With the world on a string (Technology)
Scientists have created a cap of darkness
Scientists from the American Purdue University have developed a device project, which allows you to make objects invisible.
This is not the first development in this area - the discovery of the scientist Camp novel by HG Wells 'Invisible Man' excites the imagination not only readers, but also scientists. In this field we have achieved some success, not only foreign scientists, but their Russian colleagues.
Development of American scientists are based on the redirection of light rays around the object with the help of nanotechnology. Microscopic filament radiate from the center of the object, and the object becomes virtually transparent, as light flows around the object are not reflected.
The cost of a set of clothes from the "invisible material" may exceed the budget allocated by the US government on all scientific developments. Filaments that provide such an effect should be a thickness of 10 nm - resulting in visible object which is located behind the object and the object itself - no. Researchers believe that this is only the first step towards the creation of a device that can completely conceal the object of the human eye.
At Duke University - another American university - a group of scientists is also working to create invisibility in reality, but thence researchers went a little different way - they create a camouflage cover, which will make the object invisible. It is noteworthy that this group of American researchers together with their British counterparts have achieved the first practical results after just 5 months after the publication of his theoretical calculations in the journal Science. However, so far hidden from microwave radar scientists managed only a small fixed metal object.
However, Americans are enthusiastic. Their leader, David Schurig said that not far off the day will be created clothes that make a man invisible to the normal eye, and a little later - and for electronic devices. However, such a statement is premature to make a number of reasons. The first studies in the field of metamaterials - so scientists prefer to call the coating that makes the object invisible - began in 2000. In the most optimistic forecasts for the serial production of such materials to be indicated 2009-2011 year, but even in this case, the researchers warned that the cost of materials would be extremely high.
British researcher John Pendry did not mention the cost of the material order, but allowed himself to be noted that the cost of one set of clothes from the "invisible material" may considerably exceed the budget allocated by the Government of the United Kingdom for all scientific developments.
Do not lag behind their peers and Russian scientists. Professor of the Department of quantum and optical electronics Ulyanovsk State University Oleg Gadomskii already managed to invent and patent a way of making even the objects invisible. The invention itself in the patent referred to somewhat more modest: "Method for the transformation of the optical radiation." The essence of the invention is that when you create a superfine layer of microscopic colloidal gold particles located him subject becomes invisible to the observer.
However, the invisible can do is only fixed objects, because the movement of the radiation frequency is changing, and it is impossible to maintain invisibility, said Gadomskii. Nevertheless, he believes that the cap of invisibility - it's just a matter of time and the appropriate technology development.
However, the cap of darkness and shields of new materials exposed to public view intelligence agents or billionaires, is more utopia than reality. Besides the high cost of materials scientists is still not able to achieve a result complete invisibility of the subject in all the spectra and frequency bands. On the other hand, as soon as such inventions will in service in the military, defense industry in many countries urgently need to rebuild. For example, the orbital tracking devices and night vision necessary to create almost from scratch

Scientists from the American Purdue University have developed a device project, which allows you to make objects invisible.
This is not the first development in this area - the discovery of the scientist Camp novel by HG Wells 'Invisible Man' excites the imagination not only readers, but also scientists. In this field we have achieved some success, not only foreign scientists, but their Russian colleagues.
Development of American scientists are based on the redirection of light rays around the object with the help of nanotechnology. Microscopic filament radiate from the center of the object, and the object becomes virtually transparent, as light flows around the object are not reflected.
The cost of a set of clothes from the "invisible material" may exceed the budget allocated by the US government on all scientific developments. Filaments that provide such an effect should be a thickness of 10 nm - resulting in visible object which is located behind the object and the object itself - no. Researchers believe that this is only the first step towards the creation of a device that can completely conceal the object of the human eye.
At Duke University - another American university - a group of scientists is also working to create invisibility in reality, but thence researchers went a little different way - they create a camouflage cover, which will make the object invisible. It is noteworthy that this group of American researchers together with their British counterparts have achieved the first practical results after just 5 months after the publication of his theoretical calculations in the journal Science. However, so far hidden from microwave radar scientists managed only a small fixed metal object.
However, Americans are enthusiastic. Their leader, David Schurig said that not far off the day will be created clothes that make a man invisible to the normal eye, and a little later - and for electronic devices. However, such a statement is premature to make a number of reasons. The first studies in the field of metamaterials - so scientists prefer to call the coating that makes the object invisible - began in 2000. In the most optimistic forecasts for the serial production of such materials to be indicated 2009-2011 year, but even in this case, the researchers warned that the cost of materials would be extremely high.
British researcher John Pendry did not mention the cost of the material order, but allowed himself to be noted that the cost of one set of clothes from the "invisible material" may considerably exceed the budget allocated by the Government of the United Kingdom for all scientific developments.
Do not lag behind their peers and Russian scientists. Professor of the Department of quantum and optical electronics Ulyanovsk State University Oleg Gadomskii already managed to invent and patent a way of making even the objects invisible. The invention itself in the patent referred to somewhat more modest: "Method for the transformation of the optical radiation." The essence of the invention is that when you create a superfine layer of microscopic colloidal gold particles located him subject becomes invisible to the observer.
However, the invisible can do is only fixed objects, because the movement of the radiation frequency is changing, and it is impossible to maintain invisibility, said Gadomskii. Nevertheless, he believes that the cap of invisibility - it's just a matter of time and the appropriate technology development.
However, the cap of darkness and shields of new materials exposed to public view intelligence agents or billionaires, is more utopia than reality. Besides the high cost of materials scientists is still not able to achieve a result complete invisibility of the subject in all the spectra and frequency bands. On the other hand, as soon as such inventions will in service in the military, defense industry in many countries urgently need to rebuild. For example, the orbital tracking devices and night vision necessary to create almost from scratch