How to learn to manage any employee
I'm not a psychologist. But I was always interested in applied psychological methods that you can use in your everyday work: without complex tests and recruitment of experts for the interpretation of their results. This is a simple and practical solution that helps hire employees, to expand the powers of managers, and negotiate with potential partners. Now I stopped for a few methods to use in business and personal life.
Psycho Afanasyev atThis method I was fascinated by my great friend and fellow entrepreneur Sergei Kotyrev. Explain briefly: there are four factors (or features) that lie at the basis of our world views and actions. This will (In), physics (f), emotion (e) and logic (L).
Psycho man is determined by the combination of these factors: some of these forces prevail, some are weak, others fall off at the first opportunity. The hierarchy of functions is as follows: the first is always hypertrophied, and the second is us, third is our main weakness, and the fourth — "lizard tail", falling off in critical situations.
A total of 24 combinations and 24 psycho. Each was named after a historical figure.
For example, Napoleon, VFLA is a strong-willed man of action (C), is deeply practical and materialistic (f), skeptic (L) and people with almost atrophied emotions (e). Napoleon rather inclined to make decisions and to go ahead than to analyze and sympathize. For the head strong will — a significant plus. But impenetrable self-confidence and aloof attitude towards others can turn into a problem.
There are no bad types: there are puzzles people with different personal qualities. Depending on how well they can blend in, so will be able to work effectively. For example, I the Manager with the will in the first place, so try not to take the direct subordination of managers, whose will is also in the first position.
Sooner or later, our will will begin to encounter and "spark": the debate will take place not in the mode of attaining truth, and the principle, who will perebdet. Harmony comes when the position of the crossed first and fourth, and most importantly, the second and third. That is, people from the second will go well with people with third will. The second logic works well with the third logic.
Afanas the beauty of this method is that it can be used immediately after having it, with enough care and practice of people-watching. Getting used to determine which functions are strong, and some weak positions.
Types of leaders by Adizes Expert on business efficiency Ichak Adizes has created a method that helps to identify quality executives and to make appropriate personnel decisions. He believes that in business there are four types of management (and managers). For each stage in the life of the company and for each direction of work is dominated by your type of leader, and together they create a perfect team:1. Entrepreneur able to come up with and successfully implement new, he always has a lot of plans and ideas. Entrepreneurs need to start, they provide the breakthroughs. They also come in handy when you need to lead the team in difficult times. But in corporations they can be destructive, because the entrepreneur needed experiments and in a large company valued processnet.
2. The administrator is the one who we usually called "strong business Executive". It focuses on the organization processes, so that without it anywhere: someone needs to OSes, to negotiate with counterparties to manage the Secretary. In a startup kind of person can be a great Deputy of the entrepreneur.
3. Industrialist fascinated exclusively with the creation of goods and services, so we give him the opportunity to quietly cut the product, to create almost a vacuum.
4. The integrator builds bridges: it forms common values that unites the team and helps everyone to agree. When the company grows to 100-150 people as our "netology-group", this function is very important. Especially when part of the team entered the company at a time — when you merge, for example.
Of course, every Manager has the makings of all four types, the question is — which one developed more. People can be 10% entrepreneur, 5% administrator, 10% of manufacturers and 75% of the integrator. Useful to know how these four functions are allocated to you and your managers.
Sometimes the analysis by Adizes gives an opportunity to understand what the disadvantages that you fought in a particular Manager, not shortcomings at all, but a striking dominance of one of the functions. And when some correction of official duties or change of job profile the Manager will show a dramatic increase in efficiency: for example, one of the projects I transferred to the marketing Director the head of HR, and he proved to be the best integrator than an entrepreneur.
This method is useful for setting goals to yourself. I'm primarily an entrepreneur and integrator, rather average production worker and badly administrator. Of course, your weaknesses, I try to fill the competencies of colleagues.
The model of spiral dynamicsIn this system, each stage of personal growth is characterized by a certain set of values, beliefs, priorities. This is reminiscent of Maslow's pyramid, only in relation to practical psychology.
The levels of spiral dynamics are as follows:
1. Beige — the level of the stone age, the priority is survival at any cost.
2. Purple — man is completely subordinate to the interests of the group, the priority is the interests of the community.
3. Red — hard authoritarianism, "the law of the jungle", the priority — a strong personality as the measure of all.
4. Blue — obedience to authority and order priority system throughout.
5. Orange — rationalism, private enterprise, priority to their own benefit.
6. Green — the focus on rational humanism, tolerance, stability, priority to pragmatic win-win.
7. Yellow — rethinking the life, doubt in the values of the world consumption, priorities — internal harmony and harmony with the world.
8. Turquoise — a level of enlightenment to the level of Gandhi and the Tibetan sages. And is found extremely rarely.
If you understand at what level is the source, it is easier to find common language with him, to identify ways to motivate employees or people outside the company. For example, most of the young line employees — "purple" and "red", they perceive the language of force. Often salespeople first level "red". But this does not mean that such persons are not to take the team, with age they can move on to "blue" level of perception of the world and above.
