Prayer that should be said on the day of the Baptism of the Lord instead of dipping into the hole
When Baptism in 2022I think a lot of people know. People prepare their homes for the bright feast of purification of the body and soul, and at night on January 18 or in the morning of 19 they will go to temples. Then they will come to the hole, where first the father will read all the necessary prayers so that the faithful can safely plunge into the holy water. But what if for some reason it cannot be done? Not to visit the church, not to plunge into the icy waters.
When Baptism in 2022, you definitely do not need to be upset because of such an event. Maybe it's a one-time thing, and next year you'll definitely be able to do it. temple for Epiphany. To throw into the hole, as if in a pool with his head, is also not worth it. Especially when it comes to people with certain diseases. Listen to the medical advice. Since they stop trying to get close to the icy baptismal water, then you need to listen.
Perhaps, not only doctors, but also church ministers agree with this. What to do if you bathe holy-water You really want to? The following manipulations are recommended. In order not to waste Epiphany water intended for drinking, prepare a can or bottle of water, which will eventually wash or rinse.
This Water needs to be brought home. And wait a while for it to be at room temperature. Then say a prayer, go to the bathroom and throw yourself in that water. Believe me, this move will be much more pleasant to your body. You can catch two birds with one stone. The body will not be shocked by the sudden extreme in the icy water, but traditional bathing will still happen.
Experimentation with water is not necessary if there is no desire or there is a certain prohibition from doctors. First of all, it is important to meet Baptism with prayer. You can say these short but reverent texts. “Today is the universe, and your light, O Lord, is on us, singing in the mind: you have come, and you are an impregnable light.” We glorify thee, the life-giver of Christ, for the sake of the flesh now baptized of John in the waters of the Jordan.
In the Jordan, you are baptized, O Lord, the Trinity is worshipped: Your parents have testified to you, your beloved Son is called, and the Spirit in the form of a dove, your statement is spoken. Appear, O Christ God, and the world of enlightenment, glory to Thee.
Caring for the neighbor to the hole is often sent by whole families. Someone will definitely swim, and someone will wait for relatives on the shore. What are you doing at this moment? For example, you can pray for the priest. Not all prayers are familiar to everyone, but that’s not strange. The main thing is to sincerely accept the words of the confessor in your soul.
Besides, you can. beach their brave swimmers. A person who has just been in the icy water, urgently need to change clothes and shoes. Make sure your family wears dry clothes as soon as possible. Moreover, doctors advise to warm such people with a glass of warm tea. Some even prepare tables with treats in advance, so that on the shore of enthusiasts can wait not only herbal tea, but also a glass of hot chocolate or soup.
When the Baptism in 2022 and how to spend this day is indisputable, every person decidesWhether he will bathe in Jordan for Baptism, or refuse to do so. Keep in mind that to act prudently call and priests, and doctors, and rescuers. If you feel at least the slightest malaise, refuse solemn immersion in icy waters.
If a man has decided to baptismThis should only be done on a sober head. No extraneous attempts to warm up with strong drinks, except tea. Be sure to read the rules that are prescribed for the daredevils of January, and do not forget to pray. If you have already had the experience of Epiphany bathing, then be sure to tell us about this comment.

When Baptism in 2022, you definitely do not need to be upset because of such an event. Maybe it's a one-time thing, and next year you'll definitely be able to do it. temple for Epiphany. To throw into the hole, as if in a pool with his head, is also not worth it. Especially when it comes to people with certain diseases. Listen to the medical advice. Since they stop trying to get close to the icy baptismal water, then you need to listen.
Perhaps, not only doctors, but also church ministers agree with this. What to do if you bathe holy-water You really want to? The following manipulations are recommended. In order not to waste Epiphany water intended for drinking, prepare a can or bottle of water, which will eventually wash or rinse.

This Water needs to be brought home. And wait a while for it to be at room temperature. Then say a prayer, go to the bathroom and throw yourself in that water. Believe me, this move will be much more pleasant to your body. You can catch two birds with one stone. The body will not be shocked by the sudden extreme in the icy water, but traditional bathing will still happen.

Experimentation with water is not necessary if there is no desire or there is a certain prohibition from doctors. First of all, it is important to meet Baptism with prayer. You can say these short but reverent texts. “Today is the universe, and your light, O Lord, is on us, singing in the mind: you have come, and you are an impregnable light.” We glorify thee, the life-giver of Christ, for the sake of the flesh now baptized of John in the waters of the Jordan.
In the Jordan, you are baptized, O Lord, the Trinity is worshipped: Your parents have testified to you, your beloved Son is called, and the Spirit in the form of a dove, your statement is spoken. Appear, O Christ God, and the world of enlightenment, glory to Thee.

Caring for the neighbor to the hole is often sent by whole families. Someone will definitely swim, and someone will wait for relatives on the shore. What are you doing at this moment? For example, you can pray for the priest. Not all prayers are familiar to everyone, but that’s not strange. The main thing is to sincerely accept the words of the confessor in your soul.
Besides, you can. beach their brave swimmers. A person who has just been in the icy water, urgently need to change clothes and shoes. Make sure your family wears dry clothes as soon as possible. Moreover, doctors advise to warm such people with a glass of warm tea. Some even prepare tables with treats in advance, so that on the shore of enthusiasts can wait not only herbal tea, but also a glass of hot chocolate or soup.

When the Baptism in 2022 and how to spend this day is indisputable, every person decidesWhether he will bathe in Jordan for Baptism, or refuse to do so. Keep in mind that to act prudently call and priests, and doctors, and rescuers. If you feel at least the slightest malaise, refuse solemn immersion in icy waters.

If a man has decided to baptismThis should only be done on a sober head. No extraneous attempts to warm up with strong drinks, except tea. Be sure to read the rules that are prescribed for the daredevils of January, and do not forget to pray. If you have already had the experience of Epiphany bathing, then be sure to tell us about this comment.
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