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The geography of disease

Seven million six hundred fifty nine thousand six hundred seventy six

Studying the life of different peoples, you can see that the disease has its geography, due to both climatic conditions and the diet of the local population, style of dress in different seasons of the year, various cultural and folk traditions.

So, in the Baltic countries with a climate more mild than in Central Russia, but much more raw, mostly spread the disease "cold" on the basis of perturbations of the Constitution of the Mucus (Kapha) diseases of the joints (arthritis), kidneys (kidney stones) and others. The effect of climate is complemented by the nature of power. In the diet of the local people dominated by Yin foods: fish, potatoes, dairy products. All food is typically fresh, spicy and warming spices are used infrequently, as an exception rather than the rule. These two factors – climate and food – define the predominant constitutional type of the local population – the Mucus (Kapha). This phlegmatic, imperturbable people, slow and unemotional.

In contrast, the inhabitants of the Caucasus differ violent temper, hot temper and passion – all characteristics of the Constitution of the Bile (Pitta), to which they overwhelmingly are. The climate in this region is hot, with high solar activity, contributes to the agitation of the Bile (Pitta). On the other hand, the situation is aggravated by the character of the local national dishes: hot grilled lamb dishes, plenty of seasoning and spices. All this leads to wide spread diseases of "heat" on the basis of the perturbation of the Constitution Bile (Pitta) such as hypertension and all cardiovascular disease, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, peptic ulcer disease, osteoarthritis of the small joints.

In addition, people of the Constitution, the Bile (Pitta) due to increased emotionality are significantly affected by the disorder of the nervous system (the Constitution of the Wind) (wool). As we have noted, Bile (Pitta) and Wind (Vata) "enter into a friendship and doing the same thing." That's why in the region of the Caucasus is also very common nervous system diseases: neurasthenia, neurosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia. Many children born with cerebral palsy.

In the countries of Central Asia, the climate is not less hot than in the Caucasus, but due to a smaller use in cooking spices temperament of the local people calmer and indignation of Bile (Pitta)is expressed not so bright. In these countries also distributed cholecystitis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer disease, cardiovascular disease, but to a lesser extent than in the regions of the Caucasus.

Severe, sharply continental climate of Siberia, with long cold winters forcing people to adapt to it to survive. It may seem surprising that people living in such adverse natural conditions, however, are known for their good health. However, nothing surprising in this. The reason Siberian health in a proper adaptation to environmental conditions. The inhabitants of Siberia we dress warmly in the winter ensure that feet were always warm. While the food is always hot, and the diet is varied and changes depending on the time of year: in winter it is dominated by meat dishes, and in summer more dairy products.

Still more severe climate of Yakutia. But here, as in Siberia, people due to the correct adaptation to the natural environment in General, is not sick and often live to an old age. This shows that even in the most severe climatic conditions, health and life expectancy of a person depend in the end from him: how reasonable is his behavior and how to correct will be the nature of power. Not to mention the fact that the locals never bring themselves to the development and complications of rickets (caused by vitamin D deficiency ) and scurvy. Eating a steak from frozen meat and fish, residents of the North do not know these diseases. Meanwhile, most Europeans who came to explore the North, were ill with scurvy and had big problems with health.

If we turn to such a vast and populous country like China, we will see that the people in it vary depending on area of residence. In Central and southern China they are in the bulk belong to the mixed Constitution of Bile (Pitta) and Wind (Vata). It is agile, active, light, energetic and hard-working people, almost not subject to excessive fullness. The people of the Constitution of the Mucus (Kapha) are found only in the North, in areas bordering Russia. They have higher growth and greater body mass than their southern compatriots. The climate here is colder, and in the diet is dominated by Yin foods: people eat more potatoes, flour products, bread, dairy products. Therefore, in the North of the country more common disease of "cold" (Vata and Kapha), and in southern areas – disease "heat" (Bile) (pitt): gastritis, cholecystitis, peptic ulcer disease. Diabetes meets extremely seldom, because China has almost no overweight people, and the cuisine that developed over several millennia, balanced products and high culinary culture. Chinese cuisine has gained popularity worldwide thanks to its easy digestibility, rich taste and diversity of food materials.

Southern neighbour China, India is a country with very hot climate and greater population density. It was here that he received the birth of the great ancient science of health – Ayurveda spread to other countries. This country has produced many spices and herbs, wide use of which in the climatic conditions of southern latitudes was due to the food hygiene and, of course, was the survival of the Indian nation for millennia. However, excessive sweets, which, like other meals, Indians prefer to fry it in oil, and universal love of tea, which they drink always with sugar and milk, contributed to the spread in the last time diabetes. Indian doctors began to talk about the epidemic of the disease hit the country. India – the birthplace of vegetarianism, and no wonder: the rich flora plus the constant heat that the minimum conditions for its occurrence. Hardly it could emerge in Siberia, Russia as a whole. In countries with cold, damp climate vegetarianism is unacceptable.

From India move to the West – North Africa. In a country like Tunisia, with its hot, Sunny climate, people mostly belong to the Constitution of Bile (Pitta). Most common here are cardiovascular disease and disorders of the nervous system. It is characteristic that, despite the southern heat, local residents almost do not eat raw vegetables (as opposed to, for example, from the Russians). Before filing on the table, they certainly fry or stew, seasoning spices, which improve digestion and prevent the accumulation in the body mucus. Also do residents of most other southern countries. Looks especially unreasonable consumption of raw vegetables and fruits (Yin food) by the inhabitants of our Northern latitudes, and prone to disease, "cold" (Vata and Kapha).

