Paul Sebastyanovich. Why cows predators Audiobook

0:00:15 ● Title.
0:00:21 ● Why this book was written.
0:14:22 ● How does the digestion and why cows predators.
0:19:03 ● Digestion person.
0:22:23 ● Why eat raw?
0:28:35 ● We are vulnerable to cooked food.
0:35:15 ● Heat.
0:41:35 ● Allergy.
0:55:42 ● Why vegetable?
1:06:52 ● Liver. Chemical laboratory organism.
1:09:01 ● Raw food diet - what is it, and how to start
? 1:11:03 ● Products.
1:22:18 ● Raw food diet and exercise.
1:24:39 ● The theory of a balanced diet (TSP). Movies and Germans.
1:29:01 ● What's in our inherent nature?
1:32:01 ● If we are so smart, why get sick?
1:38:04 ● The theory of adequate nutrition. Ugolev.
1:48:39 ● Raw food - who needs it
? 1:51:20 ● How to become raw foodists?
1:53:00 ● Raw food diet - the way of the samurai
. 1:58:13 ● Raw food diet - a diet for gluttons :)
2:01:04 ● Crises and cleaning.
2:03:43 ● Do you need anything else? Or the broken itching?
2:06:30 ● Water. What should be drunk?
2:09:06 ● Back to Nature?
2:10:19 ● Bones. Is there a risk of osteoporosis at a raw food diet?
2:28:25 ● Milk. Will be healthy?
2:31:36 ● milk intolerance. Lactose - milk sugar.
2:37:45 ● Dairy proteins and fats.
2:40:28 ● Calcium - benefit or harm?
2:45:57 ● Industrial milk.
2:48:38 ● Scents.
2:50:50 ● Raw food diet and global warming.
2:54:20 ● My dreams.
2:58:43 ● Vaccinations. Who is guilty? What to do?
3:03:50 ● What is the cause of diseases?
3:06:17 ● Breastfeeding.
3:13:29 ● Why medicine?
3:15:57 ● Raw food diet and the Internet. Google - a source of knowledge
. 3:22:43 ● Conclusion.
Author of the book: Paul Sebastyanovich Valdemarovich
The book is about a raw food diet of the project "Living Food".
Paul Sebastyanovich.Syroedenie.Put to healing and totally cool.
Crushed stone Jose Manuel Lopez Castro