How to get rid of parasites that live in nearly every person? The doctor-parasitologist
Statistics are shocking! According to her parasites in varying degrees, infected with 7 residents of the CIS 10. Parasites live not only in the intestine (intestinal worms), but also in other organs and tissues. For example, in the liver, heart and even brain. They cause significant harm to the human body. What? How dangerous are parasites? And how to get rid of them at home? To answer these and other questions we asked the doctor-parasitologist, PhD Borisov Vladimir Mikhailovich.
Hello, Vladimir. And the first question. Whether the parasites are so dangerous?
Hello! Yes. It is really so. Parasites cause noticeable harm to the body. Especially hard hit have on the immune system. The fact that she needs to protect our body from the development in this "foreign life forms". So the first thing the parasites are neutralized by the immune system, but rather make it weaker. As a result, she not only skips the active reproduction of parasitic organisms, but also the development of many diseases. That's why people are infected with parasites and often sick.
The second type of harm the parasites, is that they destroy the internal tissues and organs. Parasites continuously move inside the body. As a result, they injure the organs, which in turn is also the cause of many dangerous diseases.
In addition, the parasites consume nutrients. In the end, there is a deficiency of vital minerals and vitamins. In the course of their life the parasites secrete poisons that inhibit the human body. The danger of parasites is undervalued by many people. Of course, they should get rid of as early as possible.
How do you get parasites? Is it possible to determine the presence of infection?
Ways of invasion (intrusion – approx. edition) parasites of the mass. For example, drank water from a spring in your body got more than a million different vermin. If you have a good immune system, it can handle them. However, water can get eggs large parasites that the immune system is not able to fight. Bad fry fish or meat in your body also hit parasites. Had lunch at the sushi bar – again parasites. Didn't wash hands before eating – again. Infections a lot.
To date, the method of diagnosis of invasion alone – a survey in the clinic. However, it is understood that even this method is far from perfect. The fact that in our latitudes there are about 260 species of human parasites, and not all of them understood. Not to mention the parasites that can be hazardous when traveling in exotic countries. To conduct surveys for the presence of these parasites is pointless. That is why very often parasites living in the heart, liver and even blood vessels, it is very difficult to identify. But they are the most dangerous.
So what to do? How to protect yourself and your family?
It is important to observe hygiene. But not only that. It is necessary periodically to clean the body. For this you can use different traditional recipes or special tools, which tend to have higher efficiency. The only thing I would suggest to use for this tablet. They are designed to remove certain parasites, and should be used only as directed by your doctor, because themselves are the strongest poisons.
Cleaning the body from parasites are best made with the help of herbal remedies. For example, is very good at helping monastic anti-parasitic tea. The advantage of using this tea is that it is not harmful to health, and performance is comparable to the strongest chemicals. The only thing you have to drink it for 21 days. As a rule, during this time, leaving most of the available in the human body parasites. The person becomes healthier, it improves health, mood and performance.
The tea I recommend to anyone who feels that there are parasites, and who wants to spend antiparasitic prophylaxis. It is superfluous will not be exact. External signs of infestation – fatigue, unwillingness to do anything, lack of energy, drowsiness. If a person has these symptoms, he should drink this tea. As a result, not only will have more strength, but also improve health. After getting rid of the parasites people even look transformed for the better. Parasites make us old.
Are there any restrictions on the use of this tea? Where can it be purchased?
The restrictions are the same as with most therapeutic agents. Tea is not recommended for use when allergic reactions to its constituent plants, and with caution it should be used in pregnant women. There are no other restrictions, contraindications too. Tea does not harm the body, but effectively cleanses the body from parasites of different species of worms, fungal, protozoa (chlamydia, Giardia, etc.)
To buy anti-parasitic monastic tea on the official website. Know that today appeared a lot of fakes, so I recommend buying the tea on this site. Counterfeiting is not only not benefit, but also can harm health. Tea from this site I recommend to my patients and it helps to be cleansed of the parasites completely.
Vladimir, thank you very much for such detailed answers. What would you like to wish to our readers?
