Trichomonas theory of cancer Tamara fistulous
Tamara Yakovlevna fistula are faced with cancer directly. Here's how she describes it herself.
"I have a personal beef with cancer: this is the third generation in my family dies from this disease. And if the senior managed to live for over seventy years, their children and grandchildren — just over half of this period.
Died from cancer of the stomach, lung, esophagus. Having a healthy heart, in severe agony dying younger brother. I was ashamed that I, the older sister left to live.
Rushed to the doctors for help, and I suggested: "brighten up the last days of his life, delicious delicacies". And Alesha was stomach cancer... And I realized that next turn is mine. There were fears for son. With the growth of 190 cm, a large depletion is the deficiency of its weight exceeds 15 kg, the nephritis of the kidneys, enlarged liver, gum disease teeth.
As a recruit in the army, was examined. Found protein in the urine and was put in the hospital. Was treated with penicillin injections and pulled out tonsils. Three months later was discharged from the hospital with bloody urine.
Then I realized the danger of this operation, because the tonsils — protective lymphoid organ. Persuaded physician and was refused. The son trusted the doctors and now paying for it with my teeth and the ailments that has. Seeing the example of their relatives, the cancer in our family, "younger", I set a goal: "the Son should survive me!"And took up the challenge of cancer".
Seventy two million one hundred eighty four thousand six hundred eighty eight
As a result of hard theoretical and practical work Tamara Yakovlevna fistula established and practically proved that the tumor cell is bergusinov form Trichomonas.
The tumor is a colony bezichtiging Trichomonas, switched to a sedentary lifestyle. The tumor is formed by budding of Trichomonas and in the result of an incomplete reproduction when child cell is not separated from the parent, give rise to new cells.
One way or another Trichomonas, once in the body, through the blood and lymph spread throughout the body. They cleverly evade immunity using masking, transition from one to the other stages of existence. They intensively absorb the nutrients the human body. "Eat" they are erythrocytes and leukocytes. Back Trichomonas emit large quantities of lactic acid, peroxide, enzymes, bad cholesterol and other poisons than poison the body.
Imperceptibly it leads to the development of anemia, exhaustion and oxygen starvation. Reduced immunity, disorders occur in the nervous system, destroyed the hematopoietic and lymphoid tissue, distorted the normal environment of the body.
With the age of the person from repeated multiple infections (oral, intestinal and vaginal) Trichomonas, weakened immunity Trichomonas aggressiveness increases. They form colony tumors and metastases. Thus, cancer is the final stage of trichomoniasis.The separation of tumors according to growth patterns in benign and zlokacestvennosti "power" of Trichomonas and their method of reproduction.
A benign tumor formed by Trichomonas weak malignancy, which reproduces by dividing into two individuals, and this division is restrained yet strong enough immunity. With the increase of malignancy Trichomonas, decreased immunity benign tumor gradually becomes malignant and metastasizes.
Thus,cancer is a common immunodeficiency disorder. The weakness of the immune system and the organism as a whole does not allow to fight with the disease. Cancer is just a consequence of the above mentioned process, its final phase.
We offer Tamara Yakovlevna tools and techniques do allow us to treat cancer. This purification of the body, the destruction of parasites and stimulation of immunity.
Nineteen million seven hundred ninety five thousand nine hundred seventeen
The causative agent of chlamydia is a dangerous sexually transmitted disease is chlamydia trahomatis.
Chlamydia cause inflammation in the genitals (pus, destruction of tissue, loss of function of organs), infertility, impaired vision (festering eyes in the morning indicate "work" chlamydia), digestive system (various disorders of the digestive system, inflammation of the pancreas, diabetes, liver disorders), destroy the walls of blood vessels and, according to the research scientists of Johannesburg, can lead to a heart attack.
Fifty seven million fifty one thousand five hundred forty one
Chlamydia are closely connected with Trichomonas. Recently it was discovered that its period of reproduction of chlamydia is carried out in Trichomonas, where they form microcolonies. Chlamydia use Trichomonas as a maternity home and for protection from adverse conditions (for example to avoid the drugs that destroy them). Fall in Trichomonas chlamydia in two ways.
The first way. For Trichomonas, chlamydia is a very large creature that swallows them to digest and be satisfied. But chlamydia have time to form itself around the vacuole (protective cocoon) and remain to live in it! So chlamydia become parasites Trichomonas where and breed.
