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How to choose the right dried fruits

There are two normal and one bad way of drying fruit.

To select good, not the processed "bad chemistry" dried fruit refer to the ancient wise rule of "all is Not gold that glitters!"

Be sure to see the colorful illustrations in the article.

So, there are two normal and one bad way of drying fruit:

1. the sun (a valid method – the fruits dry quickly, but work hard),

2. in the shadows (the best way),

3. drying temperature or chemical treatment
(the bad way).

Unfortunately, in our stores (and markets partially) are chemically treated dried fruits (more explained below). They look beautiful for a long time does not deteriorate, and they do not eat pests.

But the kind of high quality dried fruits without appeal, posed by chemicals in some fruits can even come across insects, but it is rather a sign of quality and edibility – no poisons.

None of the fruit in the drying process does not retain its original color and, especially, can become brighter and richer. This is achieved only with the help of preservatives and dyes. Fumigated with sulfur gas and painted with food coloring, we see amber raisins, bright orange apricots, Golden figs. Beautiful, but a knowledgeable person such dried fruits are not.

Properly dried fruits sereyut and darken:

— raisins and dried apricots should be brown,

— dark raisins — black with a bluish bloom,

— Fig – grey, run, light brown or black. The latter, however, is more often found fresh, as drying is more suitable for white figs.

Secrets of chemical and thermal processing of dry fruit

Fumigate the acrid gas... Most of the dried fruits fumigate with sulfur dioxide (sulfur dioxide, sulfur dioxide gas, SO2, – another name for additive E220). So manufacturers kill bacteria and make the product inedible for insects.

Dried fruits are smoked in sulphur fumes, and they acquire the luster and Shine in the literal sense of the word. Dried apricots and sultanas are Golden, translucent, shiny plum directly fat and shiny on the counter, like polished black marble.

Opinions about the permissibility of the processing of sulphurous anhydride is mixed: some say that in the form in which it is present in the dried fruit, the body it puts.
Others — that when dissolved in water, it turns into a weak solution of sulphurous acid, and she, in turn, irritates the mucous membranes of our digestive system.

What should I do? You can soak the dried fruit for a while, then drain the water and how to wash. The boiling water destroys the vitamins, so for rinsing do not use very hot water. However, if you took the dried fruits for compote, boiling sulphurous acid will evaporate.

Bring glitter grease or glycerinated one trap is the Shine of dried fruit, which appears too, and after treatment with fat is not the best quality and of unknown origin or glycerin. "All is not gold that glitters." The more shiny, for example, the plum, the more fat is not spared manufacturers.

The ideal dried fruit are kind of ugly: frosted, shriveled, and often covered. Shine they are unlikely to be.

Sometimes to speed up drying use a gas or petrol burner, a blowtorch...it poured the dried fruit on the grid and send them to the burner or lamp. Of course, these dried fruits will be less useful! Besides, they will absorb harmful substances, and they will have a "gasoline" taste.

A gas dryer must be equipped with a multistage system of cleaning filters, through which hot air reaches the product. Often this rule is ignored. As a result, the oranges are deposited carcinogens. Besides disappears the natural flavor of the fruit.

Sometimes dried in a tunnel kiln...Tunnel kiln or dryer is, roughly speaking, the tunnel with heating elements by which the conveyor moves the dried fruit. In Uzbekistan, according to information available to us, there are no such plants, but fruit from Moldova, Poland, Iran and other countries can be dried in a tunnel kiln. These dried fruits can give the smell of diesel fuel. The usefulness of such drying, as in the previous method, is questionable.

Dip in boiling water with caustic Stojkovi, dates and raisins, especially collected early, have such a hard skin that, by itself, to dry will not. Therefore, they are dipped in a boiling solution of caustic caustic (non-food) soda, causing the rind is covered with small cracks and drying is faster.

"Unfortunately, this is a necessary measure" – trying to justify manufacturers. However, through the cracks leaking juice, penetrate bacteria, and the appearance is also reflected not the best way.

"Smoke" liquid smoke gimmicky — they "smoked" dried apricots, prunes. It is believed that despite assurances from manufacturers regarding the safety of liquid smoke — a carcinogen.

In small quantities it's not so scary, but we don't know HOW processed fruits manufacturer and what specific kind of liquid smoke. And in many countries of the world "smoke in a bottle" and is completely prohibited.

How to choose apricots and Urusvati fruits should ideally be dark after drying. Apricot not fumigated with sulfur dioxide, it turns a dark color, and a beautiful bright color is achieved by using dyes.

When choosing apricots, look for a nondescript grayish, pale yellow fruits or dark brownish in color – there is a chance that they are not processed with chemicals.

Pale-orange, yellowish dried apricots can still be, after all, it is a storehouse of carotene, but the bright orange is only a storehouse of chemicals.

So bright orange dried apricots is not worth buying:

Dried apricots are treated with less, so he often nondescript. Apricots with pit is more useful than dried apricots, pitted. In the East they say: "If of the fruit to pull the bone — it means to deprive him of his soul."

