This exercises will restore the normal operation of the gall bladder, liver and pancreas
This simple exercises will help to normalize intestinal function, get rid of constipation, bloating (flatulence), will help to increase metabolic processes in the anterior abdominal wall and solve the problem with abdominal obesity, "excess belly".
In addition, diaphragmatic-visceral exercises will restore the normal operation of the gall bladder, liver, pancreas.
With it You will solve the problem with a dyskinesia of a biliary tract, which can lead to increased nervous excitability, irritability, anger, affects meteozavisimosti is one of the reasons for the development of the syndrome of vegetative-vascular dystonia, vertigo, temporal headache.
As exercise will improve the functioning of the kidneys and the entire urinary system. Your body will gain the ability to quickly cleaned from completed products of metabolism, homotaxial and other "toxins".
Those who have diseases of organs of small pelvis, vascular and ginekologicheskie of difficulty – I could get rid of prostatitis and BPH (men), cystic ovarian disease, uterine fibroids, adnexitis, ptosis of the uterus and vagina, painful menstruation, and enlargement of the hemorrhoidal veins.
By improving blood lymphatic circulation of the abdomen and pelvis, gymnastics DVG will have a positive impact on the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis, various lumbar and thoracic pain syndromes, sciatica (ishialgii), problems of the hip joints, varicose veins of the lower extremities, and many other pathological conditions.
Diaphragmatic-visceral exercises based on a synthesis of osteopathy, eviscerating methods of correction of the abdominal cavity, yogic kriyas - dynamic exercises, such as Nausicaa, and various folk systems summassaarentie bodies.
In osteopathy the good functioning of the internal organs is very important. This is not surprising since, in the abdominal cavity is our bodily factories for the processing of nutrients (stomach, intestines, gall bladder, pancreas), endocrine organs (pancreas), the organ of detoxification (the liver). The abdominal organs and perform many other functions.
Osteopaths recognize the undeniable link between the spine and the visceral (organ) sphere. While the reflex mechanisms of interaction allow to treat both the internal organs through its effects on the spine (vertebral-visceral reflexes) and of the spine at the back (viscero-vertebral) through the abdominal cavity.
From the standpoint of osteopathy, the diaphragm is the main propulsion element of the normal operation of the entire abdominal cavity. Cutting, sinking on the breath and pulling on the exhale, the diaphragm performs a continuous massage of the internal organs, creating the conditions for a good limfoottoka, circulation. That's why many of the techniques in osteopathy, aim the normalization of the diaphragm. Almost every Osteopathic session includes mandatory work on this breathing muscle, regardless of the goals pursued in the treatment. After all, the free breathing, good bodies and well-being is necessary for each person!
Let's start the description of gymnastics.
Exercises can be performed from the initial standing position or sitting on a chair. If you are doing it from a standing position – feet are set at shoulder width, from a sitting position — legs bent at the knee joints, feet resting on the floor. Hands straightened elbows, rest on the knees (just above knees). Back straight, slightly tilted forward.
Stage 1.
Take a deep breath. Breath divided into four phases – first fills the belly, then the middle part, then the area of podrebere-diaphragm, then the rib cage. Breathing fully (but not sorsele to avoid feelings of "tearing chest" strive for comfort) hold for 1-2 seconds the breathing.
At this point, try to relax, to let go of all muscle tension in the abdominal wall. Direct hands on knees allow you to keep the spine and frame chest without spending on the job muscular effort of the diaphragm.
Stage 2.
Make a full exhalation. On the exhalation, the head is slightly tilted forward. The exhalation is done in reverse order the same four steps – the chest, upper quadrant, mid abdomen, lower abdomen. After full exhalation, hold the breath for a few seconds.
Stage 3.
During apnea, try to do a few breathing deeply, but without air, relax the stomach muscles. During these pseudo-respiratory movements of the diaphragm will be heavily reduced – up and down.
You will feel her movement as the vibrations of a tightly stretched membrane deep inside in podrebere. Make 4 respiratory motion (not picking up the air on the delay!) aperture. These movements can be done quite quickly, on the count of 1-2-3-4 (per pseudocydonia 1 second).
Stage 4.
