When in the Baptism of the Lord it is necessary to collect holy water and how to celebrate a great feast

Every year on January 19 in the old style and January 6 in the new Orthodox Christians celebrate the bright feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Many people are confused: on what day is it right to collect Epiphany water and dive into the hole? After all, the Baptism of the Lord – 2024 is celebrated on January 19, and the first great consecration of water is held in the evening of January 18. We are dealing with this issue with "Site".

2024 Christians reverently venerate the holy water as one of the key shrines of their faith. It can be dialed for free in the temple at any time of the year. But it is on Baptism that the miraculous power of consecrated water from the hole is highest. To consecrate the water, a silver cross is washed in it three times and a special prayer is read.

Then anyone can plunge into the hole to symbolically wash away sins, and then take the healing fluid with him. It remains fresh throughout the year. Christians drink such water to cure chronic diseases, remove damage and evil eye, get rid of bad thoughts. Wash to prolong youth and beauty. They light up their homes from bad people and troubles.

It is very important to treat holy water with faith and respect. It can be stored only in clean and whole dishes. In no case can you use it for fortune-telling, sell, and even more so wash dishes or floors with it. Next to the container should behave calmly: no quarrels, swearing and shouting!

When do you get the Epiphany water – January 18 or 19? According to Orthodox customs, you can draw water in the temple after the evening service on January 18. If you don’t have time, take it at any time on January 19. If you celebrate Orthodox holidays in a new style, do the same. Replenish the supplies after the festive service on January 5 and the whole day on January 6.

What should I do if I don’t get the holy water on any of these dates? Don’t panic: In any church, a priest can sanctify the water for a few days after the Baptism of the Lord.

Bring new clean containers with a lid. Keep them at home in a secluded corner. When the need comes to drink holy water or rinse your face, recite a short prayer over it and use it with sincere faith in the power of the Most High.

How many containers can I collect and where to put last year’s water? We ask you from the bottom of your heart: observe the measure when you go to the temple for holy water. Even one drop of this liquid can sanctify ordinary water. A few liters will be enough. A dozen five-liter bags is too much! If you need more water, safely dilute Epiphany ordinary liquid from the tap on January 18 or 19 (or January 5-6).

If you still overdo it a little and did not use all the baptismal reserves for a year, dispose of water correctly. Do not put it in the sink or toilet! Take back to the temple or even better – fields of street or indoor plants. Miraculous moisture can bring to life even the weakest suffocators. On the street, choose a place for watering away from the paths where people and animals walk. You can pour the remains of water into any non-stagnant reservoir - a river or stream.

The baptism of the Lord – 2024: to plunge or not? The priests emphasize that the service is the main event of the festive day. Swimming in the hole is not necessary, but if you really want, it is important to approach the ritual correctly. First confess and take communion, and also make sure that you feel well and do not suffer from chronic diseases.

There are several rules for baptismal bathing. Pre-do a short warm-up, smear the body with a fat cream or oil. Get in the water in light clothes. Cross yourself before you dive. Dip your head three times, but not longer than 10 seconds. Every time you say, “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”

Here are some more instructions from the Holy Fathers on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. January 18 should observe the fast to the first evening star. On the 19th, put aside cleaning, laundry, any household chores. You can not borrow money, swear and cry. This is a wonderful time to communicate with the Lord and lighten the soul. Calm your thoughts and emotions.

Happy holiday, dear subscribers!


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