How to Get Rid of Energy Vampires
Do you know the feeling of talking to a man and then the feeling in your head that you've been run over by a tank? Or you fight with your husband and you walk around like a lemon all day. Why is this happening? downturn How to cleanse the body and soul of negative influences?
From the point of view of esotericism, a person is an integral system that, together with food, can absorb energyfrom other people, plants, animals, the Earth and the cosmos as a whole.
Experts in the field of bioenergy prove that a person is constantly pursued by otherworldly people parasitic. They are created by their own internal forces or are attached to the astral body by other people. I am critical of such assumptions, but why are there still legends about angels, demons, spirits and various magical rituals in our world?
Editorial "Site" I have long studied the classification of energy parasites. Their existence can not be guessed, but if you delve deeper into the problem, you can see their destructive effect, which is not explained by science and evidence-based medicine.
We invite you to get acquainted with the full classificationThose who live next to you and suck the power from within. Read carefully and you may be able to recognize vampires and get rid of them.
Man gets power from 7. channel (chakra). Unused energy accumulates near one of the sources and attracts parasites to humans. So they feed on surpluses, at the same time taking away all vitality.
Parasites of the physical plane include various energy vampiresThose who deliberately or unwittingly try to awaken in a person the lower emotions - fear, anger, pity. These entities are the safest. To counteract their action, it is very important to throw out emotions as soon as they arise, rather than concentrate within yourself.
Parasites of the etheric plane Aetheric energy in different sources is called prana, chi, ki. We call it sexual energy. Most people do not use it correctly because they do not know the true purpose. Etheric parasites They eat it all, thus draining the body. These insidious predators come in different species.
The human energy body looks like a cocoon, and the vital parasites are suckers. They feed on the energy of aggression and fear. To attach to the body, such a larva must be observed threefoldAction, emotion and internal approval.
In other words, these parasites cause a fleeting sense of joy and euphoria. They completely awaken a person to perform a certain action in order to surrender to these feelings again. These energy monsters are the larvae of smoking. drug addiction, larvae of excitement and demons (devils). The latter can cause obsession, a person ceases to control his actions not only in a dream, but also in reality.
Methods of protection Not much from these creatures. Editorial "Site" It is strongly recommended not to address all sorts of witches, healers and magicians in any generation. These people, at best, will take all your money, and in return they will tell lies. Any interference of an outsider in your energy field is fraught with imbalance and deterioration of the general condition.
To cope with vital parasites will help to realize that a bad habit becomes a problem. In such cases, meditation and special music. Focus on the reasons that make you do something (drink, smoke). When you realize that you are stronger than any entity, the larva will let you go. Remember these emotions and use them to your advantage.
Parasites of the astral plane These are deceptive parasites that feed on the energy of anxiety and experiences. The more you twist yourself, the fatter your parasite grows, completely taking possession of your body. Astral parasites love stressfulnessThey encourage the person to think about the problem more and more, send pictures to the brain with adverse scenarios.
DepositPhotos Sometimes creatures come in a dream and take a person out of a dream. emotional balance. As a result, he gets stressed, falls into hysteria or depression. The astral body is exhausted and distant from the physical. The result can be a nervous breakdown and even a stroke.
You can protect yourself from energy predators. But this is a huge work on yourself, which will learn to control your emotions. You can fix the situation - fix it, you can't - let go, let everything go as usual.
Be sure to study. meditationKeep track of the negative emotions in the source, without releasing them to the forefront. Fear attracts invisible threats.
DepositPhotos Mental Plane Parasites These include verbal programs of behavior - words-parasites, gestures-parasites, gossip and verbiage. In this section there are the strongest creatures - egregors and pendulums. They are attracted to a person depending on their lifestyle and habits and draw energy from different channels. Getting rid of them is very difficult, almost impossible.
DepositPhotos If a mental predator clings once, it stays for life. But you can always protect yourself from attacks. purification.
Follow these rules!
But is there a universal way to get rid of otherworldly forces? Got it! And they're not psychics and wizards. Only inner work on oneself and special meditative practices will help to clear the mind.
Man is a very subtle machine. And his soul is the set of seven energy channels we talked about in this article. What do you think, parasites Do they exist or are they echoes of our pagan roots? Don't forget to write a comment!
If the article was useful to you, show it to your friends on social networks.

From the point of view of esotericism, a person is an integral system that, together with food, can absorb energyfrom other people, plants, animals, the Earth and the cosmos as a whole.
Experts in the field of bioenergy prove that a person is constantly pursued by otherworldly people parasitic. They are created by their own internal forces or are attached to the astral body by other people. I am critical of such assumptions, but why are there still legends about angels, demons, spirits and various magical rituals in our world?

Editorial "Site" I have long studied the classification of energy parasites. Their existence can not be guessed, but if you delve deeper into the problem, you can see their destructive effect, which is not explained by science and evidence-based medicine.
We invite you to get acquainted with the full classificationThose who live next to you and suck the power from within. Read carefully and you may be able to recognize vampires and get rid of them.

