Joy and anger as the cause of diseases from the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine
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Joy and anger can reflect a person's state of health. In ancient times found that changes in mood may reflect occurring in the body reaction. So, in the book of JI Kang "Yang Sheng LUN" (Discourse on the power of life) says: "If you take a diaphoretic medicine, sometimes sweat and will not perform. But if a person feels shame, he immediately sweating". In ancient books wrote: "Does the joy and anger, sorrow and joy do not cause harm to humans?". People say: "the Fun will shorten the life, anger leads to old age, bullies lose weight, generous get fat."
People always feel sympathy and antipathy has the propensity and disgust. Mood changes also are coming from likes and dislikes. Love and hate often intertwine and merge together. If the person is not able to control their emotions, big and small business have their extremes, usually occurs changing state of mind.
Simiao sun (581-682 years) suggested the following method:
"When in love, not is to love deeply; when the heart is disgust, it is not necessary to experience deep disgust. In any case, a damaged nature, and soul. Also, do not deeply praise. Also, do not deeply condemn. It is necessary to thoroughly investigate the case, to detect its own deviation and is more likely to remove them."
Although the causes and manifestations of anger and joy are different, their effect on the body similar. First, "if not to restrain the joy and anger, damaged life." Secondly, "joy and anger cause abnormal elevation of Qi, when she is unable to fall down; damages the liver". In both cases, illness occurs. From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, it refers to the manifestation of anomalous uplift Chi. "Reflections more just hurts the soul, joy and anger most of all damage the Qi". The movement of blood in human body is due to the "boost" Qi. When the Qi is moving randomly, interferes with the normal blood circulation, which causes various pathological changes.
Of course, caused great anger and great joy damage is also quite different. It is believed that "great joy damages the heart, great anger damages the liver". These conditions are separately described below.
Much anger damages the liver.
According to the beliefs of traditional Chinese medicine, the liver is responsible for storage and regulation of blood entire body. Blood the liver performs the function of moisturizing and nourishing the entire body. Especially in the supply of blood need eyes and tendons, as "the liver governs the sinews, opens into the eyes". Under normal condition, when the eyes receive a supply of blood, they become watchful, when tendons receive nutrition blood, joints soft and movable. Causes damage to liver blood very much. Emotional change is one of the most common and important.
Traditional Chinese medicine also believes that the body is very important the normal circulation of Qi of the liver. It is necessary to maintain mental strength and mental state in harmony to the soul it was nice and easy. When a person comes into a state of anger, changed the normal lung mental state, violated the free circulation of liver Qi, which can cause abnormal movement of Qi of the liver. For example, when people get angry, there is often pain in the hypochondrium, reduced appetite, there is abdominal pain, diarrhea, until vomiting, bloody vomiting, and other symptoms. In traditional Chinese medicine these symptoms are together called "anomalous transverse current liver Qi, depression of spleen-Earth." In violation of the circulation of Qi of the liver, it accumulates inside, it is stagnation, it is easy there is a fire, and the liver, activation of the wind in the liver. The main symptoms of these phenomena — headache, dizziness, numbness and tremor of the feet and hands, up to fainting.
Modern studies show that intense mental state (anger, anxiety, fear, etc.) may cause increased blood pressure, dysfunction of the stomach and intestines or to facilitate the occurrence of peptic ulcer of the intestine and the duodenum, and diseases of the coronary vessels of the heart, including death. The main reason should be sought in strong anger damaging the liver.
Some people believe that it is possible to suppress your anger. It supposedly will not harm neither others nor your body. Indeed, if a person experiences a strong hatred, it does not harm other people, but first and foremost, seriously damaged the organism. In ancient books described cases, when some learned people hide their mood, forcibly suppressed anger. In this suppression of anger accumulates inside, the result of a damaged liver and spleen is inhibited, there is instability in the hundred vessels. Modern medicine also hold such views. If for some time to suppress emotional expression, this leads to an even sharper reaction of the autonomic nervous system: increase blood pressure, there will be accompanying this phenomenon is characteristic symptoms.
Best health as possible to avoid anger. All the ancient books on Chinese medicine, Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist canons are urged not to be angry. In one of the Taoist poems on the "food of life" says:
"If a Taoist wants to nourish life,In the first place — even less angry".
How can you be less angry? In one ancient book says: "When the heart opener, perfect man indulgent and virtuous; when the river of fire, little man nourish anger and ruining the body." That is one should be tolerant.
