When raw food can hurt
Twenty two million one hundred eight thousand six hundred four
This article will address many of the questions about negative results of a raw food diet, and allow you to understand some of the pitfalls lurking on the way to a healthy lifestyle. Written will give the opportunity to bypass them, if the path has not yet started, or to get out if issues are relevant now.
Why one person comes to the raw food diet and in the process gets only a steady improvement in their sense of self and others — on the contrary. What is the difference between these two people? Why do some even after long-term veganism or vegetarianism to get weakness, thinness until exhaustion, loss of menstruation, unhealthy appearance and complexion... and other "bloom" immediately after of McDonald's?
The answers to these issues will give an understanding of pathogenic organisms. About it, we'll talk.
If all raw is equally useful?
Today, a growing number of people, it becomes apparent that adherence to the rule of "Eat anything, just raw and plant" will not guarantee the acquisition of health for everyone. Increasingly observed the emergence of different variations of the raw food diet, like fructarians, for example, or the now popular "the 80-10-10 Diet" by D. Graham, where the emphasis is on just a huge amount of "fruit calories" and restriction of fat and protein.
Everything seems to be right, eating nuts usually have a detrimental effect on health, and it was noted by many. But interestingly, pure fruit diet is also fraught with pitfalls that are simply ignored by the authors. And if in the first case, all the hardships are justified with the phrase "Well, still, nuts (grains, root vegetables...) are simply not species-human nutrition", against fruit no one dares to raise their hands, because it is our "perfect food", and against this proposition arguments rarely are. Fruit because "God". So if fructarians became ill, the "sentence" reads: "Too much intoxication!". Any problems that appear during the raw food diet, made are written off to anything other than all your favorite fruits.
And for good reason.
Just go to the forums and other sources, which describes the personal experience of raw foodists, as it becomes clear that problems exist and they are no less lovers of fruit. These problems are clearly visible from the outside, but not practitioners who see them as "cleansing the body and soul." "Come on, it's temporary, still... I am 25 years eating all sorts of rubbish!»
But let's take a sober look at things: the worsening of the disease, the decline of extreme physical power, short-term hair loss, etc can be attributed to the rearrangements and "vysalivaniya" problems, but not stable for a long period of fall in all health indicators. This is something that should concern everyone.
If a person is faced with the problem, it is not in the diet, and in it. In his system of body and its microflora. And understanding the gist of it can be solved. We will talk about it. Let's look at the possible causes of serious problems on the path to raw food. And they are much more common than it might seem at first glance.
But you have to start a bit from afar, with unusual representatives of living organisms, with fungi.
Fungi and their effect on the bodyFungi are a separate Kingdom of living nature that combines the characteristics of both animals and plants. They are not able to photosynthesize and feed on the energy of chemical compounds, accumulate glycogen rather than starch etc.
Multiply the mushrooms spores which are remarkably resistant to external factors. In this form they are able to withstand huge load of temperatures and environmental changes. Fungi form a mycelium, which can extend for many miles underground. Nutrition is due to the force of osmosis, having a large surface, the mycelium just suck all the nutrients to both pumps.
The mushroom Kingdom is full of diversity, which for us as the pathogenic forms, and useful. But the conversation in article will focus on the most significant microorganisms-fungi that can live in his body and cause considerable harm. Namely moldy fungi and yeast (the latter are single-celled fungi).
Many non-pathogenic fungi are a necessary component of our flora, they are somehow present in our body, but normally do not have advantages in the environment. I.e. in a healthy person there is a natural an acceptable balance between fungi and bacteria.
It is known that any micro-organisms as a result of life to produce substances, thereby creating an environment conducive to their symbionts and simultaneously "awkward enemies." Mushrooms are very successful in this regard and their properties of suppressing the entire bacterial world out of the competition! That is what medicine uses them for the manufacture of antibiotics. Antibiotics — natural "" selection of fungi.
