Bile of man: anger, depression and resentment live in the liver
The influence of emotions on health"The student, who's constantly criticized, the Master said:
— If you are looking for perfection, seek to change yourself, not others. Easier to put on sandals than to cover the carpet the whole earth."
Have you ever thought ever about what consequences may arise from such familiar feelings that we experience every day, as anger, aggression, envy, jealousy, resentment, sadness, fear, etc.
Especially if we experience them regularly. Sometimes we don't pay attention to them and does not associate the anger with the violation of the liver and gallbladder. Or is constantly afraid with kidney failure. But it turns out all of the disease begins with negative emotions, which we do not pay attention.Because they block the movement of energy through invisible channels in our body, and it ceases to flow to the organs and systems of the body. Therefore, in order to maintain your health you must learn to manage their emotions.
Continuing the theme about emotions and how they affect all body systems and health, we will consider several organs and processes that can occur in them under the influence of unstable emotional States.
Seventy one million six hundred fifty eight thousand six hundred fifty one
The bladder and kidneys The bladder refers to the element of water. The kidneys are the body partner.
Emotional signs of imbalance: constant emotional tension, tendency to complaint, major depression, sensitivity, strong fear, lethargy, weakness, tearfulness, fear of failure, panic attacks, fear of the future, a tendency to overexertion.
Physical signs of imbalance: cystitis, trouble with urination, tension in the muscles and limbs, cold hands and feet, coldness in the back and buttocks, loss of hair, dry, brittle hair, reduced sexuality, dark circles under the eyes, puffiness, infertility, impotence.
The bladder is a very sensitive organ of the human body - it most strongly reacts both to the physical stimuli and emotions. A lot of stress, fear and shock can cause a sudden urge to urinate that is difficult to control.
The person experiencing feelings such as insecurity, instability, fear of change or significant depression, often has bladder problems. If the emotional state does not change over a long period of time, diseases of the genitourinary system can become chronic.
The main emotion that affect the kidney is fear. If a person is experiencing severe stress and fear the adrenal gland carry out adrenaline rush. If the kidneys is disrupted, we may experience irrational fear, which constantly arises as if from nowhere. Kidney stones can indicate a subconscious manifestation of fear and sadness.
People with weakened kidneys and bladder, avoid ice in drinks and to drink no more six glasses of pure water a day, as excessive consumption of fluids can exacerbate the condition.
Oriental medicine advises to eat more warm food, vegetables and fruits, more time to spend outdoors, walking in the woods and working with the earth. These classes will help to calm the nervous system and you will be able to feed on the energy of the earth.
If you are overcome with the feeling of fear, look inside yourself, asking the question "is it real what am I afraid of?". It may be that you are afraid only of their thoughts and real causes for concern.
The gallbladder and liver The gall bladder belongs to the wood element. The liver is the body partner.
Emotional signs of imbalance: aggressive behavior, jealousy, resentment, anger which finds no outlet, irritability, pessimism, mood swings, nervous tension, anger.
Physical signs of imbalance: gastrointestinal disorders, disorders of stool, indigestion, degradation in windy weather, flatulence, migraine, thin, brittle nails, nausea, vomiting, pain in the right hypochondrium.
In Eastern medicine, the imbalance of the gallbladder and liver is associated with emotions such as excessive anger, depression, resentment. Not coincidentally the origin of the expression "gall of the man." The more you test the state of uncontrollable anger, aggression, cherishing old grievances, the more chances you have to acquire problems with these bodies.
It is believed that the liver accumulates anger, and it is associated with harmful addictions (alcohol, drugs, food). Emotional stress, which is often the cause of such dependencies, is born in the liver that it interferes with work and normal functioning.
In this body accumulate all the poisons, both emotional and physical, from which it can be concluded that the open expression of anger will bring you much more benefit than retaining it within itself in the form of time bombs, poisoning your body. This does not mean that you need to constantly scandals, raising his voice. To give vent to anger and aggression can be Boxing the heavy bag and doing active sports. You can also write to the recipient, expressing it all that you think about this person, do not hesitate in expressions. Then burn the letter. Using this method, you will give vent to his emotions, no offending.
