What one can learn about yourself as a person - a projection on AT Ogulovu zone
Since the facial features have a direct relationship with the major internal organs, circulatory system, nervous system and other systems of the human body, the study of facial features, skin condition, can be of great help in the diagnosis of health. It is known and used in their practice, doctors in ancient China, and India.
In general it can be said that, if a person is healthy, it is expressed in the relative balance of his face. Imbalance manifests itself changes color, the appearance of deep wrinkles, parts of the face such as eyes or lips begin to be issued or excessively increase strongly.
Experienced doctors will tell a lot of facial skin condition, its color, moisture, vascular pattern, location and depth of wrinkles. When violations in the work of the skin in particular, the relevant authorities according to local rashes may occur. The facial skin, as a litmus test reacts to the condition of the body.
Projection zone in on the man's face Ogulovu AT
1. Rectum.
It is presented on the face of the projection area of the skin surface of the left upper region of the forehead. Functional disorders can manifest skin pigmentation, acne, redness, an increase of moles.
2. Sigmoid colon.
Her office is located on the surface of the skin the upper left side of the forehead. Functional disorders can manifest skin pigmentation, acne, redness, birthmarks.
3. Liver.
Representation is located between the eyebrows, in the space between the base of the nose and the line connecting the eyebrows on the forehead. The pathology of the liver accompanied by irritation of the skin, acne, pigmentation, birthmarks.
4. Small intestine.
The projection of it is in the middle of the forehead, bowel disease manifested by skin disorders (pigments, pimples, redness).
5. The descending part of the colon.
Representing it is on the left side of the forehead skin. Functional disorders are manifested on the skin (pigmentation, dryness of the area, increased porosity, acne).
6. The left adrenal gland.
The projection is located in the medial brow area of the left half of the face. When a functional disorder of the adrenal gland appears painful periosteum brow area, the skin reacts irritably.
7. The area of the pelvis of the left kidney.
Projected on the skin surface of the left inner corner of the eye and tear duct. The pathological process in the renal pelvis is sometimes expressed reaction of the skin in this area (darkening, pigmentation, redness, enlarged pores, the growth of papillomas, wen). Sometimes the problem contributes to the formation of a blocked tear duct, the inflammatory process in it, excessive tearing.
8. The upper pole of the left kidney.
Projected on the brow arch and the skin of the upper part of the century. Violation manifest vascular pattern (vzbuhaniem), pimples, redness, porous skin.
9. The left lobe of the liver.
Projected onto a protein shell eyes. Violation of the liver is shown in red on the vascular pattern of the protein layer of the eye.
10. The body of the gallbladder, spleen.
The projection is located on the skin and on the temporal bone periosteum left side faces. When bladder pathology redness appears on the skin, acne, age spots, increasing its porosity, venous pattern. Reacts and the periosteum of the temporal bone, it becomes painful on palpation study.
11. The left side of the transverse colon.
Representation is in the lower part of the medial corner of the left eye. Its dysfunction is evident bulging of the skin from the inner corner of the eye under the lower eyelid to the outer side of the face, sometimes red spots and pigmentation.
12. Pancreas.
Representative it is at the bottom of the nose, at the border with the tip of the nose compound. The pathology manifests skin irritation, pigmentation, sometimes venous vascular pattern.
13. biliary ducts of the liver and gallbladder.
The projection is located in the lower part of the temporal bone of the left face. When their pathology on the skin redness, pigmentation, acne and vascular pattern, with long-term disease - porosity. The periosteum of the temporal region becomes painful. Often accompanied by headache pathology temporal localization. In addition, it should be noted that sometimes when blockage of the bile duct is marked yellowing of the skin of the face area.
14. The left kidney.
The projection shows the left pinna (skin and cartilage matrix). The ear canal is a projection of the ureter, the inner ear - the projection of the bladder. Under pathological conditions of kidney decreased hearing, there are inner ear inflammation, vestibular disorders appear. In some cases, a hardening of the cartilage matrix. Sometimes it softens, enhanced serovydelenie of the ear canal.
15. Heart disease.
The projection appears in the upper left part of the left cheek at the junction with the eye socket. Pathologies expressed in skin swelling, redness, pigmentation, vascular pattern in the infraorbital area.
16. The ureter of the left kidney.
It projected on the face by a line running from the corner of the eye on the cheek to the lower part of the chin. At its stimulation sand, small stones or inflammation therein occurs on the skin line pattern of the line or red or white (depending on what part of the autonomic nervous system dominates - sympathetic or parasympathetic).
17. The left lobe of the liver.
Her office is located on the left side of the face, in the area of temporomandibular joint muscles. Manifested involuntary increased tone muscle groups, the development of joint arthrosis. Occasionally violation projected onto the skin in the form of a pigment or irritation.
