If you want to keep your body free from fungi, do not give them food!
Mushrooms - a different civilization, and the oldest, almost Eternal Essence
. Etched mushrooms from the human body is very, very difficult. If the fungus is already populated, and, relatively speaking, has developed a mycelium, then there are enough challenges.
Mushrooms are different. There are supposedly noble fungus, there are lower fungi (called mold). In fungi are so many brands, a lot of titles, more than 50 species. There are low-toxic mushrooms, there are mushroom forest, there are lower, there are higher. Higher fungi whole class - this is the Chinese cordyceps, reyket
What is the meaning of the fungus?
The point is that it has a genetic code and it is not a single individual, and individual that lives in colonies. With that, among these colonies there is an exact relationship of the segments. That is, each mushroom element is associated with other fungal elements thousands segment connections.
If we want our bodies free from fungi, the only thing we can do is not to give him food. Because if in our body enough food for the mushrooms, they will be in it. Here, for example, bread is bread bins. It was formed mold. If you remove your bread and leave the mold, this mold is gradually lost. Because she will have nothing to eat. It is dry, it does not multiply, because she needed to breed the nutrients. It feeds mainly mold protein products because it needs amino acids.
For example, we take the flour, add the sugar, oil - energy, add water, add yeast - it's a special kind of mold there - bread mold. Then we give the temperature of the mold, be sure to 37, then give it a special humidity and oxygen. And then it begins to multiply, resuscitated. And, before that she was lying in a refrigerator at a temperature of -18. Or dry lay 10 years. She germination decline slightly, but only slightly, it still rises. To kill mold, even if you overcook the bread, you can not. Because if you stop crackers in refried kvas, brew will simmer. It says that as soon as it gets into the protein - carbohydrate environment, then begins to multiply
. All that is yeast, mold has some danger to us. Because the types of mold, they are all friendly, that is, it is his class. And there, where he lives alone mold, can live two, three.
One of the most pathogenic fungi for us - it's still candida
. But there is more, much more harmful mold, such as aspirgirus, black mold, mukurusumuzus.
Mold - the word brings together, in fact, every fungus fungus discord
. Nail fungus - is not the same thing as Candida
. Some fungi affect the lymph nodes in the groin, the other under the breast, the third hit the nail plate and live only on the nails.
Some affect only mucous membranes and live in the mouth, in the form of stomatitis and candidiasis or vagina in the form of candidiasis, and vaginitis.
Some fungi affect the skin and live on the skin in the form of cracks, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, but everywhere - are a class of fungi
. How to get mushrooms in the body?
Mushrooms ingested:
with spoiled food,
from the air,
with old dusty things.
It is true to say that if the apricots or grapes with mold, they can not be there. But if there is mold in the box, it is on all fruit.
Our body has a good factor - is the concentration of gastric acid, which inhibits the mold, and, ideally, through the gastro - intestinal tract, it should not penetrate
. Mold can invade us through the skin. Wherever we soared, where we walk barefoot wherever there are conditions for it, ie, humidity, temperature, organic residues (such as dirt or human fat) - Food for the mold has
. How to penetrate the fungus between your toes? It is through the intact skin does not leak, it it not even magnets. But if the skin has mikrotravmochki: scratches, diaper rash, skin lesions, fungus clings to instantly. And it's worth it to pass the skin barrier as he survives.
Signs of the fungus in the human body
1. Everything that itches.
They say:
- I have a sick dog
. - What's with the dog
? - Ear colds
. - What makes
? - Scratches
If the dog is scratching his ear, then in her ear fungus.
If a man scratching his ear with a match, toothpick, there is another option - a fungus, has no other choice. Something in my ear, happened, there is something hurts, something was flowing, but if there was an itch - a fungus
. 2. Cracks, blisters, abrasions (not corn, and scrapes formed obscure character like nothing is erased, for example, in the inguinal folds - formed something weeping). Wherever shelled, cracks and getting wet at the same time.
3. Often people come and show on the hands, on the back side, something not clear how - if pokaryabano - burned. All that is on the hands, armpits, in the inguinal folds - all mushrooms. If how - that stands out something white, cheesy - it is also a mushroom. It does not matter whether his mouth, vagina or bronchi, tonsils.
4. All that in the language of the white, cheesy, krupinchatoe - all mushrooms. In the evening went to bed - the language was a normal morning rose - coated with white bloom. White raid - this is a fungus. The lymphatic system collects all night the white patches on the tongue vorsinochkah as on rugs at the door, lay, because then he goes to the output. Exfoliated with the language and with the power supply spat or expectorated.