Second way. Chlamydia themselves can pass through the pores in the membrane of Trichomonas continue to multiply in her as her parasites. While they are doing Trichomonas more active, i.e. more malignant. That's why often the joint trihomonadi-chlamydial infection.
Let us examine the recent information about how chlamydia can cause myocardial infarction.
In April 1996, studying patients with infarction in hospitals of Johannesburg, scientists noticed an unusual pattern: of the 80 surveyed, 75 had found a bacterium Chlamidia trahomatis — the causative agent of chlamydia is a dangerous sexually transmitted disease. It has been suggested that this coincidence is not accidental. Further painstaking research over the years showed that chlamydia do destroy the walls of the arteries, leading to heart attack.
To a person has had a heart attack, in addition to infection with chlamydia needed, and other adverse conditions arising in the body: General debility of the body as a result of slagging or age, weakened immunity, consumption of excessive amounts of food, harmful food and life habits — the fat, sweet foods, alcohol, nicotine, etc.; emotional stress, forming the "shell" — the weakening of the field form of life; bad condition of the vascular system, as a consequence of portal hypertension, slagging vessels. Typically, such adverse conditions are created in the body of any "gravity" a living person to 40-50 years.
Other word,there is a General shashlakova of the body, which creates a universal putrefactive changes favorable environment for the life of chlamydia and other pyogenic infections. As soon as it happened, the microorganisms from the blood (blood from the rectal veins can immediately get to the heart, especially in the presence of portal hypertension) are moving in the direction of the heart, embedded in the walls of blood vessels and destroy the tissue.
On the inner wall of the vessel appears scar. It impedes the flow of blood, the pressure increases, increasing the load on the heart. With the age of scars is becoming more the heart is not enough oxygen, the heart tissue begins to deteriorate. At some point, the wall can not withstand the surge comes a heart attack.
Chlamydia infection is dangerous because not always lead to pronounced inflammation.
Sexually transmitted diseases may not be, and chlamydia in the blood — a lot. Often chlamydia occurs almost without symptoms. Unlike syphilis or gonorrhoea he can not cause pain, festering inflammation or visible erosion of organ. And in 40-45 years — a heart attack.
Chlamydia too tough, and besides, I can "hide" in white blood cells. That is why the organism chlamydia with almost no fighting, he simply does not notice them.
Myocardial infarction can be as contagious as the flu. This suspicion first arose at doctors in 1988 after in Sweden one after the other died eight athletes.
It was well-trained athletes, members of the national team in orienteering. They did not smoke, did not abuse alcohol, does not eat fatty foods. However, all of them struck by the insidious heart attack. Haven't caught are they from each other? After all, the athletes trained together.
This assumption might seem ridiculous, because the heart attack was not registered among infectious diseases. But another explanation of sudden deaths seemingly perfectly healthy young people are simply not there. In addition, experts from Uppsala University, who performed the autopsy, discovered in their hearts the accumulation of chlamydia (parasitic bacteria).
Do not these microscopic villains become agents of deadly disease? Questions remained unanswered. Most professionals hypothesis seemed improbable, Swedish tragedy was explained by the confluence of fortuitous circumstances.
To date, most researchers tend to that microparasite cause heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases. Protect antiparasitic treatment, detoxification, the lifting of immunity by all available means.
Seventy nine million three hundred eighty nine thousand eight hundred forty one
Due to the fact that chlamydia live inside of Trichomonas, which are well adapted to evade the human immune system, get rid of chlamydia is very difficult. Getting rid of the chlamydia should come in 2 stages. 1st — get rid of Trichomonas. 2nd — getting rid of chlamydia. The second stage is to do 7-10 days after anti-Trichomonas-treatment.
Next, you need to do a total body cleansing. Protivotrihomonadnyh and protivodiareynoe courses of treatment carried out as required. But the first 2-3 courses to make with a break of 10-15 days. Remember, chlamydia is very insidious and needs to be treated by all family members. This is especially true of spouses they should be treated both.
Against the chlamydia effective is the reception of the "triad»: wormwood, kerosene, alcohol tincture of garlic. The use of washing the genitals with water with a sour taste (lemon fresh, but not vkoem case of citric acid), treatments with wormwood, birch, oak, spruce broom — an excellent tool for their destruction.
