Methods of drying mushrooms

Drying preserves the mushrooms more nutrients than marinating and freezing. Moreover, the dry mushrooms are more flavorful. A few dry mushrooms in any dish, giving it a spicy flavor.
Before drying mushrooms cannot be washed. Enough dry cloth to wipe all sides and sweep the traces of the forest. For drying, you can leave only the young mushrooms, worms and other damage.

In the sun. The best way to dry mushrooms in the sun. But keep in mind that this will require no less than a week of Sunny and hot weather. Dried mushroom connoisseurs acknowledge that only the sun produced the most delicious mushrooms. Mushrooms are strung on wire so they do not touch each other. Then post in a place where the sunlight all day. On the night of the dinner to clean the house so they re not wet. On top of the mushrooms better to cover with cheesecloth to protect from flies and dust.
You can also use the mushrooms to put on a warm surface. It can be a metal roof which heats up in the sun. Spread clean paper or cloth, and on it lay the mushrooms. A few days this drying and mushrooms are ready.

In the draft. If you have a house or loft well-ventilated, dry place, the mushrooms can be dried and there. Obligatory, the air there must be in constant motion, no dampness, and of course, dirt.
In the oven. In urban conditions, the mushrooms are dried in a conventional oven. The optimum temperature for drying is 50 degrees. On a baking tray lay the mushrooms so that they do not touch each other. Periodically, the mushrooms need to flip. If you have a grid for drying, then this task is easier. The oven door slightly open so the moisture from the mushrooms will come out easier. Keep the mushrooms in the oven to until of them to stop going out the moisture.
In the microwave. Mushrooms, cut into slices, spread on bars. To dry mushrooms is at least 100-180 Watts of power no more than 20 minutes. After this the mushrooms must be allowed to stand and a little dry on the air for 10-15 minutes. Then the procedure of drying can be repeated. After 2 of these sessions, the mushrooms have a little to dry in the sun or lay in a well-ventilated place.

In the dryer. Technological progress does not stand still. In the home appliance stores can meet special dryers for vegetables, mushrooms and fruits. Certainly for many this drying seems the most simple.
Source: efamily.ru