Cancer and parasites: the first 3 schemes Evgeny Lebedev
After completion of these schemes the human body gets rid of hundreds of species of helminths, viruses and fungi, improves the blood formula, improves the system of self-repair.
The first three schemes Lebedev are the beginning of cancer treatment and chronic diseases. If they are to perform once a year, it will be a good prevention against cancer.
Plus recommended throughout the year by regularly drinking herbal teas that contain selenium instead of tea (Astragalus sherstistotsvetkovogo, marjoram, Helichrysum, wild strawberry leaves, yarrow, calendula, leaves of currant, etc.).
When reading books Lebedeva E. G. in the first three schemes raises many questions. The answers can be found in different places three of his books. Here are collected the most of the answers to these questions together.
Attention! If you have a diagnosis of cancer, or weakened You are a very severe chronic disease, before applying these schemes, You should be sure to carefully read at least the first book, there are additional guidelines for the preparation of weakened body to the early treatment of these schemes.
Thirty million four hundred forty five thousand nine hundred sixty five
Evgeny Lebedev is convinced that cancer develops as a result of parasites, viruses and fungi of different species in different proportions from each patient, and proves this with examples in his books.
The first three schemes Lebedev tyubazh aimed at the destruction of viruses and parasites in the body of the patient. After that the body takes itself to the fight against tumor and metastases.
Some patients already during the implementation of these first three diagrams of the processes of disintegration of the tumor.
It is necessary to strictly comply with all written below, any violation reduces to zero all the treatment, and for serious disease may lead to death of the patient.
All chronic human diseases are associated with parasitic: viral, or fungal infection in his body, which is not always diagnosed by doctors. Amazed to know Your body with parasites or not, You can only the method of VRT (Vegetative resonance test, Voll method). The usual tests for many parasites do not completely diagnosed, and conventional medicines are completely from the body will never hatch.
"According to the world health organization, 50 million people who die annually in the world, more than 16 million deaths are caused by infectious diseases. For today in Russia has not produced a single drug against helminths in the required quantities."(Gennady Onishchenko, the chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation).
Parasitic diseases in the world infected more than 4.5 billion people. In Europe, however, amazed by every third person. In Russia, the total incidence of parasites in 10 times higher incidence of acute intestinal infections and their frequency is comparable to the incidence of influenza. Annually, infectious and parasitic diseases take 15 – 16 million human lives.
The world Health Organization has published reports which show that up to 80% of all existing diseases are either directly caused by parasites, or are a consequence of their activity in our body!
What must be observed in the performance of the first three schemes Lebedev.
Completely eliminate from your diet:
• meat products
• dairy produce
• bird
• black tea
• coffee
• all sodas
• all alcoholic beverages
• sugar
• all confectionery and bakery products, in addition to unleavened bread, which should be made of second grade flour from bran
• herring and salted fish
• all kinds of canned food
• white vinegar
• black pepper
You need to use
All of these listed products well help a person to do without the harmful sugar.
Beans and beans when taken daily in small doses (30-60 g) treated intestine and suppress the growth of viruses and tumors, respectively. Before cooking they are soaked overnight for 8 hours. Cure is even the water they were boiled in, and in abdominal callosity this water should be drunk 3-5 weeks in a row.
With strong pains to exclude fish, vegetable oil, flour products.
"During treatment patients with cancer and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract sweet fruits and berries, and juices from them in food it is better not to use it. Rest in moderation»
Not during treatment to take pain medications, and other medical chemical preparations. You can nosh-PU is not more than 2 times a week, motherwort tincture.
For getting rid of the tumor it is necessary to fully restore the digestive process. It is necessary to treat the liver and intestines.
It getting rid of parasites and treatment of the intestine allows to restore the immunity.
Another bad point: all recovering – it hurts!
Benign tumors are destroyed without pain, but the condition worsens for a few days.
Fibroids, fibroids, prostate adenoma, tumors, intracranial glands stationed in the box, collapse with symptoms of "fog" in the head and forgetfulness.
Often small and large purulent infection rash throws on the forehead, cheeks, throat. Abscesses appear in the sky.
Same rash, only on the back and chest for tumors and pulmonary tuberculosis.
BPH sometimes responds rash on the foreskin and "dress" in the urine with a pulling sensation in the perineum.
All malignant tumors hurt. Especially bad is the pain in metastases.