Chinese medicine advises people with imbalances of the liver and gallbladder to follow a moderate regime in power, to refrain from fatty, fried, spicy and starchy foods, as well as from alcohol and coffee. To eat more grains, sesame seeds and chicory. Eat foods that are nourishing and cleansing the blood, such as beets, blue-green algae, apricots and figs.
The lungs and large intestine The lungs belong to the element metal. The colon is an organ of the partner.
Emotional signs of imbalance: grief, melancholy, pessimism, resentment, apathy, boredom, inability to forget the bad, cynicism.
Physical signs of imbalance: skin problems, psoriasis, breathing problems, asthma, sweating, weakness of the intestines, pain in the lower abdomen, flatulence.
Oriental medicine associates long sorrow, sadness and grief with the lungs. We all live human, and sometimes fatal events and circumstances cripple our emotional body. We mourn, we cry and a deep sadness settles in our body on a physical level. Temporary manifestations of these emotions are natural and are periodic in the life of every person. But if you linger in this condition for a long time, experiencing grief in the mind again and again, you are risking physical illness. You need to learn to "let go" of these emotions, accepting the situation.
Twenty six million thirty nine thousand seven hundred forty seven
About the connection of the large intestine with the courage known since ancient times. People with weakened, irritated intestines are not able to deal with life's difficulties, often feel disappointment, despair and bitterness. The colon is responsible for cleansing the body from toxic substances, therefore very important to avoid weakness of character, to cultivate a strong will, perseverance, and courage, thereby supporting the work of this body.
If you tend to accumulate emotional burden and are unable to get rid of negative emotions and forgiving is a disturbing signal to the occurrence of many problems and diseases in the future. Learn to look at life through the eyes of a child like a child discovering the world with ease and humor reacting to various life situations.Do not take seriously the opinions of others, because you that God created and only he knows what He wants to see you.
Learn to forgive others and, most importantly, forgive yourself. You are already perfect, there is no need to rush.Live, enjoy, laugh and experience positive emotions and state of "happiness of life" as often as possible, and then sickness and diseases have never be disturbed. There is nothing more beautiful than stable emotional state, love of self, love of others and acceptance of all that is. Be loved, happy and healthy! published
Author: Alla Tashireva
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © econet
Source: norbekov.com/materials/one/articles/138
— If you are looking for perfection, seek to change yourself, not others. Easier to put on sandals than to cover the carpet the whole earth."
Have you ever thought ever about what consequences may arise from such familiar feelings that we experience every day, as anger, aggression, envy, jealousy, resentment, sadness, fear, etc.
Especially if we experience them regularly. Sometimes we don't pay attention to them and does not associate the anger with the violation of the liver and gallbladder. Or is constantly afraid with kidney failure. But it turns out all of the disease begins with negative emotions, which we do not pay attention.Because they block the movement of energy through invisible channels in our body, and it ceases to flow to the organs and systems of the body. Therefore, in order to maintain your health you must learn to manage their emotions.
Continuing the theme about emotions and how they affect all body systems and health, we will consider several organs and processes that can occur in them under the influence of unstable emotional States.
Seventy one million six hundred fifty eight thousand six hundred fifty one
The bladder and kidneys The bladder refers to the element of water. The kidneys are the body partner.
Emotional signs of imbalance: constant emotional tension, tendency to complaint, major depression, sensitivity, strong fear, lethargy, weakness, tearfulness, fear of failure, panic attacks, fear of the future, a tendency to overexertion.
Physical signs of imbalance: cystitis, trouble with urination, tension in the muscles and limbs, cold hands and feet, coldness in the back and buttocks, loss of hair, dry, brittle hair, reduced sexuality, dark circles under the eyes, puffiness, infertility, impotence.
The bladder is a very sensitive organ of the human body - it most strongly reacts both to the physical stimuli and emotions. A lot of stress, fear and shock can cause a sudden urge to urinate that is difficult to control.
The person experiencing feelings such as insecurity, instability, fear of change or significant depression, often has bladder problems. If the emotional state does not change over a long period of time, diseases of the genitourinary system can become chronic.
The main emotion that affect the kidney is fear. If a person is experiencing severe stress and fear the adrenal gland carry out adrenaline rush. If the kidneys is disrupted, we may experience irrational fear, which constantly arises as if from nowhere. Kidney stones can indicate a subconscious manifestation of fear and sadness.
