Who is strictly forbidden to swim in the hole
The feast of the Baptism of the Lord is approaching, and many are already ready to plunge into the hole and wash away all the sins accumulated during the year. Personally, I don't think it's easy with sins, but tradition is tradition. It would seem that it could be easier: undressed, dipped and left happy. However, this process must be taken seriously.
First of all, no matter what they say, not everyone can plunge into the hole. Secondly, even people with excellent health need to follow some rules so as not to harm the body. Therefore, the editorial board "Site" It tells you everything you need to know to those who dare. hole for Epiphany.
Bathing in the hole on Epiphany Bathing is a long-standing tradition, although very controversial. By the way, some clergymen call swimming in the hole life-threatening and not related to the church. When this tradition appeared and what benefits it brings, no one really knows. They say it helps to cleanse and wash away sins. Maybe so...
However, we wanted to talk not about tradition, but about health. On the feast of Baptism, many people think that dipping into the hole is a great idea. Indeed, the benefits of walrusing and hardening have long been proven, but it can harm an unprepared body.
Immersion in ice water is an unprecedented stress for the body. Our adrenal glands after this start to go crazy and throw into the blood of a horse dose of anti-inflammatory hormones. Normally, they stand out quite a bit, and there is an instant influx. It suppresses all inflammatory reactions, helping to tolerate cold.
Owners of average health do not need to be afraid, because in a couple of days the state of hormones will return to normal, and a person will not even notice anything. If the body is even slightly weakened, then in two days you will have to pay for courage. The adrenal glands will frantically throw out hormones for a maximum of two days, and then there will be a deficiency, the body will sharply weaken and become sensitive to infections.
At the same time, even the most harmless infection can put you in bed for a week or two. And let them say that it is impossible to get sick, but doctors are sure that this is not the case. First, let’s find out who can’t swim in the hole and why.
Who should give up swimming in the hole?
From this we can draw only one conclusion: you can swim only perfectly healthy people. If you do not have chronic diseases, you lead a healthy lifestyle and play sports, then your body will cope with such loads without problems. In all other cases, it is better to stand on the shore and watch all this action.
If you still decide to dip, even though we warned that this is not the best idea, then at least follow the rules. Sins are sins, and health must be protected.
Rules of Baptism Bathing
Without these rules, don't get in the hole. And do not forget to consult a doctor before this to exclude all possible risk factors. It is better to be safe again than to deal with unpleasant consequences. Take care!
The baptism of the Lord is not only ablution in the hole. We talked about what really needs to be done on the bright feast of Baptism. And also prepared for you material, about the main prayers that you need to read the day before and on the holiday itself, so that they are sure to be heard.
You're going swimming in baptism? Tell me in the comments.

First of all, no matter what they say, not everyone can plunge into the hole. Secondly, even people with excellent health need to follow some rules so as not to harm the body. Therefore, the editorial board "Site" It tells you everything you need to know to those who dare. hole for Epiphany.
Bathing in the hole on Epiphany Bathing is a long-standing tradition, although very controversial. By the way, some clergymen call swimming in the hole life-threatening and not related to the church. When this tradition appeared and what benefits it brings, no one really knows. They say it helps to cleanse and wash away sins. Maybe so...
However, we wanted to talk not about tradition, but about health. On the feast of Baptism, many people think that dipping into the hole is a great idea. Indeed, the benefits of walrusing and hardening have long been proven, but it can harm an unprepared body.

Immersion in ice water is an unprecedented stress for the body. Our adrenal glands after this start to go crazy and throw into the blood of a horse dose of anti-inflammatory hormones. Normally, they stand out quite a bit, and there is an instant influx. It suppresses all inflammatory reactions, helping to tolerate cold.
Owners of average health do not need to be afraid, because in a couple of days the state of hormones will return to normal, and a person will not even notice anything. If the body is even slightly weakened, then in two days you will have to pay for courage. The adrenal glands will frantically throw out hormones for a maximum of two days, and then there will be a deficiency, the body will sharply weaken and become sensitive to infections.