Managers and entrepreneurs often start with "red", especially in small business. Then they evolyutsioniruet to "orange", "green" and "yellow" — whom how much is enough. By the way, from the point of view of entrepreneurship "yellow" level of concern: the growth up to him in person the question arises about the meaning of life and values of entrepreneurship, at this stage business people often go to the downshifting.
Psycho on the motifs of Slavic practicesThis method I met in the book of Dmitry Agarunov "Business Train". Its essence is very simple. All the people in their attitude to work are divided into four types — the "sheep", "wolves", "parasites", "home".
"Sheep" are afraid of responsibility and do the work, I think to blame circumstances and other people, but they do not. A single solution to control the "sheep" no. Someone will have to shout, and someone to praise.
"Wolves" is incapable of creative work, they are always only for myself. Their influence in some cases can be dangerous, so it is necessary for them to follow.
"Parasites" — whiners and simulators. They need to get rid urgently.
Best psycho team player is "host". "Master," even as a salaried employee, said the case, which is engaged in, truly his own. He is weary of the idea that "working for uncle", he's sincerely passionate about what he does. But such people are few, and found them to be very lucky. The personality types can change, "sheep" can grow into "hosts" and "hosts" — sad and transformed into "parasites".
Five love languagesConsultant on relationships, Gary Chapman teaches that each person gives the greatest preference to one of the five "love languages": words of approval, given time, receiving gifts, service, deeds, physical touch.
Understanding the "language of love" person useful to enhance psychological comfort in collective and emotional comfort valuable employees. If you find out what the employee likes more, he will feel the love of the company: it will add loyalty and will negatively affect your performance.
I know of one practical implementation of the method of Chapman in Russian companies. Staff Gameland Dmitry Agarunov walk into the office with a badge indicating your preferred "language of love". A badge that says: "the Best way to deal with me is ..." According to Aharonov, those who want to improve the relationship, it becomes much easier to interact with.
Thought is the most highly organized form of energy
How to deal with rudeness, not stooping to it
A perfect teamIf you imagine a dream team, it would look like this. People in managerial positions are clearly defined in accordance with the concept of Adizes entrepreneur, administrator, industrialist and integrator. All psychology "masters" Agarunov, and they coincide well on psycho Afanasyeva — like puzzles, cross the second and third or first and fourth positions. But according to spiral dynamics, all are at a high level — "orange" and "green." And you or your HR know how to reward each one of the "languages of love".
Methods of typing personalities very much, and I'm certainly not familiar to everyone. But I don't need it. Simplicity, practical applicability in business situations — perhaps this criterion meets only a small number of techniques that I chose and use. Now they know you.published
Author: Maxim Spiridonov
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: secretmag.ru/articles/2015/08/04/tipi-sotrudnikov/

Psycho Afanasyev atThis method I was fascinated by my great friend and fellow entrepreneur Sergei Kotyrev. Explain briefly: there are four factors (or features) that lie at the basis of our world views and actions. This will (In), physics (f), emotion (e) and logic (L).
Psycho man is determined by the combination of these factors: some of these forces prevail, some are weak, others fall off at the first opportunity. The hierarchy of functions is as follows: the first is always hypertrophied, and the second is us, third is our main weakness, and the fourth — "lizard tail", falling off in critical situations.

A total of 24 combinations and 24 psycho. Each was named after a historical figure.
For example, Napoleon, VFLA is a strong-willed man of action (C), is deeply practical and materialistic (f), skeptic (L) and people with almost atrophied emotions (e). Napoleon rather inclined to make decisions and to go ahead than to analyze and sympathize. For the head strong will — a significant plus. But impenetrable self-confidence and aloof attitude towards others can turn into a problem.
There are no bad types: there are puzzles people with different personal qualities. Depending on how well they can blend in, so will be able to work effectively. For example, I the Manager with the will in the first place, so try not to take the direct subordination of managers, whose will is also in the first position.
Sooner or later, our will will begin to encounter and "spark": the debate will take place not in the mode of attaining truth, and the principle, who will perebdet. Harmony comes when the position of the crossed first and fourth, and most importantly, the second and third. That is, people from the second will go well with people with third will. The second logic works well with the third logic.
Afanas the beauty of this method is that it can be used immediately after having it, with enough care and practice of people-watching. Getting used to determine which functions are strong, and some weak positions.
Types of leaders by Adizes Expert on business efficiency Ichak Adizes has created a method that helps to identify quality executives and to make appropriate personnel decisions. He believes that in business there are four types of management (and managers). For each stage in the life of the company and for each direction of work is dominated by your type of leader, and together they create a perfect team:1. Entrepreneur able to come up with and successfully implement new, he always has a lot of plans and ideas. Entrepreneurs need to start, they provide the breakthroughs. They also come in handy when you need to lead the team in difficult times. But in corporations they can be destructive, because the entrepreneur needed experiments and in a large company valued processnet.
2. The administrator is the one who we usually called "strong business Executive". It focuses on the organization processes, so that without it anywhere: someone needs to OSes, to negotiate with counterparties to manage the Secretary. In a startup kind of person can be a great Deputy of the entrepreneur.
