What a woman should do on Christmas Eve

Today, January 6, in every Orthodox family will come a very bright, family holiday - Christmas Eve. To properly celebrate Christmas, which is celebrated on January 7, it is extremely important to understand the essence of Christmas Eve and observe all the canons of this day. That's why the editorial board "Site" It will remind you what to do on January 6 and what centuries-old traditions disapprove of.

As you know, January 6 is the final day of the four-week Filippovsky fast before Christmas. Therefore, this holiday is a great time for spiritual and physical purification. Today, thoughts should be bright, and the heart should be loving and open. Earlier on this day, only the sochivo – soaked wheat grains with honey and fruits – could be eaten. This tradition gave the name to the holiday.

What is important to do on Christmas Eve When it gets dark on the street, the most loved ones gather at the table. In the Orthodox tradition, on Christmas Eve, it is customary to refuse food until the first star appears, and after fasting it was customary to start a meal with a kutya. On the table is usually put 12 lean dishes, which correspond to the number of holy apostles. In addition, on this day it is customary to visit your parents and grandparents. Godfathers wear their godparents "evening", and those, in turn, treat them with sweets.

Girls and women Confession and communion must be given before January 6. Of course, this also applies to men, but since the woman is more busy preparing food for the holiday, for her the purification of the soul and body through confession is necessary more. It is believed that this will help to prepare dishes that will bring health to all households and guests. On January 6, you should go to church to pray for your loved ones.

They say that on Christmas night it is necessary. dress upIf not, at least one white object. In addition, there should still be a coniferous tree in the house by this day. Also traditionally on Christmas Eve many go caroling.

What not to do on January 6 According to legend, on Christmas Eve give away Fire from the house and everything associated with it (matches, lighters, candles, firewood). Otherwise, the one who gives can be in trouble. You don’t need to borrow anything today. You can not do needlework, otherwise there may be problems with vision. It is not recommended to wear clothes of dark colors, and to celebrate Christmas in black clothes is completely forbidden.

We need today. refrain from conflict and quarrels. The house should be clean on Christmas Eve. However, it is better to do cleaning in advance, since on January 6, all housework is prohibited. On Christmas Eve, hospitality cannot be denied. If anyone comes to visit, he should be received with all cordiality and generosity.

We wish you and your family a great time. feast In peace, warmth and good spirits!


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