Visceral massage Okulova eliminates the headaches and not only
The end of the twentieth century was marked by the growth of public confidence in alternative medicine. About Shiatsu massage, acupuncture and visceral therapy Agulova not only heard hermits, in a single copy, hiding from civilization in the forest and the mountains. Interestingly, in China and Vietnam that we have considered alternative treatments, is the most traditional way of healing. But medication and surgery, exotic and force majeure.
One of the most interesting methods when alternative manual therapy is recognized as visceral massage Okulova. The author is a former athlete and coach, then the seeker of knowledge, is now a member of the Academy of natural Sciences, located in Hannover and also the main character of the medical center "Predtecha", working in Moscow.
Visceral massage from Ugulava was developed after the author met with abdominal massage, carried out to their fellow villagers believers Vyatka and Stavropol healer. Action and effect of the custodians of knowledge accumulated by the ancestors, made a huge impression on the future Creator of visceral massage Okulova. After that was years of practice and research, but academic never hid the fact that the basis for visceral therapy Agulova lies the old Slavonic or old Russian technique of abdominal massage.
FUNDAMENTALS of VISCERAL MASSAGE ON OKULOVOthe Principle on which work the specialists of the center of visceral massage in Yekaterinburg is "Toast", the same as in Moscow "the forerunner". Based on accepted knowledge about the reflex relations existing between the internal organs and other parts of the human body.
Knowing the area of representative bodies and accents Ugulava on visceral organs, i.e. those located in the abdominal cavity, it is possible to successfully eliminate headaches and minimize the risk of a whole bunch of dysfunctions of the body systems – the list is attached below.
"VICTIM" VISCERAL THERAPY AGULOVA:1. Colitis, gastritis, ulcers of the digestive system, hemorrhoids, constipation, and diarrhea the first fall "by the hand of" professionals visceral therapy Okulovo.
2. Endocrine glands – liver and pancreas, as well as the recovery after the "annexation" of the gallbladder.
3. Elements of the genitourinary system and diseases which they are exposed, cystitis, enuresis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis.
4. The organs and body parts of people who reflexively associated internal organs.
The effect on humans is visceral for Okulovo way objavljivanja soft belly. Withpecialist does not violate the skin of the patient, and only palpated, presses, taps and shifts the "guilty" bodies. If the pain is caused by stress that is not chronic in nature, then eliminate it you can almost instantly – massaging visceral at Okulovo.
Neglected, chronic ailments require passing a full course of visceral massage Okulova. Ba onus and a pleasant surprise for patients will get a burst of energy, normalization of weight and visible improvement in appearance. Often some patients visceral therapy in Yekaterinburg are only interested in the aesthetic effect.
Those who have been interested in unorthodox medicine and chiropractic, know that the treatment of the physical body is not quickly without interaction with the mental. Therefore, all patients who have undergone a session of visceral massage in Yekaterinburg, receive guidance on integrated health promotion, including the basics of healthy eating and principles of interaction with others and the world.
Total in Ekaterinburg visceral therapy presented a certified center "Zdravitsa" and Moscow "the Baptist" for 20 years. We comprehensively restore the health of people and contribute to the spread of positive knowledge about the relationship of health, human and Nature.
SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves, as the feeling of high vibrations — an important factor in recovery — EN
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Source: ogulov.pro/obuchenie/visczeralnyij-massazh-ogulova.html
One of the most interesting methods when alternative manual therapy is recognized as visceral massage Okulova. The author is a former athlete and coach, then the seeker of knowledge, is now a member of the Academy of natural Sciences, located in Hannover and also the main character of the medical center "Predtecha", working in Moscow.

Visceral massage from Ugulava was developed after the author met with abdominal massage, carried out to their fellow villagers believers Vyatka and Stavropol healer. Action and effect of the custodians of knowledge accumulated by the ancestors, made a huge impression on the future Creator of visceral massage Okulova. After that was years of practice and research, but academic never hid the fact that the basis for visceral therapy Agulova lies the old Slavonic or old Russian technique of abdominal massage.
FUNDAMENTALS of VISCERAL MASSAGE ON OKULOVOthe Principle on which work the specialists of the center of visceral massage in Yekaterinburg is "Toast", the same as in Moscow "the forerunner". Based on accepted knowledge about the reflex relations existing between the internal organs and other parts of the human body.
Knowing the area of representative bodies and accents Ugulava on visceral organs, i.e. those located in the abdominal cavity, it is possible to successfully eliminate headaches and minimize the risk of a whole bunch of dysfunctions of the body systems – the list is attached below.
"VICTIM" VISCERAL THERAPY AGULOVA:1. Colitis, gastritis, ulcers of the digestive system, hemorrhoids, constipation, and diarrhea the first fall "by the hand of" professionals visceral therapy Okulovo.
2. Endocrine glands – liver and pancreas, as well as the recovery after the "annexation" of the gallbladder.
3. Elements of the genitourinary system and diseases which they are exposed, cystitis, enuresis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis.
4. The organs and body parts of people who reflexively associated internal organs.
The effect on humans is visceral for Okulovo way objavljivanja soft belly. Withpecialist does not violate the skin of the patient, and only palpated, presses, taps and shifts the "guilty" bodies. If the pain is caused by stress that is not chronic in nature, then eliminate it you can almost instantly – massaging visceral at Okulovo.
Neglected, chronic ailments require passing a full course of visceral massage Okulova. Ba onus and a pleasant surprise for patients will get a burst of energy, normalization of weight and visible improvement in appearance. Often some patients visceral therapy in Yekaterinburg are only interested in the aesthetic effect.
Those who have been interested in unorthodox medicine and chiropractic, know that the treatment of the physical body is not quickly without interaction with the mental. Therefore, all patients who have undergone a session of visceral massage in Yekaterinburg, receive guidance on integrated health promotion, including the basics of healthy eating and principles of interaction with others and the world.
Total in Ekaterinburg visceral therapy presented a certified center "Zdravitsa" and Moscow "the Baptist" for 20 years. We comprehensively restore the health of people and contribute to the spread of positive knowledge about the relationship of health, human and Nature.
SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves, as the feeling of high vibrations — an important factor in recovery — EN
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P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: ogulov.pro/obuchenie/visczeralnyij-massazh-ogulova.html