It is necessary to scrape away the language stick or spoon. Plaque in the language should not be. The language should be pink, with prominent papillae.
5. All that does not hurt - it's a fungus. Because mushrooms gnaw the nerve endings. By the skin there is a huge number of nerve endings. What would feel sick psoriasis, if the huge surface of his skin all the time, every second would be annoyed, he would have gone mad with pain. When we click pricks finger, the pain is such that we jump. If the surface of the psoriasis would be painful, it would be a strong pain hyperirrigation, and the man would have died of shock. Fungus purposefully with this work, he takes a bite, gaining skin and makes it manageable. He's got his castles, their palaces.
6. All that is sprinkled on the skin, no longer rises, scaly rings (evenly, unevenly), wherever there are flakes.
Typically, the fungus is in the area of large lymph nodes for a simple reason - the fungus is in the intercellular space. That cell, here the extracellular space - water potential of the water - about 50. The medium must be either alkaline or acidic, the cells around the fungus multiplies. Here it enters the bloodstream from the digestive tract into the extracellular water. Intercellular water must flow, every morning should come here and water every morning and it must be bled away. It bleeds it through the lymphatic system. Lymph ducts end in the lymph nodes. Lymph nodes compartments 10 inputs, one output. And here comes the treatment of lymphocytes molecular forms of life, which sucked, and here comes the cleansing. Net lymph goes in one direction, and dirty lymph goes to another ejection.
The man fell ill knee. Here is one Mosel, here is another Moseley. Between them, the cartilage. What can hurt here? Bones can not hurt, cartilage, too, there is no pain endings. Between the cartilage is liquid. It also does not hurt, but it can be inflamed, it could someone live. Behind by joint, from the popliteal fossa, there are lymph nodes. If there is a fungus on his feet, he will rise up to the popliteal lymph nodes. Lymph nodes fungus delay, and at that point they will stop to leak upstairs. The joint will swell. And when he would swell up, it hurts.
What makes the body? He will raise the temperature to enhance the microcirculation to the joint came leukocytes.
What will the doctor? Anesthetize, prescribe aspirin.
This will help? It will not help.
Belaga help? It will not help.
Diclofenac help? It will not help.
Ultrasound can help? None.
First you need to figure out what's in the joint. Either the fungi or bacteria.
If a person has all the toenails in fungi, with three times guess what he had in the joint? Mushrooms. And no amount of antibiotics will not help here. Because the lymphatic system of the upper segment will keep the same that is in the lower segment, so they are not passed on, otherwise fungus will conquer all. This cordon is frontier. Above her no one will take place. If somewhere someone settled, there develops a war. The war between leukocytes and those who settled.
Those who settled, is 5 types:
Just do not live in the joints. It's not live toxoplasma, giardia, apistorhi. If the joint is someone settled, the disease will end in - um. Bronchitis, arthritis, sinusitis, gastritis, sinusitis, konyuktevit, stomatitis, jade and so on. Someone lives there, there is a war, the infection.
Infection is 5 kinds
To make it clear, sinusitis, this is how we? Some pus in the nose. What's pus in the nose, where he's come from? Nose - a hole, just a hole, and a sinus. There is nothing else, there is no pus can not be. He can go up the escalator of the lymphatic system. But he goes on his way. Why is it in the nose? On output, way out.
It can go into the bronchi, vagina, intestines. On the upper part of the body is in the nose of the genital tract in the nose will not go.
With genital tract, he will land on the ground floor of the elevator. It is useless to fight, to fight it is not necessary belyami and secretions. If they are, it's talking about? What is a fungus, and it works the lymphatic system. When you do not touch, and he alone has passed, what does this mean? That's okay that all right, if he stopped independently.
Here's your stomach, and you, for example, eat this? Garlic, peppers or take bitter and ate 20 pieces at once, just a pea. And you have to stop at once all diarrhea.
Grapefruit essential oil, tea tree - all acting in the same way as the product itself. The plant can have several forms. The plant itself, a decoction of the plant, napar plants, essential oil plants, oil plants, plant leaves, plant foot, plant tincture. Any product prepared from a plant to act in the same way as the plant itself. You take parsley juice or parsley, juice of cranberries or cranberry itself, without a difference, it works the same way.
