The sad truth is that we eat mushrooms.
Laboratory doctor of the clinic of the Department of Internal Affairs of Belgorod Lidia Vasilievna Kozmina.
People eat mushrooms. Such a terrible conclusion was made by a laboratory technician with a university education, who for a quarter of a century considered the pathogens of all kinds of diseases in her numerous patients under the microscope.
The sad truth is that we are eaten by mushrooms. It started in 1980. For examination in the laboratory sent a young man with a strange disease. From time to time, his temperature rose to 38 degrees for no apparent reason. It doesn't seem like a big deal. But this easily ill man seriously told the lab technicians, "Girls, I feel like I'm going to die soon." They didn't believe him because his doctor suspected he had malaria. Her pathogen for a month tried to find in the blood of the patient. But they never did.
And the patient unexpectedly for doctors very quickly became “heavier”. Then they were horrified to find septic endocarditis in him - an infectious lesion of the heart muscle, which they initially overlooked. The guy was never saved. Kozmina didn't throw out the dead man's blood. Looking at it again under a microscope, she suddenly found in it tiny organisms with a tiny nucleus. For two months, she tried to identify them, questioning clinical technicians and looking at at atlases on bacteriology, but to no avail. Finally, I found something similar in a book by the Moldovan author Shroyt.
There were photos and descriptions of strange microorganisms - mycoplasmas, which do not have a dense cell membrane. They are covered only by a thin membrane, so they easily change their shape. For example, from a spherical, mycoplasma can stretch out like a worm - and squeeze into the narrow pore of a human cell. Even viruses are not capable of this, although they are smaller in size than spherical mycoplasmas. However, the latter can and, without penetrating the cell, receive nutrients from it. Most often, these pieces of protoplasm simply stick to the cells and suck juices from them through the pores. But, as is often the case in science, the first finding gave more questions than answers. In Shroyt’s book, the researcher found a second contender for the role of the causative agent of septic endocarditis. Both appearance and habits are very similar to mycoplasma was the so-called Elform bacteria. It appears when the patient begins to be treated with penicillin, which prevents the formation of a membrane in bacteria. Doctors used to think parasites would die without it. And then it turned out that they can live without a shell and even cause diseases, but proceeding very unusually, as doctors say, atypical. Such diseases are very difficult to diagnose. Finally, there was a third contender for the role of the killer, the smallest - chlamydia. Some scientists called it a fungus spore, others a virus, but all agreed that this dwarf microcosm freely penetrates into cells and parasites inside them.
So, both chlamydia and mycoplasma excite diseases with the same clinical manifestations. By symptoms, it is impossible to determine who caused the disease - a membrane or cellular parasite. Alas, the first attempts to identify the secret killer gave rise to three versions, each of which could be false. But this search was not in vain. If now Kozmina found in someone’s blood such a “trifle”, which did not require to pay attention to the instructions and manuals, she nevertheless raised the alarm that the doctors did not overlook the disease, as happened with the unfortunate guy.
Trichomonada again!
In 1981, a pregnant woman was sent to the laboratory with a diagnosis of fever of unknown origin. And they said, "Look for malaria." Then laboratory technicians “sowed” the patient’s blood in a nutrient medium. In one "seed" really grew already familiar Kozmina, and in the other - oh, horror! - there were tiny ... trichomonads. Those flagellar carriers, which, according to official medicine, cause only venereal diseases, and according to the "underground" - and many other "diseases of civilization." I sounded the alarm and put all Belgorod specialists on their feet, Kozmina says. But they couldn't explain the test results. Then I urgently went to Moscow to the Gamalea Institute of Microbiology. They confirmed that the patient's blood has mycoplasmas. But to comment on the presence of trichomonas refused! They did not advise on how to treat the patient. “We’ll teach you how to properly sow mycoplasma,” the confused microbiology luminaries told me. But I was happy about that. I thought that the acquired skills would help me identify the causative agents of almost all diseases of unknown etiology. But when mycoplasmas began to sow in Belgorod, many other things grew up next to these membrane parasites that I could not recognize.
Indeed, these microorganisms were distinguished by a wide variety of shapes: round, oval, like sabers, with one nucleus and several, separate and linked in chains. Why was the doctor-laborator confused? Then she decided to study the classics of microbiology. In the book, one scientist read that Trichomonas multiply by spores. How to understand this, because spores occur in a fungus, and trichomonas is considered an animal? If the scientist’s opinion is correct, then these flagellae should form a mycelium in a person. Indeed, in the analyses of some patients under the microscope, something similar to a mushroom was visible.
At first I was surprised, what are these threads? recalls Lidia Vasilievna. - Maybe cotton? Or did a patient in his clothes shake the dust? But then I was surprised to find that the strands consist of ... single-celled parasites. Not from trichomonas, but from mycoplasmas. So maybe it's the same organism, but at different stages of development? Then it is not surprising that trichomonas form spores and mycoplasmas form mycelium. It's just that a mushroom grows in our body.
Official science recognized the existence of burnless trichomonas - but only in the urogenital cavity. And Lydia Vasilievna often found these parasites in the blood, mammary gland and other organs. How they got from the genitals of these giants of the microcosm, which reach 30 microns and can not crawl through the cracks. Maybe they really pour out the smallest spores that easily penetrate the blood and spread throughout the body?
Previously, I did not have the courage to tell urologists that Trichomonas can travel through the body. And now I have serious grounds for such a statement and I am not afraid to talk about them to specialists. But not just that. Urologists say that in a burning-free form are killed trichomonas. They say, under the influence of drugs, the parasites threw off the “hooves”. And, according to Kozmina, trichomonas are healthy. After all, she found them in the analysis of patients a few months after the course of treatment. Dead Trichomonas would have settled long ago, and these were perfectly intact. If they were killed, they would probably be resurrected.
But parasites are not capable of such miracles. Most likely, something similar to what happens to bacteria in drug treatment happened to him: the external organs dissolve, and the internal ones remain.