Below is an illustration of the most common and effective way to bring down the balance of the internal environment and ways to cure the problem doctors.
Antibiotic drugs are not just killing everything alive, but also "shifting" the scales of balance in the direction of fungi, they receive a distinct advantage in the environment. As a result, will experience a failure of the current ecological community, which greatly affects our immune system. It is the coherence of the microflora within us is its basis. As a result, the body opens its doors to new guests who will be able to get along in the new conditions of existence.
And it will be exactly fungi respectively and their symbionts.
The consequence of this imbalance physicians "is governed by" anti-fungal drugs, like nectarina, and of course stimulants of the immune system. If you ignore such components of "treatment", then the probability of outbreak "fungal diseases" such as candidiasis. Rate drunk on a regular basis for a long period of time to all fungi and their spores are killed. But the problem is not a cure, because the internal environment of the body remains the same. But here the doctors have the solution in the form of probiotics.
Of course, gribko-bacterial equilibrium can be brought down in other ways.
SourcesAnd how can take damage from fungi, if they are not pathogenic? It is important to understand that fungi do not only us the symbionts, but also other representatives of his Kingdom, among whom there are instances that can cause us problems. Therefore, once fungi have an advantage in the environment, then "come" and those, which have no place in our bodies: among them mouldy fungi, and yeast.
To be precise, they always somehow fall to us, but now they have an opportunity to gain a foothold. We constantly breathe in the abundance of fungi and get them from foods like: yeast bread, kvass, moldy cheese, industrial citric acid, cereals, nuts and fruit infected with mold due to prolonged storage. Our style of eating today guarantees a constant "bombardment" of gut fungi and yeast.
And strength is always there.
About mold in agriculture, I know firsthand. It was her farmers owe a big loss. They not only lose their huge harvests of grain or legumes, but also lose livestock and poultry, and other animals that ate moldy food. According to official data, more than half of infected grain at the stage of harvesting. And when stored in damp warehouses?
In order to reduce the loss of anti-mold fungicides are used. It is a strong poison that does not kill the fungus completely, but suppresses it so that the final product is not lost presentation. And entrepreneurs usually sufficient.
Fungi like no other down the metabolism. It has already been mentioned about their style of food, in our body they absorb the nutrients creating a sustainable mushroom and sucking nutrients from the environment. That is why they are so fond of to create a person deficits as nutrients and various vitamins. A single-celled yeast, the restriction of oxygen, feed on carbohydrates and produce ethanol, i.e. alcohol. The process of alcoholic fermentation.
Let me remind you that moldy yeast and fungi are symbionts and go "hand in hand".
Rotting and fermentationLet's dig into these processes, which often are interpreted incorrectly.
Fermentation is oxygen-free breakdown of carbohydrates, which occurs in an acidic environment. This is a natural process in the tissues, where it blocked access to oxygen, it is the only way to saturate the cells with energy in such conditions.
But fermentation is different, and classified according to final products. There is for example:
This begs a very important conclusion: the product can ferment many ways, and rot depending on the conditions. And maybe fully understood. Not the type of food determines the presence of certain processes, namely the conditions in the body. There is no sense to consider diet and its usefulness, if not known characteristics of the organism! We are all different and unique.
That is why it is pointless to say that that will happen with a particular product in isolation from the concrete conditions.
The danger in the transition to a raw food dietThe introduction was long. But now let's imagine the man who yesterday was "omnivorous," and tomorrow already eats raw plant food. UNTIL he is more or less balanced food fermentation processes have always kompensiruet or suppressed. This happens due to the decay processes, the use of fermented milk products, seasonings... but just as he is about "to break with the past" and take the path of natural nutrition (and even more becoming fructarians) that it dramatically relieves himself from all the "crutches".
If initially the process of fermentation already prevailed, would immediately prevail and slowly and surely form the environment for themselves. And not the fruits fault and the environment on which they fell! The fruits were just the "trigger" problems.