Here you have sesame oil and sesame seed by itself is a potent antiparasitic agent. Sesame oil you add to the salad, it is very tasty, try the black sesame oil, so it is a plus to this is a very powerful anti-parasitic agent. You just eat lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley, cumin, dill, celery, and add sesame oil, sesame seeds, and you get a very tasty salad antiparasitic.
If every day you will eat something antiparasitic, antifungal, then you will not have any viruses or bacteria, or parasites. Only valid standards or minimum concentrations, so that you did not bring any harm.
Look around you, inside. Our central nervous system is so powerful that it can send any immunity in any place, unearth any war and to stop it.
But it is necessary that for this purpose? Energy, commitment, it requires knowledge, we need great faith, it requires a correct way of life, an algorithm that will need to be done every day. Said, garlic every day, then garlic every day. Do not carry the garlic, then to hell every day. Horseradish can not stand, then radishes every day.
Find something that you are transferring. 10 kinds of pepper carry, white, red, yellow, but it should be. Because the fungus all win if you give it every day pasta, breakfast had a yeast bread, for lunch he condensed milk for dinner in his potatoes.
We are seen as potatoes covered with mold? In three seconds.
Try radishes mold cover. Torment. It happens sometimes when the air a lot of dispute or sour standing near.
Have you ever seen anything so moldy vegetable oil? Rancid, moldy but not much. Because there is nothing to do fungi, there is a special substance. Plants that are in confrontation with the fungi. They hate helminths, almost all, they have a reason and they are in confrontation with worms, viruses, bacteria and all the rest. They are for us. For himself and for us. They seek out means every plant seeks out something, not to be eaten. Who has not eaten? Fungi, viruses, bacteria, parasites, and we will. Because we do not always do things right, too-something that is opposed to us, we can not all eat, we can not eat it all. But if we know that the plant is already set up, we can use this plant to your benefit.
It is very important to understand what they are doing fungi in the body. Just live. They eat, reproduce, move, move. And what are we doing? We feed, grow, and are constantly adding, every single day. What we drink Kefir fungus, then we drink Kombucha snotty, we kordetseps drink, then drink beer, that from morning till night we eat leavened bread, it is still yeast begin to drink.
Antifungal food
This garlic, onions. All that is antiparasitic, antifungal, and at the same time is, but added another still.
Needles, fir, pine, spruce. All oleoresins here added. Turpentine, is what flows from spruce resin, so it does not eat the fungus. Pine is conserved, that is, she is not afraid of the fungus, it does not live 30 years as a birch. And so long cedar lives, all softwood.
The resin can be placed in compotes, making broths, napar, you can insist on the water can boil and inhale the steam. Best of all the young legs of pine needles, fir have dried, just put in your tea, you can prepare any drinks. The gum can be chewed, added to gum.
All that has an antifungal action, this action has in oils. Cedar oil, it is also anti-fungal. Tea tree and all of the tea tree products.
If there is severe fungal pathology, it is possible for one drop of tea tree oil diluted in 1 teaspoon of sour cream and eat, because it does not dissolve in water. Many do not, it is a drop of 1, 2 adult can drop. If it is to do 2 consecutive months, the fungus can seriously argue and compete. The essential oil is more soluble in fat. It can be all sorts of fats, such as cream.
Propolis. You can drink tincture of propolis or water decoction, or napar or put propolis in honey, or put it in a jam, or simply to chew or eat the cell can be a piece of propolis just shove cheek, let him lie there and soaked in saliva. No matter what it means to deliver it. You can make a tincture from it. Do not want to tincture -delayte napar water. You do not want to napar, just chew it as cud. How did he get inside, it's a different story, as long as he got there.
All that is anthelmintic, is also the (majority) and antifungal. This pepper, all kinds, this radish is hell, all the seasonings, starting with cumin and turmeric ending.
Nail fungus can be cured. Treatment should be inside and outside. Only the outside of the nail fungus is not exactly cure. Inside, too, it is difficult to separate. However, if this side and on the other hand, it can be cured even for six months. But again, you need to understand the mechanism, fungi do not live on the nails and in the joint fluid. From the knee to the foot, and all the lymph infested with fungus.
What else acts on fungi?
All that is sweet and organic. It currants, gooseberries, viburnum, mountain ash, red bilberry, cranberry, sea buckthorn, blueberry, blackberry, blueberry - all the sour grapes, they are anti-fungal. Mould them sometimes, but results from the fact that they interfere with sugar. Because a clean, dry cranberries will not mold the whole year. And if you sprinkle sugar, if exposed to water, the individual may zaplesvenet berries, if they are slightly ruffled. A whole cranberries will remain intact.