The veil falls out of sight.
Kozmina continued her research, finding more and more inconsistencies with conventional theories. Very often in the blood of sick people found at the same time two pathogens: chlamydia and ureaplasma. There were many elderly women among the patients. And these parasites appeared in them only recently, when they could not get sexually infected. Where did the causative agents of venereal diseases come from?
We need to make a little digression. Laboratories of the ATC clinic work with a permanent contingent of people. Reflecting on the question of where chlamydia and ureaplasma came from innocent grandmothers, they remembered that many years ago in these patients were found in the analysis of trichomonas. Checked the documents, and for sure. By the way, something similar happened in men: once they were treated for trichomonas urethritis, and now in their analyses were seen small creatures resembling trichomonas, but without flagella.
It was believed that the elderly have long got rid of the causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases: the parasites were allegedly killed by drugs. And from the analysis it turned out that the parasites remained alive, but changed their shape and habits, lurked in the body so as not to cause chemical attacks by doctors. And when they had already forgotten about the Trichomonas, they suddenly came out of the underground, again inciting venereal diseases - to the great shame of the settled old people. How do we explain these metamorphoses?
The key to the mystery was a curious story that happened in the Republic of Chad. In one year, all the children born there were sick with encephalopathy, and immature coconuts fell from all the palm trees for some reason. This fact interested scientists, and they found that diseases of humans and plants are caused by the same parasite - spiroplasma, which is a relative of mycoplasma and ureaplasma. The new pathogen felt great in coconuts, in the brains of children, and in the placenta of mothers. It was a universal parasite that freely penetrated into any organs of people and plants, finding them equally suitable for life. Who has such amazing abilities?
I thought about this question for a long time, and a year ago, quite unexpectedly, I received an answer. I found it not in the scientific works of the spearheads of microbiology, but in the Children's Encyclopedia edited by Mayrusyan, the first volumes of which have recently appeared on sale. So, in the second volume (Biology), there is an editorial article about slime molds. And colorful drawings are given to it: the appearance of slime molds and their internal structure, which is visible under a microscope. Looking at these images, I was struck to the core: these are the microorganisms that I have found in the tests for many years, but could not identify them. Everything was explained very simply and clearly. I am very grateful to Mysuryan for this discovery. It would seem that what does the fungus-slime mold to the smallest microorganisms, which a quarter of a century looked at the microscope Lydia Vasilievna? The most direct. As writes Maisuryan, the slime mold goes through several stages of development: the spores grow "amebki" and flagella! They frolic in the mucous mass of the fungus, merging into larger cells - with several nuclei. And then they form a fruit tree of a slime mold - a classic mushroom on a leg, which, drying, throws out spores. And it repeats itself.
At first, Kozmina could not believe her eyes. I shoveled through a lot of scientific literature about slime molds - and found in it a lot of confirmation of my guess. In appearance and properties, the releasing tentacles of the "amebki" were strikingly similar to ureaplasm, "zoospores" with two flagella - to trichomonas, and the rejected flagella and lost shells - to mycoplasm, and so on. Fruit bodies of slime molds surprisingly resembled ... polyps in the nasopharynx and gastrointestinal tract, papillomas on the skin, squamous cell carcinoma and other tumors.
It turned out that in our body lives a mushroom-slime mold - the same one that can be seen on rotten decks and stumps. Previously, scientists could not recognize it because of the narrow specialization: some studied chlamydia, others - mycoplasma, others - trichomonas. It never occurred to any of them that these were three stages in the development of one fungus, which was studied fourth. Fungi-slime molds know a huge number. The largest of them - Fuligo - has up to half a meter in diameter. The smallest ones can only be seen through a microscope. What kind of slime mold is cohabiting with us?
There may be many of them, Kozmina explains, but so far I have identified only one. Ego the most common slime mold - "wolf udder" (scientifically - lycogal). He usually crawls on the stumps between the bark and the wood, loves the twilight and dampness, so he climbs out only in wet weather. Botanists have even learned to lure this creature out of the crust. The end of the filter paper moistened with water is lowered on the foam, and everyone is covered with a dark cap. And after a few hours, they lift the cap and see a sour cream-shaped flat creature with water balls on the stump, which crawled out to get drunk.
In time immemorial, the lycogal adapted to life in the human body. And since then, he has happily moved from the stump to this damp, dark and warm "home" on two legs. Traces of lycogals - its spores and trichomonas in various stages - I found in the maxillary cavity, mammary gland, cervix, prostate, bladder and other organs.
Licogal is very deftly evading the immune forces of the human body. If the body is weakened, it does not have time to recognize and neutralize the rapidly changing cells that make up the lycogal. As a result, it manages to throw out spores that are carried by blood, grow in convenient places and form fruit bodies.
Lydia Vasilievna does not claim that she has found a universal causative agent of all diseases of “unknown origin”. While she is sure only that the fungus-slime mold lycogal causes papillomas, cysts, polyps and squamous cell carcinoma. In her opinion, the tumor is not formed by degenerated human cells, but by elements of the ripened fruit body of the slime mold. They have already passed the stages of ureaplasma, ameboid, trichomonas, plasmodium, chlamydia and now form a cancerous tumor.
Doctors can not explain why tumors sometimes break down. But if we assume that the neoplasm is the fruit bodies of the slime mold, then, according to Kozmina, everything becomes clear. After all, in nature, these bodies inevitably die every year – a similar rhythm persists in the human body. Fruit bodies die to throw out spores and regenerate, forming plasmodies in other organs. There is a well-known metastasis of the tumor.