Great joy injures the heart. A joyful thing can inspire mental strength of the person. Why joy can damage the heart? Traditional Chinese medicine thinks: "the Heart controls the light of the soul". The heart is the center of aspirations of the soul and mental activity. Any excessive change in state of mind can corrupt the heart. A great joy — one of the clearest manifestations of the change of the soul. Basically, the damage to the heart affects the mind. The main manifestation of great joy is anxiety.
"When the joy has no boundaries, damaged soul; when the soul is damaged, there is a madness; when there is frenzy, not stored thoughts."
Of course, in real life, such cases occur very rarely. However, excessive agitation may cause people to dizziness, increased heart rate, often there are uncontrolled actions and words. Some people may cry, although the tears in this case not an expression of sorrow. If a person's initial lack of Qi of the heart, then with a strong joy dissipated Yang-Qi, increases the disease. Because of the great joy it may be disease, which in modern medicine is called angina. In General, a joy "when joy — Qi is in harmony, a free circulation of nourishing and protective Qi", but if the joy is excessive, it can cause serious damage to the body.
It is believed that the jokes extend life. However, they should also have a limit. In books of Chinese medicine says: "the Joke is the root of savings quintessence of the I Ching. But if you laugh a lot, damaged kidneys, there is pain in the back." Thus, a strong and frequent laughter can cause pain in the lower back and abdomen, that is actually contribute to disease.
"If you laugh a lot, damaged Zang-organs, when damaged Zang-organs, the pain occurs in the belly button and abdominal if it occurs for long time, damaged Qi".
Some people seek to initiate, gather for his amusement to play a cruel joke, wildly shouting, laughing incessantly, this may damage the quintessence of Jing to call "unleash the mental strength, the shudder of Qi and blood", the occurrence of the disease. Jokes should be relevant. If you act as they please, the fun can turn to sadness.
The above-described two common reasons for sudden changes of mood, causing damage to the body. Indeed, the man has seven emotional factors (joy, fear, sadness, anxiety, grief, anger, fear), their over-expression in all cases can cause damage to the body. In the everyday life of each person there are also changes in the seven emotional factors. If he is able to manage them, it will bring huge health benefits.
From the book: "Chinese medicine is about everyday life"
Source: zhong-yi.ru/qiju/qj4_03.html
Joy and anger can reflect a person's state of health. In ancient times found that changes in mood may reflect occurring in the body reaction. So, in the book of JI Kang "Yang Sheng LUN" (Discourse on the power of life) says: "If you take a diaphoretic medicine, sometimes sweat and will not perform. But if a person feels shame, he immediately sweating". In ancient books wrote: "Does the joy and anger, sorrow and joy do not cause harm to humans?". People say: "the Fun will shorten the life, anger leads to old age, bullies lose weight, generous get fat."
People always feel sympathy and antipathy has the propensity and disgust. Mood changes also are coming from likes and dislikes. Love and hate often intertwine and merge together. If the person is not able to control their emotions, big and small business have their extremes, usually occurs changing state of mind.
Simiao sun (581-682 years) suggested the following method:
"When in love, not is to love deeply; when the heart is disgust, it is not necessary to experience deep disgust. In any case, a damaged nature, and soul. Also, do not deeply praise. Also, do not deeply condemn. It is necessary to thoroughly investigate the case, to detect its own deviation and is more likely to remove them."
Although the causes and manifestations of anger and joy are different, their effect on the body similar. First, "if not to restrain the joy and anger, damaged life." Secondly, "joy and anger cause abnormal elevation of Qi, when she is unable to fall down; damages the liver". In both cases, illness occurs. From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, it refers to the manifestation of anomalous uplift Chi. "Reflections more just hurts the soul, joy and anger most of all damage the Qi". The movement of blood in human body is due to the "boost" Qi. When the Qi is moving randomly, interferes with the normal blood circulation, which causes various pathological changes.
Of course, caused great anger and great joy damage is also quite different. It is believed that "great joy damages the heart, great anger damages the liver". These conditions are separately described below.
Much anger damages the liver.
According to the beliefs of traditional Chinese medicine, the liver is responsible for storage and regulation of blood entire body. Blood the liver performs the function of moisturizing and nourishing the entire body. Especially in the supply of blood need eyes and tendons, as "the liver governs the sinews, opens into the eyes". Under normal condition, when the eyes receive a supply of blood, they become watchful, when tendons receive nutrition blood, joints soft and movable. Causes damage to liver blood very much. Emotional change is one of the most common and important.