And fructed helps this! It provides a massive influx of nutrients, "sweet" fast carbs, and additionally creates favorable fermentation acidic environment increased eating of fruit. And not any, and imported like oranges or apples. They are being transported across vast distances and rested one week in the warehouses are guaranteed to be amazed by the moldy fungus. Which, under these circumstances, no problem settles in the body creating a shortage of many nutrients which fruit so there are practically no. This creates a feed and creates a desire to eat "something".
This greatly increases the vulnerability to fungi: Aspergillus (may manifest problems with the liver and pancreas), Penicillium (violation of the monthly cycle (surprise!), Candida (causing candidiasis, thrush).
But if the aforementioned problems occur not always, the microorganisms alcoholic fermentation will definitely be present, poisoning the body with ethanol! On the impact of alcohol on the body today we know more than enough and we know that the first affected the liver and capillaries. Liver disease (i.e. alcoholic hepatitis) manifests as severe, chronic fatigue, the acquisition of skin yellowish, dim eyes and circles under the eyes with loss of visual perception. Problems with the capillaries will affect the cold hardiness and physical activity. To move the body will be lazy, and tissue metabolism will slowly become anaerobic. But there are other issues at hand.
And the curious thing is that in the background of all this picture is so raw foodists get a stable resistance to bacterial infection. It will just stop hurting. Don't turn up bacteria in there, ruled by mushrooms with their antibiotics!
Skinny raw foodists, who toils Gorom and preoccupied with food, in fact, is a carrier of resistant pathogenic microorganisms that produces antibiotics and alcohol with all the ensuing consequences. Look around and you will see that these symptoms are common in one degree or another, and sometimes even manifest in all its glory, bringing a man to exhaustion. It States in no way associated with cleansing or adjustment. This "wrong turn".
Can it endure? Unknown. But it is definitely possible to avoid and fix.
Ways to combat the fermentation microfloraFermentation-yeast microflora vulnerable to:
SummaryIt is worth remembering that a couple of generations ago, our grandparents were much more aligned than today. And their food was far from perfect. They ate meat and dairy products, and eggs. But today we can say with certainty that many people and that health is not achieved. Of course, diseases associated with the cardiovascular system or joints, we are obliged to eating animal protein, but the rest of the multitude of problems, including cancer, we need to associate primarily with the mass use of antibiotics, and then with the love of yeast, grain, etc. the Development of the transport system and shipping fruits and vegetables long distances also played a cruel joke with us.
Fructarians for a modern inhabitant of a megacity — a beautiful illusion. Having the initial state of susceptibility to fermentation processes, such rawfoodist get a steady state of decline health. And if this circumstance will make more and obstinacy, bigotry, principles... the outcome will be sad.
Of course, the symptoms may be many people on any diet. So if raw food people have it (namely, weakness, low weight, circles under the eyes, concern food, laziness to exercise, etc.) then this raw food, and especially fructarians, just kill. In such situations, it would be wise to remember that health is not the most important component, but there are most relevant at the current time. And look back in search of her, focusing on, say, exercise.
The "ideal" diet should take into account the current state of things, reality, the state of the body and the environment in which we live. As these facts into account is rarely taken. So again and again we stumble on a rake in an attempt to fit all with the same brush.
Source: truehealth.ru/o-patogennoj-mikroflore-ili-pochemu-syroedenie-ubivaet/
This article will address many of the questions about negative results of a raw food diet, and allow you to understand some of the pitfalls lurking on the way to a healthy lifestyle. Written will give the opportunity to bypass them, if the path has not yet started, or to get out if issues are relevant now.
Why one person comes to the raw food diet and in the process gets only a steady improvement in their sense of self and others — on the contrary. What is the difference between these two people? Why do some even after long-term veganism or vegetarianism to get weakness, thinness until exhaustion, loss of menstruation, unhealthy appearance and complexion... and other "bloom" immediately after of McDonald's?
The answers to these issues will give an understanding of pathogenic organisms. About it, we'll talk.