However, it rarely appears in the singular. Usually formed, as oncologists say, primarily multiple tumors — in several places. Lydia Vasilievna explains this mystery by the natural property of slime molds: the same lycogal forms several balls. Now doctors and scientists have the hope that finally identified the main biological enemy of the human race — the universal causative agent of diseases of unknown etiology. Previously, narrow specialists considered it in parts, who “horns”, who “legs”, who “tail”. But only the synthesis of this knowledge allowed us to recognize the superparasite and find its Achilles heel. I was the first one to try to do that. But she was surprised to learn that the vulnerability of the slime mold had long been groped by folk healers. They have learned to treat many diseases that, in their opinion, cause mucus (read - "slime mold").
Parasites love gluttons and lazy people.
Here is what Lidia Vasilyevna told me during her regular studies in Moscow at the doctor’s training courses: If we move a little, eat a lot, drink, sleep, indulge in other excesses, we will turn our body into a dumpster with rotting products, in which pathogenic microbes will multiply rapidly. And they will begin to devour our organs, that is, our body will decompose into inorganic substances. We will literally be like rotten stumps on which slime molds grow. After all, mushrooms play a major role in our decomposition. Just don't think I discovered it. Medieval doctors knew about killer mushrooms.
Indeed, in Gennady Malakhov’s book “Healing Forces” there is a curious story about how ancient Armenian healers imagined the development of diseases. Dissecting the corpses of the dead and killed, they found a lot of mucus and mold in the gastrointestinal tract. But not all the dead, but only those who indulged in laziness, gluttony and other excesses, receiving numerous diseases as punishment.
Doctors believed that if a person eats a lot and moves little, then not all food is absorbed by the body. Part of it rots, covered with mucus and mold. That is, a mushroom begins to grow in the stomach. Mold ejects spores - microscopic seeds of fungi, which nutrients enter the blood and spread throughout the body. In weakened organs, spores begin to germinate, forming the fruit bodies of fungi. That's how cancer starts.
Doctors of antiquity believed that first mushrooms throw “white paradise” – plaques and blood clots in vessels that have a white color. The second stage is “gray paradise”: mushrooms form joint tumors and other neoplasms of grayish color. Finally, “black paradise” corresponds to the modern meaning of the word. Only it is black not because malignant tumors and metastases have such a color. Rather, it is the color of the aura of the affected organs.
Of course, all of us will not die of cancer, and although there is a huge amount of spores in our body, they, according to Kozmina, do not cause harm as long as we maintain a high level of health. But spores germinate and turn into mushrooms if we weaken our immunity. However, even then, do not despair: folk healers have long found control on these mushrooms.
Shoo, shit!
It is not my business to treat cancer and the diseases that precede it, Kozmina says. My job is early diagnosis. And I do it confidently in one particular case, when a patient is at risk of squamous cell cancer. This is a very common ailment: for example, 80 percent of malignant lung diseases cause squamous cell carcinoma, that is, the slime mold “licogal epidernum”. I know all the stages of its development. But I hope that scientists will help me create techniques to identify the causative agents of other diseases. Lydia Vasilievna wants to find among the numerous slime mold pathogens of specific types of cancer and other ailments of civilization. But why is she sure that all of them are caused by fungi, and not some other parasite? Perhaps because such views are held by almost all doctors and traditional healers who know how to treat cancer.
Thus, Vladimir Adamovich Ivanov from Minsk in his book “The Wisdom of Herbal Medicine” (St. Petersburg) describes the method of purification with lemon juice and olive oil. If you use it correctly, then cholesterol plugs and bilirubin stones come out of the liver without pain. But the greatest luck, according to the healer, is if mucus comes out. In this case, it guarantees the patient that he will not face liver cancer in the near future. Like the Armenian doctors of the Middle Ages, Ivanov believes that mucus causes cancer and the best prevention of a terrible disease is the removal of mucus from the body.
And his well-known associate Gennady Petrovich Malakhov calls mucus the cause of all disorders that occur in the body above the diaphragm. But he offers to treat them with urine therapy. And, strangely enough, it gets excellent results. True, explains them too cleverly - in the spirit of Eastern teachings. They say that mucus “colds”, and urine “warms”, Yang energy conquers Yin energy and so on.
According to Kozmina, everything is much easier. The causative agent of many diseases of "unknown origin" - ureaplasma - feeds on urea. This parasite can be lured out by a "favorite delicacy." For example, if we drink our urine, then ureaplasma gets into the gastrointestinal tract and through it leaves our body. But sometimes you can lure out the parasite through the skin - making lotions or compresses from urine on the sore spot. Well, if it is disgusting to be treated with urine, you can treat the slime mold with another drink, which you will probably have to taste.
Walker, Bragg and other famous healers advise in the morning, on an empty stomach to eat grated carrots and beets or drink fresh juice prepared from them. This, in their opinion, is the best prevention of many ailments.
How to get sick.
Not only Kozmina considers mushrooms the causative agents of diseases of the century. The famous healer from Kiev Boris Vasilyevich Bolotov came to a similar conclusion: he considers cancer to be the parasitism of plant cells on animals. But plants have an alkaline environment, and animals have an acidic environment. Therefore, in order to get rid of parasites, we must constantly acidify our body, making their existence in it unbearable. Bolotov advises to drink kvass as much as possible, eat salty and sauerkraut vegetables, bitterness and so on. No less famous doctor from Novosibirsk Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko agrees with him. In his opinion, carbonated water and beer perfectly acidify blood. But it is best done with the help of shallow breathing, then the body accumulates a lot of carbon dioxide – much more than it can give drinks. And carbon dioxide, according to Buteyko, like fire fear any parasite. Therefore, any mucus is absorbed in the body.
A more severe method of healing was developed by a healer from Simferopol V.V. Tishchenko. He invites his patients to drink a poisonous infusion of hemlock. Not to poison, but to drive out the slime mold. But not through the gastrointestinal tract, but directly through the skin. To do this, make carrot or beet juice lotions on the affected organ.
