August 19 Transfiguration of our Lord: the history of the holiday
Savior of the Apple feast popular people in the name of an important Holy day called Transfiguration of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ. It is known that the Transfiguration is included in the list of the 12 most important Orthodox holidays. Great day Christians celebrate every year on August 19. It falls on the shortest, but very strict fasting, ongoing until the day of the Dormition of the mother of God. Apple spas is younger than other important religious dates, but its history is no less mysterious and interesting.
Beato Angelico. The Transfiguration Of The Lord. 1440-41. Mural
Favorite August festivals — three of the Saviorof All in the Church calendar, three of the Savior. The first, referred to as the Savior on the spilled water falls on August 14. On this day the believers were saved from epidemics and infections, the strengthening of the summer heat, using Holy water brought from the Church. Another famous name — Savior of the Honey feast, the holiday was for the reason that this day was allowed to eat honey.
The most important of the three is considered the Savior of Apple or Feast of first fruits. After it is allowed to eat apples and other fruits. Especially strictly in ancient times belonged to ban the parents who have lost children. It was believed that if you refuse treats the fruits, then in the light of the dead children are treated to gifts and Golden apples. Believers assert that the apples on this day possess special magical powers, and treat them helps to realize the wishes.
The third Saved the people called Nuttyin the Church calendar it is August 29. Usually by this time the nuts become ripe and edible. Also Orthodox call him the Savior on the canvas, in a sign that the face of Jesus imprinted on the cloth. On this day, the peddlers were traditionally arranged the sale of linen and canvas.
The roots and history of Apple SpasaHistorians claim that the Savior had replaced a pre-Christian harvest festival of apples. In ancient times, the fruit is to this day considered immature and inedible. Just after the consecration at the altar of the juicy fruit were allowed to eat without restrictions. Pagans believed that apples to this day have a special power that they carry health, beauty, strength and happiness.
The Transfiguration in the Orthodox Church is also called the Saviour on the mountain. Believers know that August 19 — exactly 40 days before the crucifixion, Jesus and his three disciples up on mount Tabor. When Jesus began to pray, his face suddenly illuminated by the unearthly light, and the clothes became white. So Jesus Christ was transfigured in front of Peter, John and James, revealing to them their purpose.
At this moment, the future Savior learned that he was destined for the people to die a Martyr's death on the cross, and then rise again. Christ strictly forbade his disciples to tell about this wonderful event. Returning to the people, the son of the Lord God and commanded to collect the apples that the Father might sanctify them. To celebrate Apple spas began in the 4th century, after on mount Tabor was opened in the Church commemorating the Transfiguration of Christ.
The tradition of the Feast of first fruits, the Celebration of the Transfiguration begins with a morning Church service. During the service the cross stand in the center of the temple. First and foremost, the ritual worship, and then the Procession and the consecration of the fruit. During the Liturgy sing the Canon of the Great Transformation. The parishioners definitely dress in snow-white garments, white is the main color of a wonderful holiday.
Traditionally on this day the faithful were carried to the Church baskets of grapes, apples, pears, plums and other fruits and berries ripened in the garden. The harvest had to be collected early in the morning to rosy skins preserved drops of dew. Women baked on the feast of meatless pies and pancakes with fruit toppings, mostly with Apple. August 19 was allowed not only to eat apples, but also to begin their harvest: jam, jams, dry.
The main custom of the Second Saviour — treat the poor and hungry people apples. Believers never skimp on this day and were eager to share the harvest with those who needed help. Also consecrated the fruit is definitely carried to the cemetery, and treats were left not only on the graves of their relatives, but also on the mounds left unattended.
Apple Spas has always symbolized the beginning of autumn, it is called Seninmi. To this date it was necessary to have time to harvest wheat and prepare medicinal herbs. According to the signs, clear day in Transfiguration heralds a harsh winter, the rain — wet autumn and dry weather to dry autumn. published
Source: pozdravok.ru/pozdravleniya/prazdniki/preobrazhenie-gospodne/istoriya/

Beato Angelico. The Transfiguration Of The Lord. 1440-41. Mural
Favorite August festivals — three of the Saviorof All in the Church calendar, three of the Savior. The first, referred to as the Savior on the spilled water falls on August 14. On this day the believers were saved from epidemics and infections, the strengthening of the summer heat, using Holy water brought from the Church. Another famous name — Savior of the Honey feast, the holiday was for the reason that this day was allowed to eat honey.
The most important of the three is considered the Savior of Apple or Feast of first fruits. After it is allowed to eat apples and other fruits. Especially strictly in ancient times belonged to ban the parents who have lost children. It was believed that if you refuse treats the fruits, then in the light of the dead children are treated to gifts and Golden apples. Believers assert that the apples on this day possess special magical powers, and treat them helps to realize the wishes.
The third Saved the people called Nuttyin the Church calendar it is August 29. Usually by this time the nuts become ripe and edible. Also Orthodox call him the Savior on the canvas, in a sign that the face of Jesus imprinted on the cloth. On this day, the peddlers were traditionally arranged the sale of linen and canvas.
The roots and history of Apple SpasaHistorians claim that the Savior had replaced a pre-Christian harvest festival of apples. In ancient times, the fruit is to this day considered immature and inedible. Just after the consecration at the altar of the juicy fruit were allowed to eat without restrictions. Pagans believed that apples to this day have a special power that they carry health, beauty, strength and happiness.
The Transfiguration in the Orthodox Church is also called the Saviour on the mountain. Believers know that August 19 — exactly 40 days before the crucifixion, Jesus and his three disciples up on mount Tabor. When Jesus began to pray, his face suddenly illuminated by the unearthly light, and the clothes became white. So Jesus Christ was transfigured in front of Peter, John and James, revealing to them their purpose.
At this moment, the future Savior learned that he was destined for the people to die a Martyr's death on the cross, and then rise again. Christ strictly forbade his disciples to tell about this wonderful event. Returning to the people, the son of the Lord God and commanded to collect the apples that the Father might sanctify them. To celebrate Apple spas began in the 4th century, after on mount Tabor was opened in the Church commemorating the Transfiguration of Christ.
The tradition of the Feast of first fruits, the Celebration of the Transfiguration begins with a morning Church service. During the service the cross stand in the center of the temple. First and foremost, the ritual worship, and then the Procession and the consecration of the fruit. During the Liturgy sing the Canon of the Great Transformation. The parishioners definitely dress in snow-white garments, white is the main color of a wonderful holiday.
Traditionally on this day the faithful were carried to the Church baskets of grapes, apples, pears, plums and other fruits and berries ripened in the garden. The harvest had to be collected early in the morning to rosy skins preserved drops of dew. Women baked on the feast of meatless pies and pancakes with fruit toppings, mostly with Apple. August 19 was allowed not only to eat apples, but also to begin their harvest: jam, jams, dry.
The main custom of the Second Saviour — treat the poor and hungry people apples. Believers never skimp on this day and were eager to share the harvest with those who needed help. Also consecrated the fruit is definitely carried to the cemetery, and treats were left not only on the graves of their relatives, but also on the mounds left unattended.
Apple Spas has always symbolized the beginning of autumn, it is called Seninmi. To this date it was necessary to have time to harvest wheat and prepare medicinal herbs. According to the signs, clear day in Transfiguration heralds a harsh winter, the rain — wet autumn and dry weather to dry autumn. published
Source: pozdravok.ru/pozdravleniya/prazdniki/preobrazhenie-gospodne/istoriya/
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