric and dissolve, providing effective cleaning spit. They are the most aggressive and toxic components of the powder can cause an allergic reaction, immunity disorders adversely affect the skin cells and at higher concentrations even to damage the liver, kidneys, lungs, the nervous system. And the most unpleasant, remaining in the clothes after washing, surfactants, penetrating through the skin, can accumulate in the human body.
It is best to keep A paw wool and cotton. According to some, there can be detected even after 10 times rinsing in warm water!
Substances may trigger allergies, immunity disorders, and in high concentrations can damage the liver, kidneys, lungs and nervous system. Phosphorus compounds amplify the negative effects of anionic surfactants, contribute to their fixation in the fibers of the fabric and enhance penetration through the skin. In addition, phosphorus-containing additives along with Surfactants, cause irreparable damage to the environment, getting into waterways from wastewater. That is why the world being the campaign for the ban of these substances in the composition of Laundry detergents.
To determine the level of toxicity powders, experts in the laboratory have dissolved each one in water and placed in a solution of bovine sperm – as model mammalian cells. Faster than the living cells die in the liquid, the more poisonous powder

Showed bad result in the wash "PEMOS" and Ariel here was not up to par, they were recognized as the most toxic among the tested powders. In addition, experts have determined the residual amount of anionic and nonionic surfactants in water after the third washing and rinsing. This figure shows how many harmful substances remain on the clothes. And again the leader of the anti-rating was Ariel. The least And the surfactant remained in the water after washing powder "Dosia".
Keep away from children the Indicators of toxicity of this powder "Ariel" and "Myth 3 in 1" — not the highest, but the manufacturer of these funds, the company "Procter & gamble" indicated that they are suitable for children's clothes. Experts warn that the level of toxicity of these funds significantly exceeds the permissible limits for children's cleansers, and then wash their children's things in any case impossible!

Irina Konohova, the expert portal Roskontrol.of the Russian Federation, doctor: "Components of washing powder is never washed out of the fabric at 100%, they stay on linen and clothing, and thus fall on the skin. More susceptible to harmful components of powder children. Therefore, the means for washing children's clothes, are subject to special standards. In contact with cloth laundered by conventional powder penetration of toxic substances through the skin can lead to violations of functions of internal organs. The same reaction can be had by adults."
Rinse and once more rinse in order to reduce the risk of negative impact of harmful components of the powder on the body, it is necessary to rinse the Laundry as long as possible, repeatedly changing the water. If the standard wash program includes 3 rinse, it does not hurt to extend it for another two cycles.
It should not touch the powder with your hands or breathe it in, falling asleep in the car. Inhalation of powder dust leads to the destruction of the surfactant films that line the pulmonary alveoli, which can cause a variety of lung diseases. Capacity, with means for washing keep out of reach of children and tightly reseal opened packaging.
Don't touch the powder with your hands and don't inhale it, falling asleep in the car — this can lead to diseases of the lungs. Keep containers of powder out of reach of children.

One of the indirect signs of the high content of anionic surfactant in powder is the amount of foam that forms a powder. The experts identified indicators of foaming of each powder in the laboratory and in real conditions during the test wash.
According to test results, most foam forms powder Ariel — during the test the washing foam was so much that she went out the tray to load the powder! This only confirmed the result of the test for residuals And surfactants after washing and rinsing.
Less foam forms a "PEMOS", but "Myth 3-in-1" generally is not fully dissolved in the water, which means that undissolved particles of powder may remain on the Laundry. By the way, excessive amounts of foam may have a negative impact on a washing machine.
Michael Rudychev, Director of service Department of company "BEKO": "If the powder forms too much foam during washing may suffer a washing machine. Tank in the machine are not sealed, and the excess foam, leaving through the holes in the drum, can get into the cavity around the tank car, where the wiring is located. This may cause a short circuit, such cases". published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: roscontrol.com/testlab/article/chistiy-yad-chto-vagno-znat-o-stiralnom-poroshke/
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