. Etched mushrooms from the human body is very, very difficult. If the fungus is already populated, and, relatively speaking, has developed a mycelium, then there are enough challenges.
Mushrooms are different. There are supposedly noble fungus, there are lower fungi (called mold). In fungi are so many brands, a lot of titles, more than 50 species. There are low-toxic mushrooms, there are mushroom forest, there are lower, there are higher. Higher fungi whole class - this is the Chinese cordyceps, reyket

What is the meaning of the fungus?
The point is that it has a genetic code and it is not a single individual, and individual that lives in colonies. With that, among these colonies there is an exact relationship of the segments. That is, each mushroom element is associated with other fungal elements thousands segment connections.
If we want our bodies free from fungi, the only thing we can do is not to give him food. Because if in our body enough food for the mushrooms, they will be in it. Here, for example, bread is bread bins. It was formed mold. If you remove your bread and leave the mold, this mold is gradually lost. Because she will have nothing to eat. It is dry, it does not multiply, because she needed to breed the nutrients. It feeds mainly mold protein products because it needs amino acids.
For example, we take the flour, add the sugar, oil - energy, add water, add yeast - it's a special kind of mold there - bread mold. Then we give the temperature of the mold, be sure to 37, then give it a special humidity and oxygen. And then it begins to multiply, resuscitated. And, before that she was lying in a refrigerator at a temperature of -18. Or dry lay 10 years. She germination decline slightly, but only slightly, it still rises. To kill mold, even if you overcook the bread, you can not. Because if you stop crackers in refried kvas, brew will simmer. It says that as soon as it gets into the protein - carbohydrate environment, then begins to multiply
. All that is yeast, mold has some danger to us. Because the types of mold, they are all friendly, that is, it is his class. And there, where he lives alone mold, can live two, three.
One of the most pathogenic fungi for us - it's still candida
. But there is more, much more harmful mold, such as aspirgirus, black mold, mukurusumuzus.
Mold - the word brings together, in fact, every fungus fungus discord
. Nail fungus - is not the same thing as Candida
. Some fungi affect the lymph nodes in the groin, the other under the breast, the third hit the nail plate and live only on the nails.
Some affect only mucous membranes and live in the mouth, in the form of stomatitis and candidiasis or vagina in the form of candidiasis, and vaginitis.
Some fungi affect the skin and live on the skin in the form of cracks, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, but everywhere - are a class of fungi
. How to get mushrooms in the body?
Mushrooms ingested:
with spoiled food,
from the air,
with old dusty things.
It is true to say that if the apricots or grapes with mold, they can not be there. But if there is mold in the box, it is on all fruit.
Our body has a good factor - is the concentration of gastric acid, which inhibits the mold, and, ideally, through the gastro - intestinal tract, it should not penetrate
. Mold can invade us through the skin. Wherever we soared, where we walk barefoot wherever there are conditions for it, ie, humidity, temperature, organic residues (such as dirt or human fat) - Food for the mold has
. How to penetrate the fungus between your toes? It is through the intact skin does not leak, it it not even magnets. But if the skin has mikrotravmochki: scratches, diaper rash, skin lesions, fungus clings to instantly. And it's worth it to pass the skin barrier as he survives.
Signs of the fungus in the human body
1. Everything that itches.
They say:
- I have a sick dog
. - What's with the dog
? - Ear colds
. - What makes
? - Scratches

If the dog is scratching his ear, then in her ear fungus.
If a man scratching his ear with a match, toothpick, there is another option - a fungus, has no other choice. Something in my ear, happened, there is something hurts, something was flowing, but if there was an itch - a fungus
. 2. Cracks, blisters, abrasions (not corn, and scrapes formed obscure character like nothing is erased, for example, in the inguinal folds - formed something weeping). Wherever shelled, cracks and getting wet at the same time.
3. Often people come and show on the hands, on the back side, something not clear how - if pokaryabano - burned. All that is on the hands, armpits, in the inguinal folds - all mushrooms. If how - that stands out something white, cheesy - it is also a mushroom. It does not matter whether his mouth, vagina or bronchi, tonsils.
4. All that in the language of the white, cheesy, krupinchatoe - all mushrooms. In the evening went to bed - the language was a normal morning rose - coated with white bloom. White raid - this is a fungus. The lymphatic system collects all night the white patches on the tongue vorsinochkah as on rugs at the door, lay, because then he goes to the output. Exfoliated with the language and with the power supply spat or expectorated.