3. Industrialist fascinated exclusively with the creation of goods and services, so we give him the opportunity to quietly cut the product, to create almost a vacuum.
4. The integrator builds bridges: it forms common values that unites the team and helps everyone to agree. When the company grows to 100-150 people as our "netology-group", this function is very important. Especially when part of the team entered the company at a time — when you merge, for example.
Of course, every Manager has the makings of all four types, the question is — which one developed more. People can be 10% entrepreneur, 5% administrator, 10% of manufacturers and 75% of the integrator. Useful to know how these four functions are allocated to you and your managers.
Sometimes the analysis by Adizes gives an opportunity to understand what the disadvantages that you fought in a particular Manager, not shortcomings at all, but a striking dominance of one of the functions. And when some correction of official duties or change of job profile the Manager will show a dramatic increase in efficiency: for example, one of the projects I transferred to the marketing Director the head of HR, and he proved to be the best integrator than an entrepreneur.
This method is useful for setting goals to yourself. I'm primarily an entrepreneur and integrator, rather average production worker and badly administrator. Of course, your weaknesses, I try to fill the competencies of colleagues.
The model of spiral dynamicsIn this system, each stage of personal growth is characterized by a certain set of values, beliefs, priorities. This is reminiscent of Maslow's pyramid, only in relation to practical psychology.
The levels of spiral dynamics are as follows:
1. Beige — the level of the stone age, the priority is survival at any cost.
2. Purple — man is completely subordinate to the interests of the group, the priority is the interests of the community.
3. Red — hard authoritarianism, "the law of the jungle", the priority — a strong personality as the measure of all.
4. Blue — obedience to authority and order priority system throughout.
5. Orange — rationalism, private enterprise, priority to their own benefit.
6. Green — the focus on rational humanism, tolerance, stability, priority to pragmatic win-win.
7. Yellow — rethinking the life, doubt in the values of the world consumption, priorities — internal harmony and harmony with the world.
8. Turquoise — a level of enlightenment to the level of Gandhi and the Tibetan sages. And is found extremely rarely.

If you understand at what level is the source, it is easier to find common language with him, to identify ways to motivate employees or people outside the company. For example, most of the young line employees — "purple" and "red", they perceive the language of force. Often salespeople first level "red". But this does not mean that such persons are not to take the team, with age they can move on to "blue" level of perception of the world and above.
Managers and entrepreneurs often start with "red", especially in small business. Then they evolyutsioniruet to "orange", "green" and "yellow" — whom how much is enough. By the way, from the point of view of entrepreneurship "yellow" level of concern: the growth up to him in person the question arises about the meaning of life and values of entrepreneurship, at this stage business people often go to the downshifting.
Psycho on the motifs of Slavic practicesThis method I met in the book of Dmitry Agarunov "Business Train". Its essence is very simple. All the people in their attitude to work are divided into four types — the "sheep", "wolves", "parasites", "home".
"Sheep" are afraid of responsibility and do the work, I think to blame circumstances and other people, but they do not. A single solution to control the "sheep" no. Someone will have to shout, and someone to praise.
"Wolves" is incapable of creative work, they are always only for myself. Their influence in some cases can be dangerous, so it is necessary for them to follow.
"Parasites" — whiners and simulators. They need to get rid urgently.
Best psycho team player is "host". "Master," even as a salaried employee, said the case, which is engaged in, truly his own. He is weary of the idea that "working for uncle", he's sincerely passionate about what he does. But such people are few, and found them to be very lucky. The personality types can change, "sheep" can grow into "hosts" and "hosts" — sad and transformed into "parasites".
Five love languagesConsultant on relationships, Gary Chapman teaches that each person gives the greatest preference to one of the five "love languages": words of approval, given time, receiving gifts, service, deeds, physical touch.
Understanding the "language of love" person useful to enhance psychological comfort in collective and emotional comfort valuable employees. If you find out what the employee likes more, he will feel the love of the company: it will add loyalty and will negatively affect your performance.
I know of one practical implementation of the method of Chapman in Russian companies. Staff Gameland Dmitry Agarunov walk into the office with a badge indicating your preferred "language of love". A badge that says: "the Best way to deal with me is ..." According to Aharonov, those who want to improve the relationship, it becomes much easier to interact with.
Thought is the most highly organized form of energy
How to deal with rudeness, not stooping to it
A perfect teamIf you imagine a dream team, it would look like this. People in managerial positions are clearly defined in accordance with the concept of Adizes entrepreneur, administrator, industrialist and integrator. All psychology "masters" Agarunov, and they coincide well on psycho Afanasyeva — like puzzles, cross the second and third or first and fourth positions. But according to spiral dynamics, all are at a high level — "orange" and "green." And you or your HR know how to reward each one of the "languages of love".
Methods of typing personalities very much, and I'm certainly not familiar to everyone. But I don't need it. Simplicity, practical applicability in business situations — perhaps this criterion meets only a small number of techniques that I chose and use. Now they know you.published
Author: Maxim Spiridonov
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: secretmag.ru/articles/2015/08/04/tipi-sotrudnikov/
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