Traditional Chinese medicine also believes that the body is very important the normal circulation of Qi of the liver. It is necessary to maintain mental strength and mental state in harmony to the soul it was nice and easy. When a person comes into a state of anger, changed the normal lung mental state, violated the free circulation of liver Qi, which can cause abnormal movement of Qi of the liver. For example, when people get angry, there is often pain in the hypochondrium, reduced appetite, there is abdominal pain, diarrhea, until vomiting, bloody vomiting, and other symptoms. In traditional Chinese medicine these symptoms are together called "anomalous transverse current liver Qi, depression of spleen-Earth." In violation of the circulation of Qi of the liver, it accumulates inside, it is stagnation, it is easy there is a fire, and the liver, activation of the wind in the liver. The main symptoms of these phenomena — headache, dizziness, numbness and tremor of the feet and hands, up to fainting.
Modern studies show that intense mental state (anger, anxiety, fear, etc.) may cause increased blood pressure, dysfunction of the stomach and intestines or to facilitate the occurrence of peptic ulcer of the intestine and the duodenum, and diseases of the coronary vessels of the heart, including death. The main reason should be sought in strong anger damaging the liver.
Some people believe that it is possible to suppress your anger. It supposedly will not harm neither others nor your body. Indeed, if a person experiences a strong hatred, it does not harm other people, but first and foremost, seriously damaged the organism. In ancient books described cases, when some learned people hide their mood, forcibly suppressed anger. In this suppression of anger accumulates inside, the result of a damaged liver and spleen is inhibited, there is instability in the hundred vessels. Modern medicine also hold such views. If for some time to suppress emotional expression, this leads to an even sharper reaction of the autonomic nervous system: increase blood pressure, there will be accompanying this phenomenon is characteristic symptoms.
Best health as possible to avoid anger. All the ancient books on Chinese medicine, Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist canons are urged not to be angry. In one of the Taoist poems on the "food of life" says:
"If a Taoist wants to nourish life,In the first place — even less angry".
How can you be less angry? In one ancient book says: "When the heart opener, perfect man indulgent and virtuous; when the river of fire, little man nourish anger and ruining the body." That is one should be tolerant.
Great joy injures the heart. A joyful thing can inspire mental strength of the person. Why joy can damage the heart? Traditional Chinese medicine thinks: "the Heart controls the light of the soul". The heart is the center of aspirations of the soul and mental activity. Any excessive change in state of mind can corrupt the heart. A great joy — one of the clearest manifestations of the change of the soul. Basically, the damage to the heart affects the mind. The main manifestation of great joy is anxiety.
"When the joy has no boundaries, damaged soul; when the soul is damaged, there is a madness; when there is frenzy, not stored thoughts."
Of course, in real life, such cases occur very rarely. However, excessive agitation may cause people to dizziness, increased heart rate, often there are uncontrolled actions and words. Some people may cry, although the tears in this case not an expression of sorrow. If a person's initial lack of Qi of the heart, then with a strong joy dissipated Yang-Qi, increases the disease. Because of the great joy it may be disease, which in modern medicine is called angina. In General, a joy "when joy — Qi is in harmony, a free circulation of nourishing and protective Qi", but if the joy is excessive, it can cause serious damage to the body.
It is believed that the jokes extend life. However, they should also have a limit. In books of Chinese medicine says: "the Joke is the root of savings quintessence of the I Ching. But if you laugh a lot, damaged kidneys, there is pain in the back." Thus, a strong and frequent laughter can cause pain in the lower back and abdomen, that is actually contribute to disease.
"If you laugh a lot, damaged Zang-organs, when damaged Zang-organs, the pain occurs in the belly button and abdominal if it occurs for long time, damaged Qi".
Some people seek to initiate, gather for his amusement to play a cruel joke, wildly shouting, laughing incessantly, this may damage the quintessence of Jing to call "unleash the mental strength, the shudder of Qi and blood", the occurrence of the disease. Jokes should be relevant. If you act as they please, the fun can turn to sadness.
The above-described two common reasons for sudden changes of mood, causing damage to the body. Indeed, the man has seven emotional factors (joy, fear, sadness, anxiety, grief, anger, fear), their over-expression in all cases can cause damage to the body. In the everyday life of each person there are also changes in the seven emotional factors. If he is able to manage them, it will bring huge health benefits.
From the book: "Chinese medicine is about everyday life"
Source: zhong-yi.ru/qiju/qj4_03.html