Sugar is not only nourishes the cancer cells, but also contributes to their education
For starters, imagine that even if a person is not diagnosed with cancer in his body still has at least a few cancer cells circulating freely on the "inner landscape". Normal body's immune system with a slightly alkaline environment or having a neutral pH value is capable of preventing their colonization in the tumor mass.
On the other hand, one who adheres basically a "standard American diet", which includes a large amount of meat production factory and junk food, saturated with refined sugar or corn syrup, high fructose, which are used for processing even savory foods to maintain your cravings for them, due to the addition of refined carbohydrates, refined grains bakery, literally pour oil on the flames of cancer.
Mainstream oncology tendency to ignore the opening of Otto Warburg received for his 1930 Nobel Prize, known as the "Warburg effect": when normal cells begin to experience a lack of oxygen respiration for the metabolic processing of glucose and nutrients for the production of cellular energy, they come to depend on sugar fermentation, growing without oxygen and becoming malignant.
Oncologists administered chemotherapy (IV mode) at the same time, allowing their patients to eat cookies and ice cream, which are similar to poison them. Purpose and sale of these toxic drugs brings great income doing it all profitable. Cancer cells absorb sugar about 19 times faster than normal cells, the researchers report.
Mainstream medicine refuses to notice that the diet can cause potential metabolic dysfunction, which contributes to the promotion and maintenance of cancer, at the same time claiming that the primary cause of cancer is a genetic predisposition.
Their arrogance and incredible profits thrive on such toxic interventions like chemotherapy and radiation. If you want to prevent the appearance of cancer, or get rid of it, in the first place, make sure that what you fill your body. This will give you control over cancer.
Clearly, if we are talking about the need to avoid carbonated drinks, juices with added sugar, cakes, sweets and processed foods, for the production of which use processed grains, but sugar or corn syrup, high fructose is added to even savory foods. So manufacturers maintain your dependence on their product, even if you can not feel its real taste. Refined sugar is really addictive, with some evidence that it is addictive is akin to cocaine addiction.
A recent study made sugar carcinogen
Further more. The study showed that the seemingly hidden from the public eye and, of course, is not welcome in the conventional oncology system. That would cramp the grocery business and the business of manufacturing carbonated beverages, if refined sugar will be considered a carcinogen.
One study in 2013-2014 was devoted to the communication of tumorigenesis and an increased absorption of sugar. Interestingly, this study did not cause a big stir in the health system, after appearing in the public domain.
It is, of course, rich in biochemical detail, familiar to physicians. So let's be content with a brief report to the layman on this study, which was conducted in artificially created, not in the natural (animal or human) environment. Thanks to this method, they were able to carry out experiments and analyze the results obtained under full control.
Here the result of this study is increased uptake of glucose leads to the creation of the early phase of cancer cells, in turn, upon discontinuance of glucose cancer cells are converted to normal again. In other words, sugar contributes both to the emergence of cancer cells and the maintenance of existing ones.
It is important not to get lost in a huge number of species of refined sugar: table sugar or corn syrup, high fructose is added to carbonated beverages and processed foods with naturally occurring sugar and fructose for plant food, no matter how high glycemic index may be. Fruit juices do not need to add sugar, but many of them it is still added. These are the kinds of drinks or food to be avoided.
However, table sugar is refined, and most types of bread for baking, and the shelves are made from selected grains, which are refined carbohydrates instantly turn into sugar, without giving any nutrients as compensation. Treatment and subjected to whole foods, to avoid dependence on other components, allowing you to make the best even selling natural products.
The researchers suggest that the sugar contained in organic products, can promote the growth of cancer cells, in contrast to its "colleagues" - refined sugar or corn syrup. They explain that the human cells absorb molecules levorotatory, while cancer cells can absorb only the dextrorotatory molecule.
In fact, fruit in their natural state contain sugar levorotatory, while GMO consist only of fruit sugars dextrorotatory. The researchers conclude that the glycemic index is not as important as the source and origin of the fruits and vegetables that we eat. As an example, carrot juice, successfully used as an alternative to conventional treatment, in spite of its high glycemic index.
Simple advice that is not easy to follow
The easiest way you can imagine: do not add sugar to food and drinks, avoid all sweets and processed foods, even savory - they still contain refined sugar to addictive consumer
. For most it's a lot harder than it looks. According to the couple, friends and relatives of patients, many are not willing to make changes in your diet to cure cancer, and despite the fact that have been treated, yet failed - perhaps precisely because of this
<. br> Many patients are likely to simply do what the doctors tell them, but eat and drink they want. And some want to have the same freedom, even if they have not yet been assigned to chemotherapy or radiation. This is especially true among those who use cannabis to get rid of the cancer.