It is necessary to scrape away the language stick or spoon. Plaque in the language should not be. The language should be pink, with prominent papillae.
5. All that does not hurt - it's a fungus. Because mushrooms gnaw the nerve endings. By the skin there is a huge number of nerve endings. What would feel sick psoriasis, if the huge surface of his skin all the time, every second would be annoyed, he would have gone mad with pain. When we click pricks finger, the pain is such that we jump. If the surface of the psoriasis would be painful, it would be a strong pain hyperirrigation, and the man would have died of shock. Fungus purposefully with this work, he takes a bite, gaining skin and makes it manageable. He's got his castles, their palaces.
6. All that is sprinkled on the skin, no longer rises, scaly rings (evenly, unevenly), wherever there are flakes.
Typically, the fungus is in the area of large lymph nodes for a simple reason - the fungus is in the intercellular space. That cell, here the extracellular space - water potential of the water - about 50. The medium must be either alkaline or acidic, the cells around the fungus multiplies. Here it enters the bloodstream from the digestive tract into the extracellular water. Intercellular water must flow, every morning should come here and water every morning and it must be bled away. It bleeds it through the lymphatic system. Lymph ducts end in the lymph nodes. Lymph nodes compartments 10 inputs, one output. And here comes the treatment of lymphocytes molecular forms of life, which sucked, and here comes the cleansing. Net lymph goes in one direction, and dirty lymph goes to another ejection.
The man fell ill knee. Here is one Mosel, here is another Moseley. Between them, the cartilage. What can hurt here? Bones can not hurt, cartilage, too, there is no pain endings. Between the cartilage is liquid. It also does not hurt, but it can be inflamed, it could someone live. Behind by joint, from the popliteal fossa, there are lymph nodes. If there is a fungus on his feet, he will rise up to the popliteal lymph nodes. Lymph nodes fungus delay, and at that point they will stop to leak upstairs. The joint will swell. And when he would swell up, it hurts.
What makes the body? He will raise the temperature to enhance the microcirculation to the joint came leukocytes.
What will the doctor? Anesthetize, prescribe aspirin.
This will help? It will not help.
Belaga help? It will not help.
Diclofenac help? It will not help.
Ultrasound can help? None.
First you need to figure out what's in the joint. Either the fungi or bacteria.
If a person has all the toenails in fungi, with three times guess what he had in the joint? Mushrooms. And no amount of antibiotics will not help here. Because the lymphatic system of the upper segment will keep the same that is in the lower segment, so they are not passed on, otherwise fungus will conquer all. This cordon is frontier. Above her no one will take place. If somewhere someone settled, there develops a war. The war between leukocytes and those who settled.
Those who settled, is 5 types:
Just do not live in the joints. It's not live toxoplasma, giardia, apistorhi. If the joint is someone settled, the disease will end in - um. Bronchitis, arthritis, sinusitis, gastritis, sinusitis, konyuktevit, stomatitis, jade and so on. Someone lives there, there is a war, the infection.
Infection is 5 kinds
To make it clear, sinusitis, this is how we? Some pus in the nose. What's pus in the nose, where he's come from? Nose - a hole, just a hole, and a sinus. There is nothing else, there is no pus can not be. He can go up the escalator of the lymphatic system. But he goes on his way. Why is it in the nose? On output, way out.
It can go into the bronchi, vagina, intestines. On the upper part of the body is in the nose of the genital tract in the nose will not go.
With genital tract, he will land on the ground floor of the elevator. It is useless to fight, to fight it is not necessary belyami and secretions. If they are, it's talking about? What is a fungus, and it works the lymphatic system. When you do not touch, and he alone has passed, what does this mean? That's okay that all right, if he stopped independently.
Here's your stomach, and you, for example, eat this? Garlic, peppers or take bitter and ate 20 pieces at once, just a pea. And you have to stop at once all diarrhea.
Grapefruit essential oil, tea tree - all acting in the same way as the product itself. The plant can have several forms. The plant itself, a decoction of the plant, napar plants, essential oil plants, oil plants, plant leaves, plant foot, plant tincture. Any product prepared from a plant to act in the same way as the plant itself. You take parsley juice or parsley, juice of cranberries or cranberry itself, without a difference, it works the same way.
Here you have sesame oil and sesame seed by itself is a potent antiparasitic agent. Sesame oil you add to the salad, it is very tasty, try the black sesame oil, so it is a plus to this is a very powerful anti-parasitic agent. You just eat lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley, cumin, dill, celery, and add sesame oil, sesame seeds, and you get a very tasty salad antiparasitic.