18. The left breast.
The projection is located on the left cheek skin at the intersection of a vertical line extending from the outer corner of the eye, and a horizontal line passing through the upper pole of the nose. The diameter of the breast on the cheek projection will be approximately equal to the distance from the eye to the corner of his iris. The pathology manifests pigmentation, redness, increased porosity, skin vzbuhaniem.
19. The left lung.
Projected onto the skin of the left cheek, covering part of the zygomatic. Pathology may show redness, angiopathic pattern, porosity, pigmentation, acne, dryness, roughness and surface roughness of the skin.
20. Cardiac disorders (often - dysrhythmia)
. Projected onto the skin of the tip of the nose in the form of redness, angiopathy, acne.
21. Bronchus left lung.
Projected on the skin of the wing of the left half of the nose. Violations expressed vascular pattern, redness, acne, pigmentation.
22. The diaphragm, rib arc.
Projected onto the skin on the nasolabial fold. Violations occur redness wrinkles, dry skin in it.
23. Lesser curvature of the stomach.
Projected on the skin and mucosa of the upper lip. The pathology manifests transverse cracks on the lip, cold sores, peeling skin, loss of lip color, lip appearance of wrinkling effect.
24. The bulb of the duodenum, pyloric stomach department.
Flat area is on the skin outside of the corner of his mouth. Violations occur pigmentation, redness of the skin, Zayed and cracked corners of the mouth, in degenerative processes - increasing moles
. 25. Adrenal left kidney.
Projected onto the skin and at the upper section of the neck muscles at the left side akselyarnoy line, and the left and on its right side on the muscle surface. The pathology manifests itself in muscle pain on palpation, the skin irritation sometimes seen, pigmentation, papillomomatozom.
26. The left groin area and occlusive disease.
The projection is on the left outer surface of the skin of the chin. Disturbances are manifested by redness of the skin, acne, pigment spots.
27. The left ovary in women, in men the left testicle.
Representation is on the chin skin on the left side near the left submental crease. The pathology is manifested by redness of the skin, acne, dryness and peeling of the skin, the growth of moles in degenerative processes.
28. The left breast.
Projected on the chin on the left side under the lower lip on the bone tuberosity. The pathology is manifested increased pain sensitivity, redness, pigmentation or acne on the skin, growing moles.
29. The pubic symphysis.
His office is on the face on the chin in the chin pit. The pathology manifests painful periosteum with her chin palpation study.
30. The left kidney.
Projected onto the skin and muscles of the neck surface side (on the left side akselyarnoy line) and the left and right of it on the surface of muscle. The pathology manifests itself in muscle pain on palpation. The skin appears pigmentation, redness, increasing papillomavirus.
31. Most of the curvature of the stomach.
The projection is the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the left side of the head. The disorder manifests increased tone and tenderness. Place muscles attach to the skull is projected onto the upper section of the stomach and esophagus belongs to him. Location of attachment to the clavicle - the projection of the gatekeeper
. 32. The left appendage of the ovary, the left lobe of the prostate with testicle.
It is projected on the upper third of the left carotid artery. Manifested swelling and tenderness, enlarged lymph nodes in the area.
33. Bladder.
Projected onto the skin from the chin to the neck of the epiglottis. Impaired function manifested by redness, pigmentation, growth of moles or spots on the skin.
34. The pelvis of the left kidney.
The projection is located on the left side of the neck muscles at the side surface toward the base of the neck (on the side akselyarnoy lines). Manifested tenderness to palpation study radiating to different parts of the body and the head, the skin - papillomas (pelvic infection), dryness, roughness
. 35. Pancreas.
Representative office is located on the base of the neck on the left side, between the clavicle and the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Appears when palpation muscle pain study, radiating to the shoulder, arm, shoulder, wrist, fingers, breast area, sometimes in the region of the pancreas.
36. The left lobe of the thyroid gland.
It is projected to the lower part along the neck of the esophagus, in the supraclavicular region and the region of the jugular notch. Manifested muscle soreness these areas vzbuhaniem tissue, the skin appears angiopathic pattern (reddening), papillomas.
37. The left ureter.
Representative office is located on the left side of the neck on the side akselyarnoy line of projection of the left kidney pelvis to the shoulder joint. In pathological states at palpation study of muscular projection of painful. The skin pigment spots manifest infringement, papillomas.
38.i 41. The pyloric stomach department.
Projected onto the dock area sternocleidomastoid muscle to the clavicle. The pathology manifests tenderness attachment area.
