Find out what dangerous diseases can cause parasites in our body
Worms have huge destructive power, in their implementation and a long parasite in humans, reduced resistance to pathogenic microflora. After the worms rush into the internal environment of millions of microscopic unicellular and intracellular parasitosis: an infection with germs, viruses, protozoa, fungi, etc.
Larvae of helminths can be detected in any part of the body: in the intestines, blood, lungs, myocardium, liver, muscles, joints, brain, eyes, etc.
1. Ascaris is extremely toxic, impairs digestion, affects the intestines, liver, lungs, bronchi, cardiovascular system (edema and inflammation of blood vessels, blood clots and hemorrhages). Roundworm larvae actively penetrate into the blood and migrate into organs.
2. Whipworm - causes ulcers of the bowel, anemia, capable of formation of tumor-like granulomatous growths of tissue, impairs digestion. The larvae of the whipworm contribute to disease intestinal tuberculosis, dysentery, enterocolitis, typhoid fever. The larvae of the whipworm, roundworm, pinworm can cause inflammation in the Appendix, facilitating the penetration of the mucous membrane of the pyogenic bacteria.
3. Filaria - like worms pinworms. Can clog the lymphatic vessels that leads to severe edema. To settle larvae of the helminth can the genitals, hands, feet and legs (elephantine disease), the eyes and other organs, including the breast duct. Parasites cause inflammatory sealing of the walls of the lymphatic vessels that leads to blockage of blood vessels as a result of stenosis or thrombosis.
4. Krivodanovka - Ancylostoma, necator. Krivohlavy larvae, like the larvae of the roundworm, parasitic in the blood. They can cause bleeding ulcers in the intestine, anemia, inflammation (pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis), digestive disorders (stomach ulcers and 12 duodenal ulcer), dystrophic changes in the heart, palpitations, shortness of breath.
5. Intestinal price is able to migrate through the blood vessels. Causes toxic poisoning, disrupting many systems and organs. Intoxication is manifested various symptoms of allergies. Particularly severe manifestations of strongyloidiasis in people taking antidepressants. In AIDS patients, invasion of the intestinal pricei ends in death.
6. Toxocara - larvae surround themselves with inflammatory granulomas (incestious) in the uterus, ovaries, kidney, muscle, thyroid, brain, etc. And the period of migration of the larvae injure the blood vessels and tissues, causing inflammatory changes, necrosis of cells (necrosis). In response to the invasion of the body reacts by immunological reactions (change of indicators of blood).
7. Shistosoma - parasites in the blood, forming tumors and varicose veins, causing inflammation. Impress human reproduction.
In women:
— inflammation of the vagina (colpitis), the formation of cracks and polyps on vulva and cervix (cancer of the uterus, the cervix, the bladder is directly connected with invasion by Schistosoma);
— gynecological diseases — polyps, polypody, endometritis, endometriosis, menstrual disorders, miscarriages.
— tumors, prostatitis, impotence, defective sperm.
8. The larval tapeworms develop inside fluid-filled vesicles (cysticerci or Finns), which form a tumor of enormous size. These cysticerci (Finns) can be in the scrotum, the skin, heart, eyes, muscle tissue, Central nervous system, the brain.
Echinococcus — forms cysts in liver, lungs, brain, cavity of tubular bones, etc.
Alveolar. The person living the larvae of the cestodes (Finn), which are deposited in the liver, grow and metastasize in the near and distant organs in the blood vessels, bile ducts in the center of the node is death (necrosis) of tissues.
Single-celled microscopic parasites
Trichomonas (vaginal, oral, intestinal) may elect to inhabit mucus membranes of the genital tract, intestines, mouth; to be sick, in the bloodstream.
Trichomonas is able to form a tumor of blood vessels. If the clot will block a blood vessel in the heart — there will be a heart attack, the vessel of the brain — a stroke; a vessel in the genital organs is impotence.
Trichomoniasis may occur unnoticed (asymptomatic), which inevitably leads to chronic diseases or neoplastic processes of mastitis, fibroids, sluggish current arthritis or arthrosis, chronic heart disease, hepatitis, cholecystitis.
Chlamydia - intracellular parasite. Exists in two forms: intracellular and sporoobrazuth. Chlamydia circulate in the blood, lymphoid cells and epithelial cells. Forms granulomas of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, respiratory tract, eyes, intestines, lymph nodes, affect the joints.
Chlamydia destroy the cells, their toxins into the blood, which leads to intoxication and allergization, the defeat of various internal organs with the development of inflammation.
Chlamydia activate a conditionally - pathogenic flora — entameba historico, ʙalantidij etc. Create a symbiosis with Trichomonas (a parasite in the parasite), can cause chronic inflammation. If the chlamydia is asymptomatic and goes into a chronic phase, it leads to infertility.
Ureaplasma is the smallest bacteria that live in the mucous genital and urinary tract. Under stress, the weakening of the immune system, virusnameaction infection, their number increases sharply, which causes increased inflammatory reaction. Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs is the main cause of infertility.