If every day you will eat something antiparasitic, antifungal, then you will not have any viruses or bacteria, or parasites. Only valid standards or minimum concentrations, so that you did not bring any harm.
Look around you, inside. Our central nervous system is so powerful that it can send any immunity in any place, unearth any war and to stop it.
But it is necessary that for this purpose? Energy, commitment, it requires knowledge, we need great faith, it requires a correct way of life, an algorithm that will need to be done every day. Said, garlic every day, then garlic every day. Do not carry the garlic, then to hell every day. Horseradish can not stand, then radishes every day.
Find something that you are transferring. 10 kinds of pepper carry, white, red, yellow, but it should be. Because the fungus all win if you give it every day pasta, breakfast had a yeast bread, for lunch he condensed milk for dinner in his potatoes.
We are seen as potatoes covered with mold? In three seconds.
Try radishes mold cover. Torment. It happens sometimes when the air a lot of dispute or sour standing near.
Have you ever seen anything so moldy vegetable oil? Rancid, moldy but not much. Because there is nothing to do fungi, there is a special substance. Plants that are in confrontation with the fungi. They hate helminths, almost all, they have a reason and they are in confrontation with worms, viruses, bacteria and all the rest. They are for us. For himself and for us. They seek out means every plant seeks out something, not to be eaten. Who has not eaten? Fungi, viruses, bacteria, parasites, and we will. Because we do not always do things right, too-something that is opposed to us, we can not all eat, we can not eat it all. But if we know that the plant is already set up, we can use this plant to your benefit.
It is very important to understand what they are doing fungi in the body. Just live. They eat, reproduce, move, move. And what are we doing? We feed, grow, and are constantly adding, every single day. What we drink Kefir fungus, then we drink Kombucha snotty, we kordetseps drink, then drink beer, that from morning till night we eat leavened bread, it is still yeast begin to drink.
Antifungal food

This garlic, onions. All that is antiparasitic, antifungal, and at the same time is, but added another still.
Needles, fir, pine, spruce. All oleoresins here added. Turpentine, is what flows from spruce resin, so it does not eat the fungus. Pine is conserved, that is, she is not afraid of the fungus, it does not live 30 years as a birch. And so long cedar lives, all softwood.
The resin can be placed in compotes, making broths, napar, you can insist on the water can boil and inhale the steam. Best of all the young legs of pine needles, fir have dried, just put in your tea, you can prepare any drinks. The gum can be chewed, added to gum.
All that has an antifungal action, this action has in oils. Cedar oil, it is also anti-fungal. Tea tree and all of the tea tree products.
If there is severe fungal pathology, it is possible for one drop of tea tree oil diluted in 1 teaspoon of sour cream and eat, because it does not dissolve in water. Many do not, it is a drop of 1, 2 adult can drop. If it is to do 2 consecutive months, the fungus can seriously argue and compete. The essential oil is more soluble in fat. It can be all sorts of fats, such as cream.
Propolis. You can drink tincture of propolis or water decoction, or napar or put propolis in honey, or put it in a jam, or simply to chew or eat the cell can be a piece of propolis just shove cheek, let him lie there and soaked in saliva. No matter what it means to deliver it. You can make a tincture from it. Do not want to tincture -delayte napar water. You do not want to napar, just chew it as cud. How did he get inside, it's a different story, as long as he got there.
All that is anthelmintic, is also the (majority) and antifungal. This pepper, all kinds, this radish is hell, all the seasonings, starting with cumin and turmeric ending.
Nail fungus can be cured. Treatment should be inside and outside. Only the outside of the nail fungus is not exactly cure. Inside, too, it is difficult to separate. However, if this side and on the other hand, it can be cured even for six months. But again, you need to understand the mechanism, fungi do not live on the nails and in the joint fluid. From the knee to the foot, and all the lymph infested with fungus.
What else acts on fungi?
All that is sweet and organic. It currants, gooseberries, viburnum, mountain ash, red bilberry, cranberry, sea buckthorn, blueberry, blackberry, blueberry - all the sour grapes, they are anti-fungal. Mould them sometimes, but results from the fact that they interfere with sugar. Because a clean, dry cranberries will not mold the whole year. And if you sprinkle sugar, if exposed to water, the individual may zaplesvenet berries, if they are slightly ruffled. A whole cranberries will remain intact.