Who can swim in the hole for baptism?
On January 19, all Orthodox people celebrate one of the most popular and important religious holidays - the Baptism of the Lord.
Every year I look forward to attending church service on this amazing day. After all, it is so great with a good mood and a small jar filled with holy water, to return home, having previously bathed in the hole. This is a tradition that my whole family follows.
In addition to the ceremonies held on January 19, the Epiphany Christmas Eve is considered equally important. In order to better prepare for the feast of Baptism and make the most of this day, listen to our advice.
Editorial "Site" shares with your favorite readers bits of knowledge about traditions, rites of Baptism, and most importantly - about actions that are categorically impossible. baptize.
The name of the Christmas Eve was due to the traditional sweet porridge - "sochiva", which is necessarily eaten on the eve of the holiday, only after the service. Porridge is prepared from wheat, barley or rice with the addition of honey, poppy, dried fruits and nuts. Grain symbolizes the resurrection, and honey is the sweetness of the future blessed life. Another version - so before the Slavs called a round cake of fresh dough.
The feast of Baptism ends with Christmas, which according to popular belief is a period “without a cross”, because the newly born Jesus Christ was not yet baptized. And on Epiphany Eve, the “terrible evenings” end, during which otherworldly forces are distinguished by special freedom and revelry in the world of people.
In the old days, it was believed that on Epiphany Christmas Eve, otherworldly power is especially dangerous, because this is the last night before the upcoming watershed. Therefore, many baptized tradition They were used to cleanse themselves of evil spirits and to close the boundaries between the living and the dead.
What can not and can be done on holiday: bans
According to popular belief, on the night of Baptism, at the moment when Christ enters the water, the miracle of the opening of heaven occurs. A sign is the excitement of water in a container. And if you go outside at this moment, you can see the “vast heavens”.
I also suggest you learn a little more about the feast of the Baptism of the Lord and what every Christian who gathers for service on this day should remember. Read this article about holy water, prosphora and healing prayer.
S Epiphany There are many signs associated with people. For example, if there is a blizzard on this day, there is a harvest. There is little snow on the branches of trees - in the summer neither mushrooms nor berries look. A blizzard on Eve of Epiphany suggests that the same weather is expected on Shrovetsa, and if strong southern winds - summer will be thunderstorm.
It is also said that if you put a silver bowl on the table at night and fill it with water, at exactly midnight the water should fluctuate. What desire at that moment you shout over the cup, he will come true.
Do not forget to share this useful information with your friends, they will be grateful for it. I wish you a good holiday, bright thoughts, great mood and fulfillment of the most cherished desires!
Every year I look forward to attending church service on this amazing day. After all, it is so great with a good mood and a small jar filled with holy water, to return home, having previously bathed in the hole. This is a tradition that my whole family follows.

In addition to the ceremonies held on January 19, the Epiphany Christmas Eve is considered equally important. In order to better prepare for the feast of Baptism and make the most of this day, listen to our advice.
Editorial "Site" shares with your favorite readers bits of knowledge about traditions, rites of Baptism, and most importantly - about actions that are categorically impossible. baptize.

The name of the Christmas Eve was due to the traditional sweet porridge - "sochiva", which is necessarily eaten on the eve of the holiday, only after the service. Porridge is prepared from wheat, barley or rice with the addition of honey, poppy, dried fruits and nuts. Grain symbolizes the resurrection, and honey is the sweetness of the future blessed life. Another version - so before the Slavs called a round cake of fresh dough.
The feast of Baptism ends with Christmas, which according to popular belief is a period “without a cross”, because the newly born Jesus Christ was not yet baptized. And on Epiphany Eve, the “terrible evenings” end, during which otherworldly forces are distinguished by special freedom and revelry in the world of people.
In the old days, it was believed that on Epiphany Christmas Eve, otherworldly power is especially dangerous, because this is the last night before the upcoming watershed. Therefore, many baptized tradition They were used to cleanse themselves of evil spirits and to close the boundaries between the living and the dead.

What can not and can be done on holiday: bans
- The main ban on Christmas Eve is food. After all, on January 18, there is a fast. Believers say that it is better to eat nothing until the first star rises. After that, the festive meal begins. It is important to know that from the very beginning you need to drink a glass of consecrated water.
- It is necessary to clean the house, because on January 19 it is absolutely impossible to do this, and it is very bad to meet such a great holiday in a dirty apartment. During cleaning, special attention should be paid to corners, doors, windows, batteries, stoves, cellar and gates (the latter is relevant for private homes). Previously it was believed that in these places can hide evil spirits.
- In the evening of January 18, a church service is held, after which it is supposed to holy water. Thus, a solemn ritual of great watershed was performed in memory of the baptism of Christ on the Jordan River. That is why water on the holiday is very important, and on Epiphany Christmas Eve it is forbidden to defame it in any way.
- After returning from service, believers can perform cleansing ceremonies at home, namely: drink some consecrated water and sprinkle it on the house.
- It is best to sit at the table this evening not before the first star lights up in the sky. Dinner on Eve is called “hungry kutya”, because it should consist only of lean dishes. And you can not put on the festive table an even number of dishes. It is best to have 7 or 9.
- The meal of the Epiphany evening should include kutya and uzvar, with which the dinner should begin, as well as good pastries, pancakes, dumplings, fish, porridge, vegetables.
- After dinner, it is very good to put all the spoons in one bowl and cover them with bread so that the year is fruitful for bread.
- Eve Eve Eve is the last term of Christmas divination. Earlier, young people on this night held the last Christmas gatherings with divinations, games and songs. After baptism, this is strictly forbidden. Although the church never supported such traditions, calling them pagan.
According to popular belief, on the night of Baptism, at the moment when Christ enters the water, the miracle of the opening of heaven occurs. A sign is the excitement of water in a container. And if you go outside at this moment, you can see the “vast heavens”.

I also suggest you learn a little more about the feast of the Baptism of the Lord and what every Christian who gathers for service on this day should remember. Read this article about holy water, prosphora and healing prayer.
S Epiphany There are many signs associated with people. For example, if there is a blizzard on this day, there is a harvest. There is little snow on the branches of trees - in the summer neither mushrooms nor berries look. A blizzard on Eve of Epiphany suggests that the same weather is expected on Shrovetsa, and if strong southern winds - summer will be thunderstorm.

It is also said that if you put a silver bowl on the table at night and fill it with water, at exactly midnight the water should fluctuate. What desire at that moment you shout over the cup, he will come true.
Do not forget to share this useful information with your friends, they will be grateful for it. I wish you a good holiday, bright thoughts, great mood and fulfillment of the most cherished desires!
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