I myself observed how effective such methods can be, Kozmina says. One of our patients developed a tumor seal in the mammary gland. And in her punctuation, I found mycoplasmas and ameboids. So, the slime mold has already begun to form a fruit body - the woman was threatened with cancer. But our experienced oncologist surgeon Nikolai Khristoforovich Sirenko, instead of surgery, suggested that the patient take an ordinary anti-inflammatory medicine inside, and make a compress of beet gruel on the chest. And, "distressed" by the medicine, the slime mold came out to the bait directly through the skin: the seal softened, a boil broke through on the chest. To the surprise of the other doctors, this seriously ill woman began to recover.
Once to Sirenko got a man who twice operated on other surgeons, but could not help him, cancer gave extensive metastases. Sirenko did not consider the patient hopeless; he gave “strange” advice, in which the achievements of modern medicine were combined with folk experience. Every year the “hopeless” passed VTEK, and 10 years later received indefinite disability. All doctors were given a marvel - except Sirenko and Kozmina. According to them, the patient remained alive because the mushroom in his body was preserved – it did not form fruit bodies that could destroy organs and cause death. Kozmina believes that with proper care could live long and other patients whose cancer has already given extensive metastases. The main thing is not to let the slime mold bear fruit. But it is better, of course, not to bring to the "black cancer", and to fight it in the "white" and "gray" stages, as did the Armenian doctors of the Middle Ages.
For example, the director of the rest house “Krasevo” of the Borisov district of the Belgorod region Vasily Mikhailovich Lysyak perfectly treats rheumatoid arthritis. He offers a course of ... 17 barrels with decoctions of medicinal herbs. Patients are soaked in debt, sitting up to the neck in warm water, and at the end of the course they are surprised to see that tumors have settled on the joints, from which they could not get rid of for many years.
According to Kozmina, slime molds came out of these people: mushrooms seemed much more pleasant in a warm herbal broth than in sick organisms, where they are poisoned every day with antibiotics and other nasty things. If you pester diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then a barrel of water will have to be taken ... inside. Of course, not simple, but mineral. And certainly not in one sitting. Lydia Vasilievna explains the success of hydrotherapy by the fact that it is a natural method of removing slime mold from our body. No wonder at the end of the course, a large amount of mucus comes out of the patient. After this exacerbation, relief immediately comes, and after a month or two, the patient’s condition improves significantly. After all, he got rid of the main causative agent of “diseases of civilizations”. But do not be upset by those who have nowhere to get enough Narzan, not to mention seventeen barrels of herbal decoctions. There are no less effective folk remedies.
For example, a phytotherapist from the Belgorod region Anatoly Petrovich Semenko expels a slime mold from the maxillary sinus in one session. He gives the patient to drink a poisonous decoction of sweet bitter nightshade. In the nose offers to bury the juice squeezed from the bulb cyclamen, and then wash it with the infusion of letters. From the poison, the slime mold becomes ill, he seeks salvation - and finds it in a sweet infusion. As a result, polyps and even cysts come out with roots. At this time, a person begins to sneeze so much that fruit bodies fly out of the nose like plugs. And you don't need any surgery!
However, it should be remembered that all healers recommend using only fresh juices from raw vegetables and fruits of good quality. In no case do not take spoiled fruits. Otherwise, as practice has shown, instead of benefit, you can get harm. No wonder. In the last century, scientists have discovered several types of slime molds that excite various diseases in plants. Some cause swelling on the roots of cabbage (keel cabbage), others - cancer of potatoes, tomatoes and other nightshade (scab). It is possible that such parasites from plants pass into humans. The same cause caused mass diseases of coconuts and people in the African Republic of Chad.
Don't bring anything down.
The fungus can live in the human body for years in the form of a mucous mass, which does not cause much harm, says Lidia Vasilievna in conclusion. But in favorable conditions, it is able to form a fruit body in 3-4 days. Then it will be extremely difficult to fight him. Therefore, the task of treating doctors is to remove mucus from the body in time. According to Kozmina, the slime mold is a very gentle and timid creature that is afraid of everything. It can be easily spooked from its seat. On the other hand, he is very trusting - he is easy to lure with sweet juice. Therefore, it is not necessary to kill slime molds, but affectionately lure out. If we start to fight the slime mold, we will inevitably be defeated. Indeed, he is much better adapted to adverse environmental conditions. With severe cold, lack of food, pressure drops, large doses of radiation and similar adversity, plasmodium turns into sclerotium - a thick solid mass in which cells reside, as in lethargic sleep. In this state, they can remain for decades without food or water. For example, a case is known: sclerotium Fuligo lay in the herbarium for 20 years, and then suddenly came to life. That is why Kozmina believes that it is not advisable to treat tetracycline diseases caused by chlamydia. These parasites die and other parts of the slime mold remain. But he is "frightened" turns into a sclerotium. A similar effect is caused by many other drugs.
It is very difficult to revive sclerotia in the human body, so do not bring the poor slime mold to such an extreme. It is better to please him, slowly surviving from the body. For example, bring a mushroom (and yourself) a cup of bitter wine, steam with it in a bath, and then part, wishing farewell to a light steam. Don't take that as a joke. After all, Russian people have been banished from all ills in the bath. It is said that the great commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov advised the soldiers to sell their last boots to drink vodka in the bath. Of course, I do not encourage you to do this often and without any reason, when you are already healthy. But if you're not jokingly sick, you must have a slime mold. And it is time to expel him according to the Suvorov method or any other suitable folk way.
Kozmina Lidia Vasilievna continues to work as a laboratory assistant at the Belgorod Internal Affairs Clinic, a lovely woman.
Recipe for luring the fungus-licogal from the nasopharynx:
1) 2 drops of bittersweet nightshade tincture per 50-100 grams of water to drink on an empty stomach;
2) instill 2 drops of cyclomene tincture in one nostril after 2 hours;
3) instill 2 drops of the cyclomene into the second nostril after 15 minutes;
4) after 30 minutes wash the nasopharynx with a decoction of beads
According to her, many people (adults and children) were cured of slime mold. published
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: doctor-moshkov.ru/? p=886
People eat mushrooms. Such a terrible conclusion was made by a laboratory technician with a university education, who for a quarter of a century considered the pathogens of all kinds of diseases in her numerous patients under the microscope.