People with weakened kidneys and bladder, avoid ice in drinks and to drink no more six glasses of pure water a day, as excessive consumption of fluids can exacerbate the condition.
Oriental medicine advises to eat more warm food, vegetables and fruits, more time to spend outdoors, walking in the woods and working with the earth. These classes will help to calm the nervous system and you will be able to feed on the energy of the earth.
If you are overcome with the feeling of fear, look inside yourself, asking the question "is it real what am I afraid of?". It may be that you are afraid only of their thoughts and real causes for concern.
The gallbladder and liver The gall bladder belongs to the wood element. The liver is the body partner.
Emotional signs of imbalance: aggressive behavior, jealousy, resentment, anger which finds no outlet, irritability, pessimism, mood swings, nervous tension, anger.
Physical signs of imbalance: gastrointestinal disorders, disorders of stool, indigestion, degradation in windy weather, flatulence, migraine, thin, brittle nails, nausea, vomiting, pain in the right hypochondrium.
In Eastern medicine, the imbalance of the gallbladder and liver is associated with emotions such as excessive anger, depression, resentment. Not coincidentally the origin of the expression "gall of the man." The more you test the state of uncontrollable anger, aggression, cherishing old grievances, the more chances you have to acquire problems with these bodies.
It is believed that the liver accumulates anger, and it is associated with harmful addictions (alcohol, drugs, food). Emotional stress, which is often the cause of such dependencies, is born in the liver that it interferes with work and normal functioning.
In this body accumulate all the poisons, both emotional and physical, from which it can be concluded that the open expression of anger will bring you much more benefit than retaining it within itself in the form of time bombs, poisoning your body. This does not mean that you need to constantly scandals, raising his voice. To give vent to anger and aggression can be Boxing the heavy bag and doing active sports. You can also write to the recipient, expressing it all that you think about this person, do not hesitate in expressions. Then burn the letter. Using this method, you will give vent to his emotions, no offending.
Chinese medicine advises people with imbalances of the liver and gallbladder to follow a moderate regime in power, to refrain from fatty, fried, spicy and starchy foods, as well as from alcohol and coffee. To eat more grains, sesame seeds and chicory. Eat foods that are nourishing and cleansing the blood, such as beets, blue-green algae, apricots and figs.
The lungs and large intestine The lungs belong to the element metal. The colon is an organ of the partner.
Emotional signs of imbalance: grief, melancholy, pessimism, resentment, apathy, boredom, inability to forget the bad, cynicism.
Physical signs of imbalance: skin problems, psoriasis, breathing problems, asthma, sweating, weakness of the intestines, pain in the lower abdomen, flatulence.
Oriental medicine associates long sorrow, sadness and grief with the lungs. We all live human, and sometimes fatal events and circumstances cripple our emotional body. We mourn, we cry and a deep sadness settles in our body on a physical level. Temporary manifestations of these emotions are natural and are periodic in the life of every person. But if you linger in this condition for a long time, experiencing grief in the mind again and again, you are risking physical illness. You need to learn to "let go" of these emotions, accepting the situation.
Twenty six million thirty nine thousand seven hundred forty seven
About the connection of the large intestine with the courage known since ancient times. People with weakened, irritated intestines are not able to deal with life's difficulties, often feel disappointment, despair and bitterness. The colon is responsible for cleansing the body from toxic substances, therefore very important to avoid weakness of character, to cultivate a strong will, perseverance, and courage, thereby supporting the work of this body.
If you tend to accumulate emotional burden and are unable to get rid of negative emotions and forgiving is a disturbing signal to the occurrence of many problems and diseases in the future. Learn to look at life through the eyes of a child like a child discovering the world with ease and humor reacting to various life situations.Do not take seriously the opinions of others, because you that God created and only he knows what He wants to see you.
Learn to forgive others and, most importantly, forgive yourself. You are already perfect, there is no need to rush.Live, enjoy, laugh and experience positive emotions and state of "happiness of life" as often as possible, and then sickness and diseases have never be disturbed. There is nothing more beautiful than stable emotional state, love of self, love of others and acceptance of all that is. Be loved, happy and healthy! published
Author: Alla Tashireva
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © econet
Source: norbekov.com/materials/one/articles/138