At the same time, even the most harmless infection can put you in bed for a week or two. And let them say that it is impossible to get sick, but doctors are sure that this is not the case. First, let’s find out who can’t swim in the hole and why.
Who should give up swimming in the hole?
- People with inflammatory and chronic diseases
Any chronic disease or inflammatory process is a contraindication for extreme bathing, especially those who are going to dip for the first time. With hypothermia, the inflammatory process can sharply start and an exacerbation of the disease begins. So it's not worth the risk. - Those who have respiratory diseases
Bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory diseases can manifest themselves directly during the dive. Due to a sharp temperature drop, muscle spasm and even respiratory arrest can occur. - People with a weak cardiovascular system
If you have fragile vessels, they may not withstand a sharp spasm from contact with ice water. This will lead to tears and other undesirable consequences. People with varicose veins, atherosclerosis, as well as those who have suffered a stroke, swimming in the hole is prohibited.
DepositPhotos - People with kidney disease
If a person has kidney failure, urolithiasis or pyelonephritis, then bathing in ice water can lead to a renal heart attack due to a sharp spasm of blood vessels. - Young children
Many parents drag very young children into the hole. But it is absolutely impossible to do this, because thermoregulation of children, especially up to three years, is imperfect. The child can easily get hypothermia, and parents do not even have time to notice it. Consequences: meningitis, pneumonia and a dozen more dangerous diseases. It's very dangerous! Swimming is especially dangerous for girls. During bathing, they can get serious inflammation, or even even earn infertility. Is it worth the risk? - Older people.
It is better for older people to refrain from such dubious procedures. It can be dangerous to health. Ice water causes severe vascular spasm, which can lead to cardiac arrest and stroke. Many such cases are reported annually throughout the country.
From this we can draw only one conclusion: you can swim only perfectly healthy people. If you do not have chronic diseases, you lead a healthy lifestyle and play sports, then your body will cope with such loads without problems. In all other cases, it is better to stand on the shore and watch all this action.

If you still decide to dip, even though we warned that this is not the best idea, then at least follow the rules. Sins are sins, and health must be protected.
Rules of Baptism Bathing
- Prepare to swim in advance. Be tempered at least a few weeks before Epiphany. Go out on the balcony in a T-shirt, pour cold water at home. This will help prepare your body for your experiments. There is even a possibility that you will change your mind altogether.
- Not in all weather you can swim in the hole. If the street is colder than 10 degrees, it is better to abandon this idea. For beginners, the ideal temperature is from 2 to 5 degrees below zero.
- The stars met, you decided to swim, now you need to prepare properly. Wear comfortable clothes that are easy to fasten and remove, so that after immersion quickly change clothes and start warming up. No buttons and complicated fasteners, stiff fingers you just can not cope with them.
DepositPhotos - Two hours before bathing, eat tight. You’ll need these calories when your body starts expending all your energy on heating.
- Do not take hot drinks before bathing. It will not add you courage or warmth, but the rupture of blood vessels can provide. It is better to warm up with tea, the effect is the same, and the risk is lower.
- Go into the water gradually, and before that warm up. Before you jump into the hole, run, sit down a couple of times to warm up. Only then go into the water, slowly, without sudden movements. Give the body time to prepare, so the stress for it will be many times less.
- Do not sit in the hole until blue, ten seconds will be enough, just have time to plunge three times.
Without these rules, don't get in the hole. And do not forget to consult a doctor before this to exclude all possible risk factors. It is better to be safe again than to deal with unpleasant consequences. Take care!
The baptism of the Lord is not only ablution in the hole. We talked about what really needs to be done on the bright feast of Baptism. And also prepared for you material, about the main prayers that you need to read the day before and on the holiday itself, so that they are sure to be heard.
You're going swimming in baptism? Tell me in the comments.