Continuing to hold the breath on the exhale, make 4 quick shock cuts in the lower abdomen upwards. Due to the abdominal muscles you first strain the upper, middle, lower part of the abdomen, and then make a strong push for the bottom belly up.
The feeling (and it is visually confirmed by the sequence of muscle contractions) that the wave motion is at first slow down the anterior surface of the stomach from podrebere to the bottom edge, and then a quick internal wave comes back up to the diaphragm.
Repeat from 1st to 4му stage. All you can do 4-8-16 or more cycles similar to the diaphragmatic-visceral-osteopathic-massage.
Don't go to do many cycles is hard on the body. Try to learn the exercises gradually, some days making not more than 4 cycles and then slowly increasing their number.
If you have prior to the lesson there is acute severe pain from the abdominal organs, you should not do this exercise. Before you engage in such treatment, it is advisable to understand the causes of pain. It could be as banal a dietary disorder of the bowel and the beginning of the manifestation of severe surgical illness.
In this case, you should consult a qualified specialist allopath, such as a gastroenterologist, to exclude surgical pathology. Osteopath familiar with the principles and approaches of visceral osteopathy can also provide a lot of useful recommendations and implement a correction of the position of the internal organs.
Exercises are effective if done on an "empty stomach", best in the morning on an empty stomach or at least 3-4 hours after a meal. Otherwise you not only will not achieve the health effect, but also can disrupt normal food digestion.
In order to enhance the benefits of exercise and more details to study the pelvic organs during breath hold on the 3rd and 4th stage, it is recommended to produce a strong compression of the muscles of the anus and perineum, the abdomen as "tightened" up, "sticks" to the spine.
From the standpoint of osteopathy, in addition to respiratory diaphragm in the body, there is also the so-called urogenital (urogenital) diaphragm or the diaphragm of the perineum. This muscle-swiateczna-fascial education, similar to the membrane lining the crotch area.
When addressing the pelvic, gynecological and andrological issues, the osteopath carefully carried out the correction of the diaphragm. By compressing the anus during the execution of the DVG, you would pull the pelvis upwards, massaging them internally normalize blood circulation, relieve pathological spasms. Try to gradually integrate this addition in the exercise you will get great health results!
There is another extension of the base complex DVG — circular sequential correction of the muscles of the abdominal wall and intestines.
This exercise is also done on breath – a separate complex.
Stage 1.
Starting position – as in the base case. Do a complete four phase breath.
Stage 2.
Do full four-exhale.
Stage 3.
Holding the breath, begin to consistently reduce the abdominal muscles, so that would be a wave of cuts going around the circle, clockwise from the lower abdomen to the right side, next to the upper abdomen (the area of the xiphoid process of the sternum, mid-upper quadrant), then to the left wall and again to the lower abdomen.
Try to do the exercise carefully, strongly and locally (eventually learn!) to strain your abdominal muscles for its execution. Visual – belly as it moves in a circle, is a "squeezing" force, contributing to massage the internal organs and the maximum subsequent purgation.
The exercise you are doing only the muscles, hands can not help, hands are in their initial position, with emphasis in the knees. 4 make a full circle motion. Later on the same delay can be made up to 8-16 movements as enough air. But do not aspire to too much, do not let your body to the limits. It is much better to do more passes, but to keep the comfort and to enjoy gymnastics.
The combination of exercises, you can do the first several cycles of a basic package, and then several cycles of circular massage of the abdomen.
After exercise do not immediately eat or drink a liquid. Wait 10-15 minutes, let the therapeutic processes in your body to completely settle. Drink some warm water or weak green tea. And in 5-10 minutes you can start eating.
In conclusion, I want to note that in addition to local health effects on the internal organs, gymnastics DVG beneficial effect on the entire body. It increases sexual activity, sense of "internal energy" is chronic fatigue syndrome, normalizes psycho-emotional reactions. You become more active, constructive and it is much more balanced.
See also:
Dr. Hamer: what we call disease is not a pointless ordeal
Antiparasitic cleansing and priming
Combining these exercises with techniques of psycho-emotional Perevoznaya (about this method in another article), therapy basic energy points system su-Jok and primaryservername correction of the spine, in a short time you will be able to achieve much greater results than years of taking pills or severe nonspecific muscle training.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.osteodoc.ru/dvg.htm
In addition, diaphragmatic-visceral exercises will restore the normal operation of the gall bladder, liver, pancreas.