39. The uterus, the share of the prostate, perineum.
Central office is located in the lower part of the chin. Violation manifested tenderness on palpation of the periosteum, the skin - redness, pigmentation, acne, degenerative processes in organs characterized by the growth of moles
. 40. The right breast.
Projected on the chin on the right side under the lower lip on the bone tuberosity. Manifested increased pain sensitivity, expressed in the skin on top of redness, acne, pigmentation, moles in degenerative processes.
41.i 38. The pyloric stomach department.
The projection is located right on the base of the neck in the area of attachment of sternocleidomastoid muscle to the clavicle. In functional disorders of the department and palpation study projection painful.
42. The right ureter.
Representative office is located on the right side of the neck on the side akselyarnoy line of projection of the left kidney pelvis to the shoulder joint. Under pathological conditions of the ureter and muscle palpation study projection of painful skin pigment spots manifest infringement, papillomas.
43. The gallbladder.
The projection is located on the right side of the neck base, in the corner formed by the sternocleidomastoid muscle and right clavicle. Depending on the pathological condition of the bladder with pressure on its projection area having pain radiating to the right temporal area of the head, right shoulder, hand and fingers of the hand, shoulder, chest, face, teeth, thyroid, neck skin, the body of the gallbladder.
44. The right lobe of the thyroid gland.
Is projected on the lower third of the neck supraclavicular area along the right side of the esophagus. Manifested muscle soreness in the area, tissue vzbuhaniem. The skin in this place in pathological conditions gland appears porosity, redness, papillomas.
45. The pelvis of the right kidney.
The projection is located on the right side, on the side of the neck muscles of a base line on the side akselyarnoy. In the pathology of the renal pelvis there is tenderness to palpation study of muscles radiating to different parts of the body and head. The skin manifests violation papillomas (pelvic infection), dryness, roughness, birthmarks.
46. Gynecology, right appendage with ovary, the right lobe of the prostate with testicle.
It is projected on the upper third of the right carotid artery. Violation manifested swelling and tenderness of the arteries, enlarged lymph nodes in the area.
47. Lesser curvature of the stomach.
The projection is the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the left side of the neck. In place of attachment of muscles to the skull is projected onto the upper section of the stomach and part of the stomach is the esophagus, and the place of attachment of the muscle to the clavicle - the pylorus. Indigestion shown increased muscle tone and tenderness to palpation study.
48. The right kidney.
Projected on the neck to the right, on the muscles located on the side akselyarnoy line. The pathology in the kidney manifested tenderness to palpation study of the side surface of the muscle, sometimes radiating to the different areas of the head, arms and upper body and neck. With deep pathology while pressing irradiation is in the right kidney. On the skin disorders are expressed papillomomatozom, redness, dryness and roughness.
49. The right ovary in women, the right testicle in men.
Representation is on the skin of the chin to the right, near the right submental crease. The pathology is manifested by redness, dryness and peeling of the skin, acne, birthmarks increase in degenerative processes.
50. The lymphatic system iliac region.
On the face of iliac (groin) is projected fold, reaching the lower jaw from the corners of his mouth as a continuation of the nasolabial folds. When pathological processes in the groin problem may manifest skin irritation, pigmentation, acne.
51. Adrenal right kidney.
Projected onto the skin and neck muscles of the upper section on the right side on the line akselyarnoy, and front and rear of its surface on the muscle. When there is a functional disorder of muscle sensitivity to pain sometimes radiating to the different areas of the head and neck. The skin reacts to stimulation, growth of papillomas.
52. Small intestine.
Representation is located under the base of the lower lip. In the pathology manifests itself on the skin irritation, pigmentation, growth of moles.
53. Most of the curvature of the stomach.
Projected onto the skin and mucosa of the lower lip. Violation manifested cracks, cold sores, peeling, loss of color, the appearance of puckering lips effect.
54. Hormonal system.
Projection area is the space on the face between the nose and upper lip. When the skin disorder system pimples, irritation, pigmentation, hair growth increases.
55. Symptoms of scleroderma.
The skin is deeply wrinkled. Sometimes there is the growth of hair (in women).
56. Small intestine.
The projection at the bottom of the cheek under the cheekbone face. Violations of the small intestine are expressed in skin irritation, pimples, bumps or roughness.
57. xiphoid process.
The projection is located under the base of the nose. With his injury or pathological condition in the base of the nose there is an increased sensitivity to pain, pimples, redness.
58. Most of the curvature of the stomach.
Projection is the inner region of the left nostril. При расстройстве желудка слизистая носа реагирует образованием воспалений, отеков, герпетических высыпаний.
59. Малая кривизна желудка.