First of all, health. Remember, the longer the parasites live in the human body, the more harm they cause. Get rid of them and you will be much better to feel. Among doctors-Parasitologists, there is a saying – "I want to start a new life, get rid of the parasites." It is true. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: medportal.rexbay.ru/2dAMiE/

Hello, Vladimir. And the first question. Whether the parasites are so dangerous?
Hello! Yes. It is really so. Parasites cause noticeable harm to the body. Especially hard hit have on the immune system. The fact that she needs to protect our body from the development in this "foreign life forms". So the first thing the parasites are neutralized by the immune system, but rather make it weaker. As a result, she not only skips the active reproduction of parasitic organisms, but also the development of many diseases. That's why people are infected with parasites and often sick.
The second type of harm the parasites, is that they destroy the internal tissues and organs. Parasites continuously move inside the body. As a result, they injure the organs, which in turn is also the cause of many dangerous diseases.
In addition, the parasites consume nutrients. In the end, there is a deficiency of vital minerals and vitamins. In the course of their life the parasites secrete poisons that inhibit the human body. The danger of parasites is undervalued by many people. Of course, they should get rid of as early as possible.
How do you get parasites? Is it possible to determine the presence of infection?
Ways of invasion (intrusion – approx. edition) parasites of the mass. For example, drank water from a spring in your body got more than a million different vermin. If you have a good immune system, it can handle them. However, water can get eggs large parasites that the immune system is not able to fight. Bad fry fish or meat in your body also hit parasites. Had lunch at the sushi bar – again parasites. Didn't wash hands before eating – again. Infections a lot.
To date, the method of diagnosis of invasion alone – a survey in the clinic. However, it is understood that even this method is far from perfect. The fact that in our latitudes there are about 260 species of human parasites, and not all of them understood. Not to mention the parasites that can be hazardous when traveling in exotic countries. To conduct surveys for the presence of these parasites is pointless. That is why very often parasites living in the heart, liver and even blood vessels, it is very difficult to identify. But they are the most dangerous.
So what to do? How to protect yourself and your family?
It is important to observe hygiene. But not only that. It is necessary periodically to clean the body. For this you can use different traditional recipes or special tools, which tend to have higher efficiency. The only thing I would suggest to use for this tablet. They are designed to remove certain parasites, and should be used only as directed by your doctor, because themselves are the strongest poisons.
Cleaning the body from parasites are best made with the help of herbal remedies. For example, is very good at helping monastic anti-parasitic tea. The advantage of using this tea is that it is not harmful to health, and performance is comparable to the strongest chemicals. The only thing you have to drink it for 21 days. As a rule, during this time, leaving most of the available in the human body parasites. The person becomes healthier, it improves health, mood and performance.
The tea I recommend to anyone who feels that there are parasites, and who wants to spend antiparasitic prophylaxis. It is superfluous will not be exact. External signs of infestation – fatigue, unwillingness to do anything, lack of energy, drowsiness. If a person has these symptoms, he should drink this tea. As a result, not only will have more strength, but also improve health. After getting rid of the parasites people even look transformed for the better. Parasites make us old.
Are there any restrictions on the use of this tea? Where can it be purchased?
The restrictions are the same as with most therapeutic agents. Tea is not recommended for use when allergic reactions to its constituent plants, and with caution it should be used in pregnant women. There are no other restrictions, contraindications too. Tea does not harm the body, but effectively cleanses the body from parasites of different species of worms, fungal, protozoa (chlamydia, Giardia, etc.)
To buy anti-parasitic monastic tea on the official website. Know that today appeared a lot of fakes, so I recommend buying the tea on this site. Counterfeiting is not only not benefit, but also can harm health. Tea from this site I recommend to my patients and it helps to be cleansed of the parasites completely.
Vladimir, thank you very much for such detailed answers. What would you like to wish to our readers?
First of all, health. Remember, the longer the parasites live in the human body, the more harm they cause. Get rid of them and you will be much better to feel. Among doctors-Parasitologists, there is a saying – "I want to start a new life, get rid of the parasites." It is true. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: medportal.rexbay.ru/2dAMiE/