In spite of all cancer-causing chemicals, enveloping our biosphere, there is one area that is still under our control - Avoid refined sugars and carbohydrates.

On the other hand, one who adheres basically a "standard American diet", which includes a large amount of meat production factory and junk food, saturated with refined sugar or corn syrup, high fructose, which are used for processing even savory foods to maintain your cravings for them, due to the addition of refined carbohydrates, refined grains bakery, literally pour oil on the flames of cancer.
Mainstream oncology tendency to ignore the opening of Otto Warburg received for his 1930 Nobel Prize, known as the "Warburg effect": when normal cells begin to experience a lack of oxygen respiration for the metabolic processing of glucose and nutrients for the production of cellular energy, they come to depend on sugar fermentation, growing without oxygen and becoming malignant.
Oncologists administered chemotherapy (IV mode) at the same time, allowing their patients to eat cookies and ice cream, which are similar to poison them. Purpose and sale of these toxic drugs brings great income doing it all profitable. Cancer cells absorb sugar about 19 times faster than normal cells, the researchers report.
Mainstream medicine refuses to notice that the diet can cause potential metabolic dysfunction, which contributes to the promotion and maintenance of cancer, at the same time claiming that the primary cause of cancer is a genetic predisposition.
Their arrogance and incredible profits thrive on such toxic interventions like chemotherapy and radiation. If you want to prevent the appearance of cancer, or get rid of it, in the first place, make sure that what you fill your body. This will give you control over cancer.
Clearly, if we are talking about the need to avoid carbonated drinks, juices with added sugar, cakes, sweets and processed foods, for the production of which use processed grains, but sugar or corn syrup, high fructose is added to even savory foods. So manufacturers maintain your dependence on their product, even if you can not feel its real taste. Refined sugar is really addictive, with some evidence that it is addictive is akin to cocaine addiction.
A recent study made sugar carcinogen
Further more. The study showed that the seemingly hidden from the public eye and, of course, is not welcome in the conventional oncology system. That would cramp the grocery business and the business of manufacturing carbonated beverages, if refined sugar will be considered a carcinogen.
One study in 2013-2014 was devoted to the communication of tumorigenesis and an increased absorption of sugar. Interestingly, this study did not cause a big stir in the health system, after appearing in the public domain.
It is, of course, rich in biochemical detail, familiar to physicians. So let's be content with a brief report to the layman on this study, which was conducted in artificially created, not in the natural (animal or human) environment. Thanks to this method, they were able to carry out experiments and analyze the results obtained under full control.
Here the result of this study is increased uptake of glucose leads to the creation of the early phase of cancer cells, in turn, upon discontinuance of glucose cancer cells are converted to normal again. In other words, sugar contributes both to the emergence of cancer cells and the maintenance of existing ones.
It is important not to get lost in a huge number of species of refined sugar: table sugar or corn syrup, high fructose is added to carbonated beverages and processed foods with naturally occurring sugar and fructose for plant food, no matter how high glycemic index may be. Fruit juices do not need to add sugar, but many of them it is still added. These are the kinds of drinks or food to be avoided.
However, table sugar is refined, and most types of bread for baking, and the shelves are made from selected grains, which are refined carbohydrates instantly turn into sugar, without giving any nutrients as compensation. Treatment and subjected to whole foods, to avoid dependence on other components, allowing you to make the best even selling natural products.
The researchers suggest that the sugar contained in organic products, can promote the growth of cancer cells, in contrast to its "colleagues" - refined sugar or corn syrup. They explain that the human cells absorb molecules levorotatory, while cancer cells can absorb only the dextrorotatory molecule.
In fact, fruit in their natural state contain sugar levorotatory, while GMO consist only of fruit sugars dextrorotatory. The researchers conclude that the glycemic index is not as important as the source and origin of the fruits and vegetables that we eat. As an example, carrot juice, successfully used as an alternative to conventional treatment, in spite of its high glycemic index.
Simple advice that is not easy to follow
The easiest way you can imagine: do not add sugar to food and drinks, avoid all sweets and processed foods, even savory - they still contain refined sugar to addictive consumer
. For most it's a lot harder than it looks. According to the couple, friends and relatives of patients, many are not willing to make changes in your diet to cure cancer, and despite the fact that have been treated, yet failed - perhaps precisely because of this
<. br> Many patients are likely to simply do what the doctors tell them, but eat and drink they want. And some want to have the same freedom, even if they have not yet been assigned to chemotherapy or radiation. This is especially true among those who use cannabis to get rid of the cancer.
In spite of all cancer-causing chemicals, enveloping our biosphere, there is one area that is still under our control - Avoid refined sugars and carbohydrates.
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