Проекционной является внутренняя область правой ноздри. При расстройстве желудка слизистая носа реагирует образованием воспалений, отеков, герпетических высыпаний.
60. Мочевой пузырь, мочеточник правой почки.
Проецируется на слуховой проход и внутреннее ухо. При воспалительных процессах в органах появляется боль в слуховом проходе, иногда возникает воспаление, повышенное серовыделение, снижается слух.
61. Бронх правого легкого.
Проецируется на коже крыла правой половины носа. Нарушения выражаются сосудистым рисунком на основания крыла носа, покраснением, пигментацией.
62. Правая молочная железа.
Проекция расположена на коже правой щеки на месте пересечения вертикальной линии, идущей от наружной части угла глаза, и горизонтальной линии, проходящей через верхний полюс крыльев носа. Проблема проявляется покраснением, пигментацией, прыщами, ростом родинок, кожным взбуханием.
63. Правая доля печени.
Проекция располагается на области мышц челюстного сустава. Проявляется непроизвольным повышенным тонусом мышечной группы, развитием артроза сустава, изредка нарушение проецируется на кожу в форме пигмента или раздражения.
64. Мочеточник правой почки.
Проецируется на лице линией, идущей от внутреннего угла правого глаза к наружной части подбородка. При его раздражении движущимся по мочеточнику песком, мелкими камнями или воспалением в нем, на коже возникает рисунок линии белого или красного цвета (в зависимости от того, какая часть вегетативной нервной системы превалирует — симпатическая или парасимпатическая).
65. Правое легкое.
Проецируется на коже щеки правой половины лица, покрывая скуловую часть. Патология легкого может проявляться покраснением, ангиопатическим рисунком, пористой кожей, пигментацией, прыщами, сухостью, неровностью, шершавостью поверхности.
66. Правая почка.
Проецируется на правой ушной раковине. Величина уха пропорциональна величине почки: большое ухо — большая почка. Нарушение почки проявляется на хрящевой основе. Она становится болезненной и более плотной, в некоторых случаях, наоборот, чересчур мягкой.
67. Застойное явление в почечных структурах.
Проецируется на область глазницы. Проявляется на коже в виде жировиков, папиллом, темных пятен.
68. Правая часть поперечно-ободочной кишки.
Представительство находится в нижней медиальной части утла левого глаза. Дисфункция проявляется взбуханием кожи от внутреннего угла глаза под нижним веком к наружной стороне липа, иногда покраснением или пигментацией.
69. Инфицирование почки.
Информационной зоной является коньюктива глаза. Внешнее проявление инфекционного заболевания — коньюктивит, блефарит, ячмень, отек века.
70. Правая почка.
Проекционная зона расположена на коже правой глазницы (периорбикулярная область). При функциональных расстройствах почки кожа глазницы выражается отечностью, покраснением, потемнением, появлением жировых бляшек, ростом папиллом.
71. Тело желчного пузыря с протоками.
Проекционной зоной желчного пузыря является височная область головы. При его функциональных расстройствах реагирует кожа височной области, на которой появляются прыщи, пигментные пятна, пористость. Реагирует и надкостница височной кости, она становится болезненной при пальпаторном исследовании.
72. Правая доля печени.
Проецируется на белковую оболочку правого глаза. Нарушение в печени выражается красным сосудистым рисунком на оболочке глаза.
73. Лоханка правой почки.
Проекционная зона располагается во внутреннем углу глаза в области слезного протока. Воспаление или раздражение лоханки выражается закупоркой слезного протока, воспалительным процессом в нем, слезотечением, а также кожным раздражением.
74. Правый надпочечник.
Проекционная зона расположена над правой бровью с внутренней стороны. Его расстройство выражается болезненностью надкостницы надбровной области, кожным раздражением.
75. Восходящая толстая кишка (илеоцекальный угол).
Проекционным участком является правый верхний угол лобной области на коже. Патология проявляется пигментацией, прыщами, раздражением кожи, ростом родинок.
76. Поперечно-ободочная кишка.
Ее проекция находится в нижней части лба над надбровными дугами. При ее функциональном нарушении возникает реакция кожи (прыщи, пигментные пятна, пористость, покраснения, рост родинок).
77. Аппендикс.
Его проекционная зона находится на коже в верхней части лба справа. При его воспалении кожа реагирует покраснением, сухостью, пигментацией.
78. Желудок.
Проекция расположена на коже хрящевой части переносицы (средняя область носа). С левой стороны носа проецируется большая кривизна желудка, а с правой — малая, пилорический отдел желудка и двенадцатиперстная кишка. При патологии кожа реагирует раздражением, пигментацией.
79. Мочевой пузырь.