If all raw is equally useful?
Today, a growing number of people, it becomes apparent that adherence to the rule of "Eat anything, just raw and plant" will not guarantee the acquisition of health for everyone. Increasingly observed the emergence of different variations of the raw food diet, like fructarians, for example, or the now popular "the 80-10-10 Diet" by D. Graham, where the emphasis is on just a huge amount of "fruit calories" and restriction of fat and protein.
Everything seems to be right, eating nuts usually have a detrimental effect on health, and it was noted by many. But interestingly, pure fruit diet is also fraught with pitfalls that are simply ignored by the authors. And if in the first case, all the hardships are justified with the phrase "Well, still, nuts (grains, root vegetables...) are simply not species-human nutrition", against fruit no one dares to raise their hands, because it is our "perfect food", and against this proposition arguments rarely are. Fruit because "God". So if fructarians became ill, the "sentence" reads: "Too much intoxication!". Any problems that appear during the raw food diet, made are written off to anything other than all your favorite fruits.
And for good reason.
Just go to the forums and other sources, which describes the personal experience of raw foodists, as it becomes clear that problems exist and they are no less lovers of fruit. These problems are clearly visible from the outside, but not practitioners who see them as "cleansing the body and soul." "Come on, it's temporary, still... I am 25 years eating all sorts of rubbish!»
But let's take a sober look at things: the worsening of the disease, the decline of extreme physical power, short-term hair loss, etc can be attributed to the rearrangements and "vysalivaniya" problems, but not stable for a long period of fall in all health indicators. This is something that should concern everyone.
If a person is faced with the problem, it is not in the diet, and in it. In his system of body and its microflora. And understanding the gist of it can be solved. We will talk about it. Let's look at the possible causes of serious problems on the path to raw food. And they are much more common than it might seem at first glance.
But you have to start a bit from afar, with unusual representatives of living organisms, with fungi.
Fungi and their effect on the bodyFungi are a separate Kingdom of living nature that combines the characteristics of both animals and plants. They are not able to photosynthesize and feed on the energy of chemical compounds, accumulate glycogen rather than starch etc.
Multiply the mushrooms spores which are remarkably resistant to external factors. In this form they are able to withstand huge load of temperatures and environmental changes. Fungi form a mycelium, which can extend for many miles underground. Nutrition is due to the force of osmosis, having a large surface, the mycelium just suck all the nutrients to both pumps.
The mushroom Kingdom is full of diversity, which for us as the pathogenic forms, and useful. But the conversation in article will focus on the most significant microorganisms-fungi that can live in his body and cause considerable harm. Namely moldy fungi and yeast (the latter are single-celled fungi).
Many non-pathogenic fungi are a necessary component of our flora, they are somehow present in our body, but normally do not have advantages in the environment. I.e. in a healthy person there is a natural an acceptable balance between fungi and bacteria.
It is known that any micro-organisms as a result of life to produce substances, thereby creating an environment conducive to their symbionts and simultaneously "awkward enemies." Mushrooms are very successful in this regard and their properties of suppressing the entire bacterial world out of the competition! That is what medicine uses them for the manufacture of antibiotics. Antibiotics — natural "" selection of fungi.
Below is an illustration of the most common and effective way to bring down the balance of the internal environment and ways to cure the problem doctors.
Antibiotic drugs are not just killing everything alive, but also "shifting" the scales of balance in the direction of fungi, they receive a distinct advantage in the environment. As a result, will experience a failure of the current ecological community, which greatly affects our immune system. It is the coherence of the microflora within us is its basis. As a result, the body opens its doors to new guests who will be able to get along in the new conditions of existence.
And it will be exactly fungi respectively and their symbionts.
The consequence of this imbalance physicians "is governed by" anti-fungal drugs, like nectarina, and of course stimulants of the immune system. If you ignore such components of "treatment", then the probability of outbreak "fungal diseases" such as candidiasis. Rate drunk on a regular basis for a long period of time to all fungi and their spores are killed. But the problem is not a cure, because the internal environment of the body remains the same. But here the doctors have the solution in the form of probiotics.
