Origami exhibition in NYC

Tiny rose-kusudama. Origami from Maria Sinai
As you know, the art of origami originated in Japan. For a long time to the ability to fold various figures from paper studied only people of the upper class, it was considered a sign of good taste. Today origami technique available to everyone, and many artists reach in this field fantastic results. The best examples can be seen at the exhibition, which takes place on the basis of the new York Institute of art the Cooper Union.

Limited bowl. Origami from Linda Smith
Initiative of the exhibition belongs to the student of Institute of Cooper Union – una Nguyen (Uyen Nguyen). It is believed to be the world's largest event of its kind to go on which can be anyone, admission is free. This year origami will be on display from 19 June to 4 July. It is planned to show about 120 works by 80 contemporary artists from 16 different countries.

Asymmetry. Origami from Eric and Martin Demain
The exhibition, titled "Surface to Structure: Folded Forms" is intended to show how masterful artists have mastered the technique of origami. The event will run charitable Foundation Indiegogo, which accepts donations to further development of contemporary art exhibitions.

The event horizon. Origami from Byriah Loper
Among the most interesting works is a spherical rose kusudama, the original geometric figure called the "event Horizon", "portrait" Shakti – the female creative power of Shiva, the figure of the Archangel Michael and many more.

Shakti. Origami from Joel Cooper
By the way, Cultural studies.Russia You can find other reviews of the best sculptures from the masters of origami.

The Archangel Michael. From origami Tran Trung Hieu
Source: think-blue.ru/blog/post/15996
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