The sad truth is that we are eaten by mushrooms. It started in 1980. For examination in the laboratory sent a young man with a strange disease. From time to time, his temperature rose to 38 degrees for no apparent reason. It doesn't seem like a big deal. But this easily ill man seriously told the lab technicians, "Girls, I feel like I'm going to die soon." They didn't believe him because his doctor suspected he had malaria. Her pathogen for a month tried to find in the blood of the patient. But they never did.

And the patient unexpectedly for doctors very quickly became “heavier”. Then they were horrified to find septic endocarditis in him - an infectious lesion of the heart muscle, which they initially overlooked. The guy was never saved. Kozmina didn't throw out the dead man's blood. Looking at it again under a microscope, she suddenly found in it tiny organisms with a tiny nucleus. For two months, she tried to identify them, questioning clinical technicians and looking at at atlases on bacteriology, but to no avail. Finally, I found something similar in a book by the Moldovan author Shroyt.
There were photos and descriptions of strange microorganisms - mycoplasmas, which do not have a dense cell membrane. They are covered only by a thin membrane, so they easily change their shape. For example, from a spherical, mycoplasma can stretch out like a worm - and squeeze into the narrow pore of a human cell. Even viruses are not capable of this, although they are smaller in size than spherical mycoplasmas. However, the latter can and, without penetrating the cell, receive nutrients from it. Most often, these pieces of protoplasm simply stick to the cells and suck juices from them through the pores. But, as is often the case in science, the first finding gave more questions than answers. In Shroyt’s book, the researcher found a second contender for the role of the causative agent of septic endocarditis. Both appearance and habits are very similar to mycoplasma was the so-called Elform bacteria. It appears when the patient begins to be treated with penicillin, which prevents the formation of a membrane in bacteria. Doctors used to think parasites would die without it. And then it turned out that they can live without a shell and even cause diseases, but proceeding very unusually, as doctors say, atypical. Such diseases are very difficult to diagnose. Finally, there was a third contender for the role of the killer, the smallest - chlamydia. Some scientists called it a fungus spore, others a virus, but all agreed that this dwarf microcosm freely penetrates into cells and parasites inside them.
So, both chlamydia and mycoplasma excite diseases with the same clinical manifestations. By symptoms, it is impossible to determine who caused the disease - a membrane or cellular parasite. Alas, the first attempts to identify the secret killer gave rise to three versions, each of which could be false. But this search was not in vain. If now Kozmina found in someone’s blood such a “trifle”, which did not require to pay attention to the instructions and manuals, she nevertheless raised the alarm that the doctors did not overlook the disease, as happened with the unfortunate guy.
Trichomonada again!
In 1981, a pregnant woman was sent to the laboratory with a diagnosis of fever of unknown origin. And they said, "Look for malaria." Then laboratory technicians “sowed” the patient’s blood in a nutrient medium. In one "seed" really grew already familiar Kozmina, and in the other - oh, horror! - there were tiny ... trichomonads. Those flagellar carriers, which, according to official medicine, cause only venereal diseases, and according to the "underground" - and many other "diseases of civilization." I sounded the alarm and put all Belgorod specialists on their feet, Kozmina says. But they couldn't explain the test results. Then I urgently went to Moscow to the Gamalea Institute of Microbiology. They confirmed that the patient's blood has mycoplasmas. But to comment on the presence of trichomonas refused! They did not advise on how to treat the patient. “We’ll teach you how to properly sow mycoplasma,” the confused microbiology luminaries told me. But I was happy about that. I thought that the acquired skills would help me identify the causative agents of almost all diseases of unknown etiology. But when mycoplasmas began to sow in Belgorod, many other things grew up next to these membrane parasites that I could not recognize.
Indeed, these microorganisms were distinguished by a wide variety of shapes: round, oval, like sabers, with one nucleus and several, separate and linked in chains. Why was the doctor-laborator confused? Then she decided to study the classics of microbiology. In the book, one scientist read that Trichomonas multiply by spores. How to understand this, because spores occur in a fungus, and trichomonas is considered an animal? If the scientist’s opinion is correct, then these flagellae should form a mycelium in a person. Indeed, in the analyses of some patients under the microscope, something similar to a mushroom was visible.
At first I was surprised, what are these threads? recalls Lidia Vasilievna. - Maybe cotton? Or did a patient in his clothes shake the dust? But then I was surprised to find that the strands consist of ... single-celled parasites. Not from trichomonas, but from mycoplasmas. So maybe it's the same organism, but at different stages of development? Then it is not surprising that trichomonas form spores and mycoplasmas form mycelium. It's just that a mushroom grows in our body.
Official science recognized the existence of burnless trichomonas - but only in the urogenital cavity. And Lydia Vasilievna often found these parasites in the blood, mammary gland and other organs. How they got from the genitals of these giants of the microcosm, which reach 30 microns and can not crawl through the cracks. Maybe they really pour out the smallest spores that easily penetrate the blood and spread throughout the body?
Previously, I did not have the courage to tell urologists that Trichomonas can travel through the body. And now I have serious grounds for such a statement and I am not afraid to talk about them to specialists. But not just that. Urologists say that in a burning-free form are killed trichomonas. They say, under the influence of drugs, the parasites threw off the “hooves”. And, according to Kozmina, trichomonas are healthy. After all, she found them in the analysis of patients a few months after the course of treatment. Dead Trichomonas would have settled long ago, and these were perfectly intact. If they were killed, they would probably be resurrected.
But parasites are not capable of such miracles. Most likely, something similar to what happens to bacteria in drug treatment happened to him: the external organs dissolve, and the internal ones remain.