With it You will solve the problem with a dyskinesia of a biliary tract, which can lead to increased nervous excitability, irritability, anger, affects meteozavisimosti is one of the reasons for the development of the syndrome of vegetative-vascular dystonia, vertigo, temporal headache.

As exercise will improve the functioning of the kidneys and the entire urinary system. Your body will gain the ability to quickly cleaned from completed products of metabolism, homotaxial and other "toxins".
Those who have diseases of organs of small pelvis, vascular and ginekologicheskie of difficulty – I could get rid of prostatitis and BPH (men), cystic ovarian disease, uterine fibroids, adnexitis, ptosis of the uterus and vagina, painful menstruation, and enlargement of the hemorrhoidal veins.
By improving blood lymphatic circulation of the abdomen and pelvis, gymnastics DVG will have a positive impact on the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis, various lumbar and thoracic pain syndromes, sciatica (ishialgii), problems of the hip joints, varicose veins of the lower extremities, and many other pathological conditions.
Diaphragmatic-visceral exercises based on a synthesis of osteopathy, eviscerating methods of correction of the abdominal cavity, yogic kriyas - dynamic exercises, such as Nausicaa, and various folk systems summassaarentie bodies.
In osteopathy the good functioning of the internal organs is very important. This is not surprising since, in the abdominal cavity is our bodily factories for the processing of nutrients (stomach, intestines, gall bladder, pancreas), endocrine organs (pancreas), the organ of detoxification (the liver). The abdominal organs and perform many other functions.
Osteopaths recognize the undeniable link between the spine and the visceral (organ) sphere. While the reflex mechanisms of interaction allow to treat both the internal organs through its effects on the spine (vertebral-visceral reflexes) and of the spine at the back (viscero-vertebral) through the abdominal cavity.
From the standpoint of osteopathy, the diaphragm is the main propulsion element of the normal operation of the entire abdominal cavity. Cutting, sinking on the breath and pulling on the exhale, the diaphragm performs a continuous massage of the internal organs, creating the conditions for a good limfoottoka, circulation. That's why many of the techniques in osteopathy, aim the normalization of the diaphragm. Almost every Osteopathic session includes mandatory work on this breathing muscle, regardless of the goals pursued in the treatment. After all, the free breathing, good bodies and well-being is necessary for each person!
Let's start the description of gymnastics.
Exercises can be performed from the initial standing position or sitting on a chair. If you are doing it from a standing position – feet are set at shoulder width, from a sitting position — legs bent at the knee joints, feet resting on the floor. Hands straightened elbows, rest on the knees (just above knees). Back straight, slightly tilted forward.
Stage 1.
Take a deep breath. Breath divided into four phases – first fills the belly, then the middle part, then the area of podrebere-diaphragm, then the rib cage. Breathing fully (but not sorsele to avoid feelings of "tearing chest" strive for comfort) hold for 1-2 seconds the breathing.
At this point, try to relax, to let go of all muscle tension in the abdominal wall. Direct hands on knees allow you to keep the spine and frame chest without spending on the job muscular effort of the diaphragm.

Stage 2.
Make a full exhalation. On the exhalation, the head is slightly tilted forward. The exhalation is done in reverse order the same four steps – the chest, upper quadrant, mid abdomen, lower abdomen. After full exhalation, hold the breath for a few seconds.
Stage 3.
During apnea, try to do a few breathing deeply, but without air, relax the stomach muscles. During these pseudo-respiratory movements of the diaphragm will be heavily reduced – up and down.
You will feel her movement as the vibrations of a tightly stretched membrane deep inside in podrebere. Make 4 respiratory motion (not picking up the air on the delay!) aperture. These movements can be done quite quickly, on the count of 1-2-3-4 (per pseudocydonia 1 second).

Stage 4.
Continuing to hold the breath on the exhale, make 4 quick shock cuts in the lower abdomen upwards. Due to the abdominal muscles you first strain the upper, middle, lower part of the abdomen, and then make a strong push for the bottom belly up.