In medical Microbiology is known for a huge many types of fungi that can infect and cause disease in humans. These fungi are widely distributed in nature. They are in the soil, in plants, in animals, rotten food, canned food, blood.
Pathogenic fungi undemanding to external conditions and grow well everywhere. Most fungi requires vitamins: Biotin, Riboflavin, thiamine and others that they Rob the body. They will withstand the heat (unlike microbes) from 2 to 45 °C, therefore, a simple increase in temperature, the steam them is not so easy to take.
But they don't like dehydration, which is fatal to them. So against fungal diseases suitable means such which are dried, iodine, alum, etc. "Dry" starvation is most effective against fungal diseases!
Before the discovery of antibiotics kill fungal diseases were rare. When it began indiscriminate treatment with antibiotics, the proportion of fungal infections has increased significantly and continues steadily to progress.
The question arises: how antibiotics promote fungal infections?
1. A world of microorganisms in the human body is balanced: when antibiotics are destroyed by certain types of microorganisms, their place is occupied by fungi. The result of the use of antibiotics destroyed microbial diseases, but there are fungal, for example, herpes.
2. Microbes destroyed by antibiotics, prior to that, competed in the human body with fungi for food and habitat, and with the end of this competition, the fungi begin to multiply even more easily, forming in man's body the mycelium.
3. Many antibiotics, such as penicillin, tetracycline, streptomycin, directly stimulate the growth of fungus, because they are produced from fungi and mold. Fungi consume these drugs as the most appropriate food. Such stimulation "treatment" with antibiotics leads to proliferation of fungi, which leads to all sorts of complications.
4. Decaying killed by the antibiotics, the microbes give the fungi even more food.
In the absence of antibiotic the fungus grows slowly; antibiotic causes branching after 4 hours, and 24 hours later appears a thick and often branching, forming a mycelium.
How to get rid of the ugly of the withers on the backAn effective exercise in the stagnation of lymph in the legs and not onlyBefore you begin to treat yourself and your loved ones with antibiotics (Anti – against, Bio – life. This medicine against life...) THINK about what a hotbed of fungal diseases you deliberately (albeit unknowingly) lay inside the human body...posted
Source: vk.com/probujdeniechelovechnost?w=wall-66683693_7370%2Fall
"I have a personal beef with cancer: this is the third generation in my family dies from this disease. And if the senior managed to live for over seventy years, their children and grandchildren — just over half of this period.
Died from cancer of the stomach, lung, esophagus. Having a healthy heart, in severe agony dying younger brother. I was ashamed that I, the older sister left to live.
Rushed to the doctors for help, and I suggested: "brighten up the last days of his life, delicious delicacies". And Alesha was stomach cancer... And I realized that next turn is mine. There were fears for son. With the growth of 190 cm, a large depletion is the deficiency of its weight exceeds 15 kg, the nephritis of the kidneys, enlarged liver, gum disease teeth.
As a recruit in the army, was examined. Found protein in the urine and was put in the hospital. Was treated with penicillin injections and pulled out tonsils. Three months later was discharged from the hospital with bloody urine.
Then I realized the danger of this operation, because the tonsils — protective lymphoid organ. Persuaded physician and was refused. The son trusted the doctors and now paying for it with my teeth and the ailments that has. Seeing the example of their relatives, the cancer in our family, "younger", I set a goal: "the Son should survive me!"And took up the challenge of cancer".
Seventy two million one hundred eighty four thousand six hundred eighty eight
As a result of hard theoretical and practical work Tamara Yakovlevna fistula established and practically proved that the tumor cell is bergusinov form Trichomonas.
The tumor is a colony bezichtiging Trichomonas, switched to a sedentary lifestyle. The tumor is formed by budding of Trichomonas and in the result of an incomplete reproduction when child cell is not separated from the parent, give rise to new cells.
One way or another Trichomonas, once in the body, through the blood and lymph spread throughout the body. They cleverly evade immunity using masking, transition from one to the other stages of existence. They intensively absorb the nutrients the human body. "Eat" they are erythrocytes and leukocytes. Back Trichomonas emit large quantities of lactic acid, peroxide, enzymes, bad cholesterol and other poisons than poison the body.
Imperceptibly it leads to the development of anemia, exhaustion and oxygen starvation. Reduced immunity, disorders occur in the nervous system, destroyed the hematopoietic and lymphoid tissue, distorted the normal environment of the body.
