Health practice: Time to throw away the sofa
It is no secret that sports are good for the body and should be present in everyone’s life. However, it is often ignored, leaving it to better times. And in vain, because regardless of nutrition - whether you eat meat / whether you are a convinced vegetarian / vegan / raw food, in any case, sports is an integral part of the life of a healthy person. By the way, some raw foodists and those who are in the transition stage, naively believe that they can cope without sports. And it seems that he has no strength at all, but in reality everything is completely different. And here's how -- we'll tell you. Inseparable twins
Raw food is not just a type of food. First of all, it is a way of life with many components – thinking, views, spiritual practices, and of course, sports. Without all this, raw food is just a diet that will not bring full results. Although it is possible that for how long you will feel a surge of strength and improvement in health. But there will be no further progress.
The fact is that “raw-eating on the couch” is a utopia. If you think that you can do without sports, then know that this is a deep delusion and illusion. Then it's better not to start. It is important to combine one with the other.
Even with any short-term cleansing/detox/starvation, sports or at least long walks are highly recommended. In short, the mechanism is such that physical activity helps the body to get all the necessary elements not from food, but independently synthesize them. For example, protein and amino acids are formed from lactic acid through the liver.
In addition, the raw food diet mainly consists of fruits. In other words, it is predominantly carbohydrate and serves as an excellent source of energy. And all would be well, but carbohydrate metabolism in most people is undermined by the use of a large amount of protein and fatty foods, besides boiled. And, as you know, carbohydrates are fully absorbed due to the oxidative reaction. Therefore, we just need to saturate our body with oxygen.
And here you can not do without sports. During exercise, we activate muscles and accelerate blood circulation, thanks to which oxygen enters the most remote parts of our body.. Of course, an important role is played by capillaries and vessels free of toxins and toxins. Their cleansing is also facilitated by physical activity, which accelerates the removal of debris from the body. As you can see, proper nutrition, cleansing, raw food and sports are closely related, like twin brothers! Individually, they will not give the desired result, but together they can give a powerful effect.
Anaerobic zones in the body
"Movement is life!" And good health. Nature has given man everything he needs to move, run, swim, dance, strengthen and perfect his body. But in the modern world, most people lead a sedentary lifestyle – work in the office, long waiting in traffic, relaxing on the couch with a phone in hand. And all this against the background of constant stress. As a result, the first health problems appear - metabolic processes slow down, oxygen access is limited and energy exchange is disrupted. In the body there are so-called anaerobic zones - areas with limited access to oxygen. Another factor in the occurrence of such zones are injuries, hypothermia, infections, poisoning, malnutrition and alcohol use.
It is in such places that various pathogenic microorganisms, fungi and worms prefer to live and multiply. They are by nature anaerobic. And oxygen to them is a real poison! And, therefore, to get rid of uninvited guests (most likely even residents) and such unfavorable areas, you need to wake up your body and let it breathe. It is sport that will make the muscles of the body work to their fullest, accelerate blood flow and fill even the most remote areas with oxygen.
Sport as a source of energy
Each of us has two modes of metabolism - aerobic and anaerobic. The second is triggered in the absence of oxygen in the tissues and does not allow glucose to be fully absorbed, and give us the cherished energy.Therefore, eating only fruits, vegetables and greens a person will not be full of strength and energy. He can still be haunted by fatigue and sluggishness. Sometimes a person can eat more than they need and still feel hungry and tired. The reason for this condition is the inability to fully absorb food and extract energy from it. Which once again confirms the effect of anaerobic exchange, This can make the transition to live nutrition much more difficult.
In the case of aerobic metabolism, when oxygen enters all tissues, glucose is fully absorbed. Hence rapid saturation, vivacity and good health. But in order for oxygen to be delivered to all parts of our body, good blood circulation is necessary, and this is again a matter for muscles. And without movement, they simply do not work, so transporting oxygen is out of the question. Well, you know what this is all about?Running, swimming, brisk walking, jumping, cycling, rollers and yoga - this is the key to proper metabolism and a source of energy!
If you want to be healthy, move!
Summing up, once again I note that physical activity is necessary for a person with any type of nutrition. So raw food in any case does not cancel sports. On the contrary, live nutrition releases additional energy, which previously the body spent on the digestion of heavy and unhealthy food. Now is the time to reclaim your resources.
Effects of sports on the body:
Accelerates exchange processes
- improves blood flow
- saturates with oxygen all body tissues
Develop endurance and make a person stronger
strengthens the muscles of the body
- trains willpower
- improves mood and charges positive
- energizes
The benefits of playing sports are obvious. It remains only to choose a more suitable load option for yourself. Fortunately, now all conditions are created for this - group training in the hall or running in the park, skating on a city rink or swimming in the pool. However, these are truisms and you can talk about them endlessly, but it is better not to talk, but to do sports.