Of pain medication is allowed only in extreme cases, half doses of Morphine, Omnopon, Promedol, and Ortofena Diclofenac, Spazmalgon.
The temperature of tumor patients can not be beat down! Immediately deteriorating health.
If the patient wants to heal, he can't use anesthetics of the last generation. This – Tramal, Tramadol, Ketanov and Cetanol. The first two block the liver and nervous system, the other two worsen the intestines and increase constipation. Ketanov absolutely can not drink more than 21 days. About it patients doctors reason not misleading.
The tumor is desperately in need of organic compounds:
1. Cholesterol.
2. Sex hormones (parasites themselves asexual and reproduce they need sex hormones)
3. Sterols (growth hormones contained in the meat of animals).
4. Sugar. 20 minutes after its ingestion in the blood to completely disappear all of the b vitamins.
So, the power is completely missing the meat, eggs, fats, dairy products, sugar products, refined flour, melons and sweet berries.
Upon the slightest suspicion of metastasis fruits and sweets from the diet immediately excluded.
You are only allowed half a lemon and the juice of sour green apples, as they stimulate bile flow and cleansing of the liver cells.
I want to draw readers ' attention to the lemon juice!He removes the blockade of the liver from the metabolic products of fungal tumors, removes aflatoxin. People Smoking it causes sweating, waste sputum, and depression. In such cases, you can take a break and lemon juice to drink.
Scheme No. 1
1. Easy dinner 19.00 rice porridge with raisins or honey. Go to bed no later than 22.00.
2. To get up at 2.00 (night) to brew 100 ml of green tea (0,5 tsp), leave for 6 minutes. Add 4 dessert spoons of sugar and 5 tbsp of brandy. Stir and drink.
3. After 20 min a 50 ml of warm castor oil and immediately go to sleep.
Morning about 6.30-7.30 in the first place will be the food of yesterday. Then 2-3 urge with abundant mucus.
Mucus is salaperaisine worms.
Castor oil paralised and because they have a digestive system doesn't stop working, they imperialate.
In severe cases gastrointestinal worms (infestation) will be released and live parasites of many species.
Sometimes patients in the ampoule of the rectum remain pinworms that cause itching and tingling in the anus.
You need 3 times in a row to make the night mikroklizmy with the infusion of garlic (crush two cloves, pour 120-150ml of warm water and insist 4 hours). To enter into the anus at night syringe 50ml infusion. The parasites will die.
Explanations to the Scheme №1
During brandy enema therapy not to put to drink from 10.00 a decoction of oats and juices.
A decoction of oats.
Harm from taking brandy and sugar kompensiruet massive death of the parasites. The dying parasites and start to imperialists to allocate protein toxins, causes severe intoxication, which is removed by the decoction of oats. The first intake of oats — by no later than 10.00. Drink a half Cup for the reception. Spread on eight receptions depending on health.
How to prepare a decoction of oats: 1 Cup of untreated oats (the oats you can buy in the market) in the evening wash, pour 1 liter of water, in the morning in the same water cook one hour, strain, get 750 ml of broth, you can drink it during the day).
Decoction of oats contain the amino acids ornithine and arginine, which bind to protein toxins and eliminate them. In addition, a decoction of oats increases the number of leukocytes and contains all the b vitamins, including vitamin B12.
Brandy buy, the cheapest to only without any additional harmful additives.
Green tea is also the cheapest with no additives.
Dinner rice porridge — not later than 19.00.
Go to bed no later than 22.00.
If taking castor oil is disgusting, after receiving rinse with lemon water (squeeze a little lemon juice in a glass of water), nausea, smell a cut clove of garlic.
Castor oil must be heated in a water bath, lowering the bottle to a bucket of hot water for a few minutes. The preheated oil will not stick to the walls of the stomach.
All three days have to drink vegetable juice to 2 cups a day with juice of half a lemon and juice of green apples.
You should pay attention to the presence in the chair of ferrous inclusions (size from poppy seed to sunflower). If they are, then your bile ducts cleansed and the treatment will go faster.published
The article is Advisory in nature. Before treatment, consult your doctor,
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-66683693_5729
The first three schemes Lebedev are the beginning of cancer treatment and chronic diseases. If they are to perform once a year, it will be a good prevention against cancer.