Проекционная зона находится в верхней части лба (место начала роста волосяного покрова). При патологии наблюдается пигментация, раздражение кожи, выпадение волос, перхоть на этом участке головы, псориатические бляшки.
In general it can be said that, if a person is healthy, it is expressed in the relative balance of his face. Imbalance manifests itself changes color, the appearance of deep wrinkles, parts of the face such as eyes or lips begin to be issued or excessively increase strongly.
Experienced doctors will tell a lot of facial skin condition, its color, moisture, vascular pattern, location and depth of wrinkles. When violations in the work of the skin in particular, the relevant authorities according to local rashes may occur. The facial skin, as a litmus test reacts to the condition of the body.

Projection zone in on the man's face Ogulovu AT
1. Rectum.
It is presented on the face of the projection area of the skin surface of the left upper region of the forehead. Functional disorders can manifest skin pigmentation, acne, redness, an increase of moles.
2. Sigmoid colon.
Her office is located on the surface of the skin the upper left side of the forehead. Functional disorders can manifest skin pigmentation, acne, redness, birthmarks.
3. Liver.
Representation is located between the eyebrows, in the space between the base of the nose and the line connecting the eyebrows on the forehead. The pathology of the liver accompanied by irritation of the skin, acne, pigmentation, birthmarks.
4. Small intestine.
The projection of it is in the middle of the forehead, bowel disease manifested by skin disorders (pigments, pimples, redness).
5. The descending part of the colon.
Representing it is on the left side of the forehead skin. Functional disorders are manifested on the skin (pigmentation, dryness of the area, increased porosity, acne).
6. The left adrenal gland.
The projection is located in the medial brow area of the left half of the face. When a functional disorder of the adrenal gland appears painful periosteum brow area, the skin reacts irritably.
7. The area of the pelvis of the left kidney.
Projected on the skin surface of the left inner corner of the eye and tear duct. The pathological process in the renal pelvis is sometimes expressed reaction of the skin in this area (darkening, pigmentation, redness, enlarged pores, the growth of papillomas, wen). Sometimes the problem contributes to the formation of a blocked tear duct, the inflammatory process in it, excessive tearing.
8. The upper pole of the left kidney.
Projected on the brow arch and the skin of the upper part of the century. Violation manifest vascular pattern (vzbuhaniem), pimples, redness, porous skin.
9. The left lobe of the liver.
Projected onto a protein shell eyes. Violation of the liver is shown in red on the vascular pattern of the protein layer of the eye.
10. The body of the gallbladder, spleen.
The projection is located on the skin and on the temporal bone periosteum left side faces. When bladder pathology redness appears on the skin, acne, age spots, increasing its porosity, venous pattern. Reacts and the periosteum of the temporal bone, it becomes painful on palpation study.
11. The left side of the transverse colon.
Representation is in the lower part of the medial corner of the left eye. Its dysfunction is evident bulging of the skin from the inner corner of the eye under the lower eyelid to the outer side of the face, sometimes red spots and pigmentation.
12. Pancreas.
Representative it is at the bottom of the nose, at the border with the tip of the nose compound. The pathology manifests skin irritation, pigmentation, sometimes venous vascular pattern.
13. biliary ducts of the liver and gallbladder.
The projection is located in the lower part of the temporal bone of the left face. When their pathology on the skin redness, pigmentation, acne and vascular pattern, with long-term disease - porosity. The periosteum of the temporal region becomes painful. Often accompanied by headache pathology temporal localization. In addition, it should be noted that sometimes when blockage of the bile duct is marked yellowing of the skin of the face area.
14. The left kidney.
The projection shows the left pinna (skin and cartilage matrix). The ear canal is a projection of the ureter, the inner ear - the projection of the bladder. Under pathological conditions of kidney decreased hearing, there are inner ear inflammation, vestibular disorders appear. In some cases, a hardening of the cartilage matrix. Sometimes it softens, enhanced serovydelenie of the ear canal.
15. Heart disease.
The projection appears in the upper left part of the left cheek at the junction with the eye socket. Pathologies expressed in skin swelling, redness, pigmentation, vascular pattern in the infraorbital area.
16. The ureter of the left kidney.
It projected on the face by a line running from the corner of the eye on the cheek to the lower part of the chin. At its stimulation sand, small stones or inflammation therein occurs on the skin line pattern of the line or red or white (depending on what part of the autonomic nervous system dominates - sympathetic or parasympathetic).
17. The left lobe of the liver.
Her office is located on the left side of the face, in the area of temporomandibular joint muscles. Manifested involuntary increased tone muscle groups, the development of joint arthrosis. Occasionally violation projected onto the skin in the form of a pigment or irritation.