The veil falls out of sight.
Kozmina continued her research, finding more and more inconsistencies with conventional theories. Very often in the blood of sick people found at the same time two pathogens: chlamydia and ureaplasma. There were many elderly women among the patients. And these parasites appeared in them only recently, when they could not get sexually infected. Where did the causative agents of venereal diseases come from?
We need to make a little digression. Laboratories of the ATC clinic work with a permanent contingent of people. Reflecting on the question of where chlamydia and ureaplasma came from innocent grandmothers, they remembered that many years ago in these patients were found in the analysis of trichomonas. Checked the documents, and for sure. By the way, something similar happened in men: once they were treated for trichomonas urethritis, and now in their analyses were seen small creatures resembling trichomonas, but without flagella.
It was believed that the elderly have long got rid of the causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases: the parasites were allegedly killed by drugs. And from the analysis it turned out that the parasites remained alive, but changed their shape and habits, lurked in the body so as not to cause chemical attacks by doctors. And when they had already forgotten about the Trichomonas, they suddenly came out of the underground, again inciting venereal diseases - to the great shame of the settled old people. How do we explain these metamorphoses?
The key to the mystery was a curious story that happened in the Republic of Chad. In one year, all the children born there were sick with encephalopathy, and immature coconuts fell from all the palm trees for some reason. This fact interested scientists, and they found that diseases of humans and plants are caused by the same parasite - spiroplasma, which is a relative of mycoplasma and ureaplasma. The new pathogen felt great in coconuts, in the brains of children, and in the placenta of mothers. It was a universal parasite that freely penetrated into any organs of people and plants, finding them equally suitable for life. Who has such amazing abilities?
I thought about this question for a long time, and a year ago, quite unexpectedly, I received an answer. I found it not in the scientific works of the spearheads of microbiology, but in the Children's Encyclopedia edited by Mayrusyan, the first volumes of which have recently appeared on sale. So, in the second volume (Biology), there is an editorial article about slime molds. And colorful drawings are given to it: the appearance of slime molds and their internal structure, which is visible under a microscope. Looking at these images, I was struck to the core: these are the microorganisms that I have found in the tests for many years, but could not identify them. Everything was explained very simply and clearly. I am very grateful to Mysuryan for this discovery. It would seem that what does the fungus-slime mold to the smallest microorganisms, which a quarter of a century looked at the microscope Lydia Vasilievna? The most direct. As writes Maisuryan, the slime mold goes through several stages of development: the spores grow "amebki" and flagella! They frolic in the mucous mass of the fungus, merging into larger cells - with several nuclei. And then they form a fruit tree of a slime mold - a classic mushroom on a leg, which, drying, throws out spores. And it repeats itself.
At first, Kozmina could not believe her eyes. I shoveled through a lot of scientific literature about slime molds - and found in it a lot of confirmation of my guess. In appearance and properties, the releasing tentacles of the "amebki" were strikingly similar to ureaplasm, "zoospores" with two flagella - to trichomonas, and the rejected flagella and lost shells - to mycoplasm, and so on. Fruit bodies of slime molds surprisingly resembled ... polyps in the nasopharynx and gastrointestinal tract, papillomas on the skin, squamous cell carcinoma and other tumors.
It turned out that in our body lives a mushroom-slime mold - the same one that can be seen on rotten decks and stumps. Previously, scientists could not recognize it because of the narrow specialization: some studied chlamydia, others - mycoplasma, others - trichomonas. It never occurred to any of them that these were three stages in the development of one fungus, which was studied fourth. Fungi-slime molds know a huge number. The largest of them - Fuligo - has up to half a meter in diameter. The smallest ones can only be seen through a microscope. What kind of slime mold is cohabiting with us?
There may be many of them, Kozmina explains, but so far I have identified only one. Ego the most common slime mold - "wolf udder" (scientifically - lycogal). He usually crawls on the stumps between the bark and the wood, loves the twilight and dampness, so he climbs out only in wet weather. Botanists have even learned to lure this creature out of the crust. The end of the filter paper moistened with water is lowered on the foam, and everyone is covered with a dark cap. And after a few hours, they lift the cap and see a sour cream-shaped flat creature with water balls on the stump, which crawled out to get drunk.
In time immemorial, the lycogal adapted to life in the human body. And since then, he has happily moved from the stump to this damp, dark and warm "home" on two legs. Traces of lycogals - its spores and trichomonas in various stages - I found in the maxillary cavity, mammary gland, cervix, prostate, bladder and other organs.
Licogal is very deftly evading the immune forces of the human body. If the body is weakened, it does not have time to recognize and neutralize the rapidly changing cells that make up the lycogal. As a result, it manages to throw out spores that are carried by blood, grow in convenient places and form fruit bodies.
Lydia Vasilievna does not claim that she has found a universal causative agent of all diseases of “unknown origin”. While she is sure only that the fungus-slime mold lycogal causes papillomas, cysts, polyps and squamous cell carcinoma. In her opinion, the tumor is not formed by degenerated human cells, but by elements of the ripened fruit body of the slime mold. They have already passed the stages of ureaplasma, ameboid, trichomonas, plasmodium, chlamydia and now form a cancerous tumor.
Doctors can not explain why tumors sometimes break down. But if we assume that the neoplasm is the fruit bodies of the slime mold, then, according to Kozmina, everything becomes clear. After all, in nature, these bodies inevitably die every year – a similar rhythm persists in the human body. Fruit bodies die to throw out spores and regenerate, forming plasmodies in other organs. There is a well-known metastasis of the tumor.
However, it rarely appears in the singular. Usually formed, as oncologists say, primarily multiple tumors — in several places. Lydia Vasilievna explains this mystery by the natural property of slime molds: the same lycogal forms several balls. Now doctors and scientists have the hope that finally identified the main biological enemy of the human race — the universal causative agent of diseases of unknown etiology. Previously, narrow specialists considered it in parts, who “horns”, who “legs”, who “tail”. But only the synthesis of this knowledge allowed us to recognize the superparasite and find its Achilles heel. I was the first one to try to do that. But she was surprised to learn that the vulnerability of the slime mold had long been groped by folk healers. They have learned to treat many diseases that, in their opinion, cause mucus (read - "slime mold").
