How much does a former mushroom mushroom make on the sale of forest mushrooms?
Hey, everybody! In this article I want to tell you how to collect mushrooms and make good money from it. Of course, this work is seasonal. However, on this hobby you can build a great home business. Sale of mushrooms A profitable business for avid summer residents and mushroom pickers.
First, picking mushrooms is an interesting and pleasant activity. You need to collect them, walking in the woods in the fresh air. What could be better than a walk in a beautiful autumn forest? For many people, this hobby can be a seasonal activity. Everyone knows that combining pleasant with useful is always good. In addition, such hobbies bring us closer to nature, help us relax and relieve stress.
In addition, to sell mushrooms, you do not need to pay taxes or buy a cash register. This makes it much easier to build a personal business. However, you need to know the mushroom places, where and when good mushrooms grow, know their types. That knowledge requires experience.
First of all, you need to buy equipment. Or at least the right clothes. Do not go to the forest in anything: it will affect the productivity of work. You will also need a navigator to avoid getting lost. It can be replaced by a smartphone, but if the battery runs out, there is a chance to get lost in the woods. In addition, you may need funds for small expenses: containers for mushrooms, buckets, baskets, boxes.
In addition, the best mushroom spots can be far from populated areas. It would be a good idea to buy a car. Having a good car is a good thing. And picking mushrooms in remote places is even better.
Mushroom income can be collected 1-2 months a year, so this earnings are only seasonal. Every year everything is different and depends on the weather, the season. In addition, mushrooms are wormy and it is difficult to immediately notice. But, despite these nuances, an experienced mushroom picker can earn a decent amount for the season. Honestly, I don’t know exactly how much money they make. However, there are rumors that you can earn up to 100 thousand rubles a month. Please correct me in the comments if I am wrong.
You don't have to be cheap anyway. You can safely ask for a good price for your work. For example, white mushrooms sell for 500-1000 rubles per kilogram. Borovics will be cheaper - 800 rubles, and flywheels - about 400 rubles.
You also need to know your competitors. Every business has them. It can be professional dealers or ordinary sellers, like you and me. Resellers buy mushrooms in villages and villages, and sellers sell in the bazaar, near the metro or just on the road.
Therefore, I recommend building your customer base. You can start with sites where there are ads in the spirit of “buy / sell mushrooms”. Or search for buyers on social networks, place an ad. Also, it will not be superfluous to create your own channel, post information about yourself, contacts, photos. So that the client immediately saw with whom he is dealing, and also saw beautiful mushrooms along with a forest edge in the photos.
It should be noted that you collect mushrooms yourself. It is also not superfluous to write about the area in which the mushrooms were collected, as well as talk about your experience as a mushroom picker. These nuances are very important: trust plays a significant role in business. By the way, mushrooms are bought by almost all categories of people. Someone is at the salt, and someone at home to cook something. After all, mushrooms are a very useful, even necessary resource.
Also, mushrooms are often ordered by restaurants that need them in large quantities. You will be able to reach a regular customer, the gold mine is in your hands. I recommend turning your favorite hobby into a small business. Mushrooms to collect fun and interesting, and the sale of mushrooms will bring additional income. It is worth considering this type of seasonal business.

First, picking mushrooms is an interesting and pleasant activity. You need to collect them, walking in the woods in the fresh air. What could be better than a walk in a beautiful autumn forest? For many people, this hobby can be a seasonal activity. Everyone knows that combining pleasant with useful is always good. In addition, such hobbies bring us closer to nature, help us relax and relieve stress.

In addition, to sell mushrooms, you do not need to pay taxes or buy a cash register. This makes it much easier to build a personal business. However, you need to know the mushroom places, where and when good mushrooms grow, know their types. That knowledge requires experience.
First of all, you need to buy equipment. Or at least the right clothes. Do not go to the forest in anything: it will affect the productivity of work. You will also need a navigator to avoid getting lost. It can be replaced by a smartphone, but if the battery runs out, there is a chance to get lost in the woods. In addition, you may need funds for small expenses: containers for mushrooms, buckets, baskets, boxes.

In addition, the best mushroom spots can be far from populated areas. It would be a good idea to buy a car. Having a good car is a good thing. And picking mushrooms in remote places is even better.
Mushroom income can be collected 1-2 months a year, so this earnings are only seasonal. Every year everything is different and depends on the weather, the season. In addition, mushrooms are wormy and it is difficult to immediately notice. But, despite these nuances, an experienced mushroom picker can earn a decent amount for the season. Honestly, I don’t know exactly how much money they make. However, there are rumors that you can earn up to 100 thousand rubles a month. Please correct me in the comments if I am wrong.

You don't have to be cheap anyway. You can safely ask for a good price for your work. For example, white mushrooms sell for 500-1000 rubles per kilogram. Borovics will be cheaper - 800 rubles, and flywheels - about 400 rubles.

You also need to know your competitors. Every business has them. It can be professional dealers or ordinary sellers, like you and me. Resellers buy mushrooms in villages and villages, and sellers sell in the bazaar, near the metro or just on the road.
Therefore, I recommend building your customer base. You can start with sites where there are ads in the spirit of “buy / sell mushrooms”. Or search for buyers on social networks, place an ad. Also, it will not be superfluous to create your own channel, post information about yourself, contacts, photos. So that the client immediately saw with whom he is dealing, and also saw beautiful mushrooms along with a forest edge in the photos.

It should be noted that you collect mushrooms yourself. It is also not superfluous to write about the area in which the mushrooms were collected, as well as talk about your experience as a mushroom picker. These nuances are very important: trust plays a significant role in business. By the way, mushrooms are bought by almost all categories of people. Someone is at the salt, and someone at home to cook something. After all, mushrooms are a very useful, even necessary resource.

Also, mushrooms are often ordered by restaurants that need them in large quantities. You will be able to reach a regular customer, the gold mine is in your hands. I recommend turning your favorite hobby into a small business. Mushrooms to collect fun and interesting, and the sale of mushrooms will bring additional income. It is worth considering this type of seasonal business.
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