Gallbladder - conductor of internal organs
Physical Role of the Gall Bubble in the Human Organism
Our consideration of the physiology of the gallbladder will begin with a mention of Hippocrates, who at one time pointed to the gallbladder as an organ that occupies an important place in the life of the whole organism. In the system of Old Russian internal therapy, this organ was put on one of the leading places in recovery and was the starting point in working with internal organs. In other, more modern language, we can say without exaggeration that he is a conductor in the work of our internal organs.
Let us try to consider the role of the gallbladder from the standpoint of modern physiology. The function of the biliary system is regulated by the neurohuman system of the body and depends on the functional state of neighboring organs.
Bile refers to digestive juices. However, it also performs an excretory function, since various exogenous and endogenous substances are excreted from the blood with it. Bile increases the activity of enzymes of pancreatic juice of the pancreas and, above all, lipase. Its effect on the digestion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates is carried out not only by activating pancreatic enzymes and intestinal juice, but also by direct participation in this process with the help of its own enzymes.
Bile acids play a huge role in the absorption of fats. They emulsify neutral fats, breaking them into tiny droplets, as a result of which the surface of their contact with enzymes increases, the breakdown of fats is facilitated, the activity of pancreatic and intestinal lipase increases.
Bile is necessary for the absorption of fatty acids and, therefore, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K.
Bile enhances the juice of the pancreas, increases tone and stimulates intestinal peristalsis (dwelve intestine and large intestine), takes part in parietal digestion.
It has a bacteriostatic effect on the intestinal flora, preventing the development of putrid processes. It should be noted an interesting observation that in people who have had their appendix removed, the gallbladder has impaired function.
Bile neutralizes hydrochloric acid coming from the stomach into the small intestine.
Submitted by oriental medicine, there is a reflex connection of the gallbladder with a headache localized in the temporal region, with a feeling of nausea, dryness and bitterness in the mouth. In some cases, folk physicians, improving the function of the gallbladder, relieved the patient from headache, as well as according to some sources, and according to the author's own observations, from such a disease as epilepsy, in cases where an epilepsy attack began with a headache of temporal localization and nausea.
Oriental medicine notes that any stagnant phenomenon in the body causes its poisoning. If we take into account the importance of the gallbladder, which was mentioned above, then we can say that the violation of its normal activity leads to catastrophic disorders in the body, disruption of digestion and poisoning and, we can assume, to a reduction in life expectancy.
Pathology of the gallbladder also leads to the destruction of the joints. In particular, a clear relationship is seen in the knee and hip joints. Observations show that there is even a certain sequence of violations. At the initial stage of the weakening of the gallbladder, crunch appears in the knee joints when bending (squatting), then pain when moving, especially when loading, and subsequently characteristic creaks and knocks appear in the joint bags.
Of course, it would be wrong to assume that osteoarthritis of the knee and hip joints is associated only with the gallbladder. Here there is a general violation of metabolism, developing in the body. But the leading role in this violation is undoubtedly played by the functional state of the gallbladder.
Causes that cause violations in the work of the gallbladder
The causes of violation of the function of the gallbladder, a number of modern authors include strong negative emotions, which, affecting the immune system and other systems of the body, weaken it and create a favorable ground for the development of many diseases.
This factor is in the first place among the causes of diseases. The nervous system, according to physiology, under stressful situations causes inhibition of the outflow of bile from the gallbladder and the formation of stagnant phenomena in it. In prolonged stressful situations, a violation of functioning is accompanied by a weakening of its contractile ability, the formation of stagnant phenomena in it and, as a result, thickening of bile occurs. Bile becomes concentrated, there is corrosion of the mucous inner surface of the bladder and there is an inflammatory process.
The atonic process of the gallbladder develops, associated with detraining of the muscle group, which leads to the formation of sedimentary structures in the form of sand or stones.
S.P. Botkin, speaking about the clinic of biliary dyskinesia and chronic cholecystitis, pointed to the facts of the occurrence of “emotional jaundice”, due to the mental trauma of people. In his works there are descriptions of calculous cholecystitis, which stimulate angina or myocardial infarction.
Dyskinesia of the biliary tract, as a result of prolonged spasm of the sphincter of Oddi, according to many modern clinicians, is very often associated with severe emotional experiences, fear, irritability.
Another important factor is family predisposition, or hereditary factor. Other reasons include:
A significant place in the development of disorders is occupied by transferred infectious diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. published
How the gallbladder affects the legs and face. Alexander Ogulov
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about recovery, rejuvenation of a person. Love for others and for yourself as a feeling of high vibrations is an important factor.
