Eucalyptus Cleansing or Fighting the Invisible

In the raw-food environment, antiparasitic cleanings are very popular, and the first in the TOP list is, perhaps, eucalyptus bowel cleaning. I have repeatedly heard rave reviews from those who used it, even on the page of this blog there were words that this cleansing is quite capable of overcoming all diseases, because parasites, as it turned out, are the fault.
I am always skeptical of such procedures. To get me up for 8 days at dawn and pour various decoctions into myself in strange poses, I would need serious reasons. Surely they wouldn't limit themselves to silly horror stories about worms in my body. It’s not that you have to get up early, it’s that it can be a very dangerous activity.
Therefore, I was initially not serious when I first read this recipe, but I see that not everyone shares my mood. To many, these procedures seem appropriate and even sometimes in their opinion... help! This is strange, but we will still try to figure out what the “focus” is?
Eucalyptus cleaning. Quotes will be from the original recipe with my comments. They may seem too sarcastic, but in another, alas, no way.
This is a very important topic because parasites live in 99 percent of the population. They not only spoil health, but also affect the human psyche, cause aggression, depression, and other manifestations. Remember how important it is! Before the procedure begins, it is necessary to unconditionally believe that we are doomed. We are full of worms and they, having firmly settled in our organs, are only busy provoking bouts of depression and other troubles. Particular attention should be paid here, of course, to poor raw foodists:
Special attention to raw food!!! On raw food worms themselves will not come out! All right? Scary? If yes, then Her Majesty will be presented with a secret eucalyptus purge, which will help you to overcome why the rest of the aggressive-depressive humanity suffers. As it turns out, this is a medical prescription. But doctors, apparently, hide it from the share of the population, to which they themselves belong. Tricky, though...
The invention relates to the field of medicine, in particular to medical parasitology, and can be used for the treatment of helminthiasis. It’s really just someone’s patent, nothing more. One of thousands of patents, of which not all things work. And some, such as, for example, Patent 2083239 - "Symptomatic treatment of diseases with the help of an aspen bacillus at the time of a new moon to restore the integrity of the energy shell of the human body" and completely stupid. Remember that the word “patent” is not a proof of the quality of the procedure, there are more reliable distinguishing features, which, unfortunately, our “eucalyptus cleaning” does not have.
But this should alert, perhaps most of all:
So the photo. Don't look weak. A ball of roundworm. And here's one of the tapes. (I don’t want to give you pictures, I think you’ve all seen them.) If not, Google it.
This brown roll, which flashes here and there in the results of eucalyptus cleaning, is neither tape nor ascaris. At least because tapeworms in the human body are very rare and it is quite simple to diagnose them. The fact is that almost all tape parasites living in the intestine regularly discard the posterior segments of their body (so-called strobiles), which we can observe when going to the toilet. Being infected with tape and not knowing it is impossible. Therefore, to fear that such animals live inside you simply does not make sense, and even more so to “treat” them.
Ascaris are also well-studied specimens, and it is reliably known that their favorite place of dislocation is the small intestine. But not the fat one we rinse with an enema. They're not there! It is impossible to get the same washing of the small intestine, more precisely theoretically it can, of course, be difficult to do, but you are unlikely to survive after such a procedure.
Where in the original article the picture of roundworms next to the “suspicious coil of someone from the tape” is unclear, but most likely it is just one of many pictures from the Internet. Again, even if they are in the body and are, it is impossible to wash them with an enema.
8 days and I'm clean! So what are these brown coils? Innumerable photos mainly show scraps of the intestinal mucosa of cleaners, washed after careful treatment with lemon acid and eucalyptus oils. Sometimes you can see some food remains and stool stones among all this, but there are no worms in the photos. Don't you? That's right, don't believe it! Try to show them to doctors or parasitologists in specialized forums. You won’t want to be proud of your photos anymore. By the way, even specialists do not always accurately detect parasites among stool stones and food residues, what can we say about us? Although... we sometimes even lazy pictures of helminths and other parasites to look through the Internet.
The 8-day self-torture recipe makes no sense. It is necessary to understand that the percentage of parasite infection in us, residents of cities, is extremely low, no more than 10% of the total. We are not residents of Africa or the poorest neighborhoods of Latin America, but even there, eucalyptus cleaning would be inadequate. 10% is a lot? Yes, but we have most helminth-infected people living in the countryside near sediments and other not quite environmentally friendly places. Therefore, if you live in a more or less large city and do not neglect basic hygiene, then the chance of infection with helminth parasites is monstrously small.
By the way, if you have decided on this adventure... I must remind you not to buy essential oils at the pharmacy under any circumstances! Order them together with a kit for cleaning from the authors of the miracle method, all coordinates at the bottom of the article are provided. After all, only they have everything perfectly clean and natural. As they say, don’t make yourself fooled elsewhere.
But I did the cleaning and I felt better! This kind of feedback can certainly happen. And if you think about it... positive reviews are enough, and if this topic is a “dummy”, where do these reviews come from?
With the psyche, as usual, everything is a little more complicated. The fact is that people often confuse a momentary emotional outburst with tangible results in the long run, from which there will really be a noticeable trace. This often benefits, say, personal growth training and other fraudsters who promise to “change you” in the shortest possible time, giving you any superpowers.
In reality, you are simply being led through “emotional swings,” which are basically empty, but the fact that they are going through makes us feel a huge emotional outburst. Sometimes it is beyond everyday experience. But when it dissipates and the storm of high subsides, the person is left alone with the understanding that everything has returned to the starting positions. And there is nothing left but to try again what seemed to work.
This effect occurs, for example, during prolonged dry fasting. This is also a kind of drug that makes you return to yourself despite the complete absence of objective positive health results.
Not a very nice analogy, but I will give it. If a person seriously imagines a gun to his head, but does not shoot, then after he survived and fled, he will return to a new world. The environment will only change! The food will suddenly become especially tasty, the sun will shine brightly and warm like never before... it may seem that everything has suddenly changed and started playing with new colors. And all because of this... gun to the temple? Yes, but we understand that once the emotional storm subsides, everything returns to its old place. And, you know, none of us would dare say that a gun to our temples (or a parachute jump or a good dose of drugs) has taken us to a new spiritual level or anything like that. But in the case of dry fasting, for some reason, the situation is different, people without them return to it counting “record days” and issuing emotional swings as a result.
I think this effect applies to cleanings as well. Just remember that there is no mythical “99% parasite-infected” or global depression due to worms inside us. It's just fiction taken from the ceiling, nothing more.
You may feel better after cleaning. For example, cleaning up the piles of stool stones sometimes makes you feel better (you can just put an ordinary enema), but everything else is just a subjective mistaken feeling that you got rid of a terrible enemy inside you, which is really only the fruit of fantasies played out.
You disagree again? Then try to find the answer for yourself to this question. Why is it that, for a good doctor, any complaints or reports of a patient’s condition are practically irrelevant, and are almost always less important than any objective analysis? This will help to understand why eucalyptus bowel cleansing is not only ineffective but often harmful.
Source: truehealth.ru/