Toxoplasma is an intracellular parasite that penetrates cells of the lungs, heart, muscles, nerves, brain, fetus, the walls of the uterus, ovaries, blood vessels, retina etc. the Accumulation of parasites may form a tumor does not have its own shell — pseudo cysts determined by ultrasound.
Toxoplasma destroy the cells, their contents into the bloodstream, causing intoxication, defeat of internal organs.
Giardia - masquerading as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (especially in adults). Giardia amaze pancreas (decrease in the number of secret secreted into the intestine). Reduce the acidity of the intestinal juice, violate the intestinal absorption of proteins and vitamins.
Cause goiter (allocation of Giardia, contribute to the growth of yeast and inhibit E. coli), inflammation of the biliary tract, liver, joints. Violate the cardiovascular system (arrhythmia, palpitations, shortness of breath, pain in the heart area). Changes in the composition of the blood — resistant eosinophilia blood, with a low: not exceeding normal values from 10 to 15% to 70-80%. Giardiasis often occurs in the form of asymptomatic carriage.
Candida - type of yeast or fungus that affects the digestive tract, the vagina (thrush), mouth (stomatitis). The disease develops in people with weakened in the presence of other infections. The fungus invades the walls of the vagina women can be affected and men. The growth of Candida is inhibited only by the action of the immune system. Cellular immunity is determined by the presence of ZINC, lack of which reduces resistance to bacterial and viral infections. During pregnancy because of the increased pH in the vagina the risk of candidiasis increases by 20 times.
Ligaments, joints, vessels, shell, skin, fat, blood, lymph, spine is 100% derived connective tissue.
When the connective tissue of brain atrophy (Alzheimer's disease) and kidney stones boleslawiecka micronutrients three times cure brain disorders and resolves kidney stones, since the stones are formed from its own tissues in the presence of the parasites when the body lacks manganese, chromium, copper, zinc, iodine, molybdenum etc.
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Huge connection problem — the expansion and constriction of blood vessels (aneurysm, atherosclerosis, strokes, heart attacks, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, migraines, etc.) and the weakness of the ligaments (saggy bodies, sprains, herniated discs, dilated bronchi, cosmetic defects — premature graying of hair, wrinkles, lost teeth, periodontal disease, alopecia, etc.). This is due to connective tissue failure (maladjustment), which includes a deficiency of copper and selenium in particular.
The lack of selenium in the body — and even common cause of atrophy of the heart (cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia).published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: zdorovsam.com/glavnaya/bolezni-ot-parazitov/
Larvae of helminths can be detected in any part of the body: in the intestines, blood, lungs, myocardium, liver, muscles, joints, brain, eyes, etc.

1. Ascaris is extremely toxic, impairs digestion, affects the intestines, liver, lungs, bronchi, cardiovascular system (edema and inflammation of blood vessels, blood clots and hemorrhages). Roundworm larvae actively penetrate into the blood and migrate into organs.
2. Whipworm - causes ulcers of the bowel, anemia, capable of formation of tumor-like granulomatous growths of tissue, impairs digestion. The larvae of the whipworm contribute to disease intestinal tuberculosis, dysentery, enterocolitis, typhoid fever. The larvae of the whipworm, roundworm, pinworm can cause inflammation in the Appendix, facilitating the penetration of the mucous membrane of the pyogenic bacteria.
3. Filaria - like worms pinworms. Can clog the lymphatic vessels that leads to severe edema. To settle larvae of the helminth can the genitals, hands, feet and legs (elephantine disease), the eyes and other organs, including the breast duct. Parasites cause inflammatory sealing of the walls of the lymphatic vessels that leads to blockage of blood vessels as a result of stenosis or thrombosis.
4. Krivodanovka - Ancylostoma, necator. Krivohlavy larvae, like the larvae of the roundworm, parasitic in the blood. They can cause bleeding ulcers in the intestine, anemia, inflammation (pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis), digestive disorders (stomach ulcers and 12 duodenal ulcer), dystrophic changes in the heart, palpitations, shortness of breath.
5. Intestinal price is able to migrate through the blood vessels. Causes toxic poisoning, disrupting many systems and organs. Intoxication is manifested various symptoms of allergies. Particularly severe manifestations of strongyloidiasis in people taking antidepressants. In AIDS patients, invasion of the intestinal pricei ends in death.
6. Toxocara - larvae surround themselves with inflammatory granulomas (incestious) in the uterus, ovaries, kidney, muscle, thyroid, brain, etc. And the period of migration of the larvae injure the blood vessels and tissues, causing inflammatory changes, necrosis of cells (necrosis). In response to the invasion of the body reacts by immunological reactions (change of indicators of blood).
7. Shistosoma - parasites in the blood, forming tumors and varicose veins, causing inflammation. Impress human reproduction.