Plus recommended throughout the year by regularly drinking herbal teas that contain selenium instead of tea (Astragalus sherstistotsvetkovogo, marjoram, Helichrysum, wild strawberry leaves, yarrow, calendula, leaves of currant, etc.).
When reading books Lebedeva E. G. in the first three schemes raises many questions. The answers can be found in different places three of his books. Here are collected the most of the answers to these questions together.
Attention! If you have a diagnosis of cancer, or weakened You are a very severe chronic disease, before applying these schemes, You should be sure to carefully read at least the first book, there are additional guidelines for the preparation of weakened body to the early treatment of these schemes.
Thirty million four hundred forty five thousand nine hundred sixty five
Evgeny Lebedev is convinced that cancer develops as a result of parasites, viruses and fungi of different species in different proportions from each patient, and proves this with examples in his books.
The first three schemes Lebedev tyubazh aimed at the destruction of viruses and parasites in the body of the patient. After that the body takes itself to the fight against tumor and metastases.
Some patients already during the implementation of these first three diagrams of the processes of disintegration of the tumor.
It is necessary to strictly comply with all written below, any violation reduces to zero all the treatment, and for serious disease may lead to death of the patient.
All chronic human diseases are associated with parasitic: viral, or fungal infection in his body, which is not always diagnosed by doctors. Amazed to know Your body with parasites or not, You can only the method of VRT (Vegetative resonance test, Voll method). The usual tests for many parasites do not completely diagnosed, and conventional medicines are completely from the body will never hatch.
"According to the world health organization, 50 million people who die annually in the world, more than 16 million deaths are caused by infectious diseases. For today in Russia has not produced a single drug against helminths in the required quantities."(Gennady Onishchenko, the chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation).
Parasitic diseases in the world infected more than 4.5 billion people. In Europe, however, amazed by every third person. In Russia, the total incidence of parasites in 10 times higher incidence of acute intestinal infections and their frequency is comparable to the incidence of influenza. Annually, infectious and parasitic diseases take 15 – 16 million human lives.
The world Health Organization has published reports which show that up to 80% of all existing diseases are either directly caused by parasites, or are a consequence of their activity in our body!
What must be observed in the performance of the first three schemes Lebedev.
Completely eliminate from your diet:
• meat products
• dairy produce
• bird
• black tea
• coffee
• all sodas
• all alcoholic beverages
• sugar
• all confectionery and bakery products, in addition to unleavened bread, which should be made of second grade flour from bran
• herring and salted fish
• all kinds of canned food
• white vinegar
• black pepper
You need to use
- of whole grain oatmeal or cereal
- fresh vegetables and stews
- beans, beans, peas,
- seafood (kelp, seaweed)
- nuts (not peanuts)
- vegetable juices in mixture of 4-5 vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, beets, potatoes, etc.), fruit juices with normal gastrointestinal 2 cups a day: one for 20min before Breakfast, the other for 20 minutes before dinner; juices svezhevykachannye, not purchased
- med 1-2st.liters per day; in severe cases when the pain med is forbidden!
- tea made from raspberry leaf, oregano, black currant
- green tea is to not drink more than two glasses a day
- sertaline oil, unrefined: sunflower, linseed, olive (cook, fry in refined oil, and directly to food to add that).
All of these listed products well help a person to do without the harmful sugar.
Beans and beans when taken daily in small doses (30-60 g) treated intestine and suppress the growth of viruses and tumors, respectively. Before cooking they are soaked overnight for 8 hours. Cure is even the water they were boiled in, and in abdominal callosity this water should be drunk 3-5 weeks in a row.
With strong pains to exclude fish, vegetable oil, flour products.
"During treatment patients with cancer and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract sweet fruits and berries, and juices from them in food it is better not to use it. Rest in moderation»
Not during treatment to take pain medications, and other medical chemical preparations. You can nosh-PU is not more than 2 times a week, motherwort tincture.
For getting rid of the tumor it is necessary to fully restore the digestive process. It is necessary to treat the liver and intestines.
It getting rid of parasites and treatment of the intestine allows to restore the immunity.
Another bad point: all recovering – it hurts!
Benign tumors are destroyed without pain, but the condition worsens for a few days.
Fibroids, fibroids, prostate adenoma, tumors, intracranial glands stationed in the box, collapse with symptoms of "fog" in the head and forgetfulness.
Often small and large purulent infection rash throws on the forehead, cheeks, throat. Abscesses appear in the sky.
