Festive table on Christmas Eve.

Festive table on Christmas Eve - Holy Mystery evening, a special evening of Christmas Eve is also called the Holy Supper. And it is traditionally accepted to celebrate family, a festive dinner. But dinner on Christmas Eve must be considered lean. And as a rule, prepare 12 dishes. Special, the Christmas dishes. What can you make?
1. First and foremost - prepare traditional kutyu. It can be very diverse according to the method of preparation. Select the appropriate recipe to tradition and good taste combined! Kutia - this recipe kuti
2. kute usually served uzvar. Its not just a cook, uzvar - delicious and very useful drink. Uzvar - 3. Stuffed cabbage recipe. An excellent dish for a festive Christmas Eve will meatless stuffed with mushrooms.
4. Traditionally cooked fish dishes. We offer our recipes: Fish baked in Greek Fish fried - "Fish horseshoe»
5. You can cook pancakes. Even without milk and eggs are obtained tasty. Pancakes on the water "Meatless»
6. Excellent complement the festive table Korean snacks. Carrots Eggplant in Korean Korean
7. tasty and simple combination of ingredients - you will surely enjoy a meatless salad: salad of potatoes and beet
8. Excellent vegetable dish: Eggplant with mushrooms - delicious meatless meals 9. The good old salad, the original recipe: Vinaigrette special - recipes for meatless dishes
10. Meatless meatballs
11. Pies, a classic dish for the holiday table Lenten pies 12. You certainly appreciate the taste of the cake with dried fruits. Cake with dried fruits
12 dishes for Christmas Eve (another variant of festive menus, traditions, customs) do not get tired of repeating that delicious and lean table can be both! Have a nice celebration!