18. The left breast.
The projection is located on the left cheek skin at the intersection of a vertical line extending from the outer corner of the eye, and a horizontal line passing through the upper pole of the nose. The diameter of the breast on the cheek projection will be approximately equal to the distance from the eye to the corner of his iris. The pathology manifests pigmentation, redness, increased porosity, skin vzbuhaniem.
19. The left lung.
Projected onto the skin of the left cheek, covering part of the zygomatic. Pathology may show redness, angiopathic pattern, porosity, pigmentation, acne, dryness, roughness and surface roughness of the skin.
20. Cardiac disorders (often - dysrhythmia)
. Projected onto the skin of the tip of the nose in the form of redness, angiopathy, acne.
21. Bronchus left lung.
Projected on the skin of the wing of the left half of the nose. Violations expressed vascular pattern, redness, acne, pigmentation.
22. The diaphragm, rib arc.
Projected onto the skin on the nasolabial fold. Violations occur redness wrinkles, dry skin in it.
23. Lesser curvature of the stomach.
Projected on the skin and mucosa of the upper lip. The pathology manifests transverse cracks on the lip, cold sores, peeling skin, loss of lip color, lip appearance of wrinkling effect.
24. The bulb of the duodenum, pyloric stomach department.
Flat area is on the skin outside of the corner of his mouth. Violations occur pigmentation, redness of the skin, Zayed and cracked corners of the mouth, in degenerative processes - increasing moles
. 25. Adrenal left kidney.
Projected onto the skin and at the upper section of the neck muscles at the left side akselyarnoy line, and the left and on its right side on the muscle surface. The pathology manifests itself in muscle pain on palpation, the skin irritation sometimes seen, pigmentation, papillomomatozom.
26. The left groin area and occlusive disease.
The projection is on the left outer surface of the skin of the chin. Disturbances are manifested by redness of the skin, acne, pigment spots.
27. The left ovary in women, in men the left testicle.
Representation is on the chin skin on the left side near the left submental crease. The pathology is manifested by redness of the skin, acne, dryness and peeling of the skin, the growth of moles in degenerative processes.
28. The left breast.
Projected on the chin on the left side under the lower lip on the bone tuberosity. The pathology is manifested increased pain sensitivity, redness, pigmentation or acne on the skin, growing moles.
29. The pubic symphysis.
His office is on the face on the chin in the chin pit. The pathology manifests painful periosteum with her chin palpation study.
30. The left kidney.
Projected onto the skin and muscles of the neck surface side (on the left side akselyarnoy line) and the left and right of it on the surface of muscle. The pathology manifests itself in muscle pain on palpation. The skin appears pigmentation, redness, increasing papillomavirus.
31. Most of the curvature of the stomach.
The projection is the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the left side of the head. The disorder manifests increased tone and tenderness. Place muscles attach to the skull is projected onto the upper section of the stomach and esophagus belongs to him. Location of attachment to the clavicle - the projection of the gatekeeper
. 32. The left appendage of the ovary, the left lobe of the prostate with testicle.
It is projected on the upper third of the left carotid artery. Manifested swelling and tenderness, enlarged lymph nodes in the area.
33. Bladder.
Projected onto the skin from the chin to the neck of the epiglottis. Impaired function manifested by redness, pigmentation, growth of moles or spots on the skin.
34. The pelvis of the left kidney.
The projection is located on the left side of the neck muscles at the side surface toward the base of the neck (on the side akselyarnoy lines). Manifested tenderness to palpation study radiating to different parts of the body and the head, the skin - papillomas (pelvic infection), dryness, roughness
. 35. Pancreas.
Representative office is located on the base of the neck on the left side, between the clavicle and the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Appears when palpation muscle pain study, radiating to the shoulder, arm, shoulder, wrist, fingers, breast area, sometimes in the region of the pancreas.
36. The left lobe of the thyroid gland.
It is projected to the lower part along the neck of the esophagus, in the supraclavicular region and the region of the jugular notch. Manifested muscle soreness these areas vzbuhaniem tissue, the skin appears angiopathic pattern (reddening), papillomas.
37. The left ureter.
Representative office is located on the left side of the neck on the side akselyarnoy line of projection of the left kidney pelvis to the shoulder joint. In pathological states at palpation study of muscular projection of painful. The skin pigment spots manifest infringement, papillomas.
38.i 41. The pyloric stomach department.
Projected onto the dock area sternocleidomastoid muscle to the clavicle. The pathology manifests tenderness attachment area.
39. The uterus, the share of the prostate, perineum.
Central office is located in the lower part of the chin. Violation manifested tenderness on palpation of the periosteum, the skin - redness, pigmentation, acne, degenerative processes in organs characterized by the growth of moles
. 40. The right breast.