Same rash, only on the back and chest for tumors and pulmonary tuberculosis.
BPH sometimes responds rash on the foreskin and "dress" in the urine with a pulling sensation in the perineum.
All malignant tumors hurt. Especially bad is the pain in metastases.
Of pain medication is allowed only in extreme cases, half doses of Morphine, Omnopon, Promedol, and Ortofena Diclofenac, Spazmalgon.
The temperature of tumor patients can not be beat down! Immediately deteriorating health.
If the patient wants to heal, he can't use anesthetics of the last generation. This – Tramal, Tramadol, Ketanov and Cetanol. The first two block the liver and nervous system, the other two worsen the intestines and increase constipation. Ketanov absolutely can not drink more than 21 days. About it patients doctors reason not misleading.
The tumor is desperately in need of organic compounds:
1. Cholesterol.
2. Sex hormones (parasites themselves asexual and reproduce they need sex hormones)
3. Sterols (growth hormones contained in the meat of animals).
4. Sugar. 20 minutes after its ingestion in the blood to completely disappear all of the b vitamins.
So, the power is completely missing the meat, eggs, fats, dairy products, sugar products, refined flour, melons and sweet berries.
Upon the slightest suspicion of metastasis fruits and sweets from the diet immediately excluded.
You are only allowed half a lemon and the juice of sour green apples, as they stimulate bile flow and cleansing of the liver cells.
I want to draw readers ' attention to the lemon juice!He removes the blockade of the liver from the metabolic products of fungal tumors, removes aflatoxin. People Smoking it causes sweating, waste sputum, and depression. In such cases, you can take a break and lemon juice to drink.
Scheme No. 1
1. Easy dinner 19.00 rice porridge with raisins or honey. Go to bed no later than 22.00.
2. To get up at 2.00 (night) to brew 100 ml of green tea (0,5 tsp), leave for 6 minutes. Add 4 dessert spoons of sugar and 5 tbsp of brandy. Stir and drink.
3. After 20 min a 50 ml of warm castor oil and immediately go to sleep.
Morning about 6.30-7.30 in the first place will be the food of yesterday. Then 2-3 urge with abundant mucus.
Mucus is salaperaisine worms.
Castor oil paralised and because they have a digestive system doesn't stop working, they imperialate.
In severe cases gastrointestinal worms (infestation) will be released and live parasites of many species.
Sometimes patients in the ampoule of the rectum remain pinworms that cause itching and tingling in the anus.
You need 3 times in a row to make the night mikroklizmy with the infusion of garlic (crush two cloves, pour 120-150ml of warm water and insist 4 hours). To enter into the anus at night syringe 50ml infusion. The parasites will die.
Explanations to the Scheme №1
During brandy enema therapy not to put to drink from 10.00 a decoction of oats and juices.
A decoction of oats.
Harm from taking brandy and sugar kompensiruet massive death of the parasites. The dying parasites and start to imperialists to allocate protein toxins, causes severe intoxication, which is removed by the decoction of oats. The first intake of oats — by no later than 10.00. Drink a half Cup for the reception. Spread on eight receptions depending on health.
How to prepare a decoction of oats: 1 Cup of untreated oats (the oats you can buy in the market) in the evening wash, pour 1 liter of water, in the morning in the same water cook one hour, strain, get 750 ml of broth, you can drink it during the day).
Decoction of oats contain the amino acids ornithine and arginine, which bind to protein toxins and eliminate them. In addition, a decoction of oats increases the number of leukocytes and contains all the b vitamins, including vitamin B12.
Brandy buy, the cheapest to only without any additional harmful additives.
Green tea is also the cheapest with no additives.
Dinner rice porridge — not later than 19.00.
Go to bed no later than 22.00.
If taking castor oil is disgusting, after receiving rinse with lemon water (squeeze a little lemon juice in a glass of water), nausea, smell a cut clove of garlic.
Castor oil must be heated in a water bath, lowering the bottle to a bucket of hot water for a few minutes. The preheated oil will not stick to the walls of the stomach.
All three days have to drink vegetable juice to 2 cups a day with juice of half a lemon and juice of green apples.
You should pay attention to the presence in the chair of ferrous inclusions (size from poppy seed to sunflower). If they are, then your bile ducts cleansed and the treatment will go faster.published
The article is Advisory in nature. Before treatment, consult your doctor,
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-66683693_5729