Effective natural remedies from bile stasis
One of the most important organs of the digestive system is a gallbladder and liver. But due to the emergence of pathologies of the digestive tract, breaks down the process of formation and release of bile, which is involved in the digestion of food.
For the treatment of this disease there are various cholagogue. They are medical and popular vegetable. In turn, the plant divided into 2 groups. Thanks to the first, increasing the formation of bile, and thanks to the second — the bile is excreted into the intestine.
Most people preferably apply to such folk choleretic means, as of grass. They stimulate the formation of bile and have many other medical properties: increase appetite, relieve inflammation of internal organs, stimulate the metabolism, reduce blood sugar, reduce bad cholesterol and normalize the entire gastrointestinal tract.
Choleretic herbs and their application
In the treatment of gall bladder and liver more efficient are herbs, of which they make a variety of teas, decoctions and infusions. Some fees are several types of herbs, enhancing the medicinal properties in combination with each other.
Peppermint leaves
Contained in the menthol mint, has antispasmodic effect on the bile ducts, improving the flow of the hepatic secretion and helping to get rid of nausea and feeling of heaviness in side, and also improves appetite. Tea brewed from the leaves of mint and drink 2-3 cups a day without adding sugar.
Corn silk
Also one of the well known and effective traditional medicine against stagnation of bile are corn silk. Per Cup of boiling water put 3 tablespoons corn stigmas. Simmering infusion with stigmas, the capacity should be put in the larger pot with water and heat on low heat for 30 minutes. Bring to boil not necessary. After removing from heat, infusion should be diluted with boiled water 1:1. Drink a quarter Cup before eating.
Is the most accessible and common means at the time of its flowering. To brew a decoction, you must dig up the roots, choosing not faded plants, wash them, chop, cover with water and let boil. After about 20 minutes strain and drink warm half a Cup before eating.
Is the most effective cholagogue. Preparation: in a glass of boiling water put a couple of teaspoons of crushed blossoms, infused, filtered, and drunk for about 25-30 minutes before eating 1/3 Cup a few times a day.
Beet juice
To products choleretic action include beets, or rather its juice. Undercooked red beetroot needs to be grated, the pulp squeeze through cheesecloth. Stagnation of bile juice to SIP for half an hour before meals, not forgetting that beet has a mild laxative effect.
Vegetable oil
Heat half a Cup of not refined vegetable oil and taking it on an empty stomach, lie on your right side, resting on the right hypochondrium hot water bottle. Lie down until the heater has cooled.
The juice of green apples
Drink 100 gram 3 times a day for half an hour before eating (treatment month).
The use of choleretic collection
Also, when stagnation of bile to help choleretic herbs. The action of Helichrysum can be enhanced with St. John's wort. Herb mix in equal proportions, 1 tablespoon of the mixture to put in a glass, pour water at room temperature and infuse for one day. After the infusion needs to be boiled for 10 minutes and strain. It should be taken 3-4 times a day for a quarter Cup before eating.
This decoction will cause the pressure to normal
How to make a super healing oil of nettle
Choleretic folk herbal remedies easily and quickly eliminate the stagnation of bile, prevents the formation of gallstones, as well as the development of infectious-inflammatory diseases of the biliary tract. All good health! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vsenarodnaya-medicina.ru/zhelchegonnyie-narodnyie-sredstva/#more-2983
For the treatment of this disease there are various cholagogue. They are medical and popular vegetable. In turn, the plant divided into 2 groups. Thanks to the first, increasing the formation of bile, and thanks to the second — the bile is excreted into the intestine.
Most people preferably apply to such folk choleretic means, as of grass. They stimulate the formation of bile and have many other medical properties: increase appetite, relieve inflammation of internal organs, stimulate the metabolism, reduce blood sugar, reduce bad cholesterol and normalize the entire gastrointestinal tract.
Choleretic herbs and their application
In the treatment of gall bladder and liver more efficient are herbs, of which they make a variety of teas, decoctions and infusions. Some fees are several types of herbs, enhancing the medicinal properties in combination with each other.
Peppermint leaves
Contained in the menthol mint, has antispasmodic effect on the bile ducts, improving the flow of the hepatic secretion and helping to get rid of nausea and feeling of heaviness in side, and also improves appetite. Tea brewed from the leaves of mint and drink 2-3 cups a day without adding sugar.
Corn silk
Also one of the well known and effective traditional medicine against stagnation of bile are corn silk. Per Cup of boiling water put 3 tablespoons corn stigmas. Simmering infusion with stigmas, the capacity should be put in the larger pot with water and heat on low heat for 30 minutes. Bring to boil not necessary. After removing from heat, infusion should be diluted with boiled water 1:1. Drink a quarter Cup before eating.
Is the most accessible and common means at the time of its flowering. To brew a decoction, you must dig up the roots, choosing not faded plants, wash them, chop, cover with water and let boil. After about 20 minutes strain and drink warm half a Cup before eating.
Is the most effective cholagogue. Preparation: in a glass of boiling water put a couple of teaspoons of crushed blossoms, infused, filtered, and drunk for about 25-30 minutes before eating 1/3 Cup a few times a day.
Beet juice
To products choleretic action include beets, or rather its juice. Undercooked red beetroot needs to be grated, the pulp squeeze through cheesecloth. Stagnation of bile juice to SIP for half an hour before meals, not forgetting that beet has a mild laxative effect.
Vegetable oil
Heat half a Cup of not refined vegetable oil and taking it on an empty stomach, lie on your right side, resting on the right hypochondrium hot water bottle. Lie down until the heater has cooled.
The juice of green apples
Drink 100 gram 3 times a day for half an hour before eating (treatment month).
The use of choleretic collection
Also, when stagnation of bile to help choleretic herbs. The action of Helichrysum can be enhanced with St. John's wort. Herb mix in equal proportions, 1 tablespoon of the mixture to put in a glass, pour water at room temperature and infuse for one day. After the infusion needs to be boiled for 10 minutes and strain. It should be taken 3-4 times a day for a quarter Cup before eating.
This decoction will cause the pressure to normal
How to make a super healing oil of nettle
Choleretic folk herbal remedies easily and quickly eliminate the stagnation of bile, prevents the formation of gallstones, as well as the development of infectious-inflammatory diseases of the biliary tract. All good health! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vsenarodnaya-medicina.ru/zhelchegonnyie-narodnyie-sredstva/#more-2983