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Source: www.ogulov.ru/ourspec/852/
Our consideration of the physiology of the gallbladder will begin with a mention of Hippocrates, who at one time pointed to the gallbladder as an organ that occupies an important place in the life of the whole organism. In the system of Old Russian internal therapy, this organ was put on one of the leading places in recovery and was the starting point in working with internal organs. In other, more modern language, we can say without exaggeration that he is a conductor in the work of our internal organs.
Let us try to consider the role of the gallbladder from the standpoint of modern physiology. The function of the biliary system is regulated by the neurohuman system of the body and depends on the functional state of neighboring organs.
Bile refers to digestive juices. However, it also performs an excretory function, since various exogenous and endogenous substances are excreted from the blood with it. Bile increases the activity of enzymes of pancreatic juice of the pancreas and, above all, lipase. Its effect on the digestion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates is carried out not only by activating pancreatic enzymes and intestinal juice, but also by direct participation in this process with the help of its own enzymes.
Bile acids play a huge role in the absorption of fats. They emulsify neutral fats, breaking them into tiny droplets, as a result of which the surface of their contact with enzymes increases, the breakdown of fats is facilitated, the activity of pancreatic and intestinal lipase increases.
Bile is necessary for the absorption of fatty acids and, therefore, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K.
Bile enhances the juice of the pancreas, increases tone and stimulates intestinal peristalsis (dwelve intestine and large intestine), takes part in parietal digestion.
It has a bacteriostatic effect on the intestinal flora, preventing the development of putrid processes. It should be noted an interesting observation that in people who have had their appendix removed, the gallbladder has impaired function.
Bile neutralizes hydrochloric acid coming from the stomach into the small intestine.
Submitted by oriental medicine, there is a reflex connection of the gallbladder with a headache localized in the temporal region, with a feeling of nausea, dryness and bitterness in the mouth. In some cases, folk physicians, improving the function of the gallbladder, relieved the patient from headache, as well as according to some sources, and according to the author's own observations, from such a disease as epilepsy, in cases where an epilepsy attack began with a headache of temporal localization and nausea.
Oriental medicine notes that any stagnant phenomenon in the body causes its poisoning. If we take into account the importance of the gallbladder, which was mentioned above, then we can say that the violation of its normal activity leads to catastrophic disorders in the body, disruption of digestion and poisoning and, we can assume, to a reduction in life expectancy.
Pathology of the gallbladder also leads to the destruction of the joints. In particular, a clear relationship is seen in the knee and hip joints. Observations show that there is even a certain sequence of violations. At the initial stage of the weakening of the gallbladder, crunch appears in the knee joints when bending (squatting), then pain when moving, especially when loading, and subsequently characteristic creaks and knocks appear in the joint bags.
Of course, it would be wrong to assume that osteoarthritis of the knee and hip joints is associated only with the gallbladder. Here there is a general violation of metabolism, developing in the body. But the leading role in this violation is undoubtedly played by the functional state of the gallbladder.
Causes that cause violations in the work of the gallbladder
The causes of violation of the function of the gallbladder, a number of modern authors include strong negative emotions, which, affecting the immune system and other systems of the body, weaken it and create a favorable ground for the development of many diseases.
This factor is in the first place among the causes of diseases. The nervous system, according to physiology, under stressful situations causes inhibition of the outflow of bile from the gallbladder and the formation of stagnant phenomena in it. In prolonged stressful situations, a violation of functioning is accompanied by a weakening of its contractile ability, the formation of stagnant phenomena in it and, as a result, thickening of bile occurs. Bile becomes concentrated, there is corrosion of the mucous inner surface of the bladder and there is an inflammatory process.
The atonic process of the gallbladder develops, associated with detraining of the muscle group, which leads to the formation of sedimentary structures in the form of sand or stones.
S.P. Botkin, speaking about the clinic of biliary dyskinesia and chronic cholecystitis, pointed to the facts of the occurrence of “emotional jaundice”, due to the mental trauma of people. In his works there are descriptions of calculous cholecystitis, which stimulate angina or myocardial infarction.
Dyskinesia of the biliary tract, as a result of prolonged spasm of the sphincter of Oddi, according to many modern clinicians, is very often associated with severe emotional experiences, fear, irritability.
Another important factor is family predisposition, or hereditary factor. Other reasons include:
- violation of motor activity,
- violation of the regime of fat consumption, nutrition.
A significant place in the development of disorders is occupied by transferred infectious diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. published
How the gallbladder affects the legs and face. Alexander Ogulov
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, which allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about recovery, rejuvenation of a person. Love for others and for yourself as a feeling of high vibrations is an important factor.
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Source: www.ogulov.ru/ourspec/852/
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