No need to stock up on five-liter baptismal water and store it at home for years, all in vain.

Every year you can see people walking out of the temple with bottles and bottles. And for a reason. After all, all the water on Baptism has a special power. The Church knows this and urges parishioners to treat this shrine with trepidation. Is it right for most of the believers? How much water can I keep in the house? And what not to do with it?

In fact, there is no need to collect large amounts of water. Contrary to the expectations and ideas of many people, the amount of miraculous power does not depend on the size of the container for the shrine. It is enough to take with you so that it is enough to sprinkle your house, car and other property. And extra can be given to relatives or neighbors.

At the same time, it is very important to collect and use Epiphany water with sincere intentions and good thoughts. Negative moods or bad thoughts should not touch the water on this important holiday. Also, the container in which the water is collected should be perfectly clean. That is, without residues of previous drinks (if any).

Peels How much to keep at home and how to store Priests believe that it makes no sense to keep baptized water at home for more than a year. As over time, its healing properties disappear. This water was given to people to do good deeds, not to accumulate. That’s what they do with food, and it makes sense. But Epiphany water does not belong to ordinary products and can not be constantly “in reserve”.

It is best to store water next to icons or, like our ancestors, put a bottle near the iconostasis. It is believed that this way the water will retain its properties a little longer.

What should not be done is to leave or pour the shrine in inappropriate places. For example, water is not stored in the refrigerator; it has no place among ordinary human products. And about pouring it into the toilet or sink, and there is no question.

If you need to pour it somewhere, it is best to pour flowers with it. You can also return to the river or another body of water. The main thing is that this is not the place where the foot of a person steps. Because it can defile the baptized water.

A common misconception is that baptism water is used for washing. This is really nothing more than superstition. Washing with such water is allowed only in extreme cases, when a person needs to cleanse the soul and body.

Fortunately, Epiphany water is available to parishioners every year. There is no need to keep it at home for more than 1 year. It is enough to keep next to the icons exactly until the next Epiphany. Thus, the shrine will always be in the house with renewed powers and in any quantities retain its healing properties.


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