The feeling (and it is visually confirmed by the sequence of muscle contractions) that the wave motion is at first slow down the anterior surface of the stomach from podrebere to the bottom edge, and then a quick internal wave comes back up to the diaphragm.

Repeat from 1st to 4му stage. All you can do 4-8-16 or more cycles similar to the diaphragmatic-visceral-osteopathic-massage.
Don't go to do many cycles is hard on the body. Try to learn the exercises gradually, some days making not more than 4 cycles and then slowly increasing their number.
If you have prior to the lesson there is acute severe pain from the abdominal organs, you should not do this exercise. Before you engage in such treatment, it is advisable to understand the causes of pain. It could be as banal a dietary disorder of the bowel and the beginning of the manifestation of severe surgical illness.
In this case, you should consult a qualified specialist allopath, such as a gastroenterologist, to exclude surgical pathology. Osteopath familiar with the principles and approaches of visceral osteopathy can also provide a lot of useful recommendations and implement a correction of the position of the internal organs.
Exercises are effective if done on an "empty stomach", best in the morning on an empty stomach or at least 3-4 hours after a meal. Otherwise you not only will not achieve the health effect, but also can disrupt normal food digestion.
In order to enhance the benefits of exercise and more details to study the pelvic organs during breath hold on the 3rd and 4th stage, it is recommended to produce a strong compression of the muscles of the anus and perineum, the abdomen as "tightened" up, "sticks" to the spine.
From the standpoint of osteopathy, in addition to respiratory diaphragm in the body, there is also the so-called urogenital (urogenital) diaphragm or the diaphragm of the perineum. This muscle-swiateczna-fascial education, similar to the membrane lining the crotch area.
When addressing the pelvic, gynecological and andrological issues, the osteopath carefully carried out the correction of the diaphragm. By compressing the anus during the execution of the DVG, you would pull the pelvis upwards, massaging them internally normalize blood circulation, relieve pathological spasms. Try to gradually integrate this addition in the exercise you will get great health results!

There is another extension of the base complex DVG — circular sequential correction of the muscles of the abdominal wall and intestines.
This exercise is also done on breath – a separate complex.
Stage 1.
Starting position – as in the base case. Do a complete four phase breath.
Stage 2.
Do full four-exhale.
Stage 3.
Holding the breath, begin to consistently reduce the abdominal muscles, so that would be a wave of cuts going around the circle, clockwise from the lower abdomen to the right side, next to the upper abdomen (the area of the xiphoid process of the sternum, mid-upper quadrant), then to the left wall and again to the lower abdomen.
Try to do the exercise carefully, strongly and locally (eventually learn!) to strain your abdominal muscles for its execution. Visual – belly as it moves in a circle, is a "squeezing" force, contributing to massage the internal organs and the maximum subsequent purgation.
The exercise you are doing only the muscles, hands can not help, hands are in their initial position, with emphasis in the knees. 4 make a full circle motion. Later on the same delay can be made up to 8-16 movements as enough air. But do not aspire to too much, do not let your body to the limits. It is much better to do more passes, but to keep the comfort and to enjoy gymnastics.

The combination of exercises, you can do the first several cycles of a basic package, and then several cycles of circular massage of the abdomen.
After exercise do not immediately eat or drink a liquid. Wait 10-15 minutes, let the therapeutic processes in your body to completely settle. Drink some warm water or weak green tea. And in 5-10 minutes you can start eating.
In conclusion, I want to note that in addition to local health effects on the internal organs, gymnastics DVG beneficial effect on the entire body. It increases sexual activity, sense of "internal energy" is chronic fatigue syndrome, normalizes psycho-emotional reactions. You become more active, constructive and it is much more balanced.
See also:
Dr. Hamer: what we call disease is not a pointless ordeal
Antiparasitic cleansing and priming
Combining these exercises with techniques of psycho-emotional Perevoznaya (about this method in another article), therapy basic energy points system su-Jok and primaryservername correction of the spine, in a short time you will be able to achieve much greater results than years of taking pills or severe nonspecific muscle training.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.osteodoc.ru/dvg.htm