Parasites love gluttons and lazy people.
Here is what Lidia Vasilyevna told me during her regular studies in Moscow at the doctor’s training courses: If we move a little, eat a lot, drink, sleep, indulge in other excesses, we will turn our body into a dumpster with rotting products, in which pathogenic microbes will multiply rapidly. And they will begin to devour our organs, that is, our body will decompose into inorganic substances. We will literally be like rotten stumps on which slime molds grow. After all, mushrooms play a major role in our decomposition. Just don't think I discovered it. Medieval doctors knew about killer mushrooms.
Indeed, in Gennady Malakhov’s book “Healing Forces” there is a curious story about how ancient Armenian healers imagined the development of diseases. Dissecting the corpses of the dead and killed, they found a lot of mucus and mold in the gastrointestinal tract. But not all the dead, but only those who indulged in laziness, gluttony and other excesses, receiving numerous diseases as punishment.
Doctors believed that if a person eats a lot and moves little, then not all food is absorbed by the body. Part of it rots, covered with mucus and mold. That is, a mushroom begins to grow in the stomach. Mold ejects spores - microscopic seeds of fungi, which nutrients enter the blood and spread throughout the body. In weakened organs, spores begin to germinate, forming the fruit bodies of fungi. That's how cancer starts.
Doctors of antiquity believed that first mushrooms throw “white paradise” – plaques and blood clots in vessels that have a white color. The second stage is “gray paradise”: mushrooms form joint tumors and other neoplasms of grayish color. Finally, “black paradise” corresponds to the modern meaning of the word. Only it is black not because malignant tumors and metastases have such a color. Rather, it is the color of the aura of the affected organs.
Of course, all of us will not die of cancer, and although there is a huge amount of spores in our body, they, according to Kozmina, do not cause harm as long as we maintain a high level of health. But spores germinate and turn into mushrooms if we weaken our immunity. However, even then, do not despair: folk healers have long found control on these mushrooms.
Shoo, shit!
It is not my business to treat cancer and the diseases that precede it, Kozmina says. My job is early diagnosis. And I do it confidently in one particular case, when a patient is at risk of squamous cell cancer. This is a very common ailment: for example, 80 percent of malignant lung diseases cause squamous cell carcinoma, that is, the slime mold “licogal epidernum”. I know all the stages of its development. But I hope that scientists will help me create techniques to identify the causative agents of other diseases. Lydia Vasilievna wants to find among the numerous slime mold pathogens of specific types of cancer and other ailments of civilization. But why is she sure that all of them are caused by fungi, and not some other parasite? Perhaps because such views are held by almost all doctors and traditional healers who know how to treat cancer.
Thus, Vladimir Adamovich Ivanov from Minsk in his book “The Wisdom of Herbal Medicine” (St. Petersburg) describes the method of purification with lemon juice and olive oil. If you use it correctly, then cholesterol plugs and bilirubin stones come out of the liver without pain. But the greatest luck, according to the healer, is if mucus comes out. In this case, it guarantees the patient that he will not face liver cancer in the near future. Like the Armenian doctors of the Middle Ages, Ivanov believes that mucus causes cancer and the best prevention of a terrible disease is the removal of mucus from the body.
And his well-known associate Gennady Petrovich Malakhov calls mucus the cause of all disorders that occur in the body above the diaphragm. But he offers to treat them with urine therapy. And, strangely enough, it gets excellent results. True, explains them too cleverly - in the spirit of Eastern teachings. They say that mucus “colds”, and urine “warms”, Yang energy conquers Yin energy and so on.
According to Kozmina, everything is much easier. The causative agent of many diseases of "unknown origin" - ureaplasma - feeds on urea. This parasite can be lured out by a "favorite delicacy." For example, if we drink our urine, then ureaplasma gets into the gastrointestinal tract and through it leaves our body. But sometimes you can lure out the parasite through the skin - making lotions or compresses from urine on the sore spot. Well, if it is disgusting to be treated with urine, you can treat the slime mold with another drink, which you will probably have to taste.
Walker, Bragg and other famous healers advise in the morning, on an empty stomach to eat grated carrots and beets or drink fresh juice prepared from them. This, in their opinion, is the best prevention of many ailments.
How to get sick.
Not only Kozmina considers mushrooms the causative agents of diseases of the century. The famous healer from Kiev Boris Vasilyevich Bolotov came to a similar conclusion: he considers cancer to be the parasitism of plant cells on animals. But plants have an alkaline environment, and animals have an acidic environment. Therefore, in order to get rid of parasites, we must constantly acidify our body, making their existence in it unbearable. Bolotov advises to drink kvass as much as possible, eat salty and sauerkraut vegetables, bitterness and so on. No less famous doctor from Novosibirsk Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko agrees with him. In his opinion, carbonated water and beer perfectly acidify blood. But it is best done with the help of shallow breathing, then the body accumulates a lot of carbon dioxide – much more than it can give drinks. And carbon dioxide, according to Buteyko, like fire fear any parasite. Therefore, any mucus is absorbed in the body.
A more severe method of healing was developed by a healer from Simferopol V.V. Tishchenko. He invites his patients to drink a poisonous infusion of hemlock. Not to poison, but to drive out the slime mold. But not through the gastrointestinal tract, but directly through the skin. To do this, make carrot or beet juice lotions on the affected organ.
