How to grow a lot of white mushrooms on your site

A trip to the forest for mushrooms is, without a doubt, very exciting and in some ways even meditative. Wandering in nature in search of reliably hidden mushrooms, absorbing the aromas of the forest and enjoying the world around you, this cannot but be liked. And everyone does not mind eating mushrooms. But it is not always possible to get out on a mushroom hunt.

Picking mushrooms is one thing, but why not try growing them yourself? If you're ready for such a small experiment, "Site" tell you, How to grow mushrooms in the country.

Of course, you can grow any edible mushrooms, but we offer a way to grow white mushrooms. After all, this mushroom is considered the most valuable among edible mushrooms. He has a fleshy hat and a thick white leg. It is very tasty and more fragrant than other mushrooms. There are so many recipes with him...

We need to learn how to grow mushrooms. And we're going to look at two ways: the first is growing with mycelium, the second is growing with fresh hats. Below will be a video in which you can clearly see the whole process, and for now we will analyze the theory. Let's start with a simple way.

Growing mushrooms from mycelium
  1. If you do not have the opportunity to collect fresh mushrooms in the forest, then this option is for you. The only thing you need is to buy white mushroom mycelium. There is so much good on the Internet.
  2. All right, mycelium acquired, start landing. The ideal time for this is from May to September. First you need to prepare a place for landing. To do this, you need to remove the upper layer of earth around the tree trunk.
  3. Put compost or soil with a high content of peat on the excavated area, and place pieces of mycelium of white mushrooms on top. Decompose the mycelium in staggering order after 25-30 cm. One package is enough for one tree.
  4. After covering everything with a layer of soil that was removed at the beginning, field the landing site. Just water it carefully so as not to blur the soil. One such area will need from 2 to 3 buckets of water.

  5. It is very important to take care of mushrooms. It is recommended to cover the planting area with straw to maintain humidity. The plot must not dry up. To protect against frost, the site must be covered with straw, moss or fallen leaves. The cover will be removed only in the spring.
  6. The first mushrooms will appear a year after the mycelium takes root. And then the white mushrooms will please you for about four years.

Growing mushrooms from fresh mushroom hats
  1. For this method you will have to go to the forest for mushrooms. Your target is mature mushrooms with big hats. It is better to choose healthy mushrooms.
  2. After the mushrooms are collected, you need to prepare sowing material from them. Put the collected mushrooms in a bucket of water. It is best to use rain water or at least spring water. After grinding the mushrooms with your hands right in the bucket to a state of homogeneous mass. Strain the solution through a sieve. Do not throw away the flesh, it can also be planted.

  3. You got spores and mushroom cloth. They need to be planted next. Prepare the landing site as in the previous method. To plant your mushroom mixture, strained solution pour on the roots of the tree, and lay out the mushroom cloth on top. Then repeat all the same actions as with planting mycelium.
  4. In a year or two, you'll be harvesting your white mushrooms. By the way, if you sow mushrooms in August, and they will appear next fall, then mushroom hats have taken root. If only two years later, there was a dispute. The harvest of mushrooms can be harvested up to 4 years.

And here is a video in which you learn all the subtleties of growing white mushrooms.


As you can see, growing mushrooms from scratch on your site is not so difficult. Yes, you will have to tinker with the landing, and you need to gain patience, but it is definitely worth it. After all, to collect a rich harvest of white mushrooms is a great pleasure. White mushrooms can be grown on your site, and this is not a myth. Moreover, they can be grown just on your windowsill.

So be patient, go to the forest for mushrooms and confidently start planting, so that after enjoying excellent dishes from home mushrooms. We hope you succeed!

If you have any other way to grow mushrooms or your experience has already been crowned with success, then be sure to share it with us in the comments!


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