Of course, gribko-bacterial equilibrium can be brought down in other ways.
SourcesAnd how can take damage from fungi, if they are not pathogenic? It is important to understand that fungi do not only us the symbionts, but also other representatives of his Kingdom, among whom there are instances that can cause us problems. Therefore, once fungi have an advantage in the environment, then "come" and those, which have no place in our bodies: among them mouldy fungi, and yeast.
To be precise, they always somehow fall to us, but now they have an opportunity to gain a foothold. We constantly breathe in the abundance of fungi and get them from foods like: yeast bread, kvass, moldy cheese, industrial citric acid, cereals, nuts and fruit infected with mold due to prolonged storage. Our style of eating today guarantees a constant "bombardment" of gut fungi and yeast.
And strength is always there.
About mold in agriculture, I know firsthand. It was her farmers owe a big loss. They not only lose their huge harvests of grain or legumes, but also lose livestock and poultry, and other animals that ate moldy food. According to official data, more than half of infected grain at the stage of harvesting. And when stored in damp warehouses?
In order to reduce the loss of anti-mold fungicides are used. It is a strong poison that does not kill the fungus completely, but suppresses it so that the final product is not lost presentation. And entrepreneurs usually sufficient.
Fungi like no other down the metabolism. It has already been mentioned about their style of food, in our body they absorb the nutrients creating a sustainable mushroom and sucking nutrients from the environment. That is why they are so fond of to create a person deficits as nutrients and various vitamins. A single-celled yeast, the restriction of oxygen, feed on carbohydrates and produce ethanol, i.e. alcohol. The process of alcoholic fermentation.
Let me remind you that moldy yeast and fungi are symbionts and go "hand in hand".
Rotting and fermentationLet's dig into these processes, which often are interpreted incorrectly.
Fermentation is oxygen-free breakdown of carbohydrates, which occurs in an acidic environment. This is a natural process in the tissues, where it blocked access to oxygen, it is the only way to saturate the cells with energy in such conditions.
But fermentation is different, and classified according to final products. There is for example:
- Lactic acid fermentation is carried out the appropriate bacteria and the result is lactic acid. At home with the help of these guys we get yogurt, kefir, etc.
- Alcohol is made by yeast with the formation of ethanol. With this understanding, methods for the production of wine and alcohol are familiar to us. We all know that grapes of all fruits very fond of fungi, which love to settle on it in the form of a white film.
- Propionic acid fermentation. Most sauerkraut is the result of the propionic bacteria.
- Acetic. Marinating is also widely used by man in everyday life.
This begs a very important conclusion: the product can ferment many ways, and rot depending on the conditions. And maybe fully understood. Not the type of food determines the presence of certain processes, namely the conditions in the body. There is no sense to consider diet and its usefulness, if not known characteristics of the organism! We are all different and unique.
That is why it is pointless to say that that will happen with a particular product in isolation from the concrete conditions.
The danger in the transition to a raw food dietThe introduction was long. But now let's imagine the man who yesterday was "omnivorous," and tomorrow already eats raw plant food. UNTIL he is more or less balanced food fermentation processes have always kompensiruet or suppressed. This happens due to the decay processes, the use of fermented milk products, seasonings... but just as he is about "to break with the past" and take the path of natural nutrition (and even more becoming fructarians) that it dramatically relieves himself from all the "crutches".
If initially the process of fermentation already prevailed, would immediately prevail and slowly and surely form the environment for themselves. And not the fruits fault and the environment on which they fell! The fruits were just the "trigger" problems.
And fructed helps this! It provides a massive influx of nutrients, "sweet" fast carbs, and additionally creates favorable fermentation acidic environment increased eating of fruit. And not any, and imported like oranges or apples. They are being transported across vast distances and rested one week in the warehouses are guaranteed to be amazed by the moldy fungus. Which, under these circumstances, no problem settles in the body creating a shortage of many nutrients which fruit so there are practically no. This creates a feed and creates a desire to eat "something".