I myself observed how effective such methods can be, Kozmina says. One of our patients developed a tumor seal in the mammary gland. And in her punctuation, I found mycoplasmas and ameboids. So, the slime mold has already begun to form a fruit body - the woman was threatened with cancer. But our experienced oncologist surgeon Nikolai Khristoforovich Sirenko, instead of surgery, suggested that the patient take an ordinary anti-inflammatory medicine inside, and make a compress of beet gruel on the chest. And, "distressed" by the medicine, the slime mold came out to the bait directly through the skin: the seal softened, a boil broke through on the chest. To the surprise of the other doctors, this seriously ill woman began to recover.
Once to Sirenko got a man who twice operated on other surgeons, but could not help him, cancer gave extensive metastases. Sirenko did not consider the patient hopeless; he gave “strange” advice, in which the achievements of modern medicine were combined with folk experience. Every year the “hopeless” passed VTEK, and 10 years later received indefinite disability. All doctors were given a marvel - except Sirenko and Kozmina. According to them, the patient remained alive because the mushroom in his body was preserved – it did not form fruit bodies that could destroy organs and cause death. Kozmina believes that with proper care could live long and other patients whose cancer has already given extensive metastases. The main thing is not to let the slime mold bear fruit. But it is better, of course, not to bring to the "black cancer", and to fight it in the "white" and "gray" stages, as did the Armenian doctors of the Middle Ages.
For example, the director of the rest house “Krasevo” of the Borisov district of the Belgorod region Vasily Mikhailovich Lysyak perfectly treats rheumatoid arthritis. He offers a course of ... 17 barrels with decoctions of medicinal herbs. Patients are soaked in debt, sitting up to the neck in warm water, and at the end of the course they are surprised to see that tumors have settled on the joints, from which they could not get rid of for many years.
According to Kozmina, slime molds came out of these people: mushrooms seemed much more pleasant in a warm herbal broth than in sick organisms, where they are poisoned every day with antibiotics and other nasty things. If you pester diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then a barrel of water will have to be taken ... inside. Of course, not simple, but mineral. And certainly not in one sitting. Lydia Vasilievna explains the success of hydrotherapy by the fact that it is a natural method of removing slime mold from our body. No wonder at the end of the course, a large amount of mucus comes out of the patient. After this exacerbation, relief immediately comes, and after a month or two, the patient’s condition improves significantly. After all, he got rid of the main causative agent of “diseases of civilizations”. But do not be upset by those who have nowhere to get enough Narzan, not to mention seventeen barrels of herbal decoctions. There are no less effective folk remedies.
For example, a phytotherapist from the Belgorod region Anatoly Petrovich Semenko expels a slime mold from the maxillary sinus in one session. He gives the patient to drink a poisonous decoction of sweet bitter nightshade. In the nose offers to bury the juice squeezed from the bulb cyclamen, and then wash it with the infusion of letters. From the poison, the slime mold becomes ill, he seeks salvation - and finds it in a sweet infusion. As a result, polyps and even cysts come out with roots. At this time, a person begins to sneeze so much that fruit bodies fly out of the nose like plugs. And you don't need any surgery!
However, it should be remembered that all healers recommend using only fresh juices from raw vegetables and fruits of good quality. In no case do not take spoiled fruits. Otherwise, as practice has shown, instead of benefit, you can get harm. No wonder. In the last century, scientists have discovered several types of slime molds that excite various diseases in plants. Some cause swelling on the roots of cabbage (keel cabbage), others - cancer of potatoes, tomatoes and other nightshade (scab). It is possible that such parasites from plants pass into humans. The same cause caused mass diseases of coconuts and people in the African Republic of Chad.
Don't bring anything down.
The fungus can live in the human body for years in the form of a mucous mass, which does not cause much harm, says Lidia Vasilievna in conclusion. But in favorable conditions, it is able to form a fruit body in 3-4 days. Then it will be extremely difficult to fight him. Therefore, the task of treating doctors is to remove mucus from the body in time. According to Kozmina, the slime mold is a very gentle and timid creature that is afraid of everything. It can be easily spooked from its seat. On the other hand, he is very trusting - he is easy to lure with sweet juice. Therefore, it is not necessary to kill slime molds, but affectionately lure out. If we start to fight the slime mold, we will inevitably be defeated. Indeed, he is much better adapted to adverse environmental conditions. With severe cold, lack of food, pressure drops, large doses of radiation and similar adversity, plasmodium turns into sclerotium - a thick solid mass in which cells reside, as in lethargic sleep. In this state, they can remain for decades without food or water. For example, a case is known: sclerotium Fuligo lay in the herbarium for 20 years, and then suddenly came to life. That is why Kozmina believes that it is not advisable to treat tetracycline diseases caused by chlamydia. These parasites die and other parts of the slime mold remain. But he is "frightened" turns into a sclerotium. A similar effect is caused by many other drugs.
It is very difficult to revive sclerotia in the human body, so do not bring the poor slime mold to such an extreme. It is better to please him, slowly surviving from the body. For example, bring a mushroom (and yourself) a cup of bitter wine, steam with it in a bath, and then part, wishing farewell to a light steam. Don't take that as a joke. After all, Russian people have been banished from all ills in the bath. It is said that the great commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov advised the soldiers to sell their last boots to drink vodka in the bath. Of course, I do not encourage you to do this often and without any reason, when you are already healthy. But if you're not jokingly sick, you must have a slime mold. And it is time to expel him according to the Suvorov method or any other suitable folk way.
Kozmina Lidia Vasilievna continues to work as a laboratory assistant at the Belgorod Internal Affairs Clinic, a lovely woman.
Recipe for luring the fungus-licogal from the nasopharynx:
1) 2 drops of bittersweet nightshade tincture per 50-100 grams of water to drink on an empty stomach;
2) instill 2 drops of cyclomene tincture in one nostril after 2 hours;
3) instill 2 drops of the cyclomene into the second nostril after 15 minutes;
4) after 30 minutes wash the nasopharynx with a decoction of beads
According to her, many people (adults and children) were cured of slime mold. published
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: doctor-moshkov.ru/? p=886