By the way, I also have to run, in half an hour my yoga class begins.
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
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Source: vkusicvet.com/blog/praktika-zdorovya-pora-vybrasyvat-divan/
Raw food is not just a type of food. First of all, it is a way of life with many components – thinking, views, spiritual practices, and of course, sports. Without all this, raw food is just a diet that will not bring full results. Although it is possible that for how long you will feel a surge of strength and improvement in health. But there will be no further progress.

The fact is that “raw-eating on the couch” is a utopia. If you think that you can do without sports, then know that this is a deep delusion and illusion. Then it's better not to start. It is important to combine one with the other.
Even with any short-term cleansing/detox/starvation, sports or at least long walks are highly recommended. In short, the mechanism is such that physical activity helps the body to get all the necessary elements not from food, but independently synthesize them. For example, protein and amino acids are formed from lactic acid through the liver.
In addition, the raw food diet mainly consists of fruits. In other words, it is predominantly carbohydrate and serves as an excellent source of energy. And all would be well, but carbohydrate metabolism in most people is undermined by the use of a large amount of protein and fatty foods, besides boiled. And, as you know, carbohydrates are fully absorbed due to the oxidative reaction. Therefore, we just need to saturate our body with oxygen.
And here you can not do without sports. During exercise, we activate muscles and accelerate blood circulation, thanks to which oxygen enters the most remote parts of our body.. Of course, an important role is played by capillaries and vessels free of toxins and toxins. Their cleansing is also facilitated by physical activity, which accelerates the removal of debris from the body. As you can see, proper nutrition, cleansing, raw food and sports are closely related, like twin brothers! Individually, they will not give the desired result, but together they can give a powerful effect.
Anaerobic zones in the body
"Movement is life!" And good health. Nature has given man everything he needs to move, run, swim, dance, strengthen and perfect his body. But in the modern world, most people lead a sedentary lifestyle – work in the office, long waiting in traffic, relaxing on the couch with a phone in hand. And all this against the background of constant stress. As a result, the first health problems appear - metabolic processes slow down, oxygen access is limited and energy exchange is disrupted. In the body there are so-called anaerobic zones - areas with limited access to oxygen. Another factor in the occurrence of such zones are injuries, hypothermia, infections, poisoning, malnutrition and alcohol use.
It is in such places that various pathogenic microorganisms, fungi and worms prefer to live and multiply. They are by nature anaerobic. And oxygen to them is a real poison! And, therefore, to get rid of uninvited guests (most likely even residents) and such unfavorable areas, you need to wake up your body and let it breathe. It is sport that will make the muscles of the body work to their fullest, accelerate blood flow and fill even the most remote areas with oxygen.
Sport as a source of energy
Each of us has two modes of metabolism - aerobic and anaerobic. The second is triggered in the absence of oxygen in the tissues and does not allow glucose to be fully absorbed, and give us the cherished energy.Therefore, eating only fruits, vegetables and greens a person will not be full of strength and energy. He can still be haunted by fatigue and sluggishness. Sometimes a person can eat more than they need and still feel hungry and tired. The reason for this condition is the inability to fully absorb food and extract energy from it. Which once again confirms the effect of anaerobic exchange, This can make the transition to live nutrition much more difficult.
In the case of aerobic metabolism, when oxygen enters all tissues, glucose is fully absorbed. Hence rapid saturation, vivacity and good health. But in order for oxygen to be delivered to all parts of our body, good blood circulation is necessary, and this is again a matter for muscles. And without movement, they simply do not work, so transporting oxygen is out of the question. Well, you know what this is all about?Running, swimming, brisk walking, jumping, cycling, rollers and yoga - this is the key to proper metabolism and a source of energy!
If you want to be healthy, move!
Summing up, once again I note that physical activity is necessary for a person with any type of nutrition. So raw food in any case does not cancel sports. On the contrary, live nutrition releases additional energy, which previously the body spent on the digestion of heavy and unhealthy food. Now is the time to reclaim your resources.
Effects of sports on the body:
Accelerates exchange processes
- improves blood flow
- saturates with oxygen all body tissues
Develop endurance and make a person stronger
strengthens the muscles of the body
- trains willpower
- improves mood and charges positive
- energizes
The benefits of playing sports are obvious. It remains only to choose a more suitable load option for yourself. Fortunately, now all conditions are created for this - group training in the hall or running in the park, skating on a city rink or swimming in the pool. However, these are truisms and you can talk about them endlessly, but it is better not to talk, but to do sports.
By the way, I also have to run, in half an hour my yoga class begins.
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Join us on Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: vkusicvet.com/blog/praktika-zdorovya-pora-vybrasyvat-divan/
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