Projected on the chin on the right side under the lower lip on the bone tuberosity. Manifested increased pain sensitivity, expressed in the skin on top of redness, acne, pigmentation, moles in degenerative processes.
41.i 38. The pyloric stomach department.
The projection is located right on the base of the neck in the area of attachment of sternocleidomastoid muscle to the clavicle. In functional disorders of the department and palpation study projection painful.
42. The right ureter.
Representative office is located on the right side of the neck on the side akselyarnoy line of projection of the left kidney pelvis to the shoulder joint. Under pathological conditions of the ureter and muscle palpation study projection of painful skin pigment spots manifest infringement, papillomas.
43. The gallbladder.
The projection is located on the right side of the neck base, in the corner formed by the sternocleidomastoid muscle and right clavicle. Depending on the pathological condition of the bladder with pressure on its projection area having pain radiating to the right temporal area of the head, right shoulder, hand and fingers of the hand, shoulder, chest, face, teeth, thyroid, neck skin, the body of the gallbladder.
44. The right lobe of the thyroid gland.
Is projected on the lower third of the neck supraclavicular area along the right side of the esophagus. Manifested muscle soreness in the area, tissue vzbuhaniem. The skin in this place in pathological conditions gland appears porosity, redness, papillomas.
45. The pelvis of the right kidney.
The projection is located on the right side, on the side of the neck muscles of a base line on the side akselyarnoy. In the pathology of the renal pelvis there is tenderness to palpation study of muscles radiating to different parts of the body and head. The skin manifests violation papillomas (pelvic infection), dryness, roughness, birthmarks.
46. Gynecology, right appendage with ovary, the right lobe of the prostate with testicle.
It is projected on the upper third of the right carotid artery. Violation manifested swelling and tenderness of the arteries, enlarged lymph nodes in the area.
47. Lesser curvature of the stomach.
The projection is the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the left side of the neck. In place of attachment of muscles to the skull is projected onto the upper section of the stomach and part of the stomach is the esophagus, and the place of attachment of the muscle to the clavicle - the pylorus. Indigestion shown increased muscle tone and tenderness to palpation study.
48. The right kidney.
Projected on the neck to the right, on the muscles located on the side akselyarnoy line. The pathology in the kidney manifested tenderness to palpation study of the side surface of the muscle, sometimes radiating to the different areas of the head, arms and upper body and neck. With deep pathology while pressing irradiation is in the right kidney. On the skin disorders are expressed papillomomatozom, redness, dryness and roughness.
49. The right ovary in women, the right testicle in men.
Representation is on the skin of the chin to the right, near the right submental crease. The pathology is manifested by redness, dryness and peeling of the skin, acne, birthmarks increase in degenerative processes.
50. The lymphatic system iliac region.
On the face of iliac (groin) is projected fold, reaching the lower jaw from the corners of his mouth as a continuation of the nasolabial folds. When pathological processes in the groin problem may manifest skin irritation, pigmentation, acne.
51. Adrenal right kidney.
Projected onto the skin and neck muscles of the upper section on the right side on the line akselyarnoy, and front and rear of its surface on the muscle. When there is a functional disorder of muscle sensitivity to pain sometimes radiating to the different areas of the head and neck. The skin reacts to stimulation, growth of papillomas.
52. Small intestine.
Representation is located under the base of the lower lip. In the pathology manifests itself on the skin irritation, pigmentation, growth of moles.
53. Most of the curvature of the stomach.
Projected onto the skin and mucosa of the lower lip. Violation manifested cracks, cold sores, peeling, loss of color, the appearance of puckering lips effect.
54. Hormonal system.
Projection area is the space on the face between the nose and upper lip. When the skin disorder system pimples, irritation, pigmentation, hair growth increases.
55. Symptoms of scleroderma.
The skin is deeply wrinkled. Sometimes there is the growth of hair (in women).
56. Small intestine.
The projection at the bottom of the cheek under the cheekbone face. Violations of the small intestine are expressed in skin irritation, pimples, bumps or roughness.
57. xiphoid process.
The projection is located under the base of the nose. With his injury or pathological condition in the base of the nose there is an increased sensitivity to pain, pimples, redness.
58. Most of the curvature of the stomach.
Projection is the inner region of the left nostril. При расстройстве желудка слизистая носа реагирует образованием воспалений, отеков, герпетических высыпаний.
59. Малая кривизна желудка.
Проекционной является внутренняя область правой ноздри. При расстройстве желудка слизистая носа реагирует образованием воспалений, отеков, герпетических высыпаний.
60. Мочевой пузырь, мочеточник правой почки.
