As you start to swim in cold water

To swim in the winter, even short distances, capable of very few. It requires physical and mental preparation, not to mention the fact that the person must be psychologically ready to cross the threshold separating his comfort zone from a serious test. But why are people doing all winter? Bonuses, in fact, very much. Improving the immune system, strengthening will power and constantly increased level of energy for this can be in the hole to climb. Today we will teach you how to prepare themselves for this difficult but very useful test.


 Prepare the body No time to-careers tricks. Swimming in cold water requires proper, long-term and systematic training. To begin with exits to the street in the cold — not naked, of course, but just in light clothing. A week later, a similar procedure switch on the cold shower. 36 degrees for ten days, then reduce by 1 degree a day. Don't forget to RUB oneself dry and warm towel after a cold shower, it will force to circulate the blood faster.


 To swim so you have carefully prepared for the swim in the icy water and managed to harden his body. Keep in mind, this means — devoted to training at least two months. You can begin to swim. Just before the dive must warm up the whole body. Running, some burpees, push-UPS — even complex ordinary morning exercises will do.



 After the race Immediately towel dry with a warm towel and do a few more exercises. After start rubbing limbs and torso (abdomen, chest and loins, motion clockwise. If the tremor didn't go swimming for you a bit early. Return to the train for the hardening.



 Nota bene Our body needs rest after exercise and bathing in cold water — ordeal. Do not expose the body to such entertainment more than three times a week, otherwise it would not have time to recover. To plunge into the icy water is also not recommended. The vessels of the brain too sensitive and low temperatures can cause very unpleasant complications.


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

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