With the age of the person from repeated multiple infections (oral, intestinal and vaginal) Trichomonas, weakened immunity Trichomonas aggressiveness increases. They form colony tumors and metastases. Thus, cancer is the final stage of trichomoniasis.The separation of tumors according to growth patterns in benign and zlokacestvennosti "power" of Trichomonas and their method of reproduction.
A benign tumor formed by Trichomonas weak malignancy, which reproduces by dividing into two individuals, and this division is restrained yet strong enough immunity. With the increase of malignancy Trichomonas, decreased immunity benign tumor gradually becomes malignant and metastasizes.
Thus,cancer is a common immunodeficiency disorder. The weakness of the immune system and the organism as a whole does not allow to fight with the disease. Cancer is just a consequence of the above mentioned process, its final phase.
We offer Tamara Yakovlevna tools and techniques do allow us to treat cancer. This purification of the body, the destruction of parasites and stimulation of immunity.
Nineteen million seven hundred ninety five thousand nine hundred seventeen
The causative agent of chlamydia is a dangerous sexually transmitted disease is chlamydia trahomatis.
Chlamydia cause inflammation in the genitals (pus, destruction of tissue, loss of function of organs), infertility, impaired vision (festering eyes in the morning indicate "work" chlamydia), digestive system (various disorders of the digestive system, inflammation of the pancreas, diabetes, liver disorders), destroy the walls of blood vessels and, according to the research scientists of Johannesburg, can lead to a heart attack.
Fifty seven million fifty one thousand five hundred forty one
Chlamydia are closely connected with Trichomonas. Recently it was discovered that its period of reproduction of chlamydia is carried out in Trichomonas, where they form microcolonies. Chlamydia use Trichomonas as a maternity home and for protection from adverse conditions (for example to avoid the drugs that destroy them). Fall in Trichomonas chlamydia in two ways.
The first way. For Trichomonas, chlamydia is a very large creature that swallows them to digest and be satisfied. But chlamydia have time to form itself around the vacuole (protective cocoon) and remain to live in it! So chlamydia become parasites Trichomonas where and breed.
Second way. Chlamydia themselves can pass through the pores in the membrane of Trichomonas continue to multiply in her as her parasites. While they are doing Trichomonas more active, i.e. more malignant. That's why often the joint trihomonadi-chlamydial infection.
Let us examine the recent information about how chlamydia can cause myocardial infarction.
In April 1996, studying patients with infarction in hospitals of Johannesburg, scientists noticed an unusual pattern: of the 80 surveyed, 75 had found a bacterium Chlamidia trahomatis — the causative agent of chlamydia is a dangerous sexually transmitted disease. It has been suggested that this coincidence is not accidental. Further painstaking research over the years showed that chlamydia do destroy the walls of the arteries, leading to heart attack.
To a person has had a heart attack, in addition to infection with chlamydia needed, and other adverse conditions arising in the body: General debility of the body as a result of slagging or age, weakened immunity, consumption of excessive amounts of food, harmful food and life habits — the fat, sweet foods, alcohol, nicotine, etc.; emotional stress, forming the "shell" — the weakening of the field form of life; bad condition of the vascular system, as a consequence of portal hypertension, slagging vessels. Typically, such adverse conditions are created in the body of any "gravity" a living person to 40-50 years.
Other word,there is a General shashlakova of the body, which creates a universal putrefactive changes favorable environment for the life of chlamydia and other pyogenic infections. As soon as it happened, the microorganisms from the blood (blood from the rectal veins can immediately get to the heart, especially in the presence of portal hypertension) are moving in the direction of the heart, embedded in the walls of blood vessels and destroy the tissue.
On the inner wall of the vessel appears scar. It impedes the flow of blood, the pressure increases, increasing the load on the heart. With the age of scars is becoming more the heart is not enough oxygen, the heart tissue begins to deteriorate. At some point, the wall can not withstand the surge comes a heart attack.
Chlamydia infection is dangerous because not always lead to pronounced inflammation.
Sexually transmitted diseases may not be, and chlamydia in the blood — a lot. Often chlamydia occurs almost without symptoms. Unlike syphilis or gonorrhoea he can not cause pain, festering inflammation or visible erosion of organ. And in 40-45 years — a heart attack.
Chlamydia too tough, and besides, I can "hide" in white blood cells. That is why the organism chlamydia with almost no fighting, he simply does not notice them.