Проецируется на слуховой проход и внутреннее ухо. При воспалительных процессах в органах появляется боль в слуховом проходе, иногда возникает воспаление, повышенное серовыделение, снижается слух.
61. Бронх правого легкого.
Проецируется на коже крыла правой половины носа. Нарушения выражаются сосудистым рисунком на основания крыла носа, покраснением, пигментацией.
62. Правая молочная железа.
Проекция расположена на коже правой щеки на месте пересечения вертикальной линии, идущей от наружной части угла глаза, и горизонтальной линии, проходящей через верхний полюс крыльев носа. Проблема проявляется покраснением, пигментацией, прыщами, ростом родинок, кожным взбуханием.
63. Правая доля печени.
Проекция располагается на области мышц челюстного сустава. Проявляется непроизвольным повышенным тонусом мышечной группы, развитием артроза сустава, изредка нарушение проецируется на кожу в форме пигмента или раздражения.
64. Мочеточник правой почки.
Проецируется на лице линией, идущей от внутреннего угла правого глаза к наружной части подбородка. При его раздражении движущимся по мочеточнику песком, мелкими камнями или воспалением в нем, на коже возникает рисунок линии белого или красного цвета (в зависимости от того, какая часть вегетативной нервной системы превалирует — симпатическая или парасимпатическая).
65. Правое легкое.
Проецируется на коже щеки правой половины лица, покрывая скуловую часть. Патология легкого может проявляться покраснением, ангиопатическим рисунком, пористой кожей, пигментацией, прыщами, сухостью, неровностью, шершавостью поверхности.
66. Правая почка.
Проецируется на правой ушной раковине. Величина уха пропорциональна величине почки: большое ухо — большая почка. Нарушение почки проявляется на хрящевой основе. Она становится болезненной и более плотной, в некоторых случаях, наоборот, чересчур мягкой.
67. Застойное явление в почечных структурах.
Проецируется на область глазницы. Проявляется на коже в виде жировиков, папиллом, темных пятен.
68. Правая часть поперечно-ободочной кишки.
Представительство находится в нижней медиальной части утла левого глаза. Дисфункция проявляется взбуханием кожи от внутреннего угла глаза под нижним веком к наружной стороне липа, иногда покраснением или пигментацией.
69. Инфицирование почки.
Информационной зоной является коньюктива глаза. Внешнее проявление инфекционного заболевания — коньюктивит, блефарит, ячмень, отек века.
70. Правая почка.
Проекционная зона расположена на коже правой глазницы (периорбикулярная область). При функциональных расстройствах почки кожа глазницы выражается отечностью, покраснением, потемнением, появлением жировых бляшек, ростом папиллом.
71. Тело желчного пузыря с протоками.
Проекционной зоной желчного пузыря является височная область головы. При его функциональных расстройствах реагирует кожа височной области, на которой появляются прыщи, пигментные пятна, пористость. Реагирует и надкостница височной кости, она становится болезненной при пальпаторном исследовании.
72. Правая доля печени.
Проецируется на белковую оболочку правого глаза. Нарушение в печени выражается красным сосудистым рисунком на оболочке глаза.
73. Лоханка правой почки.
Проекционная зона располагается во внутреннем углу глаза в области слезного протока. Воспаление или раздражение лоханки выражается закупоркой слезного протока, воспалительным процессом в нем, слезотечением, а также кожным раздражением.
74. Правый надпочечник.
Проекционная зона расположена над правой бровью с внутренней стороны. Его расстройство выражается болезненностью надкостницы надбровной области, кожным раздражением.
75. Восходящая толстая кишка (илеоцекальный угол).
Проекционным участком является правый верхний угол лобной области на коже. Патология проявляется пигментацией, прыщами, раздражением кожи, ростом родинок.
76. Поперечно-ободочная кишка.
Ее проекция находится в нижней части лба над надбровными дугами. При ее функциональном нарушении возникает реакция кожи (прыщи, пигментные пятна, пористость, покраснения, рост родинок).
77. Аппендикс.
Его проекционная зона находится на коже в верхней части лба справа. При его воспалении кожа реагирует покраснением, сухостью, пигментацией.
78. Желудок.
Проекция расположена на коже хрящевой части переносицы (средняя область носа). С левой стороны носа проецируется большая кривизна желудка, а с правой — малая, пилорический отдел желудка и двенадцатиперстная кишка. При патологии кожа реагирует раздражением, пигментацией.
79. Мочевой пузырь.
Проекционная зона находится в верхней части лба (место начала роста волосяного покрова). При патологии наблюдается пигментация, раздражение кожи, выпадение волос, перхоть на этом участке головы, псориатические бляшки.
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