This greatly increases the vulnerability to fungi: Aspergillus (may manifest problems with the liver and pancreas), Penicillium (violation of the monthly cycle (surprise!), Candida (causing candidiasis, thrush).
But if the aforementioned problems occur not always, the microorganisms alcoholic fermentation will definitely be present, poisoning the body with ethanol! On the impact of alcohol on the body today we know more than enough and we know that the first affected the liver and capillaries. Liver disease (i.e. alcoholic hepatitis) manifests as severe, chronic fatigue, the acquisition of skin yellowish, dim eyes and circles under the eyes with loss of visual perception. Problems with the capillaries will affect the cold hardiness and physical activity. To move the body will be lazy, and tissue metabolism will slowly become anaerobic. But there are other issues at hand.
And the curious thing is that in the background of all this picture is so raw foodists get a stable resistance to bacterial infection. It will just stop hurting. Don't turn up bacteria in there, ruled by mushrooms with their antibiotics!
Skinny raw foodists, who toils Gorom and preoccupied with food, in fact, is a carrier of resistant pathogenic microorganisms that produces antibiotics and alcohol with all the ensuing consequences. Look around and you will see that these symptoms are common in one degree or another, and sometimes even manifest in all its glory, bringing a man to exhaustion. It States in no way associated with cleansing or adjustment. This "wrong turn".
Can it endure? Unknown. But it is definitely possible to avoid and fix.
Ways to combat the fermentation microfloraFermentation-yeast microflora vulnerable to:
- Lactic bacterium. Kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut (containing the microorganisms) successfully suppress "pests". For usually eating the person who does not hesitate to use antibiotics for the slightest ailments, without dairy products will be very tight. These bacteria are the ideal conduits in smooth transition to the raw food diet.
- Putrefactive bacteria. We repeat: fermentation and putrefaction of incompatible!
- Colon bacillus. Natural symbiont of man. Being the basis of our microflora will not allow the development of Podilsko. "Like" fiber, so the roots can be considered a successful fighter against the "pests".
- The alkaline environment. The fungi are destroyed in an alkaline medium, acidic is the opposite of bliss. Alkaline reaction from the same roots, herbs. Water can also be referred here.
SummaryIt is worth remembering that a couple of generations ago, our grandparents were much more aligned than today. And their food was far from perfect. They ate meat and dairy products, and eggs. But today we can say with certainty that many people and that health is not achieved. Of course, diseases associated with the cardiovascular system or joints, we are obliged to eating animal protein, but the rest of the multitude of problems, including cancer, we need to associate primarily with the mass use of antibiotics, and then with the love of yeast, grain, etc. the Development of the transport system and shipping fruits and vegetables long distances also played a cruel joke with us.
Fructarians for a modern inhabitant of a megacity — a beautiful illusion. Having the initial state of susceptibility to fermentation processes, such rawfoodist get a steady state of decline health. And if this circumstance will make more and obstinacy, bigotry, principles... the outcome will be sad.
Of course, the symptoms may be many people on any diet. So if raw food people have it (namely, weakness, low weight, circles under the eyes, concern food, laziness to exercise, etc.) then this raw food, and especially fructarians, just kill. In such situations, it would be wise to remember that health is not the most important component, but there are most relevant at the current time. And look back in search of her, focusing on, say, exercise.
The "ideal" diet should take into account the current state of things, reality, the state of the body and the environment in which we live. As these facts into account is rarely taken. So again and again we stumble on a rake in an attempt to fit all with the same brush.
Source: truehealth.ru/o-patogennoj-mikroflore-ili-pochemu-syroedenie-ubivaet/
One-on-one with nature: 2 examples from real life
Fried Suluguni cheese with sauce— delicious and fast