Man gets power from 7. channel (chakra). Unused energy accumulates near one of the sources and attracts parasites to humans. So they feed on surpluses, at the same time taking away all vitality.
Parasites of the physical plane include various energy vampiresThose who deliberately or unwittingly try to awaken in a person the lower emotions - fear, anger, pity. These entities are the safest. To counteract their action, it is very important to throw out emotions as soon as they arise, rather than concentrate within yourself.

Parasites of the etheric plane Aetheric energy in different sources is called prana, chi, ki. We call it sexual energy. Most people do not use it correctly because they do not know the true purpose. Etheric parasites They eat it all, thus draining the body. These insidious predators come in different species.
- Larvas (parasites)
They are located near or inside the aura of a person. They are able to increase sexual desire and force a person to manifest it in the form of self-satisfaction. Then absorb this energy, aimlessly released, and fall asleep. - Incubus, succubus, lamia (predators)
They are much stronger than larvae because they have consciousness. The main source of nutrition is not only the energy of self-satisfaction. They awaken desire through sleep, draw in dreams sexual images into which they are reincarnated, and require that a person enter into sexual contact with him (image) and give strength. Lamia can dry a person in a month! - Dead shells (class of predators)
These phantom creatures can cling to anyone in a cemetery or in a place with negative energy. They do not stimulate excitement, but attack in a dream. form cloud This predator flies up to the sleeping one and awakens pleasant dreams. Then through a special channel drains energy. - Methods of protection
The only thing that can help expel etheric parasites is self-control. Excess sexual energy is always looking for a way out and, without finding it, manifests itself in the form of sexual energy. aggression and irritability. You need to learn to sublimate and not accumulate anything inside yourself.
The human energy body looks like a cocoon, and the vital parasites are suckers. They feed on the energy of aggression and fear. To attach to the body, such a larva must be observed threefoldAction, emotion and internal approval.
In other words, these parasites cause a fleeting sense of joy and euphoria. They completely awaken a person to perform a certain action in order to surrender to these feelings again. These energy monsters are the larvae of smoking. drug addiction, larvae of excitement and demons (devils). The latter can cause obsession, a person ceases to control his actions not only in a dream, but also in reality.

Methods of protection Not much from these creatures. Editorial "Site" It is strongly recommended not to address all sorts of witches, healers and magicians in any generation. These people, at best, will take all your money, and in return they will tell lies. Any interference of an outsider in your energy field is fraught with imbalance and deterioration of the general condition.

To cope with vital parasites will help to realize that a bad habit becomes a problem. In such cases, meditation and special music. Focus on the reasons that make you do something (drink, smoke). When you realize that you are stronger than any entity, the larva will let you go. Remember these emotions and use them to your advantage.
Parasites of the astral plane These are deceptive parasites that feed on the energy of anxiety and experiences. The more you twist yourself, the fatter your parasite grows, completely taking possession of your body. Astral parasites love stressfulnessThey encourage the person to think about the problem more and more, send pictures to the brain with adverse scenarios.

DepositPhotos Sometimes creatures come in a dream and take a person out of a dream. emotional balance. As a result, he gets stressed, falls into hysteria or depression. The astral body is exhausted and distant from the physical. The result can be a nervous breakdown and even a stroke.
You can protect yourself from energy predators. But this is a huge work on yourself, which will learn to control your emotions. You can fix the situation - fix it, you can't - let go, let everything go as usual.
Be sure to study. meditationKeep track of the negative emotions in the source, without releasing them to the forefront. Fear attracts invisible threats.

DepositPhotos Mental Plane Parasites These include verbal programs of behavior - words-parasites, gestures-parasites, gossip and verbiage. In this section there are the strongest creatures - egregors and pendulums. They are attracted to a person depending on their lifestyle and habits and draw energy from different channels. Getting rid of them is very difficult, almost impossible.

DepositPhotos If a mental predator clings once, it stays for life. But you can always protect yourself from attacks. purification.
Follow these rules!
- Control your speech and speak carefully.
- Avoid gossip and do not participate in it.
- Track your gestures and remove from everyday life constant smacking, shaking your legs, tapping your fingers.
- Do not engage in verbiage – avoid empty conversations about nothing.
- Perform ascetic silence as often as possible. Start by being silent for 30 minutes a day and bring it up to one day a week. Try to concentrate your thoughts on your inner world.
- Do yoga, all asanas have a positive effect on the energy channels of a person.

But is there a universal way to get rid of otherworldly forces? Got it! And they're not psychics and wizards. Only inner work on oneself and special meditative practices will help to clear the mind.
Man is a very subtle machine. And his soul is the set of seven energy channels we talked about in this article. What do you think, parasites Do they exist or are they echoes of our pagan roots? Don't forget to write a comment!
If the article was useful to you, show it to your friends on social networks.
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