Myocardial infarction can be as contagious as the flu. This suspicion first arose at doctors in 1988 after in Sweden one after the other died eight athletes.
It was well-trained athletes, members of the national team in orienteering. They did not smoke, did not abuse alcohol, does not eat fatty foods. However, all of them struck by the insidious heart attack. Haven't caught are they from each other? After all, the athletes trained together.
This assumption might seem ridiculous, because the heart attack was not registered among infectious diseases. But another explanation of sudden deaths seemingly perfectly healthy young people are simply not there. In addition, experts from Uppsala University, who performed the autopsy, discovered in their hearts the accumulation of chlamydia (parasitic bacteria).
Do not these microscopic villains become agents of deadly disease? Questions remained unanswered. Most professionals hypothesis seemed improbable, Swedish tragedy was explained by the confluence of fortuitous circumstances.
To date, most researchers tend to that microparasite cause heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases. Protect antiparasitic treatment, detoxification, the lifting of immunity by all available means.
Seventy nine million three hundred eighty nine thousand eight hundred forty one
Due to the fact that chlamydia live inside of Trichomonas, which are well adapted to evade the human immune system, get rid of chlamydia is very difficult. Getting rid of the chlamydia should come in 2 stages. 1st — get rid of Trichomonas. 2nd — getting rid of chlamydia. The second stage is to do 7-10 days after anti-Trichomonas-treatment.
Next, you need to do a total body cleansing. Protivotrihomonadnyh and protivodiareynoe courses of treatment carried out as required. But the first 2-3 courses to make with a break of 10-15 days. Remember, chlamydia is very insidious and needs to be treated by all family members. This is especially true of spouses they should be treated both.
Against the chlamydia effective is the reception of the "triad»: wormwood, kerosene, alcohol tincture of garlic. The use of washing the genitals with water with a sour taste (lemon fresh, but not vkoem case of citric acid), treatments with wormwood, birch, oak, spruce broom — an excellent tool for their destruction.
In medical Microbiology is known for a huge many types of fungi that can infect and cause disease in humans. These fungi are widely distributed in nature. They are in the soil, in plants, in animals, rotten food, canned food, blood.
Pathogenic fungi undemanding to external conditions and grow well everywhere. Most fungi requires vitamins: Biotin, Riboflavin, thiamine and others that they Rob the body. They will withstand the heat (unlike microbes) from 2 to 45 °C, therefore, a simple increase in temperature, the steam them is not so easy to take.
But they don't like dehydration, which is fatal to them. So against fungal diseases suitable means such which are dried, iodine, alum, etc. "Dry" starvation is most effective against fungal diseases!
Before the discovery of antibiotics kill fungal diseases were rare. When it began indiscriminate treatment with antibiotics, the proportion of fungal infections has increased significantly and continues steadily to progress.
The question arises: how antibiotics promote fungal infections?
1. A world of microorganisms in the human body is balanced: when antibiotics are destroyed by certain types of microorganisms, their place is occupied by fungi. The result of the use of antibiotics destroyed microbial diseases, but there are fungal, for example, herpes.
2. Microbes destroyed by antibiotics, prior to that, competed in the human body with fungi for food and habitat, and with the end of this competition, the fungi begin to multiply even more easily, forming in man's body the mycelium.
3. Many antibiotics, such as penicillin, tetracycline, streptomycin, directly stimulate the growth of fungus, because they are produced from fungi and mold. Fungi consume these drugs as the most appropriate food. Such stimulation "treatment" with antibiotics leads to proliferation of fungi, which leads to all sorts of complications.
4. Decaying killed by the antibiotics, the microbes give the fungi even more food.
In the absence of antibiotic the fungus grows slowly; antibiotic causes branching after 4 hours, and 24 hours later appears a thick and often branching, forming a mycelium.
How to get rid of the ugly of the withers on the backAn effective exercise in the stagnation of lymph in the legs and not onlyBefore you begin to treat yourself and your loved ones with antibiotics (Anti – against, Bio – life. This medicine against life...) THINK about what a hotbed of fungal diseases you deliberately (albeit unknowingly) lay inside the human body...posted
Source: vk.com/probujdeniechelovechnost?w=wall-66683693_7370%2Fall
Scott Kiloby: We are fighting our own shadows and cling to them
How the disease tries to get what it wants