In women:
— inflammation of the vagina (colpitis), the formation of cracks and polyps on vulva and cervix (cancer of the uterus, the cervix, the bladder is directly connected with invasion by Schistosoma);
— gynecological diseases — polyps, polypody, endometritis, endometriosis, menstrual disorders, miscarriages.
— tumors, prostatitis, impotence, defective sperm.
8. The larval tapeworms develop inside fluid-filled vesicles (cysticerci or Finns), which form a tumor of enormous size. These cysticerci (Finns) can be in the scrotum, the skin, heart, eyes, muscle tissue, Central nervous system, the brain.
Echinococcus — forms cysts in liver, lungs, brain, cavity of tubular bones, etc.
Alveolar. The person living the larvae of the cestodes (Finn), which are deposited in the liver, grow and metastasize in the near and distant organs in the blood vessels, bile ducts in the center of the node is death (necrosis) of tissues.

Single-celled microscopic parasites
Trichomonas (vaginal, oral, intestinal) may elect to inhabit mucus membranes of the genital tract, intestines, mouth; to be sick, in the bloodstream.
Trichomonas is able to form a tumor of blood vessels. If the clot will block a blood vessel in the heart — there will be a heart attack, the vessel of the brain — a stroke; a vessel in the genital organs is impotence.
Trichomoniasis may occur unnoticed (asymptomatic), which inevitably leads to chronic diseases or neoplastic processes of mastitis, fibroids, sluggish current arthritis or arthrosis, chronic heart disease, hepatitis, cholecystitis.
Chlamydia - intracellular parasite. Exists in two forms: intracellular and sporoobrazuth. Chlamydia circulate in the blood, lymphoid cells and epithelial cells. Forms granulomas of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, respiratory tract, eyes, intestines, lymph nodes, affect the joints.
Chlamydia destroy the cells, their toxins into the blood, which leads to intoxication and allergization, the defeat of various internal organs with the development of inflammation.
Chlamydia activate a conditionally - pathogenic flora — entameba historico, ʙalantidij etc. Create a symbiosis with Trichomonas (a parasite in the parasite), can cause chronic inflammation. If the chlamydia is asymptomatic and goes into a chronic phase, it leads to infertility.
Ureaplasma is the smallest bacteria that live in the mucous genital and urinary tract. Under stress, the weakening of the immune system, virusnameaction infection, their number increases sharply, which causes increased inflammatory reaction. Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs is the main cause of infertility.
Toxoplasma is an intracellular parasite that penetrates cells of the lungs, heart, muscles, nerves, brain, fetus, the walls of the uterus, ovaries, blood vessels, retina etc. the Accumulation of parasites may form a tumor does not have its own shell — pseudo cysts determined by ultrasound.
Toxoplasma destroy the cells, their contents into the bloodstream, causing intoxication, defeat of internal organs.
Giardia - masquerading as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (especially in adults). Giardia amaze pancreas (decrease in the number of secret secreted into the intestine). Reduce the acidity of the intestinal juice, violate the intestinal absorption of proteins and vitamins.
Cause goiter (allocation of Giardia, contribute to the growth of yeast and inhibit E. coli), inflammation of the biliary tract, liver, joints. Violate the cardiovascular system (arrhythmia, palpitations, shortness of breath, pain in the heart area). Changes in the composition of the blood — resistant eosinophilia blood, with a low: not exceeding normal values from 10 to 15% to 70-80%. Giardiasis often occurs in the form of asymptomatic carriage.
Candida - type of yeast or fungus that affects the digestive tract, the vagina (thrush), mouth (stomatitis). The disease develops in people with weakened in the presence of other infections. The fungus invades the walls of the vagina women can be affected and men. The growth of Candida is inhibited only by the action of the immune system. Cellular immunity is determined by the presence of ZINC, lack of which reduces resistance to bacterial and viral infections. During pregnancy because of the increased pH in the vagina the risk of candidiasis increases by 20 times.

Ligaments, joints, vessels, shell, skin, fat, blood, lymph, spine is 100% derived connective tissue.
When the connective tissue of brain atrophy (Alzheimer's disease) and kidney stones boleslawiecka micronutrients three times cure brain disorders and resolves kidney stones, since the stones are formed from its own tissues in the presence of the parasites when the body lacks manganese, chromium, copper, zinc, iodine, molybdenum etc.
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Effective natural remedies from bile stasis
Huge connection problem — the expansion and constriction of blood vessels (aneurysm, atherosclerosis, strokes, heart attacks, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, migraines, etc.) and the weakness of the ligaments (saggy bodies, sprains, herniated discs, dilated bronchi, cosmetic defects — premature graying of hair, wrinkles, lost teeth, periodontal disease, alopecia, etc.). This is due to connective tissue failure (maladjustment), which includes a deficiency of copper and selenium in particular.
The lack of selenium in the body — and even common cause of atrophy of the heart (cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia).published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: zdorovsam.com/glavnaya/bolezni-ot-parazitov/