Heading North from Tunis, we find ourselves in Malta. It is a small island nation with the same hot and Sunny climate, but its inhabitants, unlike the people of Tunisia belong to the mixed Constitution of Bile (Pitta) -Mucus (Kapha). This is due to the diet of the local population with a predominance in the diet of potatoes, peas, pastry dishes and cheese (the national dish – cheese pie), which is the accumulation of Mucus (Kapha). Of meat eat a little Maltese and not more often than once a week, spices and seasoning almost no use – all the food is fresh. This, in particular, due to the fact that the first place on prevalence in Malta is "cold" cancers, and cardiovascular disease – only the second. In addition, the Maltese ranks first in Europe in the number of overweight people among women and among men.

It is appropriate to note that the indigenous inhabitants of the countries with a warm climate (North Africa, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Malta, Italy, etc.) do not swim in the sea at temperatures below 23-25 degrees. Among them you will hardly meet the "walrus". So hundreds and thousands of years of tradition, reasonable adaptations to the climate.

To the North of Malta, in France, the prevailing Constitution of the population, the Bile (Pitta). The French have less than residents of other countries (except the Italians) are susceptible to cardiovascular diseases than residents of other countries. The reason for this particular balance of national cuisine and high culture of consumption of red wines, contributing to the thinning of the blood (prevention of arteriosclerosis). Gourmets the French eat rich in taste with respect to food, know how to savor food, but never overeat. Therefore, in this country the indigenous people-the French are slim and look young, although in recent times they were bypassed by the Italians.
Thus, the example of France shows how important it is to maintain health to observe proper nutrition. At the same time neighbouring country – Italy – is an example of how important in this respect, the correct way of life, in particular, its psycho-emotional component. And if the French embody a harmonious Constitution Bile (Pitta), then the Italians should say that they are a harmonious Constitution of the Wind.(Vata)

The national character of Italians is characterized by such traits as cheerfulness, optimism, ability in any situation to maintain composure and a joyful perception of life. The Italians almost always are in good mood, love to sing from the heart and have fun. This does not mean that their life has no problems, they just know how to disengage from them, not allowing them to dominate over consciousness. A deep dive into the negative emotions – sadness, heavy reverie, sadness, longing, depression – intoxicating affects the function of internal organs and overall health. That's why it's so important to be able to turn away from their worries and just enjoy life. This practice is not worse than the classical meditation is a source of spiritual nourishment and prevention of various diseases.

As for national cuisines, the Italians almost never eat fried foods. All Italian dishes or cooked in the oven (pizza), or boiled in water (pasta). In salads harmony of raw and boiled vegetables (lettuce, carrots, peas, celery, etc.), which sbrazhivaetsya high quality olive oil cold pressed and flavored with pepper and herbs. The food on the whole is healthy, despite the relatively high content of carbohydrates (pastry). Because of this, and the fact that Italians tend not to overeat and watch for their appearance in this country quite a few overweight people, especially in the elderly. It is worth noting also that the Italians, like the French, eat a lot of dry red wine in combination with cheese. The life expectancy in the country is very high: 78 years for men and 82 years for women.

Unlike the French and the Italians, the Germans prefer wine to beer, and this increases the prevalence of diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, lesions of the joints and kidneys, especially in the South, in Bavaria. In the North of Germany the climate is more windy, damp with fewer Sunny days, which contributes to greater spread of nervous diseases based on disturbances of the Constitution, the Wind (Vata). Despite the differences in cooking different areas of the country, there are common features, typical for German cuisine: the predominance of acid condiments based on vinegar, the preferential consumption of pork (inski product), cold food table. Such a diet is a provoking factor in the disease "cold" (Vata and Kapha).

About the same kitchen and in Finland, where the main seasoning is a table or Apple cider vinegar, people consume large amounts of sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers and other vegetables, eat more fish than meat. The climate here is cold, damp, with long nights and short daylight hours. All of these factors leave their imprint on the nature of the locals, who tend to brooding, sadness, depression. The country has a high percentage of alcoholism and suicide.

Even such a brief geographical digression is enough to see how the nature of the disease depends on the human environment, both natural and social. Speaking of the middle strip of Russia and its North-Western part, it should be noted that Russia is a country with cold and wet climate. Besides, her story is dramatic. War, times of famine and devastation does not promote the formation of traditions of healthy nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. These two factors imposed a third today – the realities of the modern world. This invasion of industry "fast food", and constant stress, unfavorable environmental conditions. All this contributes to the large spread of chronic diseases among the Russian population, especially in disease "cold" on the basis of the perturbation of the constitutions of the Wind (Vata) and Mucus (Kapha). Frequent in our country and diseases from disturbances of Bile (Pitta), aided by the love of the population to fried food and hard alcohol. published

from the book “Diagnosis in Tibetan medicine,” p. Choijinimaeva, honored doctor of the Republic of Buryatia, the author of books on the theory and practice of Tibetan medicine. The book expressed the author's personal views do not always coincide with generally accepted

P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

Source: aayurveda.ca/dosha/geodisease/2/