This is confirmed by studies conducted in the West: the apricots are more vitamins and minerals than dried apricots; prunes, dried fruits also contains more nutrients than the pitted prunes.

High-quality dried apricots can be light yellow (but not bright orange) and grayish brown and usually looks unattractive, like so:


Coffee shade

If prunes coffee shade, which means that its pre-scalded with boiling water. And vitamins in it a little.

Factory and private manufacturers for the disinfection and safekeeping dip prunes before drying in boiling water, often with a solution of caustic soda.

From this treatment at the plum brown shade appears, he loses many of the nutritional properties and its taste starts to taste bitter. Of course, the boiling water does not exclude the stove, the oven and open fire, which again adds prunes points of merit of our body.

Dark grey "anthracite" color

Also, do not buy dark grey "anthracite" prune, he clearly treated with glycerin. Quote from some benefits: "the Product was treated with glycerin has a glossy surface, which improves its marketability."

Black color

Real prunes – only matte black, not bitter, has a rich sweet taste with a slight acidity.

Prunes you can still check this: wet and look at it in half an hour, natural places have become white, processed — no.


The smaller the plum glitters, the better. Why? Read the beginning of the article about the fumigation and about the poor treatment of fat of unknown origin or glycerin.

It looks like the processed “to Shine” prunes:

And here is the raw prunes (note on Matt surface):

By the way, the prunes from the USA can be coated with oil derived from genetically modified soybeans.

Prunes with bone healthier

In the East they say: "If of the fruit to pull the bone — it means to deprive him of his soul."

This is confirmed by studies in the West: the apricots are more vitamins and minerals than dried apricots; prunes, dried fruits also contains more nutrients than the pitted prunes.

Therefore, this pitted prunes can be cheaper than real dried plums with bone.


As in the case of any other dried fruit, dates, stone is more useful than dates, pitted.

Almost all dates are sold in Russia, not dried, and preserved in sticky glucose syrup. On some packages.

Glucose syrup is likely to be corn syrup (in the US, mainly because, as in other countries – wheat or who knows what).

Dried figs are preferable to processed in syrup.

The realities of the US: "Many varieties of dried fruits, including raisins and dates, can be coated with oil derived from genetically modified soybean".

Ingermanson, have you tried this divine fruit in its full form in the southern resorts. But to us fresh figs is only processed using harmful technologies. For capricious. Therefore, it is better to eat dried figs, not fresh.

Choosing dried figs, it should be remembered that the quality of the fruit is light beige, light brown color, the figs themselves are quite soft.

Also indicate the high quality of the dried figs must his slightly flattened form.

Some scare white patches on the figs. However, in reality it is not a disadvantage, but a nice bonus in the form of a speaking glucose (which is a surprisingly sweet figs).

But if the Fig has an unpleasant salty-sour taste, if it is rough to the touch, its shelf life has expired.


99% of raisins are sold in shops and markets processed sulfur to impart a beautiful Golden yellow color (see above).

So looks fumigated with sulfur dioxide raisins:

Bright grape should ideally becomes dark brown during the drying process. Raisins should not be uniformly yellow, soft and oily.

Dark grapes, being dried, turns into a black with a bluish bloom.

It looks like the best raisins:

The best grades of raisins in the market for display thrown in the air and falling, pounding like small pebbles. The highlights intentionally left petiole.

The realities of the US: "Many varieties of dried fruits, including raisins and dates, can be coated with oil derived from genetically modified soybean".

Apples senioradmin recommendations for drying apples: "the Apples stand for 2-3 minutes in 0.1-0.2 percent solution of sulfurous acid (1-2 grams per 2 liters of water) or fumigate sulfur dioxide gas by burning sulfur 5-10 minutes (2 grams per kilo of apples). Such pretreatment of the raw material reduces the oxidation of enzymes and eliminates the darkening of the surface circles of apples during drying".

Read more about the possible side effects of this drying, see the beginning of the article.

Bananas suszeniem. above about processing fat.

Attention! Candied under the guise of sukhofruktov be confused with the dried fruit and candied fruit: candied fruit are dessert, not to useful products. Make them often with tropical fruits.

They are boiled in sugar syrup, dried, and even dyed it than. In appearance and taste to distinguish very easily.

Calories in them abound, but the benefits are questionable.

While some nutritionists advise to replace the candy that is on the candied fruit.

Origina walnuts walnuts should not have any dots, spots, outside of yellow, mold.

Arabescato bring a very “environmentally unfriendly” from China. Better to eat moderately. Often contaminated with toxic mold aflatoxin. Eat a pound and write-was gone...

In the end, a graphic will illustrationfree that the fruits do not need to wash? See then how fumigate dried fruits, as dried directly in the dirt and stomp on it with dirty shoes!

1. Sulfur for fumigation of raisins

2. Now put sulphur on hot coals...

3. Burning sulfur is placed inside the ”gas chambers”

4. Poisonous ”steam” for raisins

5. Unbearable frenzy, near to impossible!

6. Raisins proper sun drying. But then have to wash.

7. The finished raisins (note how the guys poured this food product).

source: dobroweb.ru

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